Ancestors of elites all have ties to slavery except!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

You guessed it.


You guessed it.

Instead his ancestor grandpa was banished from his homeland and never allowed to return. Perhaps Donnie will share his fate.

You guessed it.

Grandfather was an illegal alien....running from the German draft. Father was a member of the KKK.
Well, the Trumpybear is a pretend Viking, as much as Warren is a Native American.

You guessed it.

You mean the illegal immigrant?
And nothing. Just pointing out your enthusiastic support for both draft dodgers and KKK members. That's just who you are.
The good people of Virginia settled it years ago......

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam appears to have quelled any widespread public clamor for his resignation in the wake of his blackface scandal.

Two new polls out Wednesday show pluralities say the Democrat should not quit or be forced out over a racist photo that appeared on his medical-school yearbook page 35 years ago. Most African-American voters agree that he shouldn’t go, according to one of the surveys.

In a Quinnipiac University poll, 42 percent of voters say Northam should resign — but more, 48 percent, say he shouldn’t. White voters are split evenly — 46 percent say he should resign, and the same percentage say he shouldn’t — but a majority of black voters, 56 percent, say Northam should not quit.

Even fewer Virginians say Northam should resign in a second poll out Wednesday, conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs for the University of Virginia Center for Politics. In that poll, which surveyed adults in the commonwealth, only 31 percent say Northam should resign......
We all know that the REAL reason MAGAts keep bringing up Sen. Byrd is that they are upset he rejected the KKK.
Rejected? Democrat Senator Byrd was not just a member of the KKK, he was a local leader of the KKK. And let us be clear. The KKK was not just a group of men that hated African Americans. The KKK sought out, and murdered, hung African American men in the front yard of the their homes, in front of their children.

So forgive us, if we do not accept a politician's late in life, renouncing his leadership of an organization that actively beat and murdered African Americans.

Democratic Party KKK leader Senator Robert Byrd, current President of the USA Democrat Biden, voted to make Byrd the leader of the Senate, 3 times, each time the vote came up, KKK leader Democrat Byrd got Biden's vote.

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