"Anchor baby" is offensive and hurtful?

The Left doesn't give a crap about anchor babies....hell they have no problem with millions of babies murdered in the womb.

exactly. they can't even call them babies. they call them a glob of cells, while standing up proudly for Pro-abortion
and these are the same people that will fine you or put you in jail if you disturb a turtle egg. Seems that turtles are turtles while still in the egg, yet humans are not humans until born.
It all makes perfect sense.
liberals hate humans.

It's awful how they been brainwashed by the Abortion Industry and the Democrat party to think so little of the UNBORN BABIES these women and men went out and Created. it's sickening

It's a fascinating phenomenon how the kooks can turn any argument into crazed mental patient rants about abortion.
The Left loves to talk about having compassion, while accusing non-leftists of lacking compassion and loving cruelty....then they do all they can to protect the abortion holocaust.

The Left doesn't give a crap about anchor babies....hell they have no problem with millions of babies murdered in the womb.

exactly. they can't even call them babies. they call them a glob of cells, while standing up proudly for Pro-abortion
The babies are Americans, it really is that simple. You could be considered a glob of cells, you certainly don't have two of them in your brain to rub together.
The Left doesn't give a crap about anchor babies....hell they have no problem with millions of babies murdered in the womb.

exactly. they can't even call them babies. they call them a glob of cells, while standing up proudly for Pro-abortion
and these are the same people that will fine you or put you in jail if you disturb a turtle egg. Seems that turtles are turtles while still in the egg, yet humans are not humans until born.
It all makes perfect sense.
liberals hate humans.

Libtards are self loathing parasites, they don't even like themselves or each other

From seeing them over these years on here since 2004. I can understand why. some of it even shocks me and I've been around a long time
They don't like the term Anchor baby. then don't break into our country to come and plop them out.

Were you "plopped out"? Is that a medical term?
it is the correct term for the pile of shit that these disease infested illegals are creating here in order to gain entrance.
Can there be any other reason for Junita to get pregnant then wait until she swims across the Rio Grande to have her vile welfare sucking spawn?
They don't like the term Anchor baby. then don't break into our country to come and plop them out.

Were you "plopped out"? Is that a medical term?
it is the correct term for the pile of shit that these disease infested illegals are creating here in order to gain entrance.
Can there be any other reason for Junita to get pregnant then wait until she swims across the Rio Grande to have her vile welfare sucking spawn?
You could give Trump lessons. Please send him an email.
Obama is kinda like an anchor baby for Prog movement.

Now that he is in power, he will see to it that Hillary is appointed for another 8 more years of hope and change.
I am more offended that they prefer to steal my tax dollars - my hard-earned money - to support them when they shouldn't even be in this country.

I am more offended by the scumbag fucking leftwing media, who races to stick a microphone in front of these bottom-feeding turds as they cry about their alleged victimhood, while living off of other people as the parasites they are.

I am more offended that fake media outlets like the NYT serve as propaganda sources for their new owners like carlos slim, who financially benefit from having large numbers of illegal aliens in the US.

I am more offended by leftwing dung like the labor groups that scream for a $15 fast food wage but are too fucking stupid to recognize that it is their left-wing illegal alien allies who have destroyed that industry and caused salaries to stay so low for so long.
Is there anything a left loon can't make politically correct? This garbage is getting really old

Trump Defiant After Reporter Says 'Anchor Baby' Is an Offensive Term

At a town hall event in New Hampshire yesterday, a reporter challenged Donald Trump on his repeated use of the term "anchor baby."

The reporter asked Trump if he is aware that the term is "offensive" and "hurtful."

"You mean it's not politically correct and yet everybody uses it? Ya know what? Give me a different term," he shot back.

The reporter suggested he modify his language and instead say "American-born children of undocumented immigrants."

"You want me to say that? No, I'll use the word anchor baby," Trump said, as the reporter tried to interject again.

"Excuse me. I'll use the word anchor baby," he concluded before moving on to another question.

WATCH: Trump Defiant After Reporter Says 'Anchor Baby' Is an Offensive Term

:D lefties don't like the titles of things to match what they actually are.
They don't like the term Anchor baby. then don't break into our country to come and plop them out.

Were you "plopped out"? Is that a medical term?
it is the correct term for the pile of shit that these disease infested illegals are creating here in order to gain entrance.
Can there be any other reason for Junita to get pregnant then wait until she swims across the Rio Grande to have her vile welfare sucking spawn?

You don't pretend to be pro-life, do you? Or to be a human being, for that matter.
Interesting to watch the side of the spectrum that is so concerned about being "offended" put so much effort into launching the nastiest personal insults possible at those who dare to disagree with them.

No mirrors in those homes, I reckon.

are you officially offended, king mac?

which posts were nasty, nastier and nastiest?

please let the kingdom know the proper parameters of mac world correctness..mmkay?
They don't like the term Anchor baby. then don't break into our country to come and plop them out.

Were you "plopped out"? Is that a medical term?
it is the correct term for the pile of shit that these disease infested illegals are creating here in order to gain entrance.
Can there be any other reason for Junita to get pregnant then wait until she swims across the Rio Grande to have her vile welfare sucking spawn?

You don't pretend to be pro-life, do you? Or to be a human being, for that matter.
Ahhh..so now to be "pro-life" one must also be a mindless supporter of the policies that have opened the floodgates for criminals to set up house and suck us dry. Got it.
The Left doesn't give a crap about anchor babies....hell they have no problem with millions of babies murdered in the womb.

exactly. they can't even call them babies. they call them a glob of cells, while standing up proudly for Pro-abortion
The babies are Americans, it really is that simple. You could be considered a glob of cells, you certainly don't have two of them in your brain to rub together.

:lol: considering their inability to parse the differences of various legal issues without conflating EVERYthing with abortion...
Why call them anchor babies when they don't anchor anything?

Facts much, chimp?

What facts would you like? How about this?

There is a popular misconception that the child's U.S. citizenship status (acquired by jus soli) legally helps the child's parents and siblings to quickly reclassify their visa status (or lack thereof) and to place them on a fast pathway to acquire lawful permanent residence and eventually United States citizenship.[2][3] This is a myth.[4]

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