

Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
  1. 1.
    the attribution of a soul to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena.
  2. 2.
    the belief in a supernatural power that organizes and animates the material universe.
Thoughts? I think I have a smidge of that on my path, too. Anything alive, I believe has a "soul" (energy force connected to one large source...which is the christian God).
  1. 1.
    the attribution of a soul to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena.
  2. 2.
    the belief in a supernatural power that organizes and animates the material universe.
Thoughts? I think I have a smidge of that on my path, too. Anything alive, I believe has a "soul" (energy force connected to one large source...which is the christian God).

I am an agnostic but I have been to places like Muley Point on top of Cedar Mesa in Utah, and Ayers Rock in Australia where I can actually just sit and listen and look. I am by nature a very frenetic person. I have to be doing something all the time. I just am uncomfortable as hell when I have nothing to do. Truly drives me crazy....but at those two places I have sat and done nothing for hours and was absolutely at peace....

If it is has a soul. The energy in that being..plant, tree, animal, has soul/energy. Some call it soul. Some energy. Both are the same to me. All connected. We are just not advanced enough or enlightened enough to understand it. Yet.
We all feed off each other. Energy sucking vampires, so to speak. So yeah..eating a trout is delicious. Their energy entered into ours by consuming it. When we die, our energy moves on..somewhere. Either sucked into one of the many beams radiating out of us,or directly back to the source to be dispersed wherever it is needed.

Have you (general *you*) ever been around someone and you feel just sucked dry of energy? And a feeling of being tired and just empty? Your energy was just sucked and not in a good way.
Every been around someone that fills you full of joy? They just fed you some of their good energy.
We all feed off each other. Energy sucking vampires, so to speak. So yeah..eating a trout is delicious. Their energy entered into ours by consuming it. When we die, our energy moves on..somewhere. Either sucked into one of the many beams radiating out of us,or directly back to the source to be dispersed wherever it is needed.

Have you (general *you*) ever been around someone and you feel just sucked dry of energy? And a feeling of being tired and just empty? Your energy was just sucked and not in a good way.
Every been around someone that fills you full of joy? They just fed you some of their good energy.

No one fills me with joy like my daughter! She is just an amazing bundle of energy who pounds on me unmercifully! She's a hoot! There are certain people though who truly are succubi. There was this one guy who used to go to the gun shows with a friend of mine. He was both a succubus and a first class asshole. Eventually we told the friend to not bring him any more as he was not welcome anymore.

Fortunately the friend did so and he had so much better of a time that he completely stopped hanging around with the asshole. It's been years now and he is so much happier it is astounding.
A long time ago, I saw a program on tv...a sort of experiment. Sensors were put on a plant, then a leaf was cut off. The sensors went wild at the first cut. Actually, the sensors went off with the cutters were just touching the leaf before the cut but majorly went bonkers once the cut was done. The plant felt the pain. Or if not pain...the removal of one of its parts. It fascinated me.
I saw this when I was just a kid. It stayed with me for a very long time and still is. When I cut the lawn..I feel guilty.

Once when I was a kid, too, Ma took my sister and I out inthe country to get mushrooms. She taught us which ones were safe, which were poisonous. During one of those outtings, we split up in a huge field of grass and it was just after a rain. I stumbled across a skeleton of a dog...tied to a stake in the middle of that field, with a water bowl too far away for the dog to drink but close enough to drive it mad that it couldn't reach it. I think I was about 7 years old. That is the first time I had my epiphany of the cruelty of human beings to do that to an animal. That dog died, stretched out as far as that chain would go, and still could not reach the water bowl. In my young mind, I couldn't grasp WHY they did such a thing. To make it suffer like that.
That is when I began to not like people very much.
A long time ago, I saw a program on tv...a sort of experiment. Sensors were put on a plant, then a leaf was cut off. The sensors went wild at the first cut. Actually, the sensors went off with the cutters were just touching the leaf before the cut but majorly went bonkers once the cut was done. The plant felt the pain. Or if not pain...the removal of one of its parts. It fascinated me.
I saw this when I was just a kid. It stayed with me for a very long time and still is. When I cut the lawn..I feel guilty.

Once when I was a kid, too, Ma took my sister and I out inthe country to get mushrooms. She taught us which ones were safe, which were poisonous. During one of those outtings, we split up in a huge field of grass and it was just after a rain. I stumbled across a skeleton of a dog...tied to a stake in the middle of that field, with a water bowl too far away for the dog to drink but close enough to drive it mad that it couldn't reach it. I think I was about 7 years old. That is the first time I had my epiphany of the cruelty of human beings to do that to an animal. That dog died, stretched out as far as that chain would go, and still could not reach the water bowl. In my young mind, I couldn't grasp WHY they did such a thing. To make it suffer like that.
That is when I began to not like people very much.

Yup. That's why when vegetarians get all high and mighty I just laugh at them. Anything living suffers when it is killed. The goal is to make the suffering as short as possible and be grateful for its sacrifice. My wife who took herbalist courses many years ago, claims that plants want to be used. I'm not so sure about that....
Bees can recognize human faces. I saw that on TV too. I think it was the Nova station. I wondered why bees would fly up to my face when I was watering the yard, hover, then fly off. And when I said "MOVE!" to spray...hundreds of them would spread apart like the red sea did for Moses. I would slowly move the spray hose of water and they would fall in behind. But not before I picked up the hose, turned it on and they buzzed me. Looking at me, understanding my intent, and moving out of the way.

Google it. Scientists have studied bees and yes..they do recognize us. Which ones swat or run or scream, and which ones mean no harm to them.

How can something like a bee recoginize a human face, know that face and tag it as good or bad, and not have a soul?
My wife who took herbalist courses many years ago, claims that plants want to be used.
Wheat and grains have built in protectors for themselves. Which is why gluten is so bad. The body cannot break it down like it is supposed to. Just like colorful snakes, frogs, etc, let predators know they are poisonous and not to try to eat them or octopus that can squirt ink and change color to hide. I don't think plants want to be used, but I also think plants know there are more of them than there is of us.

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