Americans Buying AK47's Like They Are Going Out Of Style

Rabbi -

This isn't about what anyone has's an excellent series of research documents which establish quite clearly links between gun posession and homicide, both internationally and domestically.

And yet less then 1000 accidental deaths a year and 12000 murders a year with around 300000000 guns in private hands. Statistically zero. Murders are going down as gun ownership goes up.

Those are the facts. And isn't it convenient you think we should ignore Mexico and Russia? How about South Africa?
Rabbi -

This isn't about what anyone has's an excellent series of research documents which establish quite clearly links between gun posession and homicide, both internationally and domestically.

what your 'research' totally ignores....

the good guys have registered guns.....
the bad guys have unregistered guns.....

in truth however it is the bad guys at the top (who pose as good guys) who want to possess the only registered guns......theirs is worldwide push to unarm and control the entire world.....
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Percentage of black population in Windsor: 3.9%
Percentage of black population in Detroit: 82.7%.

There's your answer right there. I would bet there are plenty of other demographic and socio-economic differences as well. Oranges to dumpsters.

I am right, thank you.

Yes, shockingly there is a difference in the murder rate between two cities. There's a difference between the murder rate in Chicago and Spokane too. True story.

You only have to agree, really not interested in what you have to say.
....theirs is worldwide push to unarm and control the entire world.....

Is this the Illuminati again?

Are we in a Dan Brown novel?

Get a grip man - there is no nefarious organisation out there trying to DISarm and control the entire world.

It's a fantasy.

fantasy....? the only fantasy is the 'free' socialist media drivel that you listen to....wake up to what's really going's not about controlling some local jerkwad but about disarming and controlling everybody.....remember that Hitler, Stalin, and Mao were all for gun control too....

our socialist leaders are busily using the UN to ban guns worldwide beginning with the U.S....

The Worldwide Gun Control Movement by Ron Paul
UN gun control treaty will reveal gun laws Obama really supports | Fox News
U.S. Gun Ban as supported by Hillary Clinton | Outdoor Life
Rabbi -

This isn't about what anyone has's an excellent series of research documents which establish quite clearly links between gun posession and homicide, both internationally and domestically.

You reject the FBI stats, you reject the CDC's stats but some how Harvard has it right? The exact same place gun grabber obama got his education from?
Rabbi -

This isn't about what anyone has's an excellent series of research documents which establish quite clearly links between gun posession and homicide, both internationally and domestically.

Generally speaking when people get killed, it's with a gun. This is because guns are more efficient. So what? That does not translate into "more guns=more people killed".
It is not the tool that kills but the will.
Rabbi -

This isn't about what anyone has's an excellent series of research documents which establish quite clearly links between gun posession and homicide, both internationally and domestically.

You reject the FBI stats, you reject the CDC's stats but some how Harvard has it right? The exact same place gun grabber obama got his education from?
He rejects reality and inserts his own...
Too Tall/Sniper -

I have absolutely no idea how many americans have been killed by AK47s. Do you?

Would you also mind explaining why it matters whether someone is killed with a Galil, M-16 or AK?

Why not discuss the real issue - of why so many Americans are killed in gun-related homicides?

The subject of the thread suggested that thousands of people buying AK47s was the cause of an increase in gun-related homicides. So, I wanted to know if the increase in deaths was in any way related to purchase of AK47s.

If not, say so.

There has been no jump in murders and those committed have been committed were for the most part not done with AK-47's and most definitely not by legally procured AK-47's.

Thanks, Gunny but I knew that and merely wanted Saigon to admit it.
Yes, shockingly there is a difference in the murder rate between two cities. There's a difference between the murder rate in Chicago and Spokane too. True story.

You only have to agree, really not interested in what you have to say.

Then ignore me. Bozo.

I usually do, Bozo. You do not have to add a signature to your posts.

Like your avitar. Your Perry avitar sure helped him. Hope this one works as well.
Would you want every household in New Orleans, St. Louis, Memphis and other cities with a lot of violent crime to have such weapons? You cannot compare Switzerland to the United States, they are not as violent a society as America. Canada has as many guns and much less violent crimes as America.

This is wrong both intuitively and based on any stats I've seen on gun ownership. The US has close to 10x the population of Canada. Canada having as many guns, especially in private ownership, would require either the US having a low amount of ownership or Canadians owning many guns per person. Further, the stats I've seen place the US first as far as number of guns per person. So, more people, more guns per people, the US has more guns.
If you want to make bold statements like that, I think you should at least provide some links or say where you get your information from.
Look at the
Murder rates of Detroit and Windsor Ontario which are across the lake from each other.
Show that this difference in murder rates is because of the difference in gun laws.
Where there are more guns there is more homicide (literature review).

Our review of the academic literature found that a broad array of evidence indicates that gun availability is a risk factor for homicide

Not to be picky but there was no "study" made or claimed. Harvard expressed an opinion they claimed was based on "literature review"
....theirs is worldwide push to unarm and control the entire world.....

Is this the Illuminati again?

Are we in a Dan Brown novel?

Get a grip man - there is no nefarious organisation out there trying to DISarm and control the entire world.

It's a fantasy.

Man, you are attempting to have a rational discussion with people who think it is OK to own assault rifles. Good luck.
This is wrong both intuitively and based on any stats I've seen on gun ownership. The US has close to 10x the population of Canada. Canada having as many guns, especially in private ownership, would require either the US having a low amount of ownership or Canadians owning many guns per person. Further, the stats I've seen place the US first as far as number of guns per person. So, more people, more guns per people, the US has more guns.
If you want to make bold statements like that, I think you should at least provide some links or say where you get your information from.
Look at the
Murder rates of Detroit and Windsor Ontario which are across the lake from each other.
Show that this difference in murder rates is because of the difference in gun laws.

I did not say it was because of the difference in the laws, it is because of the difference in the people. America is a violent country and having a lot of guns around is a dangerous proposition.
Look at the
Murder rates of Detroit and Windsor Ontario which are across the lake from each other.
Show that this difference in murder rates is because of the difference in gun laws.

I did not say it was because of the difference in the laws, it is because of the difference in the people. America is a violent country and having a lot of guns around is a dangerous proposition.

OK, so at least you admit changing the laws will have no effect. That's a start.
Show that this difference in murder rates is because of the difference in gun laws.

I did not say it was because of the difference in the laws, it is because of the difference in the people. America is a violent country and having a lot of guns around is a dangerous proposition.

OK, so at least you admit changing the laws will have no effect. That's a start.

This is why I do not bother listening to what you have to say.
Look at the
Murder rates of Detroit and Windsor Ontario which are across the lake from each other.
Show that this difference in murder rates is because of the difference in gun laws.

I did not say it was because of the difference in the laws, it is because of the difference in the people. America is a violent country and having a lot of guns around is a dangerous proposition.

We Americans do have a history of settling things among better not cross us by trying to take our guns....:death:

"The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic and a killer." — D.H. Lawrence
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I did not say it was because of the difference in the laws, it is because of the difference in the people. America is a violent country and having a lot of guns around is a dangerous proposition.

OK, so at least you admit changing the laws will have no effect. That's a start.

This is why I do not bother listening to what you have to say.

Why? Because I repeat back what you've written and it defeats your own argument?
....theirs is worldwide push to unarm and control the entire world.....

Is this the Illuminati again?

Are we in a Dan Brown novel?

Get a grip man - there is no nefarious organisation out there trying to DISarm and control the entire world.

It's a fantasy.

True. The greatest threat to Second Amendment rights are tinfoil hat-wearing rightists who see ‘gun-grabbing’ conspiracies everywhere they turn.

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