American First

American citizens of Ilamic ancestry didn't attack us 9/11 , yet they seem to be subjugated in every way,short of internment Ukotare


How so?

Racial profiling via sterotyping them all violent, state policy, institutionalized

Patriot Act, NSEERS, Countering Violent Extremism, travel bans, “See Something, Say Something” all target Islamics as potential homegrown radicals


When have Muslim Americans been thrown into concentration camps?

"Racial profiling via sterotyping [sic] them all violent," - When and how has that been US policy?

“See Something, Say Something” - This does NOT target Muslim Americans.

None of your examples support your claim.
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Another interesting WWII action - the battlle for Wake Island in December, 1941. Wake was attacked the same day as Pearl Harbor and manage to fend off air, sea and land attacks by the Japanese until they surrendered Dec. 23, 1941. Wake's garrison consisted of a few hundred Marines who dealt a lot of damage to the Japanese forces before surrendering.

A good book about this is "Pacific Alamo" by John Wukovits (2003). Maybe your students would enjoy that story.
Another interesting WWII action - the battlle for Wake Island in December, 1941. Wake was attacked the same day as Pearl Harbor and manage to fend off air, sea and land attacks by the Japanese until they surrendered Dec. 23, 1941. Wake's garrison consisted of a few hundred Marines who dealt a lot of damage to the Japanese forces before surrendering.

A good book about this is "Pacific Alamo" by John Wukovits (2003). Maybe your students would enjoy that story.

We cover it.
Since my students are in the process of completing research papers on various topics relating to WWII (these are students engaging in advanced academic work, in their second language, after most having been in this country for less than two years - very impressive to see), I have been giving thought to various interesting and highly important issues relating to the war.

For example:

So how did the Japanese treat the Americans and British that lived in Japan after Pearl Harbor?

Another logic-challenged leftist.
Can't answer or ashamed?

Unrelated to the topic. Ask a question about the topic, stupid.
The topic is usually about the American internment camps, and how awful they were; food was bad and families were forced to live together.

Usually, you try to ignore the reality of the scumbag fdr's concentration camps in a desperate attempt at playing the apologist for your vile idol.
So how did the Japanese treat the Americans and British that lived in Japan after Pearl Harbor?

Another logic-challenged leftist.
Can't answer or ashamed?

Unrelated to the topic. Ask a question about the topic, stupid.
The topic is usually about the American internment camps, and how awful they were; food was bad and families were forced to live together.

Usually, you try to ignore the reality of the scumbag fdr's concentration camps in a desperate attempt at playing the apologist for your vile idol.
FDR doesn't seem to need any apologists, the people voted for him four times, as they didn't do for any other president. Historians have rated him the best American president and the interred Japanese joined FDR's army, and remained loyal Americans. They also vote Democratic.
Another logic-challenged leftist.
Can't answer or ashamed?

Unrelated to the topic. Ask a question about the topic, stupid.
The topic is usually about the American internment camps, and how awful they were; food was bad and families were forced to live together.

Usually, you try to ignore the reality of the scumbag fdr's concentration camps in a desperate attempt at playing the apologist for your vile idol.
FDR doesn't seem to need any apologists, ......

Yet here you are.
... the people voted for him four times, as they didn't do for any other president......

The Dirty Dozen Dictators | The Plaid Avenger
..... Historians have rated him the best American president .......

You have failed to address this logical fallacy.
What's the fallacy if America's noted historians name FDR one of America's greatest presidents. Historians have rated the presidents since 1948 and that means a new group of historians every four years. Who would you have rate the presidents, posters on these message boards?
What's the fallacy if America's noted historians name FDR one of America's greatest presidents.....

The fallacy is that you are appealing to authority without addressing any of the many points raised. Name one of these historians and how they address the issues with the scumbag fdr.
Unkotare the moron likes ruining threads. Too stupid to make points, it relies on one liner spam posts for multiple pages, and never refutes a thing.

Wonder what Third World country or Indian Reservation would be so desperate they would let this idiot 'teach' children anything. Or is it some 'Prison Outreach' class volunteer deal? "Suffer through my utterly ridiculous 'lectures', then butt rape me in the mop closet for free guys!!!""
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What's the fallacy if America's noted historians name FDR one of America's greatest presidents.....

The fallacy is that you are appealing to authority without addressing any of the many points raised. Name one of these historians and how they address the issues with the scumbag fdr.
Can you name the authority that calls FDR a "scumbag" ?
What's the fallacy if America's noted historians name FDR one of America's greatest presidents.....

The fallacy is that you are appealing to authority without addressing any of the many points raised. Name one of these historians and how they address the issues with the scumbag fdr.
Can you name the authority that calls FDR a "scumbag" ?

Me, because I have evaluated his behavior and judged him to be a scumbag. You, on the other hand, are terrified of thinking for yourself and defending your own reasoning. Your approach to mindless, illogical idol worship might as well be shouting "By the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak!"
What's the fallacy if America's noted historians name FDR one of America's greatest presidents.....

The fallacy is that you are appealing to authority without addressing any of the many points raised. Name one of these historians and how they address the issues with the scumbag fdr.
Can you name the authority that calls FDR a "scumbag" ?

Me, because I have evaluated his behavior and judged him to be a scumbag. You, on the other hand, are terrified of thinking for yourself and defending your own reasoning. Your approach to mindless, illogical idol worship might as well be shouting "By the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak!"
My own reasoning tells me that the noted historians are correct in their evaluation of FDR. My own reasoning also tells me you are incorrect. Do you believe anything historians write in their history books or is it all scum history?

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