Americans Buying AK47's Like They Are Going Out Of Style

All this talk and worry about guns. Why don't we just come out and admit that, as long as the gun lovers can get their guns when they want them, that we here in America could give a shit less about how many people get killed accidently or commit suicide with a readily available weapon.

Going round and round over the exact same topic makes us look more stupid than our gun laws.

As an aside; a friend of mine with alcohol and martial problems was able to buy a gun from a private individual who knew of his mental state. He bought the weapon with two bullets. Who you think they were for? Fortunately he only used the one on himself.

Isn't it great that a person with a deranged mind can buy a weapon from an individual with no back ground checks? Gotta love guns in America. (the police did question the seller, nothing they could or would do) Could he have killed himself some other way? Sure he could. But he didn't. He chose the easy way out. Buy a gun from a private individual, shoot yourself. Lucky for the wife he didn't shoot her first.

Oh well enough of my little story of death and despair by gun. At least he could buy the gun without the interference of the hated guvmint. Good for him eh?

Yes, good for him. You would rather have had his suicide be slow and painful?
Would you want every household in New Orleans, St. Louis, Memphis and other cities with a lot of violent crime to have such weapons? You cannot compare Switzerland to the United States, they are not as violent a society as America. Canada has as many guns and much less violent crimes as America.

This is wrong both intuitively and based on any stats I've seen on gun ownership. The US has close to 10x the population of Canada. Canada having as many guns, especially in private ownership, would require either the US having a low amount of ownership or Canadians owning many guns per person. Further, the stats I've seen place the US first as far as number of guns per person. So, more people, more guns per people, the US has more guns.

If you want to make bold statements like that, I think you should at least provide some links or say where you get your information from.
Look at the
Murder rates of Detroit and Windsor Ontario which are across the lake from each other.

The only comparable thing is human too human, everything else is apples too oranges
"Any change in the number of guns in society will effect change in the number of homicides..."

Maybe; maybe not. Since guns are not the only weapons used to commit homocides, any changes in the firearm numbers might well be offset by changes with other weapons.
Yes, good for him. You would rather have had his suicide be slow and painful?

Further, if he bought the gun with two bullets, then he bought the gun illegally in a back ally. Legitimate gun stores don't sell individual bullets.

But the leftist hack Zeke, thinks more laws would help stem the tide of already illegal gun sales.
You cannot compare Switzerland to the United States, they are not as violent a society as America. Canada has as many guns and much less violent crimes as America.
This is either a lie or abject ignorance. You decide, and let us know.
Everyone who finds 2016 claptrap should vote for obama. Those who recognize that it is a factual account can vote against him.

See how it turns out.
200 to 300 million firearms in private hands, 49 percent of households with firearms yet less then 1000 accidental shootings and 12000 murders committed with firearms. Do the math.

I agree that the figures have improved a lot in the past 20 years, and I would also agree that if you consider the chances of being killed in the US as a percentage, maybe it doesn't sound that bad.

But the fact remains - the USA has a homicide rate 5 times that of Germany, more when compared with other, similar countries.

The number of homicides in the US which involve firearms is rising, even as the total number of homicides falls.

These are worrying figures.

.001 percent is worrying? To whom? Idiots? The death rate is so small as to be zero statistically. And mass shootings occur maybe 3 or 4 times a year they are beyond zero. You are afraid of the boggy man.

Accidental deaths are even smaller. But lets boost them for you lets say a household has 4 people so somewhere over 80 million households in America. 49 percent of those households have firearms. SO we round that to 40 million. 1000 of 40 million is what? By my math it is .000025 percent. And you are worried? Really? I hope you don't drive, fly in a plane or go out side for a walk.
200 to 300 million firearms in private hands, 49 percent of households with firearms yet less then 1000 accidental shootings and 12000 murders committed with firearms. Do the math.

I agree that the figures have improved a lot in the past 20 years, and I would also agree that if you consider the chances of being killed in the US as a percentage, maybe it doesn't sound that bad.

But the fact remains - the USA has a homicide rate 5 times that of Germany, more when compared with other, similar countries.

The number of homicides in the US which involve firearms is rising, even as the total number of homicides falls.

These are worrying figures.

.001 percent is worrying? To whom? Idiots? The death rate is so small as to be zero statistically. And mass shootings occur maybe 3 or 4 times a year they are beyond zero. You are afraid of the boggy man.
Never mind that...

the USA has a homicide rate 5 times that of Germany, more when compared with other, similar countries.
.. is a lie.
Would you want every household in New Orleans, St. Louis, Memphis and other cities with a lot of violent crime to have such weapons? You cannot compare Switzerland to the United States, they are not as violent a society as America. Canada has as many guns and much less violent crimes as America.

This is wrong both intuitively and based on any stats I've seen on gun ownership. The US has close to 10x the population of Canada. Canada having as many guns, especially in private ownership, would require either the US having a low amount of ownership or Canadians owning many guns per person. Further, the stats I've seen place the US first as far as number of guns per person. So, more people, more guns per people, the US has more guns.

If you want to make bold statements like that, I think you should at least provide some links or say where you get your information from.
Look at the
Murder rates of Detroit and Windsor Ontario which are across the lake from each other.

Percentage of black population in Windsor: 3.9%
Percentage of black population in Detroit: 82.7%.

There's your answer right there. I would bet there are plenty of other demographic and socio-economic differences as well. Oranges to dumpsters.

American civilians buy as many AK47s as the Russian military and police... and demand is surging because gun owners fear they will be banned



Yeah, but they are all cheap knock offs. Getting one actually made in Russia ain't easy...
Yeah, but they are all cheap knock offs. Getting one actually made in Russia ain't easy...
Never mind that the AKs bought by the Russian military/police are select-fire, while the ones bought it here in mass quantities are not.
Yeah, but they are all cheap knock offs. Getting one actually made in Russia ain't easy...

I strongly disagree. The difference is about two hundred dollars...........

Tell me where I can get Russian-made AK-47s.

Go to your local gun shop and order one......

I love how you fools think anything outside of little russia is suddenly a knock off.

Become aware of who made them before the collapse..........
Sorry for jumping on you rabbi. I honestly thought I was responding to someone else..MY BAD for sure.

I do recommend you pick up the book.................

THE C.J.Chivers.....
This is wrong both intuitively and based on any stats I've seen on gun ownership. The US has close to 10x the population of Canada. Canada having as many guns, especially in private ownership, would require either the US having a low amount of ownership or Canadians owning many guns per person. Further, the stats I've seen place the US first as far as number of guns per person. So, more people, more guns per people, the US has more guns.

If you want to make bold statements like that, I think you should at least provide some links or say where you get your information from.
Look at the
Murder rates of Detroit and Windsor Ontario which are across the lake from each other.

Percentage of black population in Windsor: 3.9%
Percentage of black population in Detroit: 82.7%.

There's your answer right there. I would bet there are plenty of other demographic and socio-economic differences as well. Oranges to dumpsters.

I am right, thank you.
Look at the
Murder rates of Detroit and Windsor Ontario which are across the lake from each other.

Percentage of black population in Windsor: 3.9%
Percentage of black population in Detroit: 82.7%.

There's your answer right there. I would bet there are plenty of other demographic and socio-economic differences as well. Oranges to dumpsters.

I am right, thank you.

Yes, shockingly there is a difference in the murder rate between two cities. There's a difference between the murder rate in Chicago and Spokane too. True story.
Too Tall/Sniper -

I have absolutely no idea how many americans have been killed by AK47s. Do you?

Would you also mind explaining why it matters whether someone is killed with a Galil, M-16 or AK?

Why not discuss the real issue - of why so many Americans are killed in gun-related homicides?

The subject of the thread suggested that thousands of people buying AK47s was the cause of an increase in gun-related homicides. So, I wanted to know if the increase in deaths was in any way related to purchase of AK47s.

If not, say so.

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