Another win for Religious Liberty

You know, I am coming to the conclusion that you actually believe your RW talking point that we are "encouraging people to make a dangerous trek in the desert". That is too fucking dumb to even debate. We are saving lives. In fact, more often than not, our only personal encounter with illegals is when they approach us and ask for help getting out of the desert. The help we provide is to radio Border patrol and tell them where to pick them up.

And, no. It is not against the law to leave clothing, medication, water, and food for illegals, or anybody else, unless some hard ass wants to send us to jail for littering. It is against the law to transport them, which we do not do. In fact, when they see us, they usually stay hidden until we are gone.

You have the right to be wrong. It's ok, I'm used to left-wingers being wrong.

Body of a 6-year-old girl from India is found in the Arizona desert - CNN

Pat yourself on the back dude. You are saving lives.... like this 6 year old girl. Well done jackass.

Wow, way to use a tragedy to make a political point. I am sure Jesus is very proud of you right now.
And such unwholesome language after lecturing me on the subject.
Seems there is a word to describe such actions...starts with an H...

Yeah, he would. I'm trying to save lives, by encouraging people to not trek through the desert and die. What are you doing? Leaving water to encourage them to do so, resulting in more deaths?

And yes, I am going to keep repeating that, because I know I'm right.

As long as we're in this debate, I'm going to keep saying that in every post. I know I'm right on this. You have zero evidence to support you.

If people were warned that you'll die trying to cross the desert on foot, instead of having groups stating openly they are dropping food and water for people to cross the desert on foot.... I know fewer people would be doing this. It's human nature.

You cannot make the case, that people looking at that choice, would not be influenced by "Hey this is risky, and people die constantly doing it" or being told "Yeah there are groups dropping water and food in the desert, so you can cross safely".

You arguing otherwise, is a joke. And it's why people like me who support charities that help people, are better than your groups that kill people.

You can deny it until the end of time.... you kill people. It's a fact.

well, you are right about one thing, there is no evidence or data to support your bull shit claim...all you have is “because I said so”. That explains why you are a right wing Trump worshiper, you accept things as true based on feelings and not data and facts.

Well keep killing people. I'm sure Jesus will pat you on the back for the trail of bodies you left in the desert.

Now you are bearing false witness against me...what a shitty Christian you turned out to be
You have the right to be wrong. It's ok, I'm used to left-wingers being wrong.

Body of a 6-year-old girl from India is found in the Arizona desert - CNN

Pat yourself on the back dude. You are saving lives.... like this 6 year old girl. Well done jackass.

Wow, way to use a tragedy to make a political point. I am sure Jesus is very proud of you right now.
And such unwholesome language after lecturing me on the subject.
Seems there is a word to describe such actions...starts with an H...

Yeah, he would. I'm trying to save lives, by encouraging people to not trek through the desert and die. What are you doing? Leaving water to encourage them to do so, resulting in more deaths?

And yes, I am going to keep repeating that, because I know I'm right.

As long as we're in this debate, I'm going to keep saying that in every post. I know I'm right on this. You have zero evidence to support you.

If people were warned that you'll die trying to cross the desert on foot, instead of having groups stating openly they are dropping food and water for people to cross the desert on foot.... I know fewer people would be doing this. It's human nature.

You cannot make the case, that people looking at that choice, would not be influenced by "Hey this is risky, and people die constantly doing it" or being told "Yeah there are groups dropping water and food in the desert, so you can cross safely".

You arguing otherwise, is a joke. And it's why people like me who support charities that help people, are better than your groups that kill people.

You can deny it until the end of time.... you kill people. It's a fact.

well, you are right about one thing, there is no evidence or data to support your bull shit claim...all you have is “because I said so”. That explains why you are a right wing Trump worshiper, you accept things as true based on feelings and not data and facts.

Well keep killing people. I'm sure Jesus will pat you on the back for the trail of bodies you left in the desert.

Now you are bearing false witness against me...what a shitty Christian you turned out to be

No, I'm telling the truth, and its ticking you off. I can't help that. Truth hurts.
You know, I am coming to the conclusion that you actually believe your RW talking point that we are "encouraging people to make a dangerous trek in the desert". That is too fucking dumb to even debate. We are saving lives. In fact, more often than not, our only personal encounter with illegals is when they approach us and ask for help getting out of the desert. The help we provide is to radio Border patrol and tell them where to pick them up.

And, no. It is not against the law to leave clothing, medication, water, and food for illegals, or anybody else, unless some hard ass wants to send us to jail for littering. It is against the law to transport them, which we do not do. In fact, when they see us, they usually stay hidden until we are gone.

You have the right to be wrong. It's ok, I'm used to left-wingers being wrong.

Body of a 6-year-old girl from India is found in the Arizona desert - CNN

Pat yourself on the back dude. You are saving lives.... like this 6 year old girl. Well done jackass.
It isn't just Mexico. They come here from around the world. It has to stop.

Yeah. It's all over.

In fact, that story illustrates one of the big problems. If a 6-year-old from India can fly to Mexico, and trek through the desert to enter illegally... then of course terrorists can.

This is why we need a wall. You can't just have a wide open border.
And the only reason she came wad because someone in India told her that strangers were leaving food and water at random spots in the desert.

Again.... I personally put up an immigrant from India. I went to his citizenship ceremony. We have talked all about this.

The people here from other countries, are constantly coordinating with people back home. Constantly. When a migrant shows up, they don't show up just randomly. They are not in their home country, saying "ya know... America sounds like a good idea, let's go tomorrow".

Not how it works. They are talking ALL THE TIME with people back from their country. I have personally helped a migrant apply for VISAs for their family and friends. I've done it. And those people are calling people here in this country, and saying "how did you do it?".

So a GUARANTEE.... 100%, no doubt in my mind..... that they are calling people here, and saying "How did you get there?" and the people here are saying "It was fine. People leave water on the trail, you'll be fine".

And equally, I guarantee that people who barely made it, are saying "It was hell on Earth, and I could have died, don't do it"... those people would not be trying it.

So yes. I know migrants. I work with migrants. Some of my closest friends are migrants. I know what they are doing, and I know how it works.

Answer..... Yes sir. They are telling people that strangers are leaving food and water in the desert, and they will be able to make it. And yes, they are using that information in determining whether to risk trekking through the desert.

Absolutely. You don't know what you are talking about, if you think otherwise. You are simply an ignorant man, if you think otherwise.

And after all that ranting you still have nothing more than “because I said so”.
Wow, way to use a tragedy to make a political point. I am sure Jesus is very proud of you right now.
And such unwholesome language after lecturing me on the subject.
Seems there is a word to describe such actions...starts with an H...

Yeah, he would. I'm trying to save lives, by encouraging people to not trek through the desert and die. What are you doing? Leaving water to encourage them to do so, resulting in more deaths?

And yes, I am going to keep repeating that, because I know I'm right.

As long as we're in this debate, I'm going to keep saying that in every post. I know I'm right on this. You have zero evidence to support you.

If people were warned that you'll die trying to cross the desert on foot, instead of having groups stating openly they are dropping food and water for people to cross the desert on foot.... I know fewer people would be doing this. It's human nature.

You cannot make the case, that people looking at that choice, would not be influenced by "Hey this is risky, and people die constantly doing it" or being told "Yeah there are groups dropping water and food in the desert, so you can cross safely".

You arguing otherwise, is a joke. And it's why people like me who support charities that help people, are better than your groups that kill people.

You can deny it until the end of time.... you kill people. It's a fact.

well, you are right about one thing, there is no evidence or data to support your bull shit claim...all you have is “because I said so”. That explains why you are a right wing Trump worshiper, you accept things as true based on feelings and not data and facts.

Well keep killing people. I'm sure Jesus will pat you on the back for the trail of bodies you left in the desert.

Now you are bearing false witness against me...what a shitty Christian you turned out to be

No, I'm telling the truth, and its ticking you off. I can't help that. Truth hurts.
Wow, way to use a tragedy to make a political point. I am sure Jesus is very proud of you right now.
And such unwholesome language after lecturing me on the subject.
Seems there is a word to describe such actions...starts with an H...

Yeah, he would. I'm trying to save lives, by encouraging people to not trek through the desert and die. What are you doing? Leaving water to encourage them to do so, resulting in more deaths?

And yes, I am going to keep repeating that, because I know I'm right.

As long as we're in this debate, I'm going to keep saying that in every post. I know I'm right on this. You have zero evidence to support you.

If people were warned that you'll die trying to cross the desert on foot, instead of having groups stating openly they are dropping food and water for people to cross the desert on foot.... I know fewer people would be doing this. It's human nature.

You cannot make the case, that people looking at that choice, would not be influenced by "Hey this is risky, and people die constantly doing it" or being told "Yeah there are groups dropping water and food in the desert, so you can cross safely".

You arguing otherwise, is a joke. And it's why people like me who support charities that help people, are better than your groups that kill people.

You can deny it until the end of time.... you kill people. It's a fact.

well, you are right about one thing, there is no evidence or data to support your bull shit claim...all you have is “because I said so”. That explains why you are a right wing Trump worshiper, you accept things as true based on feelings and not data and facts.

Well keep killing people. I'm sure Jesus will pat you on the back for the trail of bodies you left in the desert.

Now you are bearing false witness against me...what a shitty Christian you turned out to be

No, I'm telling the truth, and its ticking you off. I can't help that. Truth hurts.

Not mad or ticked off at all. I appreciate when you fake Christians show your true colors.
You know, I am coming to the conclusion that you actually believe your RW talking point that we are "encouraging people to make a dangerous trek in the desert". That is too fucking dumb to even debate. We are saving lives. In fact, more often than not, our only personal encounter with illegals is when they approach us and ask for help getting out of the desert. The help we provide is to radio Border patrol and tell them where to pick them up.

And, no. It is not against the law to leave clothing, medication, water, and food for illegals, or anybody else, unless some hard ass wants to send us to jail for littering. It is against the law to transport them, which we do not do. In fact, when they see us, they usually stay hidden until we are gone.

You have the right to be wrong. It's ok, I'm used to left-wingers being wrong.

Body of a 6-year-old girl from India is found in the Arizona desert - CNN

Pat yourself on the back dude. You are saving lives.... like this 6 year old girl. Well done jackass.
It isn't just Mexico. They come here from around the world. It has to stop.

Yeah. It's all over.

In fact, that story illustrates one of the big problems. If a 6-year-old from India can fly to Mexico, and trek through the desert to enter illegally... then of course terrorists can.

This is why we need a wall. You can't just have a wide open border.
And the only reason she came wad because someone in India told her that strangers were leaving food and water at random spots in the desert.

Again.... I personally put up an immigrant from India. I went to his citizenship ceremony. We have talked all about this.

The people here from other countries, are constantly coordinating with people back home. Constantly. When a migrant shows up, they don't show up just randomly. They are not in their home country, saying "ya know... America sounds like a good idea, let's go tomorrow".

Not how it works. They are talking ALL THE TIME with people back from their country. I have personally helped a migrant apply for VISAs for their family and friends. I've done it. And those people are calling people here in this country, and saying "how did you do it?".

So a GUARANTEE.... 100%, no doubt in my mind..... that they are calling people here, and saying "How did you get there?" and the people here are saying "It was fine. People leave water on the trail, you'll be fine".

And equally, I guarantee that people who barely made it, are saying "It was hell on Earth, and I could have died, don't do it"... those people would not be trying it.

So yes. I know migrants. I work with migrants. Some of my closest friends are migrants. I know what they are doing, and I know how it works.

Answer..... Yes sir. They are telling people that strangers are leaving food and water in the desert, and they will be able to make it. And yes, they are using that information in determining whether to risk trekking through the desert.

Absolutely. You don't know what you are talking about, if you think otherwise. You are simply an ignorant man, if you think otherwise.

You knowing it in your heart of hearts does not make it true. There is more proof of visits from extraterrestrial beings than evidence people leave their countries because some guy leaves water. Do you know what the leading cause of death of illegal border crossers is?
Yeah, he would. I'm trying to save lives, by encouraging people to not trek through the desert and die. What are you doing? Leaving water to encourage them to do so, resulting in more deaths?

And yes, I am going to keep repeating that, because I know I'm right.

As long as we're in this debate, I'm going to keep saying that in every post. I know I'm right on this. You have zero evidence to support you.

If people were warned that you'll die trying to cross the desert on foot, instead of having groups stating openly they are dropping food and water for people to cross the desert on foot.... I know fewer people would be doing this. It's human nature.

You cannot make the case, that people looking at that choice, would not be influenced by "Hey this is risky, and people die constantly doing it" or being told "Yeah there are groups dropping water and food in the desert, so you can cross safely".

You arguing otherwise, is a joke. And it's why people like me who support charities that help people, are better than your groups that kill people.

You can deny it until the end of time.... you kill people. It's a fact.

well, you are right about one thing, there is no evidence or data to support your bull shit claim...all you have is “because I said so”. That explains why you are a right wing Trump worshiper, you accept things as true based on feelings and not data and facts.

Well keep killing people. I'm sure Jesus will pat you on the back for the trail of bodies you left in the desert.

Now you are bearing false witness against me...what a shitty Christian you turned out to be

No, I'm telling the truth, and its ticking you off. I can't help that. Truth hurts.
Yeah, he would. I'm trying to save lives, by encouraging people to not trek through the desert and die. What are you doing? Leaving water to encourage them to do so, resulting in more deaths?

And yes, I am going to keep repeating that, because I know I'm right.

As long as we're in this debate, I'm going to keep saying that in every post. I know I'm right on this. You have zero evidence to support you.

If people were warned that you'll die trying to cross the desert on foot, instead of having groups stating openly they are dropping food and water for people to cross the desert on foot.... I know fewer people would be doing this. It's human nature.

You cannot make the case, that people looking at that choice, would not be influenced by "Hey this is risky, and people die constantly doing it" or being told "Yeah there are groups dropping water and food in the desert, so you can cross safely".

You arguing otherwise, is a joke. And it's why people like me who support charities that help people, are better than your groups that kill people.

You can deny it until the end of time.... you kill people. It's a fact.

well, you are right about one thing, there is no evidence or data to support your bull shit claim...all you have is “because I said so”. That explains why you are a right wing Trump worshiper, you accept things as true based on feelings and not data and facts.

Well keep killing people. I'm sure Jesus will pat you on the back for the trail of bodies you left in the desert.

Now you are bearing false witness against me...what a shitty Christian you turned out to be

No, I'm telling the truth, and its ticking you off. I can't help that. Truth hurts.

Not mad or ticked off at all. I appreciate when you fake Christians show your true colors.

Says someone who is getting people killed.
Your statements about me, mean nothing when your actions are causing the death of people.
You have the right to be wrong. It's ok, I'm used to left-wingers being wrong.

Body of a 6-year-old girl from India is found in the Arizona desert - CNN

Pat yourself on the back dude. You are saving lives.... like this 6 year old girl. Well done jackass.
It isn't just Mexico. They come here from around the world. It has to stop.

Yeah. It's all over.

In fact, that story illustrates one of the big problems. If a 6-year-old from India can fly to Mexico, and trek through the desert to enter illegally... then of course terrorists can.

This is why we need a wall. You can't just have a wide open border.
And the only reason she came wad because someone in India told her that strangers were leaving food and water at random spots in the desert.

Again.... I personally put up an immigrant from India. I went to his citizenship ceremony. We have talked all about this.

The people here from other countries, are constantly coordinating with people back home. Constantly. When a migrant shows up, they don't show up just randomly. They are not in their home country, saying "ya know... America sounds like a good idea, let's go tomorrow".

Not how it works. They are talking ALL THE TIME with people back from their country. I have personally helped a migrant apply for VISAs for their family and friends. I've done it. And those people are calling people here in this country, and saying "how did you do it?".

So a GUARANTEE.... 100%, no doubt in my mind..... that they are calling people here, and saying "How did you get there?" and the people here are saying "It was fine. People leave water on the trail, you'll be fine".

And equally, I guarantee that people who barely made it, are saying "It was hell on Earth, and I could have died, don't do it"... those people would not be trying it.

So yes. I know migrants. I work with migrants. Some of my closest friends are migrants. I know what they are doing, and I know how it works.

Answer..... Yes sir. They are telling people that strangers are leaving food and water in the desert, and they will be able to make it. And yes, they are using that information in determining whether to risk trekking through the desert.

Absolutely. You don't know what you are talking about, if you think otherwise. You are simply an ignorant man, if you think otherwise.

And after all that ranting you still have nothing more than “because I said so”.

Like a doctor talking about heart surgery he has actually done, and some internet troll saying "So you still have no evidence!".

It's just as I thought. Once someone points out how you are causing harm, it doesn't matter what they say, because your pride will never accept anything that contradicts what you are engaged in.

Just go cause more deaths. It's obvious trying to convince you not to harm people, is a waste of time.
well, you are right about one thing, there is no evidence or data to support your bull shit claim...all you have is “because I said so”. That explains why you are a right wing Trump worshiper, you accept things as true based on feelings and not data and facts.

Well keep killing people. I'm sure Jesus will pat you on the back for the trail of bodies you left in the desert.

Now you are bearing false witness against me...what a shitty Christian you turned out to be

No, I'm telling the truth, and its ticking you off. I can't help that. Truth hurts.
well, you are right about one thing, there is no evidence or data to support your bull shit claim...all you have is “because I said so”. That explains why you are a right wing Trump worshiper, you accept things as true based on feelings and not data and facts.

Well keep killing people. I'm sure Jesus will pat you on the back for the trail of bodies you left in the desert.

Now you are bearing false witness against me...what a shitty Christian you turned out to be

No, I'm telling the truth, and its ticking you off. I can't help that. Truth hurts.

Not mad or ticked off at all. I appreciate when you fake Christians show your true colors.

Says someone who is getting people killed.
Your statements about me, mean nothing when your actions are causing the death of innocent people.

Why do you keep lying about me? Name one action I have committed that has caused the death of innocent people.
It isn't just Mexico. They come here from around the world. It has to stop.

Yeah. It's all over.

In fact, that story illustrates one of the big problems. If a 6-year-old from India can fly to Mexico, and trek through the desert to enter illegally... then of course terrorists can.

This is why we need a wall. You can't just have a wide open border.
And the only reason she came wad because someone in India told her that strangers were leaving food and water at random spots in the desert.

Again.... I personally put up an immigrant from India. I went to his citizenship ceremony. We have talked all about this.

The people here from other countries, are constantly coordinating with people back home. Constantly. When a migrant shows up, they don't show up just randomly. They are not in their home country, saying "ya know... America sounds like a good idea, let's go tomorrow".

Not how it works. They are talking ALL THE TIME with people back from their country. I have personally helped a migrant apply for VISAs for their family and friends. I've done it. And those people are calling people here in this country, and saying "how did you do it?".

So a GUARANTEE.... 100%, no doubt in my mind..... that they are calling people here, and saying "How did you get there?" and the people here are saying "It was fine. People leave water on the trail, you'll be fine".

And equally, I guarantee that people who barely made it, are saying "It was hell on Earth, and I could have died, don't do it"... those people would not be trying it.

So yes. I know migrants. I work with migrants. Some of my closest friends are migrants. I know what they are doing, and I know how it works.

Answer..... Yes sir. They are telling people that strangers are leaving food and water in the desert, and they will be able to make it. And yes, they are using that information in determining whether to risk trekking through the desert.

Absolutely. You don't know what you are talking about, if you think otherwise. You are simply an ignorant man, if you think otherwise.

And after all that ranting you still have nothing more than “because I said so”.

Like a doctor talking about heart surgery he has actually done, and some internet troll saying "So you still have no evidence!".

It's just as I thought. Once someone points out how you are causing harm, it doesn't matter what they say, because your pride will never accept anything that contradicts what you are engaged in.

Just go cause more deaths. It's obvious trying to convince you not to harm people, is a waste of time.

The surgeon can provide evidence....all you can tell us is your feelings.
It isn't just Mexico. They come here from around the world. It has to stop.

Yeah. It's all over.

In fact, that story illustrates one of the big problems. If a 6-year-old from India can fly to Mexico, and trek through the desert to enter illegally... then of course terrorists can.

This is why we need a wall. You can't just have a wide open border.
And the only reason she came wad because someone in India told her that strangers were leaving food and water at random spots in the desert.

Again.... I personally put up an immigrant from India. I went to his citizenship ceremony. We have talked all about this.

The people here from other countries, are constantly coordinating with people back home. Constantly. When a migrant shows up, they don't show up just randomly. They are not in their home country, saying "ya know... America sounds like a good idea, let's go tomorrow".

Not how it works. They are talking ALL THE TIME with people back from their country. I have personally helped a migrant apply for VISAs for their family and friends. I've done it. And those people are calling people here in this country, and saying "how did you do it?".

So a GUARANTEE.... 100%, no doubt in my mind..... that they are calling people here, and saying "How did you get there?" and the people here are saying "It was fine. People leave water on the trail, you'll be fine".

And equally, I guarantee that people who barely made it, are saying "It was hell on Earth, and I could have died, don't do it"... those people would not be trying it.

So yes. I know migrants. I work with migrants. Some of my closest friends are migrants. I know what they are doing, and I know how it works.

Answer..... Yes sir. They are telling people that strangers are leaving food and water in the desert, and they will be able to make it. And yes, they are using that information in determining whether to risk trekking through the desert.

Absolutely. You don't know what you are talking about, if you think otherwise. You are simply an ignorant man, if you think otherwise.

And after all that ranting you still have nothing more than “because I said so”.

Like a doctor talking about heart surgery he has actually done, and some internet troll saying "So you still have no evidence!".

It's just as I thought. Once someone points out how you are causing harm, it doesn't matter what they say, because your pride will never accept anything that contradicts what you are engaged in.

Just go cause more deaths. It's obvious trying to convince you not to harm people, is a waste of time.

A heart surgeon will have data to support claims they make. If a heart surgeon told me to eat nothing but apples because it is good for my heart I would ask for evidence.

I am a data analyst by trade, I need data before I believe things...your made up internet stories are not really good enough.
Well keep killing people. I'm sure Jesus will pat you on the back for the trail of bodies you left in the desert.

Now you are bearing false witness against me...what a shitty Christian you turned out to be

No, I'm telling the truth, and its ticking you off. I can't help that. Truth hurts.
Well keep killing people. I'm sure Jesus will pat you on the back for the trail of bodies you left in the desert.

Now you are bearing false witness against me...what a shitty Christian you turned out to be

No, I'm telling the truth, and its ticking you off. I can't help that. Truth hurts.

Not mad or ticked off at all. I appreciate when you fake Christians show your true colors.

Says someone who is getting people killed.
Your statements about me, mean nothing when your actions are causing the death of innocent people.

Why do you keep lying about me? Name one action I have committed that has caused the death of innocent people.

I just did. Your actions, by leaving food and water in the desert, is encouraging more people to take an exceptionally risky trek into the desert. Instead of using your resources to discourage risky behavior and enter legally, you are causing more people to do out into the desert where people routinely die.... and I just posted an article of a 6-year-old girl killed by a path paved with good intentions.

If you are engaged in an action that causes more people to engage in risky behavior, you are as guilty as the guy who gives a drunk a drink and his car keys, or pays his heroin addict kids money so they don't get evicted.

Both of those actions, directly encourage risky behavior that results in death. So does leaving water out in the desert. The groups that I support, try and discourage risky desert treks, while helping those entering legally. We save lives. You end lives.

I'm not lying. You just don't like the truth.
Now you are bearing false witness against me...what a shitty Christian you turned out to be

No, I'm telling the truth, and its ticking you off. I can't help that. Truth hurts.
Now you are bearing false witness against me...what a shitty Christian you turned out to be

No, I'm telling the truth, and its ticking you off. I can't help that. Truth hurts.

Not mad or ticked off at all. I appreciate when you fake Christians show your true colors.

Says someone who is getting people killed.
Your statements about me, mean nothing when your actions are causing the death of innocent people.

Why do you keep lying about me? Name one action I have committed that has caused the death of innocent people.

I just did. Your actions, by leaving food and water in the desert, is encouraging more people to take an exceptionally risky trek into the desert. Instead of using your resources to discourage risky behavior and enter legally, you are causing more people to do out into the desert where people routinely die.... and I just posted an article of a 6-year-old girl killed by a path paved with good intentions.

If you are engaged in an action that causes more people to engage in risky behavior, you are as guilty as the guy who gives a drunk a drink and his car keys, or pays his heroin addict kids money so they don't get evicted.

Both of those actions, directly encourage risky behavior that results in death. So does leaving water out in the desert. The groups that I support, try and discourage risky desert treks, while helping those entering legally. We save lives. You end lives.

I'm not lying. You just don't like the truth.

I have never left food and water for are a bold faced liar and if you were a real Christian you would ask for my forgiveness for bearing false witness against me.
All I have done is support the religious liberty of those who feel the passage from Jesus about giving water to the thirty leads them to this action.

I cannot believe you call yourself a Christian and spread such lies about me.

There is a special place in hell for people like you.
Now you are bearing false witness against me...what a shitty Christian you turned out to be

No, I'm telling the truth, and its ticking you off. I can't help that. Truth hurts.
Now you are bearing false witness against me...what a shitty Christian you turned out to be

No, I'm telling the truth, and its ticking you off. I can't help that. Truth hurts.

Not mad or ticked off at all. I appreciate when you fake Christians show your true colors.

Says someone who is getting people killed.
Your statements about me, mean nothing when your actions are causing the death of innocent people.

Why do you keep lying about me? Name one action I have committed that has caused the death of innocent people.

I just did. Your actions, by leaving food and water in the desert, is encouraging more people to take an exceptionally risky trek into the desert. Instead of using your resources to discourage risky behavior and enter legally, you are causing more people to do out into the desert where people routinely die.... and I just posted an article of a 6-year-old girl killed by a path paved with good intentions.

If you are engaged in an action that causes more people to engage in risky behavior, you are as guilty as the guy who gives a drunk a drink and his car keys, or pays his heroin addict kids money so they don't get evicted.

Both of those actions, directly encourage risky behavior that results in death. So does leaving water out in the desert. The groups that I support, try and discourage risky desert treks, while helping those entering legally. We save lives. You end lives.

I'm not lying. You just don't like the truth.

Also, you keep making a false claim and use it to accuse me of killing people. If you are going to accuse people of murder then you better provide some data and not just your fucked up feelings.
No, I'm telling the truth, and its ticking you off. I can't help that. Truth hurts.
No, I'm telling the truth, and its ticking you off. I can't help that. Truth hurts.

Not mad or ticked off at all. I appreciate when you fake Christians show your true colors.

Says someone who is getting people killed.
Your statements about me, mean nothing when your actions are causing the death of innocent people.

Why do you keep lying about me? Name one action I have committed that has caused the death of innocent people.

I just did. Your actions, by leaving food and water in the desert, is encouraging more people to take an exceptionally risky trek into the desert. Instead of using your resources to discourage risky behavior and enter legally, you are causing more people to do out into the desert where people routinely die.... and I just posted an article of a 6-year-old girl killed by a path paved with good intentions.

If you are engaged in an action that causes more people to engage in risky behavior, you are as guilty as the guy who gives a drunk a drink and his car keys, or pays his heroin addict kids money so they don't get evicted.

Both of those actions, directly encourage risky behavior that results in death. So does leaving water out in the desert. The groups that I support, try and discourage risky desert treks, while helping those entering legally. We save lives. You end lives.

I'm not lying. You just don't like the truth.

I have never left food and water for are a bold faced liar and if you were a real Christian you would ask for my forgiveness for bearing false witness against me.
All I have done is support the religious liberty of those who feel the passage from Jesus about giving water to the thirty leads them to this action.

I cannot believe you call yourself a Christian and spread such lies about me.

There is a special place in hell for people like you.

Is this another case of the non-religious folks being expert in the interpretation of Christianity? I think so.

Many Democrats and socially left-wing independents think they are experts in everything...except they aren't.
Is this another case of the non-religious folks being expert in the interpretation of Christianity? I think so.

Many Democrats and socially left-wing independents think they are experts in everything...except they aren't.

The farther removed they are from any actual knowledge of any such subject, the more they imagine themselves to be “experts” on it.
Is this another case of the non-religious folks being expert in the interpretation of Christianity? I think so.


"I think..."...those words are were you went wrong. You should not try and do things that are outside of your ability to do, for you that would include thinking.

I was just about born in to the church, baptized in the 5th grade and a part of a church for the next 40 years after that. I was the Protestant Lay Reader for my boot-camp platoon and have a minor on Biblical History.

I have held many lay positions over the years, from Children's church director to bible study teacher to outreach coordinator as well as Commander of an Awana club of over 500 children.

I would happily put my experience and training up against anyone on this forum, starting with you if you would like to give it go...
Is this another case of the non-religious folks being expert in the interpretation of Christianity? I think so.

Many Democrats and socially left-wing independents think they are experts in everything...except they aren't.

The farther removed they are from any actual knowledge of any such subject, the more they imagine themselves to be “experts” on it.

The Bible says very little about "nation" to begin with, that's arguably quite a different topic altogether.
Judge's Ruling Shows Religious Freedom Isn’t Just For The Christian Right

For Scott Warren, a 37-year-old geography teacher from Ajo, Arizona, freedom of religion means making sure migrants crossing a treacherous stretch of desert along the U.S.-Mexico border don’t die of dehydration.

What do you all think, does this fall under Religious Liberty?

Religious freedom is not a license to commit criminal acts.

Giving aid and comfort to foreign invaders is treason, one of the most serious criminal acts that an American citizen can commit. This should not stand, any more than it would stand for someone to claim a religious obligation to rob banks, or murder unbelievers.

Immigrants and migrants entering the country are not ‘invaders.’

That an immigrant might be undocumented doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal.’

Undocumented immigrants are entitled to a presumption of innocence and due process of law.
That seems accurate.
Yeah, he would. I'm trying to save lives, by encouraging people to not trek through the desert and die. What are you doing? Leaving water to encourage them to do so, resulting in more deaths?

And yes, I am going to keep repeating that, because I know I'm right.

As long as we're in this debate, I'm going to keep saying that in every post. I know I'm right on this. You have zero evidence to support you.

If people were warned that you'll die trying to cross the desert on foot, instead of having groups stating openly they are dropping food and water for people to cross the desert on foot.... I know fewer people would be doing this. It's human nature.

You cannot make the case, that people looking at that choice, would not be influenced by "Hey this is risky, and people die constantly doing it" or being told "Yeah there are groups dropping water and food in the desert, so you can cross safely".

You arguing otherwise, is a joke. And it's why people like me who support charities that help people, are better than your groups that kill people.

You can deny it until the end of time.... you kill people. It's a fact.

well, you are right about one thing, there is no evidence or data to support your bull shit claim...all you have is “because I said so”. That explains why you are a right wing Trump worshiper, you accept things as true based on feelings and not data and facts.

Well keep killing people. I'm sure Jesus will pat you on the back for the trail of bodies you left in the desert.

Now you are bearing false witness against me...what a shitty Christian you turned out to be

No, I'm telling the truth, and its ticking you off. I can't help that. Truth hurts.
Yeah, he would. I'm trying to save lives, by encouraging people to not trek through the desert and die. What are you doing? Leaving water to encourage them to do so, resulting in more deaths?

And yes, I am going to keep repeating that, because I know I'm right.

As long as we're in this debate, I'm going to keep saying that in every post. I know I'm right on this. You have zero evidence to support you.

If people were warned that you'll die trying to cross the desert on foot, instead of having groups stating openly they are dropping food and water for people to cross the desert on foot.... I know fewer people would be doing this. It's human nature.

You cannot make the case, that people looking at that choice, would not be influenced by "Hey this is risky, and people die constantly doing it" or being told "Yeah there are groups dropping water and food in the desert, so you can cross safely".

You arguing otherwise, is a joke. And it's why people like me who support charities that help people, are better than your groups that kill people.

You can deny it until the end of time.... you kill people. It's a fact.

well, you are right about one thing, there is no evidence or data to support your bull shit claim...all you have is “because I said so”. That explains why you are a right wing Trump worshiper, you accept things as true based on feelings and not data and facts.

Well keep killing people. I'm sure Jesus will pat you on the back for the trail of bodies you left in the desert.

Now you are bearing false witness against me...what a shitty Christian you turned out to be

No, I'm telling the truth, and its ticking you off. I can't help that. Truth hurts.

Not mad or ticked off at all. I appreciate when you fake Christians show your true colors.
"Man is poised somewhere in between the gods and the beasts" - Plotinus

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