"Anchor baby" is offensive and hurtful?

Some came before there were others, that's as "native" as it gets, and for 60 years no matter who owned the White House, and it was mostly the GOP, the borders weren't closed. The capitalists here didn't want them closed and they run the show. You'll just have to deal with that.

THIS is a strawman g 500

Class dismissed
Um, no. That is not a straw man.

Some came before there were others, that's as "native" as it gets, and for 60 years no matter who owned the White House, and it was mostly the GOP, the borders weren't closed. The capitalists here didn't want them closed and they run the show. You'll just have to deal with that.

THIS is a strawman g 500

Class dismissed
Um, no. That is not a straw man.

It absolutely is. I've not heard a single person claim Mexican babies were going to slaughter Americans or run them out of their homeland.

Well, no one but you and a couple other libs. It does appear that I over estimated your intelligence
A straw man is a situation where a person creates an artificial point of view for their opponent and then knocks it down because it is easily attacked and can't be defended. The allegory in the name of the fallacy being that a straw man is easier to attack than a real man.

So when a person is confronted with defeat in a debate, they will throw up a straw man, stomp on it, then declare victory. More weaker minded people will throw up a straw man that is so flimsy, it collapses all by itself and doesn't even require stomping. "You want Mexicans to rape my mother". Anyone who believes such a thing is inherently bad and so the accuser doesn't even need to work at defeating that belief. The problem is, the person they are accusing of that belief doesn't actually believe it. Thus, a straw man logical fallacy.

You will also see TV commentators on "news" channels invent straw men for their political opponents who aren't even there to slap them with the bullshit paddle.

Whenever some right wing dipshit is talking on TV and says, "Liberals want..." you can be sure they are tossing out a straw man fallacy. Whenever some left wing dipshit on TV says, "Conservatives want..." you can be pretty sure they are about to launch a flaming straw man.
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Undocumented immigrant parents of US citizen children are subject to criminal prosecution like any other undocumented immigrant; and if found guilty in a court of law of entering the country absent authorization – or convicted of any other crime – that parent can and will be deported.

Consequently, there is no such thing as an 'anchor baby,' it's a hateful, ignorant contrivance of the right, illustrating the unwarranted fear and hate common to many conservatives.
Undocumented immigrant parents of US citizen children are subject to criminal prosecution like any other undocumented immigrant; and if found guilty in a court of law of entering the country absent authorization – or convicted of any other crime – that parent can and will be deported.

Consequently, there is no such thing as an 'anchor baby,' it's a hateful, ignorant contrivance of the right, illustrating the unwarranted fear and hate common to many conservatives.

Then why all the commotion about anchor babies? You don't think anyone is buying your BS do you?
This is a very weird thing.

How, exactly, does one get told "Mexican babies born here are cute and are US citizens" and one's brain hears, "I want the foreign darkies to rape your mother, steal your money, and blow up a Wal-Mart"?

For the retards, that's an allegory.

The mental process behind this type of straw man fallacy is downright baffling.


What's baffling is that you're sitting here defending the wanton violation of Federal Immigration Law.

The paradox here is this: people are doing something illegal to legally get something in return, or citizenship for their offspring.
A straw man is a situation where a person creates an artificial point of view for their opponent and then knocks it down because it is easily attacked and can't be defended. The allegory in the name of the fallacy being that a straw man is easier to attack than a real man.

So when a person is confronted with defeat in a debate, they will throw up a straw man, stomp on it, then declare victory. More weaker minded people will throw up a straw man that is so flimsy, it collapses all by itself and doesn't even require stomping. "You want Mexicans to rape my mother". Anyone who believes such a thing is inherently bad and so the accuser doesn't even need to work at defeating that belief. The problem is, the person they are accusing of that belief doesn't actually believe it. Thus, a straw man logical fallacy.

You will also see TV commentators on "news" channels invent straw men for their political opponents who aren't even there to slap them with the bullshit paddle.

Whenever some right wing dipshit is talking on TV and says, "Liberals want..." you can be sure they are tossing out a straw man fallacy. Whenever some left wing dipshit on TV says, "Conservatives want..." you can be pretty sure they are about to launch a straw man.
Read my post directly above yours. Then run from the thread because that's twice a real con has made you look foolish
Some came before there were others, that's as "native" as it gets, and for 60 years no matter who owned the White House, and it was mostly the GOP, the borders weren't closed. The capitalists here didn't want them closed and they run the show. You'll just have to deal with that.

THIS is a strawman g 500

Class dismissed
Um, no. That is not a straw man.

It absolutely is. I've not heard a single person claim Mexican babies were going to slaughter Americans or run them out of their homeland.

Well, no one but you and a couple other libs. It does appear that I over estimated your intelligence
Dumb shits have been tossing out red herrings all over the place, so I used some humor to point out their tactics were failing.

Then one dipshit phrased his straw man in the form of an informal survey and I called him on it.

They are doing this to hide their fear and loathing of Mexican-American babies.
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Some came before there were others, that's as "native" as it gets, and for 60 years no matter who owned the White House, and it was mostly the GOP, the borders weren't closed. The capitalists here didn't want them closed and they run the show. You'll just have to deal with that.

THIS is a strawman g 500

Class dismissed
Um, no. That is not a straw man.

It absolutely is. I've not heard a single person claim Mexican babies were going to slaughter Americans or run them out of their homeland.

Well, no one but you and a couple other libs. It does appear that I over estimated your intelligence
Dumb shits have been tossing out red herrings all over the place, so I used some humor to point out their tactics were failing.

Then one dipshit phrased his straw man in the form of an informal survey and I called him on it.

They are doing this to hide their fear and loathing of Mexican-American babies.
But you failed to call out the very same tactic that was posted by a liberal. Wonder why?
A straw man is a situation where a person creates an artificial point of view for their opponent and then knocks it down because it is easily attacked and can't be defended. The allegory in the name of the fallacy being that a straw man is easier to attack than a real man.

Or in other words

"The term anchor baby is offensive!"
THIS is a strawman g 500

Class dismissed
Um, no. That is not a straw man.

It absolutely is. I've not heard a single person claim Mexican babies were going to slaughter Americans or run them out of their homeland.

Well, no one but you and a couple other libs. It does appear that I over estimated your intelligence
Dumb shits have been tossing out red herrings all over the place, so I used some humor to point out their tactics were failing.

Then one dipshit phrased his straw man in the form of an informal survey and I called him on it.

They are doing this to hide their fear and loathing of Mexican-American babies.
But you failed to call out the very same tactic that was posted by a liberal. Wonder why?
If I did, it is because I failed to notice it.

Earlier today, I found myself defending bedowin against someone who had misunderstood him. And I can't stand bedowin.
A straw man is a situation where a person creates an artificial point of view for their opponent and then knocks it down because it is easily attacked and can't be defended. The allegory in the name of the fallacy being that a straw man is easier to attack than a real man.

Or in other words

"The term anchor baby is offensive!"
That is not a straw man. The term anchor baby actually is offensive to some people.

I am less concerned about their feelings than I am concerned about those people who want to kick the most innocent of US citizens out of America.
Some came before there were others, that's as "native" as it gets, and for 60 years no matter who owned the White House, and it was mostly the GOP, the borders weren't closed. The capitalists here didn't want them closed and they run the show. You'll just have to deal with that.

THIS is a strawman g 500

Class dismissed
Um, no. That is not a straw man.

It absolutely is. I've not heard a single person claim Mexican babies were going to slaughter Americans or run them out of their homeland.

Well, no one but you and a couple other libs. It does appear that I over estimated your intelligence
Dumb shits have been tossing out red herrings all over the place, so I used some humor to point out their tactics were failing.

Then one dipshit phrased his straw man in the form of an informal survey and I called him on it.

They are doing this to hide their fear and loathing of Mexican-American babies.
No one fears babies dumbass. That in and of itself is as stupid as any other asinine post in this thread.

You are failing miserably
Some came before there were others, that's as "native" as it gets, and for 60 years no matter who owned the White House, and it was mostly the GOP, the borders weren't closed. The capitalists here didn't want them closed and they run the show. You'll just have to deal with that.


It's all in one's ability to enforce one's will...

If you're subjected to an invasion and you cannot enforce your will, there is a Reservation in your future...

If you're subjected to an invasion and you CAN enforce your will, then, eventually, the problem gets solved in your favor...

Oh, that, and, the Level of Civilization which one's side has attained...

If you're still drifting-about in the Neolithic or Hunter-Gatherer or Herdsman Era, and your opponent is Industrial Age or better, well...

Life (and evolution) are sooooo unfair, aren't they?
THIS is a strawman g 500

Class dismissed
Um, no. That is not a straw man.

It absolutely is. I've not heard a single person claim Mexican babies were going to slaughter Americans or run them out of their homeland.

Well, no one but you and a couple other libs. It does appear that I over estimated your intelligence
Dumb shits have been tossing out red herrings all over the place, so I used some humor to point out their tactics were failing.

Then one dipshit phrased his straw man in the form of an informal survey and I called him on it.

They are doing this to hide their fear and loathing of Mexican-American babies.
But you failed to call out the very same tactic that was posted by a liberal. Wonder why?
If I did, it is because I failed to notice it.

Earlier today, I found myself defending bedowin against someone who had misunderstood him. And I can't stand bedowin.

I don't know why you do that. It makes you an enigma.
A straw man is a situation where a person creates an artificial point of view for their opponent and then knocks it down because it is easily attacked and can't be defended. The allegory in the name of the fallacy being that a straw man is easier to attack than a real man.

Or in other words

"The term anchor baby is offensive!"
That is not a straw man. The term anchor baby actually is offensive to some people.

I am less concerned about their feelings than I am concerned about those people who want to kick US citizens out of America.
So fucking what?

Seriously, grow a fucking pair and stop whining about inconsequential bullshit.
No one fears babies dumbass.

Then why do they make such an angry fuss over them? Anger is based in fear. And if they aren't afraid of these itty bitty Americans, why do they want to throw them out of America? You don't want to toss out Americans unless you are afraid of them.


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