"Anchor baby" is offensive and hurtful?

I concur...

No one fears babies dumbass.

Then why do they make such an angry fuss over them? Anger is based in fear. And if they aren't afraid of these itty bitty Americans, why do they want to throw them out of America? You don't want to toss out Americans unless you are afraid of them.

Nope. Folks aren't afraid of them. They just don't want any more to do with Anchor Babies and Birth Tourism and Birth Immigration, thereby anchoring the baby's parents here as well. Vast numbers of Americans have had just about enough of this shit, the mood of the country is finally changing in favor of more effective counteraction, and...

It's all good... it's all for the best... and in the best interests of the United States and its People.
As I keep telling you logically challenged fools, 80 percent of Americans want illegals to be granted legal status or a path to citizenship.

But you poor, fearful rubes are so terrified of these babies, you want to redefine citizenship so you can strip them of their birthright. That's pretty darn evil.
Bullshit. No more low wage migrants legal or illegal competing with Americans for limited jobs until every American who wants a job has a job. Period. 80 percent my ass.
I have not heard that term in quite some time...
Not until recently when it was brought up by the Liberal reporter...
The redskins name was chosen as a tribute dumbfuck. And anchor baby was created as a simplified adjective to use rather than "the child born in the United States to the parent or parents of an illegal alien"

God almighty you are fucking dense
Just like ****** is simplified from African American. :Rolleyes:
Prove me wrong when you're done rolling your eyes.

I'll wait
The proper term is American .
I see you can't prove me wrong.

Pro tip: If you're uninformed on a subject don't challenge someone who is discussing it. I explained where the two terms came from. If you can't refute me WITH PROOF of your disagreement just it's best just to shut up.
Pro tip: your imagination isn't fact.
Scroll down. There are facts. Your refusal to see them is your problem.

Ps. Still waiting on a link. If it's my imagination it should be easy to disprove, even for a leftie.
I have not heard that term in quite some time...
Not until recently when it was brought up by the Liberal reporter...
The reporter didn't bring it up. Trump did. He used it in a speech being broadcast internationally, live, and the reporter wondered if Trump realized he was using a pejorative term that would cause attention as an inappropriate way for a Presidential candidate to speak.
Has anyone figured out what Dictionary this liberal POS used?
I have a couple different ones around the house, none of them have phrases in them, they all deal with single words.
Is anchor offensive or is baby offensive?
considering how the liberals want to kill babies, I guessing the offensive word is baby?
Just for my friends to enjoy.....


Ann Coulter ^ | August 19, 2015 | Ann Coulter
Based on the hysterical flailing at Donald Trump -- He's a buffoon! He's a clown! He calls people names! He's too conservative! He's not conservative enough! He won't give details! His details won't work! -- I gather certain Republicans are determined to drive him from the race. These same Republicans never object to other candidates who lack traditional presidential resumes -- Carly Fiorina, Ben Carson, Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain, to name a few. I'm beginning to suspect it's all about Trump's opposition to mass immigration from the Third World. Amid the hysteria, Trump is the only one speaking clearly...

I have not heard that term in quite some time...
Not until recently when it was brought up by the Liberal reporter...
The reporter didn't bring it up. Trump did. He used it in a speech being broadcast internationally, live, and the reporter wondered if Trump realized he was using a pejorative term that would cause attention as an inappropriate way for a Presidential candidate to speak.
Perhaps we should all start using NI66ER again (the Censor here won't even let you spell it!) along with Camel Jockey, Chink, Jap, Dago, Gook, Hymie, and assorted other words that have been deemed to be offensive....after all, FREE SPEECH is in the Constitution, and SUPPOSED HATE SPEECH isn't! I have THE RIGHT to offend you, as you have the right to offend me (if you can...LOLOLOL!)....After all isn't that what LIBERALISM is all about?
I have not heard that term in quite some time...
Not until recently when it was brought up by the Liberal reporter...
The reporter didn't bring it up. Trump did. He used it in a speech being broadcast internationally, live, and the reporter wondered if Trump realized he was using a pejorative term that would cause attention as an inappropriate way for a Presidential candidate to speak.
Perhaps we should all start using NI66ER again (the Censor here won't even let you spell it!) along with Camel Jockey, Chink, Jap, Dago, Gook, Hymie, and assorted other words that have been deemed to be offensive....after all, FREE SPEECH is in the Constitution, and SUPPOSED HATE SPEECH isn't! I have THE RIGHT to offend you, as you have the right to offend me (if you can...LOLOLOL!)....After all isn't that what LIBERALISM is all about?
I think the fact that you can spell them and not have the censored already answers your question, However I must point out that any of those words would be found in the dictionary because they are single words, not a phrase. (except for camel Jockey)
The liberal told Donald Trump to look up anchor baby in the dictionary to prove it was offensive, anchor baby is not a single word, you would think that a reporter, someone that makes a living writing, would understand this before saying something so utterly foolish.
typical liberal though, goes along with 57 states and the tipping of Guam.
I have not heard that term in quite some time...
Not until recently when it was brought up by the Liberal reporter...
The reporter didn't bring it up. Trump did. He used it in a speech being broadcast internationally, live, and the reporter wondered if Trump realized he was using a pejorative term that would cause attention as an inappropriate way for a Presidential candidate to speak.
Perhaps we should all start using NI66ER again (the Censor here won't even let you spell it!) along with Camel Jockey, Chink, Jap, Dago, Gook, Hymie, and assorted other words that have been deemed to be offensive....after all, FREE SPEECH is in the Constitution, and SUPPOSED HATE SPEECH isn't! I have THE RIGHT to offend you, as you have the right to offend me (if you can...LOLOLOL!)....After all isn't that what LIBERALISM is all about?
I think the fact that you can spell them and not have the censored already answers your question, However I must point out that any of those words would be found in the dictionary because they are single words, not a phrase. (except for camel Jockey)
The liberal told Donald Trump to look up anchor baby in the dictionary to prove it was offensive, anchor baby is not a single word, you would think that a reporter, someone that makes a living writing, would understand this before saying something so utterly foolish.
typical liberal though, goes along with 57 states and the tipping of Guam.

On here we can write fuck, shit, I'm not sure about ****, but ****** rings a bell...I fear a little TOO MUCH political correctness is being displayed!
I have not heard that term in quite some time...
Not until recently when it was brought up by the Liberal reporter...
The reporter didn't bring it up. Trump did. He used it in a speech being broadcast internationally, live, and the reporter wondered if Trump realized he was using a pejorative term that would cause attention as an inappropriate way for a Presidential candidate to speak.
Perhaps we should all start using NI66ER again (the Censor here won't even let you spell it!) along with Camel Jockey, Chink, Jap, Dago, Gook, Hymie, and assorted other words that have been deemed to be offensive....after all, FREE SPEECH is in the Constitution, and SUPPOSED HATE SPEECH isn't! I have THE RIGHT to offend you, as you have the right to offend me (if you can...LOLOLOL!)....After all isn't that what LIBERALISM is all about?
I personally support the right to use any of those terms any time you want. Most people support the right to use those terms if that is what you want to do. No one is suggesting free speech should be taken away. Trump is a Presidential candidate. His language selections are being judged as such. He, nor his supporters are victims. If you or him want to go around insulting people go ahead. No one will much care about your doing it unless you are stupid enough to do it around the people you are insulting. Trump is another story. The people who already support him love it. The people he needs to gain support from are looking at him in disgust. At this point he is just preaching to the choir and picking up support from the leftovers of the Republicans he is bitch slapping and destroying.

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