"Anchor baby" is offensive and hurtful?

They don't like the term Anchor baby. then don't break into our country to come and plop them out.

Were you "plopped out"? Is that a medical term?
it is the correct term for the pile of shit that these disease infested illegals are creating here in order to gain entrance.
Can there be any other reason for Junita to get pregnant then wait until she swims across the Rio Grande to have her vile welfare sucking spawn?

You don't pretend to be pro-life, do you? Or to be a human being, for that matter.
Ahhh..so now to be "pro-life" one must also be a mindless supporter of the policies that have opened the floodgates for criminals to set up house and suck us dry. Got it.
trying to shame people with his dramatics
it might work on some people but it will NEVER work on me. At least they got their BABIES BORN.... so now they can leave them and decide to come and do thing THE RIGHT way for becoming a Citizen or take them with them when they go home
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More like "to the victors go the spoils". Just a fact
And they are taking their land back one brown baby at a time, and you let them. So be it...

I'm not letting them, it's pansy ass left loons like you that are. If it were up to me they'd all be put on slow boats. Besides there is no such thing as "native American" we all migrated here
Some came before there were others, that's as "native" as it gets, and for 60 years no matter who owned the White House, and it was mostly the GOP, the borders weren't closed. The capitalists here didn't want them closed and they run the show. You'll just have to deal with that.

That is the fact.

Those like the OP'er slurps down Trump bullshit while ignoring the actual fact Trump will not do shit if elected and the fools that voted for him will ignore his lies as usual...

Those like the OP'er would vote for Satan as long as Satan mention he or she hated Gays, Illegals, and liberals while offering free guns, no taxes for the one percent, and keeping America white as can be.

I would write WASP but seeing the OP'er is a Catholic she can't be a WASP even though she is their groupie...
They don't like the term Anchor baby. then don't break into our country to come and plop them out.

Were you "plopped out"? Is that a medical term?
it is the correct term for the pile of shit that these disease infested illegals are creating here in order to gain entrance.
Can there be any other reason for Junita to get pregnant then wait until she swims across the Rio Grande to have her vile welfare sucking spawn?

You don't pretend to be pro-life, do you? Or to be a human being, for that matter.
Ahhh..so now to be "pro-life" one must also be a mindless supporter of the policies that have opened the floodgates for criminals to set up house and suck us dry. ...

Nope, but not expressing vulgar hatred for an innocent newborn life is a minimum regardless of any political views. Reasonable?
They don't like the term Anchor baby. then don't break into our country to come and plop them out.

Were you "plopped out"? Is that a medical term?
it is the correct term for the pile of shit that these disease infested illegals are creating here in order to gain entrance.
Can there be any other reason for Junita to get pregnant then wait until she swims across the Rio Grande to have her vile welfare sucking spawn?

You don't pretend to be pro-life, do you? Or to be a human being, for that matter.
Ahhh..so now to be "pro-life" one must also be a mindless supporter of the policies that have opened the floodgates for criminals to set up house and suck us dry. ...

Nope, but not expressing vulgar hatred for an innocent newborn life is a minimum regardless of any political views. Reasonable?

PRO-LIFE means something very specific, and that is anti-abortion. Not anti-borders. Not anti-anger. It means ANTI ABORTION. It means that life is precious..not that we need to accommodate people who use children to force themselves upon a system that cannot support them (and in fact until now, hasn't even really existed in anything like the form it now has). The way that illegals use children to establish themselves is human trafficking, and you don't stop that by ACCOMODATING it.
Were you "plopped out"? Is that a medical term?
it is the correct term for the pile of shit that these disease infested illegals are creating here in order to gain entrance.
Can there be any other reason for Junita to get pregnant then wait until she swims across the Rio Grande to have her vile welfare sucking spawn?

You don't pretend to be pro-life, do you? Or to be a human being, for that matter.
Ahhh..so now to be "pro-life" one must also be a mindless supporter of the policies that have opened the floodgates for criminals to set up house and suck us dry. ...

Nope, but not expressing vulgar hatred for an innocent newborn life is a minimum regardless of any political views. Reasonable?

PRO-LIFE means something very specific, and that is anti-abortion. Not anti-borders. Not anti-anger. It means ANTI ABORTION. It means that life is precious..not that we need to accommodate people who use their children to force themselves upon a system that cannot support them (and in fact until now, hasn't even really existed in anything like the form it now has).

"Pro-life" and bitter hatred for innocent newborn life are not compatible. Someone can't hate innocent life and then claim that life is precious. This is to say nothing of immigration policy or constitutional law.
it is the correct term for the pile of shit that these disease infested illegals are creating here in order to gain entrance.
Can there be any other reason for Junita to get pregnant then wait until she swims across the Rio Grande to have her vile welfare sucking spawn?

You don't pretend to be pro-life, do you? Or to be a human being, for that matter.
Ahhh..so now to be "pro-life" one must also be a mindless supporter of the policies that have opened the floodgates for criminals to set up house and suck us dry. ...

Nope, but not expressing vulgar hatred for an innocent newborn life is a minimum regardless of any political views. Reasonable?

PRO-LIFE means something very specific, and that is anti-abortion. Not anti-borders. Not anti-anger. It means ANTI ABORTION. It means that life is precious..not that we need to accommodate people who use their children to force themselves upon a system that cannot support them (and in fact until now, hasn't even really existed in anything like the form it now has).

"Pro-life" and bitter hatred for innocent newborn life are not compatible. Someone can't hate innocent life and then claim that life is precious. This is to say nothing of immigration policy or constitutional law.

That's a different discussion. Start a different thread. I get tired of this bs.
You don't pretend to be pro-life, do you? Or to be a human being, for that matter.
Ahhh..so now to be "pro-life" one must also be a mindless supporter of the policies that have opened the floodgates for criminals to set up house and suck us dry. ...

Nope, but not expressing vulgar hatred for an innocent newborn life is a minimum regardless of any political views. Reasonable?

PRO-LIFE means something very specific, and that is anti-abortion. Not anti-borders. Not anti-anger. It means ANTI ABORTION. It means that life is precious..not that we need to accommodate people who use their children to force themselves upon a system that cannot support them (and in fact until now, hasn't even really existed in anything like the form it now has).

"Pro-life" and bitter hatred for innocent newborn life are not compatible. Someone can't hate innocent life and then claim that life is precious. This is to say nothing of immigration policy or constitutional law.

That's a different discussion. Start a different thread. I get tired of this bs.

Take a nap if you're tired. I was responding to some scumbag who referred to an innocent newborn baby as a "pile of shit." If you agree with such sentent you cannot claim to be pro-life. That is all.
Ahhh..so now to be "pro-life" one must also be a mindless supporter of the policies that have opened the floodgates for criminals to set up house and suck us dry. ...

Nope, but not expressing vulgar hatred for an innocent newborn life is a minimum regardless of any political views. Reasonable?

PRO-LIFE means something very specific, and that is anti-abortion. Not anti-borders. Not anti-anger. It means ANTI ABORTION. It means that life is precious..not that we need to accommodate people who use their children to force themselves upon a system that cannot support them (and in fact until now, hasn't even really existed in anything like the form it now has).

"Pro-life" and bitter hatred for innocent newborn life are not compatible. Someone can't hate innocent life and then claim that life is precious. This is to say nothing of immigration policy or constitutional law.

That's a different discussion. Start a different thread. I get tired of this bs.

Take a nap if you're tired. I was responding to some scumbag who referred to an innocent newborn baby as a "pile of shit." If you agree with such sentent you cannot claim to be pro-life. That is all.
I wonder how many pile of shit anchor babies we would have if the law hand been followed in the first place.
Just because I steal your car it does not make it legally mine when I drive it.
These vermin know what they are doing when they sneak in and crap out their spawn.
I wonder how many pile of shit anchor babies we would have if the law hand been followed in the first place.
Just because I steal your car it does not make it legally mine when I drive it.
These vermin know what they are doing when they sneak in and crap out their spawn.
Which law? You mean the one about not crossing over our unprotected border?

Watch out, scary sign. You wouldn't want to mess with that eh?
Nope, but not expressing vulgar hatred for an innocent newborn life is a minimum regardless of any political views. Reasonable?

PRO-LIFE means something very specific, and that is anti-abortion. Not anti-borders. Not anti-anger. It means ANTI ABORTION. It means that life is precious..not that we need to accommodate people who use their children to force themselves upon a system that cannot support them (and in fact until now, hasn't even really existed in anything like the form it now has).

"Pro-life" and bitter hatred for innocent newborn life are not compatible. Someone can't hate innocent life and then claim that life is precious. This is to say nothing of immigration policy or constitutional law.

That's a different discussion. Start a different thread. I get tired of this bs.

Take a nap if you're tired. I was responding to some scumbag who referred to an innocent newborn baby as a "pile of shit." If you agree with such sentent you cannot claim to be pro-life. That is all.
I wonder how many pile of shit anchor babies we would have if the law hand been followed in the first place.

I wonder why we let hateful piles of shit who clearly despise all life stay here long enough to grow into adult piles of bigger shit whose only outlet is posting their hatred for innocent newborn babies. Thank goodness such misanthropic piles of shit are so weak and irrelevant.
Fact-checking the claims about 'anchor babies' and whether illegal immigrants 'drop and leave'

That's become a popular talking point for critics of illegal immigration, who have dubbed the children "anchor babies." The implication often is that the baby U.S. citizens act as an anchor that that helps parents and other relatives obtain citizenship and other benefits.

Several Republican senators have called for hearings on whether the 14th Amendment, which was adopted in 1868, needs to be rewritten to curb automatic "birthright citizenship."

The most prominent voice pushing that concept is Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who proposed amending the Constitution to make clear that babies born in the U.S. do not automatically receive American citizenship.


It's important to note that having an "anchor baby" won't do much to help a Mexican mom become a U.S. citizen. Because citizen children cannot sponsor their parents for citizenship until they turn 21 -- and because if the parents were ever illegal, they would have to return home for 10 years before applying to come in -- having a baby to secure citizenship for its parents is an extremely long-term, and uncertain, process.

However, having a citizen child can produce some short-term benefits, said Marc Rosenblum, a senior policy analyst for the Migration Policy Institute. Pregnant women and nursing mothers could be eligible for certain benefits under the Women-Infants-Children (WIC) program, which provides food and nutrition vouchers, and their children could enroll in Medicaid, although the undocumented parents could not. Having a child can also help an undocumented parent qualify for relief from deportation, but only 4,000 unauthorized immigrants can receive such status per year, and the alien has to have been in the U.S. for at least 10 years. That means very long odds, Rosenblum said.

Most of the benefits of citizenship accrue over the much longer term. The child will be able to work here legally once he or she is old enough, said Roberto Suro, a communications and journalism professor at the University of Southern California who specializes in Hispanic issues, and when they're ready for college, they'll qualify for in-state tuition at most public colleges. "It is a hell of a lot of deferred gratification at best," he said.


Data doesn't support Graham's claim

Immigration data and surveys don't provide much support for Graham's notion that many women are illegally crossing the border in large numbers to have children, then leaving.


So let's recap.

It's true that many illegal immigrants are having children in the U.S. However, we are not convinced that "drop and leave" is a phenomenon. The data suggests that the motivator for illegal immigrants is the search for work and a better economic standing over the long term, not quickie citizenship for U.S.-born babies. Graham appears to be conflating two things -- a pattern of wealthy foreigners engaging in "birth tourism" using legal visas, and illegal immigration of poorer people from Mexico. In our view, failing to make the distinction exaggerates the alleged problem and uses inflammatory rhetoric to obscure legitimate policy questions. On balance, we rate his comment Half True.

Fact-checking the claims about 'anchor babies' and whether illegal immigrants 'drop and leave'

Just How Does an Anchor Baby Anchor the Illegal Alien Parent?

I see Canada has the same version of border protection that we do. I wonder if it took two crews to paint the sign and they shared paint for the middle???
It's good this has been put out there too. ALONG with the Sanctuary cities, giving Illegal immigrants Driver's License that will allow them TO VOTE, and get this BS on Anchor babies CLEARED UP once and for all. GET ON your Representative's assess and tell them NO MORE bs. WE WANT THEM TO FOLLOW OUR LAWS or get the hell out of OUR governments.


Someone remind Sowell that the American Revolution was an act of treason.

Gawd, you're a fucking idiot

Is that the best you can do? Screech like an old spawned out harpy? Ok, well, maybe that suits you.

If Sowell wants to play the 'legality' card then he has opened the door to all legality cards,

a very big one being that the establishment of this country, by armed rebellion against the legitimate sovereign,

was illegal.

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