Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

Well, from what I understand is Democrats don't want to be accountable for all the money. Of course Democrats and their lapdog media say Republicans hate veterans, which is bullshit.
What you understand is what you’re told to understand.

No, Republicans don’t hate veterans. They hate Democrats. They want to hurt Democrats by blaming them for the failure of this bill and they invented an excuse to do so. They’re depending on you to believe their excuse.

There’s nothing wrong with the bill.
how am i screwing them over when i want them to get every fucking penny while you only want them to get a percentage while your little congress assholes get some for their little projects? who is screwing them over me or you?....
The language in the bill says "manadory spending" for these vets who are sick from those burn pits. Which is pissing off motherfuckers like Cruz who won't be able to screw vets over in the future & cut the funding. Those scumbags want to destroy health care for vets & the VA & that bastard Trump floated the idea during his term but he knew he'd be crucified on election day if he did. And Republicans like Cruz were on board with the idea & still are.

Any vet who votes for Trump, Cruz & other scum like them are just asking for it.
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Discretionary means the Democrat filth in Congress and the White House has discretion. They could piss it away all kinds of ways and claim it is for the benefit of the veterans.

That is the Democrat scam. A $396 slush fund with no accountability.

Typical Democrat dishonesty.
Well, from what I understand is Democrats don't want to be accountable for all the money. Of course Democrats and their lapdog media say Republicans hate veterans, which is bullshit.
You understand WRONG
The complaint from Toomey is that he objects to the changing of existing spending from being discretionary to mandatory. That has always been his complaint.

Mandatory means it will be there for this purpose regardless of the whims of Congress

Discretionary means that it has to come up for s partisan battle every fucking year.

That's IT

That change in spending was in the bill that passed the Senate 84-16 and it's in the Bill that 25 asshole Republicans changed their vote on
You enjoy seeing veterans get screwed by Republican Senators
Hasn’t happened, you liar.
and then their fist-bumping over it.

Also not what happened, you liar
And then you go off topic with personal attacks/trolling against your fellow posters.

And I’ve replied in kind to the dishonest posting of lying hacks like you. Stop being so dishonest, and stop pretending you care about other posters with all the games you always play. You’re not just a fraud, but you’re also overtly obvious about it.

Gfy, troll.

This is long overdue: you offer nothing of value here ever. You are snarky and always (but always) dishonest. Therefore, I believe it is more than high time I banish you to the shit poster phantom zone. Iggy for you.

Discretionary means the Democrat filth in Congress and the White House has discretion. They could piss it away all kinds of ways and claim it is for the benefit of the veterans.

That is the Democrat scam. A $396 slush fund with no accountability.

Typical Democrat dishonesty. have a problem with "discretionary"......why are you crying when it's been changed to "mandatory" then? have a problem with "discretionary"......why are you crying when it's been changed to "mandatory" then?
These guys are so confused. They are just reading from the script.

But some of them don’t read so good.
And still not one word of concern for sick and injured Vets by these asshole koolaid drinking cynical republicans

Yea...that pisses me off.
If John Stewart was so passionate about veterans he’d be one.

The Democrat sonofabitches will use the money for anything they want; abortions, funding Illegal welfare, Environmental Wacko shit, Union payoffs, community organizing, gay and transgender outreach, etc. Hell, maybe even George Floyd will get a national monument out of it. it is.....attacking Jon Stewart because he's not a vet...........EVEN THO he's supporting vets while you are supporting those screwing the vets.

Well, I'm a vet and may the gods bless Jon Stewart!
What you understand is what you’re told to understand.

No, Republicans don’t hate veterans. They hate Democrats. They want to hurt Democrats by blaming them for the failure of this bill and they invented an excuse to do so. They’re depending on you to believe their excuse.

There’s nothing wrong with the bill.
I agree republicans hate democrats. At least you're one of the few honest democrats around here that isn't accusing us of hating veterans. it is.....attacking Jon Stewart because he's not a vet...........EVEN THO he's supporting vets while you are supporting those screwing the vets.

Well, I'm a vet and may the gods bless Jon Stewart!
What gods? What's their names?
Wow, I mean this thread should have ended hundreds of posts and days ago. Very early, I posted both versions of the bill. But I took it a step further, not only did I copy and paste the changes, I also copied and pasted the applicable portion of what Toomey was talking about.

From the very beginning, the funding was classified as, non-discretionary spending. Republicans didn't complain about that because, quite honestly, that is how almost all funding bills for all health care, the VA, Medicare, Medicaid, are structured. I mean imagine, the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan bill passed under Bush Jr, what if the funding would have been "discretionary", and subject to caps and limits. Dear Medicare Beneficiary, we are sorry to inform you that we have ran out of money and can no longer subsidize your premiums. Instead of paying $35 a month for your drug plan you have to pay $140, and remember, you are locked in until the end of the year. Hell, they would have ran to the Capital and made January 6 look like a damn picnic.

And initially, I was not sure what Toomey's motivation was. First, he is not running for reelection. His term is up at the end of this year. Second, he actually voted to convict Trump on his impeachment charges the second time around. Really comical that the same people that are out to crucify Romney and Cheney now regard Toomey as some kind of hero. But then it hit me. Toomey was picked to be the fall guy. He pays no repercussions if there is backlash, he ain't running again. He was the perfect pick. All the other Republicans keep their hands clean, and all this is really about is payback for Manchin finally agreeing to pass the watered down BBB act without a supermajority. If some Vets die in the process due to lack of access to medical care, then so be it. And make no mistake, there will be deaths.

But what is most insulting about all of this is the presumption of Republicans has to the sheer ignorance of their supporters. I mean right here, in this thread, we have individuals caterwalling about how the spending should be just for the Vets. How Democrats are going to take the money and spend it on something else. The exact opposite is the case here. By classifying the spending as non-discretionary, sometimes called MANDATORY, those dollars are protected. Not only is that spending not subject to caps, pay as you go rules, and the debt limit, they are also protected from some rouge president claiming an emergency and confiscating them.

Look, I don't expect many people to be as politically engaged as I am. Not many people are going to take the time to read pending bills, to intuitively know the Federal budget process, or even to keep up with who is running, who is not running, and who is retiring. But what I do expect is that even the most disengaged voter should know the difference between two words. Discretionary and non-discretionary. Hell, I have some nice dictionaries, but I collect books. Google is your friend. The reality is Republicans actually believe their supporters are too stupid to know the difference. I got to be honest, I would find that so insulting that I would never, ever, vote for a Republican again.
Wow. Your lengthy self-congratulatory post is the epitome of vainglorious self reference and self reverence. Nobody gives a rats ass in hell who you would or wouldn’t vote for, either.

And your assurance as to how bills are “usually” funded is of zero import. As Dylan once sagely observed; the times, they are a-changin’.

The fact remains: if it is true that the draft version of the bill slipped in a change that hadn’t been jointly agreed to by the Dims and the Republicans, then shame on Schumer for trying that crap. And shame on the GOP for having missed it in June.

But the GOP apparently caught it in time to address it in late July. Good on the home team! And if the Dims choose not to honor the negotiated terms, now, they can fucking own the failure of this piece of legislation to pass.

You continue to vote for the conniving Dims, Winnie. I’m sure that’s all you’ve ever done anyway. Go sit in the corner, now.
Hasn’t happened, you liar.

Also not what happened, you liar

And I’ve replied in kind to the dishonest posting of lying hacks like you. Stop being so dishonest, and stop pretending you care about other posters with all the games you always play. You’re not just a fraud, but you’re also overtly obvious about it.

Gfy, troll.

This is long overdue: you offer nothing of value here ever. You are snarky and always (but always) dishonest. Therefore, I believe it is more than high time I banish you to the shit poster phantom zone. Iggy for you.

Motherfuckers like Cruz object to the language saying "mandatory" because they can't screw over vets who need this funding in the future for their health care, you moron.

In a non election year those lowlife assholes will cut that fnding using the defecit as an excuse just as sure as this is the month of August.

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