"Anchor baby" is offensive and hurtful?

Prove me wrong when you're done rolling your eyes.

I'll wait
The proper term is American .
I see you can't prove me wrong.

Pro tip: If you're uninformed on a subject don't challenge someone who is discussing it. I explained where the two terms came from. If you can't refute me WITH PROOF of your disagreement just it's best just to shut up.
Pro tip: your imagination isn't fact.
Scroll down. There are facts. Your refusal to see them is your problem.

Ps. Still waiting on a link. If it's my imagination it should be easy to disprove, even for a leftie.
I saw you "facts" proved wrong.

Tell me, what is the end goal of demonizing American children?
Waiting on a link bitch
They just want to reclaim the American Southwest that was stolen from them. It's their birthright.
nice try but it is not just Mexicans, Florida has the same problem with Haitians, Give it a rest, they are illegal and should be sent back to their country of origin,
Some came before there were others, that's as "native" as it gets, and for 60 years no matter who owned the White House, and it was mostly the GOP, the borders weren't closed. The capitalists here didn't want them closed and they run the show. You'll just have to deal with that.


Someone needs to tell Tonto his ancestors were immigrants, nobody is native
The first ones, who stay, are native. Now you know.
Some came before there were others, that's as "native" as it gets, and for 60 years no matter who owned the White House, and it was mostly the GOP, the borders weren't closed. The capitalists here didn't want them closed and they run the show. You'll just have to deal with that.


Someone needs to tell Tonto his ancestors were immigrants, nobody is native
The first ones, who stay, are native. Now you know.
somebody should also remind Tonto that the Indians were killing each others tribes over territory, its just that the white man came over and played the game better.
Guess who won the previously unclaimed country.
Some came before there were others, that's as "native" as it gets, and for 60 years no matter who owned the White House, and it was mostly the GOP, the borders weren't closed. The capitalists here didn't want them closed and they run the show. You'll just have to deal with that.


Someone needs to tell Tonto his ancestors were immigrants, nobody is native
The first ones, who stay, are native. Now you know.
somebody should also remind Tonto that the Indians were killing each others tribes over territory, its just that the white man came over and played the game better.
Guess who won the previously unclaimed country.
Whitey got lucky, disease-ridden and dirty, the natives worked for it.
Some came before there were others, that's as "native" as it gets, and for 60 years no matter who owned the White House, and it was mostly the GOP, the borders weren't closed. The capitalists here didn't want them closed and they run the show. You'll just have to deal with that.


Someone needs to tell Tonto his ancestors were immigrants, nobody is native
The first ones, who stay, are native. Now you know.
somebody should also remind Tonto that the Indians were killing each others tribes over territory, its just that the white man came over and played the game better.
Guess who won the previously unclaimed country.
Whitey got lucky, disease-ridden and dirty, the natives worked for it.
no different than now. United States citizens worked to build the country, now the filthy disease ridden dirty uneducated illegals are getting lucky thanks to the POS liberals.
Just like the white man kept bringing more and more over until they had enough to form and army to fight the Indians, the filth from South America, with the direction and guidance of their respective governments are building an army that will end up taking this country over.

Someone needs to tell Tonto his ancestors were immigrants, nobody is native
The first ones, who stay, are native. Now you know.
somebody should also remind Tonto that the Indians were killing each others tribes over territory, its just that the white man came over and played the game better.
Guess who won the previously unclaimed country.
Whitey got lucky, disease-ridden and dirty, the natives worked for it.
no different than now. United States citizens worked to build the country, now the filthy disease ridden dirty uneducated illegals are getting lucky thanks to the POS liberals.
Just like the white man kept bringing more and more over until they had enough to form and army to fight the Indians, the filth from South America, with the direction and guidance of their respective governments are building an army that will end up taking this country over.
The disease-ridden won last time, whitey, precisely why you are wetting yourself...
Donald Trump's venue for Alabama rally moved to larger stadium

Previously planned for the nearby Civic Center -- which can hold up to 4,000 people -- the event is now being moved to the 43,000-seat Ladd-Peebles Stadium, normally home to high school football games.

Can Trump fill a football stadium for a campaign event?
As of Thursday morning, 35,000 tickets to the event have been distributed, according to the Trump Campaign.

The term "Anchor Baby" is not offensive. What is offensive, is the way illegal aliens are using their babies to take advantage of a loophole in American law to stay in the US and collect government benefits.
It's only "offensive" if someone wants it to be, if they think that saying so will give them leverage.

And even if it were, too bad.
It's irrelevant whether the term is "offensive".

The words used are just words, grow some skin.

The subject matter is far more important.
Who made you king?
Is that you bringing people together? How is it that you get to decide for others what they find offensive?
Actually, it is GOOD that some folks take offense at the phrase "Anchor Babies".

It is INTENDED to be offensive.

Because the presence of Anchor Babies - and their anchoring effect upon their parents - is offensive to very large numbers of Americans.


Good !!!

Excellent !!!

The phrase is having the desired effect.

It is an entirely accurate metaphorical descriptor for the offspring of Illegal Aliens, born upon United States soil.

As well as being a highly useful Rally-Cry for those committed to ridding the country of this plague of 12,000,000 invaders.

So sit back and enjoy the show.

Lots more, where that came from.

The gloves are finally coming off.

Don't want to be offended?

Then stop offending.

Go home.
Last edited:
"Anchor baby" is offensive and hurtful?

ANYTHING is offensive and hurtful to liberals.

Ignore them.

Truth really is that liberals are not hurt or offended. They use it as a vehicle or medium to hold Conservatives to rules. That's it. liberals are not offended... They want and need voting blocks to feel offended. Read Alinsky and it will all make sense.
The term "Anchor Baby" is not offensive. What is offensive, is the way illegal aliens are using their babies to take advantage of a loophole in American law to stay in the US and collect government benefits.
It's only "offensive" if someone wants it to be, if they think that saying so will give them leverage.

And even if it were, too bad.

Or maybe they just find the term offensive, did you ever think of that? Do you think "anchor baby" wasn't meant to be offensive, really?

And who made you the arbiter of what is offensive and what isn't? Isn't it the people offended that decide, not you?

It actually sounds like the "too bad" is all for the assholes that are pissed because it's not cool to be an asshole anymore.

Sorry that so many of your favorite terms for minorities have fallen out of fashion....NOT.

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