Another win for Religious Liberty

I was under the impression that directly providing aid for illegal activity, was in fact a crime.

Now unless you can somehow suggest you are putting out water, for random US citizens that just wander out into the desert, I think you know you are aiding an people engaged in illegal activity.

That said.........

You actually made my point. You are doing this, which encourages people to make a dangerous trek into the desert, and then openly admit that anyone that arrives after the water is gone, is left to die. You know... because you are not going to engage in an illegal activity, even though you are encouraging others to, at the risk of their lives.

As far as I'm concerned, you just blew your ideological foot off with that post. Not that this isn't surprising. I knew I was dead on right about this from the start.

You keep repeating this claim...."which encourages people to make a dangerous trek into the desert"...but it simply is not true. There is not one single bit of evidence to support this claim...which is why the other guy that promised to support it has not pretended like this thread does not exist.
That illegal alien is conspiring to take your job at the chicken packing plant, of trimming off the beak and feet. Therefore, God is offended, and demands a crusade to rid him from our presence!

Does breaking the law, depend on motive?

"that speeder is conspiring to take your job at the chicken packing plant, of trimming off the beak and feet. Therefore, God is offended, and demands a crusade to rid him from our presence!"

Implication, you can do 200 mph in a school zone, because you are just trying to get to work?

Breaking the law, is breaking the law. If you don't like the law, then change it. But you don't sit there and give pathetic excuses for why breaking the law is perfectly fine.

Unless you can make the case that it is a direct violation of some sort of intrinsic human right.... but entering a country is not a human right. If you go to France, it's 3 years in prison, and you are banned from attempting to legally enter France for 10 years.

If you go to Mexico illegally, you'll spend 3 years in prison. Not only that, but law enforcement is required by law to assist in border enforcement *AND* so is the Mexican military *AND* native Mexicans are authorized to make citizen-arrests of illegals found in their country.

Denmark, 3 years in prison. Finland, 1 year in prison.

I could go on and on. The vast majority of all countries have laws against illegal immigration.

And I don't see people in those countries arguing that it should be different. Why are you making this case?

And if you are not making the case that people should be able to enter the country without us knowing who they are why they are coming, then you can't logically argue we should allow them to break the law, without penalty.

And if they shouldn't break the law, then you also should not be aiding criminal activity.

What part of this logic, is difficult?

I will continue to try to save lives down here in the Arizona desert by distributing food, water, medicine and clothing, because the commission of a misdemeanor does not warrant a death sentence. Get over it.

So, then what? Do you just leave them there to fend for themselves in a strange land? Can't they stay at your house till they get on their feet? Do you drive them to a sanctuary city so they won't die? Maybe take them to a motel?
Or is a bottle of water the extent of your benefaction?

Sorry, Ram.but everything you suggested is illegal, and we do not do illegal acts. If we spot them, and they want to give themselves up, we radio the border patrol to pick them up.

I was under the impression that directly providing aid for illegal activity, was in fact a crime.

Now unless you can somehow suggest you are putting out water, for random US citizens that just wander out into the desert, I think you know you are aiding an people engaged in illegal activity.

That said.........

You actually made my point. You are doing this, which encourages people to make a dangerous trek into the desert, and then openly admit that anyone that arrives after the water is gone, is left to die. You know... because you are not going to engage in an illegal activity, even though you are encouraging others to, at the risk of their lives.

As far as I'm concerned, you just blew your ideological foot off with that post. Not that this isn't surprising. I knew I was dead on right about this from the start.

You know, I am coming to the conclusion that you actually believe your RW talking point that we are "encouraging people to make a dangerous trek in the desert". That is too fucking dumb to even debate. We are saving lives. In fact, more often than not, our only personal encounter with illegals is when they approach us and ask for help getting out of the desert. The help we provide is to radio Border patrol and tell them where to pick them up.

And, no. It is not against the law to leave clothing, medication, water, and food for illegals, or anybody else, unless some hard ass wants to send us to jail for littering. It is against the law to transport them, which we do not do. In fact, when they see us, they usually stay hidden until we are gone.
Vandal, I don't think anyone here, except Mani, would turn down a request for a drink of water. But we aren't there. We see the numbers of illegals crossing day after day and want something done about it.
You see human beings. That is a whole different scenario. And I applaud your humanity.
Matthew 25:35-40 New International Version (NIV)
35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
I missed the part where Jesus helped people commit crimes. Could you point that out.

What comes to my mind is Grand Theft Donkey.
Vandal, I don't think anyone here, except Mani, would turn down a request for a drink of water. But we aren't there. We see the numbers of illegals crossing day after day and want something done about it.
You see human beings. That is a whole different scenario. And I applaud your humanity.

That is very kind of you, and I appreciate the good words. I do become frustrated by the coldness of some people regarding the suffering that these people are going through. Most illegals are severely mislead about the dangers they face. There is almost one dead body found in the Arizona desert per day. These people are not drug dealers, and criminals. They are simply peasants hoping for a better life for themselves and their children. We do not support illegal immigration. We support human compassion. It is not a religious thing to me. In fact, I am an athiest. It is simply a matter of doing the right thing. And, if some hard assed judge wants to put me in jail for littering, so be it. I am retired, so I have all the time in the world, and I would appreciate the citizens of Arizona for providing my meals.
Vandal, I don't think anyone here, except Mani, would turn down a request for a drink of water. But we aren't there. We see the numbers of illegals crossing day after day and want something done about it.
You see human beings. That is a whole different scenario. And I applaud your humanity.

That is very kind of you, and I appreciate the good words. I do become frustrated by the coldness of some people regarding the suffering that these people are going through. Most illegals are severely mislead about the dangers they face. There is almost one dead body found in the Arizona desert per day. These people are not drug dealers, and criminals. They are simply peasants hoping for a better life for themselves and their children. We do not support illegal immigration. We support human compassion. It is not a religious thing to me. In fact, I am an athiest. It is simply a matter of doing the right thing. And, if some hard assed judge wants to put me in jail for littering, so be it. I am retired, so I have all the time in the world, and I would appreciate the citizens of Arizona for providing my meals.
Every day you are in prison is a day you aren't littering sensitive areas and encouraging People to risk thier lives .
Judge's Ruling Shows Religious Freedom Isn’t Just For The Christian Right

For Scott Warren, a 37-year-old geography teacher from Ajo, Arizona, freedom of religion means making sure migrants crossing a treacherous stretch of desert along the U.S.-Mexico border don’t die of dehydration.

What do you all think, does this fall under Religious Liberty?
This will expose conservatives for the hypocrites they are; citizens will exercise their religious liberty in ways many on the right won’t like or approve of.

Conservatives can’t have it both ways.

How quickly liberals minds would change if these immigrants become citizens and turn Repblican one they realize that the Democratic Party is anti-religion, particularly Christianity. My guess is the Democrats would look to lock down the border as soon as possible. In the meantime, they are hoping the mainstream media will continue to do their work for them and brainwash new immigrants into voting for Democrats.

Please tell where this stupid idea that the Democratic Party is "anti-religion, particularly Christianity." This party is supported by a wide variety of people, many of whom are Christians. Most of its candidates are Christian. In the last three presidential elections, I have voted twice for a member of the United Church of Christ and once for a Methodist, so how could I ever believe what you say.

Not sure how anyone can vote Democrqt and hold on to their Christian beliefs and values. That is not to say that Christians believe in everything Republican politicians say or do, but the Democratic Party has aligned itself with clearly anti-Christian beliefs that have become the core of the party. Catholics, who tend to be the largest group Christian's that vote Democrat, must put politics ahead of their Christian values to vote for a party that supports abortion, gay marriage, etc. The vast majority of non-religious people vote Democratic. Read the link below published by the DNC in Aug. It is very clear.
I was under the impression that directly providing aid for illegal activity, was in fact a crime.

Now unless you can somehow suggest you are putting out water, for random US citizens that just wander out into the desert, I think you know you are aiding an people engaged in illegal activity.

That said.........

You actually made my point. You are doing this, which encourages people to make a dangerous trek into the desert, and then openly admit that anyone that arrives after the water is gone, is left to die. You know... because you are not going to engage in an illegal activity, even though you are encouraging others to, at the risk of their lives.

As far as I'm concerned, you just blew your ideological foot off with that post. Not that this isn't surprising. I knew I was dead on right about this from the start.

You keep repeating this claim...."which encourages people to make a dangerous trek into the desert"...but it simply is not true. There is not one single bit of evidence to support this claim...which is why the other guy that promised to support it has not pretended like this thread does not exist.


So there's a guy or family in Mexico, considering a trek through the desert on foot for 2 or 3 days, in sweltering heat during the day, and frigid conditions at night, where they will have to carry food and water the whole way, or starve or dehydrate.....

And you are telling me, that him hearing about a group in the US dropping food an water across the desert would have zero impact on his decision making?

Then we agree to disagree. Sorry, but I don't need a million dollar research project to figure out what is typical human nature.

And don't tell me that Mexicans are not aware of these groups. I already know for a fact those in the US are coordinating with those in Mexico.
Does breaking the law, depend on motive?

"that speeder is conspiring to take your job at the chicken packing plant, of trimming off the beak and feet. Therefore, God is offended, and demands a crusade to rid him from our presence!"

Implication, you can do 200 mph in a school zone, because you are just trying to get to work?

Breaking the law, is breaking the law. If you don't like the law, then change it. But you don't sit there and give pathetic excuses for why breaking the law is perfectly fine.

Unless you can make the case that it is a direct violation of some sort of intrinsic human right.... but entering a country is not a human right. If you go to France, it's 3 years in prison, and you are banned from attempting to legally enter France for 10 years.

If you go to Mexico illegally, you'll spend 3 years in prison. Not only that, but law enforcement is required by law to assist in border enforcement *AND* so is the Mexican military *AND* native Mexicans are authorized to make citizen-arrests of illegals found in their country.

Denmark, 3 years in prison. Finland, 1 year in prison.

I could go on and on. The vast majority of all countries have laws against illegal immigration.

And I don't see people in those countries arguing that it should be different. Why are you making this case?

And if you are not making the case that people should be able to enter the country without us knowing who they are why they are coming, then you can't logically argue we should allow them to break the law, without penalty.

And if they shouldn't break the law, then you also should not be aiding criminal activity.

What part of this logic, is difficult?

I will continue to try to save lives down here in the Arizona desert by distributing food, water, medicine and clothing, because the commission of a misdemeanor does not warrant a death sentence. Get over it.

So, then what? Do you just leave them there to fend for themselves in a strange land? Can't they stay at your house till they get on their feet? Do you drive them to a sanctuary city so they won't die? Maybe take them to a motel?
Or is a bottle of water the extent of your benefaction?

Sorry, Ram.but everything you suggested is illegal, and we do not do illegal acts. If we spot them, and they want to give themselves up, we radio the border patrol to pick them up.

I was under the impression that directly providing aid for illegal activity, was in fact a crime.

Now unless you can somehow suggest you are putting out water, for random US citizens that just wander out into the desert, I think you know you are aiding an people engaged in illegal activity.

That said.........

You actually made my point. You are doing this, which encourages people to make a dangerous trek into the desert, and then openly admit that anyone that arrives after the water is gone, is left to die. You know... because you are not going to engage in an illegal activity, even though you are encouraging others to, at the risk of their lives.

As far as I'm concerned, you just blew your ideological foot off with that post. Not that this isn't surprising. I knew I was dead on right about this from the start.

You know, I am coming to the conclusion that you actually believe your RW talking point that we are "encouraging people to make a dangerous trek in the desert". That is too fucking dumb to even debate. We are saving lives. In fact, more often than not, our only personal encounter with illegals is when they approach us and ask for help getting out of the desert. The help we provide is to radio Border patrol and tell them where to pick them up.

And, no. It is not against the law to leave clothing, medication, water, and food for illegals, or anybody else, unless some hard ass wants to send us to jail for littering. It is against the law to transport them, which we do not do. In fact, when they see us, they usually stay hidden until we are gone.

You have the right to be wrong. It's ok, I'm used to left-wingers being wrong.

Body of a 6-year-old girl from India is found in the Arizona desert - CNN

Pat yourself on the back dude. You are saving lives.... like this 6 year old girl. Well done jackass.
I was under the impression that directly providing aid for illegal activity, was in fact a crime.

Now unless you can somehow suggest you are putting out water, for random US citizens that just wander out into the desert, I think you know you are aiding an people engaged in illegal activity.

That said.........

You actually made my point. You are doing this, which encourages people to make a dangerous trek into the desert, and then openly admit that anyone that arrives after the water is gone, is left to die. You know... because you are not going to engage in an illegal activity, even though you are encouraging others to, at the risk of their lives.

As far as I'm concerned, you just blew your ideological foot off with that post. Not that this isn't surprising. I knew I was dead on right about this from the start.

You keep repeating this claim...."which encourages people to make a dangerous trek into the desert"...but it simply is not true. There is not one single bit of evidence to support this claim...which is why the other guy that promised to support it has not pretended like this thread does not exist.


So there's a guy or family in Mexico, considering a trek through the desert on foot for 2 or 3 days, in sweltering heat during the day, and frigid conditions at night, where they will have to carry food and water the whole way, or starve or dehydrate.....

And you are telling me, that him hearing about a group in the US dropping food an water across the desert would have zero impact on his decision making?

Then we agree to disagree. Sorry, but I don't need a million dollar research project to figure out what is typical human nature.

And don't tell me that Mexicans are not aware of these groups. I already know for a fact those in the US are coordinating with those in Mexico.

I can appreciate that you revel in your ignorance and will believe what you believe despite zero evidence it is true.

Nobody is choosing to cross the border become someone might have left water in a spot they may or may not walk by. They just are not.
I will continue to try to save lives down here in the Arizona desert by distributing food, water, medicine and clothing, because the commission of a misdemeanor does not warrant a death sentence. Get over it.

So, then what? Do you just leave them there to fend for themselves in a strange land? Can't they stay at your house till they get on their feet? Do you drive them to a sanctuary city so they won't die? Maybe take them to a motel?
Or is a bottle of water the extent of your benefaction?

Sorry, Ram.but everything you suggested is illegal, and we do not do illegal acts. If we spot them, and they want to give themselves up, we radio the border patrol to pick them up.

I was under the impression that directly providing aid for illegal activity, was in fact a crime.

Now unless you can somehow suggest you are putting out water, for random US citizens that just wander out into the desert, I think you know you are aiding an people engaged in illegal activity.

That said.........

You actually made my point. You are doing this, which encourages people to make a dangerous trek into the desert, and then openly admit that anyone that arrives after the water is gone, is left to die. You know... because you are not going to engage in an illegal activity, even though you are encouraging others to, at the risk of their lives.

As far as I'm concerned, you just blew your ideological foot off with that post. Not that this isn't surprising. I knew I was dead on right about this from the start.

You know, I am coming to the conclusion that you actually believe your RW talking point that we are "encouraging people to make a dangerous trek in the desert". That is too fucking dumb to even debate. We are saving lives. In fact, more often than not, our only personal encounter with illegals is when they approach us and ask for help getting out of the desert. The help we provide is to radio Border patrol and tell them where to pick them up.

And, no. It is not against the law to leave clothing, medication, water, and food for illegals, or anybody else, unless some hard ass wants to send us to jail for littering. It is against the law to transport them, which we do not do. In fact, when they see us, they usually stay hidden until we are gone.

You have the right to be wrong. It's ok, I'm used to left-wingers being wrong.

Body of a 6-year-old girl from India is found in the Arizona desert - CNN

Pat yourself on the back dude. You are saving lives.... like this 6 year old girl. Well done jackass.

Wow, way to use a tragedy to make a political point. I am sure Jesus is very proud of you right now.
And such unwholesome language after lecturing me on the subject.
Seems there is a word to describe such actions...starts with an H...
I was under the impression that directly providing aid for illegal activity, was in fact a crime.

Now unless you can somehow suggest you are putting out water, for random US citizens that just wander out into the desert, I think you know you are aiding an people engaged in illegal activity.

That said.........

You actually made my point. You are doing this, which encourages people to make a dangerous trek into the desert, and then openly admit that anyone that arrives after the water is gone, is left to die. You know... because you are not going to engage in an illegal activity, even though you are encouraging others to, at the risk of their lives.

As far as I'm concerned, you just blew your ideological foot off with that post. Not that this isn't surprising. I knew I was dead on right about this from the start.

You keep repeating this claim...."which encourages people to make a dangerous trek into the desert"...but it simply is not true. There is not one single bit of evidence to support this claim...which is why the other guy that promised to support it has not pretended like this thread does not exist.


So there's a guy or family in Mexico, considering a trek through the desert on foot for 2 or 3 days, in sweltering heat during the day, and frigid conditions at night, where they will have to carry food and water the whole way, or starve or dehydrate.....

And you are telling me, that him hearing about a group in the US dropping food an water across the desert would have zero impact on his decision making?

Then we agree to disagree. Sorry, but I don't need a million dollar research project to figure out what is typical human nature.

And don't tell me that Mexicans are not aware of these groups. I already know for a fact those in the US are coordinating with those in Mexico.

I can appreciate that you revel in your ignorance and will believe what you believe despite zero evidence it is true.

Nobody is choosing to cross the border become someone might have left water in a spot they may or may not walk by. They just are not.

I would say several thousand years of consistent human nature, is a massive amount of evidence.

By the away, I happen to look up the criminal charges by some of the prosecutors, and one of the arguments they have used is that there is evidence doing this encourages risky behavior. Now I don't have the entire transcript of the court, so I don't know if they had specific evidence or not, but I don't find it surprising at all that the authorities themselves are saying this is leading to more deaths.

But no, you Mr. Forum poster, knows better than thousands of years of human history, and more than the authorities. In fact, you know more than everyone. You are like a deity in your own eyes.

*sigh.... * whatever man. Just believe whatever you want to believe.
I will continue to try to save lives down here in the Arizona desert by distributing food, water, medicine and clothing, because the commission of a misdemeanor does not warrant a death sentence. Get over it.

So, then what? Do you just leave them there to fend for themselves in a strange land? Can't they stay at your house till they get on their feet? Do you drive them to a sanctuary city so they won't die? Maybe take them to a motel?
Or is a bottle of water the extent of your benefaction?

Sorry, Ram.but everything you suggested is illegal, and we do not do illegal acts. If we spot them, and they want to give themselves up, we radio the border patrol to pick them up.

I was under the impression that directly providing aid for illegal activity, was in fact a crime.

Now unless you can somehow suggest you are putting out water, for random US citizens that just wander out into the desert, I think you know you are aiding an people engaged in illegal activity.

That said.........

You actually made my point. You are doing this, which encourages people to make a dangerous trek into the desert, and then openly admit that anyone that arrives after the water is gone, is left to die. You know... because you are not going to engage in an illegal activity, even though you are encouraging others to, at the risk of their lives.

As far as I'm concerned, you just blew your ideological foot off with that post. Not that this isn't surprising. I knew I was dead on right about this from the start.

You know, I am coming to the conclusion that you actually believe your RW talking point that we are "encouraging people to make a dangerous trek in the desert". That is too fucking dumb to even debate. We are saving lives. In fact, more often than not, our only personal encounter with illegals is when they approach us and ask for help getting out of the desert. The help we provide is to radio Border patrol and tell them where to pick them up.

And, no. It is not against the law to leave clothing, medication, water, and food for illegals, or anybody else, unless some hard ass wants to send us to jail for littering. It is against the law to transport them, which we do not do. In fact, when they see us, they usually stay hidden until we are gone.

You have the right to be wrong. It's ok, I'm used to left-wingers being wrong.

Body of a 6-year-old girl from India is found in the Arizona desert - CNN

Pat yourself on the back dude. You are saving lives.... like this 6 year old girl. Well done jackass.
It isn't just Mexico. They come here from around the world. It has to stop.
So, then what? Do you just leave them there to fend for themselves in a strange land? Can't they stay at your house till they get on their feet? Do you drive them to a sanctuary city so they won't die? Maybe take them to a motel?
Or is a bottle of water the extent of your benefaction?

Sorry, Ram.but everything you suggested is illegal, and we do not do illegal acts. If we spot them, and they want to give themselves up, we radio the border patrol to pick them up.

I was under the impression that directly providing aid for illegal activity, was in fact a crime.

Now unless you can somehow suggest you are putting out water, for random US citizens that just wander out into the desert, I think you know you are aiding an people engaged in illegal activity.

That said.........

You actually made my point. You are doing this, which encourages people to make a dangerous trek into the desert, and then openly admit that anyone that arrives after the water is gone, is left to die. You know... because you are not going to engage in an illegal activity, even though you are encouraging others to, at the risk of their lives.

As far as I'm concerned, you just blew your ideological foot off with that post. Not that this isn't surprising. I knew I was dead on right about this from the start.

You know, I am coming to the conclusion that you actually believe your RW talking point that we are "encouraging people to make a dangerous trek in the desert". That is too fucking dumb to even debate. We are saving lives. In fact, more often than not, our only personal encounter with illegals is when they approach us and ask for help getting out of the desert. The help we provide is to radio Border patrol and tell them where to pick them up.

And, no. It is not against the law to leave clothing, medication, water, and food for illegals, or anybody else, unless some hard ass wants to send us to jail for littering. It is against the law to transport them, which we do not do. In fact, when they see us, they usually stay hidden until we are gone.

You have the right to be wrong. It's ok, I'm used to left-wingers being wrong.

Body of a 6-year-old girl from India is found in the Arizona desert - CNN

Pat yourself on the back dude. You are saving lives.... like this 6 year old girl. Well done jackass.

Wow, way to use a tragedy to make a political point. I am sure Jesus is very proud of you right now.
And such unwholesome language after lecturing me on the subject.
Seems there is a word to describe such actions...starts with an H...

Yeah, he would. I'm trying to save lives, by encouraging people to not trek through the desert and die. What are you doing? Leaving water to encourage them to do so, resulting in more deaths?

And yes, I am going to keep repeating that, because I know I'm right.

As long as we're in this debate, I'm going to keep saying that in every post. I know I'm right on this. You have zero evidence to support you.

If people were warned that you'll die trying to cross the desert on foot, instead of having groups stating openly they are dropping food and water for people to cross the desert on foot.... I know fewer people would be doing this. It's human nature.

You cannot make the case, that people looking at that choice, would not be influenced by "Hey this is risky, and people die constantly doing it" or being told "Yeah there are groups dropping water and food in the desert, so you can cross safely".

You arguing otherwise, is a joke. And it's why people like me who support charities that help people, are better than your groups that kill people.

You can deny it until the end of time.... you kill people. It's a fact.
So, then what? Do you just leave them there to fend for themselves in a strange land? Can't they stay at your house till they get on their feet? Do you drive them to a sanctuary city so they won't die? Maybe take them to a motel?
Or is a bottle of water the extent of your benefaction?

Sorry, Ram.but everything you suggested is illegal, and we do not do illegal acts. If we spot them, and they want to give themselves up, we radio the border patrol to pick them up.

I was under the impression that directly providing aid for illegal activity, was in fact a crime.

Now unless you can somehow suggest you are putting out water, for random US citizens that just wander out into the desert, I think you know you are aiding an people engaged in illegal activity.

That said.........

You actually made my point. You are doing this, which encourages people to make a dangerous trek into the desert, and then openly admit that anyone that arrives after the water is gone, is left to die. You know... because you are not going to engage in an illegal activity, even though you are encouraging others to, at the risk of their lives.

As far as I'm concerned, you just blew your ideological foot off with that post. Not that this isn't surprising. I knew I was dead on right about this from the start.

You know, I am coming to the conclusion that you actually believe your RW talking point that we are "encouraging people to make a dangerous trek in the desert". That is too fucking dumb to even debate. We are saving lives. In fact, more often than not, our only personal encounter with illegals is when they approach us and ask for help getting out of the desert. The help we provide is to radio Border patrol and tell them where to pick them up.

And, no. It is not against the law to leave clothing, medication, water, and food for illegals, or anybody else, unless some hard ass wants to send us to jail for littering. It is against the law to transport them, which we do not do. In fact, when they see us, they usually stay hidden until we are gone.

You have the right to be wrong. It's ok, I'm used to left-wingers being wrong.

Body of a 6-year-old girl from India is found in the Arizona desert - CNN

Pat yourself on the back dude. You are saving lives.... like this 6 year old girl. Well done jackass.
It isn't just Mexico. They come here from around the world. It has to stop.

Yeah. It's all over.

In fact, that story illustrates one of the big problems. If a 6-year-old from India can fly to Mexico, and trek through the desert to enter illegally... then of course terrorists can.

This is why we need a wall. You can't just have a wide open border.
Sorry, Ram.but everything you suggested is illegal, and we do not do illegal acts. If we spot them, and they want to give themselves up, we radio the border patrol to pick them up.

I was under the impression that directly providing aid for illegal activity, was in fact a crime.

Now unless you can somehow suggest you are putting out water, for random US citizens that just wander out into the desert, I think you know you are aiding an people engaged in illegal activity.

That said.........

You actually made my point. You are doing this, which encourages people to make a dangerous trek into the desert, and then openly admit that anyone that arrives after the water is gone, is left to die. You know... because you are not going to engage in an illegal activity, even though you are encouraging others to, at the risk of their lives.

As far as I'm concerned, you just blew your ideological foot off with that post. Not that this isn't surprising. I knew I was dead on right about this from the start.

You know, I am coming to the conclusion that you actually believe your RW talking point that we are "encouraging people to make a dangerous trek in the desert". That is too fucking dumb to even debate. We are saving lives. In fact, more often than not, our only personal encounter with illegals is when they approach us and ask for help getting out of the desert. The help we provide is to radio Border patrol and tell them where to pick them up.

And, no. It is not against the law to leave clothing, medication, water, and food for illegals, or anybody else, unless some hard ass wants to send us to jail for littering. It is against the law to transport them, which we do not do. In fact, when they see us, they usually stay hidden until we are gone.

You have the right to be wrong. It's ok, I'm used to left-wingers being wrong.

Body of a 6-year-old girl from India is found in the Arizona desert - CNN

Pat yourself on the back dude. You are saving lives.... like this 6 year old girl. Well done jackass.

Wow, way to use a tragedy to make a political point. I am sure Jesus is very proud of you right now.
And such unwholesome language after lecturing me on the subject.
Seems there is a word to describe such actions...starts with an H...

Yeah, he would. I'm trying to save lives, by encouraging people to not trek through the desert and die. What are you doing? Leaving water to encourage them to do so, resulting in more deaths?

And yes, I am going to keep repeating that, because I know I'm right.

As long as we're in this debate, I'm going to keep saying that in every post. I know I'm right on this. You have zero evidence to support you.

If people were warned that you'll die trying to cross the desert on foot, instead of having groups stating openly they are dropping food and water for people to cross the desert on foot.... I know fewer people would be doing this. It's human nature.

You cannot make the case, that people looking at that choice, would not be influenced by "Hey this is risky, and people die constantly doing it" or being told "Yeah there are groups dropping water and food in the desert, so you can cross safely".

You arguing otherwise, is a joke. And it's why people like me who support charities that help people, are better than your groups that kill people.

You can deny it until the end of time.... you kill people. It's a fact.

well, you are right about one thing, there is no evidence or data to support your bull shit claim...all you have is “because I said so”. That explains why you are a right wing Trump worshiper, you accept things as true based on feelings and not data and facts.
Sorry, Ram.but everything you suggested is illegal, and we do not do illegal acts. If we spot them, and they want to give themselves up, we radio the border patrol to pick them up.

I was under the impression that directly providing aid for illegal activity, was in fact a crime.

Now unless you can somehow suggest you are putting out water, for random US citizens that just wander out into the desert, I think you know you are aiding an people engaged in illegal activity.

That said.........

You actually made my point. You are doing this, which encourages people to make a dangerous trek into the desert, and then openly admit that anyone that arrives after the water is gone, is left to die. You know... because you are not going to engage in an illegal activity, even though you are encouraging others to, at the risk of their lives.

As far as I'm concerned, you just blew your ideological foot off with that post. Not that this isn't surprising. I knew I was dead on right about this from the start.

You know, I am coming to the conclusion that you actually believe your RW talking point that we are "encouraging people to make a dangerous trek in the desert". That is too fucking dumb to even debate. We are saving lives. In fact, more often than not, our only personal encounter with illegals is when they approach us and ask for help getting out of the desert. The help we provide is to radio Border patrol and tell them where to pick them up.

And, no. It is not against the law to leave clothing, medication, water, and food for illegals, or anybody else, unless some hard ass wants to send us to jail for littering. It is against the law to transport them, which we do not do. In fact, when they see us, they usually stay hidden until we are gone.

You have the right to be wrong. It's ok, I'm used to left-wingers being wrong.

Body of a 6-year-old girl from India is found in the Arizona desert - CNN

Pat yourself on the back dude. You are saving lives.... like this 6 year old girl. Well done jackass.
It isn't just Mexico. They come here from around the world. It has to stop.

Yeah. It's all over.

In fact, that story illustrates one of the big problems. If a 6-year-old from India can fly to Mexico, and trek through the desert to enter illegally... then of course terrorists can.

This is why we need a wall. You can't just have a wide open border.
And the only reason she came wad because someone in India told her that strangers were leaving food and water at random spots in the desert.
The people who claim that leaving food and water in the desert, does not encourage people trek through desert, are willful idiots honestly.

Did you learn nothing from the migrants dying in the Mediterranean?

When the coast guards started doing routine patrols for migrants at sea and taking them to Italy and Greece... the migrants started in intentionally boating out into the sea, and then just sitting adrift waiting to be picked up.

The human traffickers would power out to the sea, and then cut them loose, and boat back to shore.

People are STILL dying from this, to this day. These policies are not helping people... they are killing people. The number of migrants setting themselves adrift in the Mediterranean is drastically higher since they started having the coast guard patrol and bring them in.

You guys keep killing people over and over, and then patting yourself on the back for it. It's really sick honestly.
I was under the impression that directly providing aid for illegal activity, was in fact a crime.

Now unless you can somehow suggest you are putting out water, for random US citizens that just wander out into the desert, I think you know you are aiding an people engaged in illegal activity.

That said.........

You actually made my point. You are doing this, which encourages people to make a dangerous trek into the desert, and then openly admit that anyone that arrives after the water is gone, is left to die. You know... because you are not going to engage in an illegal activity, even though you are encouraging others to, at the risk of their lives.

As far as I'm concerned, you just blew your ideological foot off with that post. Not that this isn't surprising. I knew I was dead on right about this from the start.

You know, I am coming to the conclusion that you actually believe your RW talking point that we are "encouraging people to make a dangerous trek in the desert". That is too fucking dumb to even debate. We are saving lives. In fact, more often than not, our only personal encounter with illegals is when they approach us and ask for help getting out of the desert. The help we provide is to radio Border patrol and tell them where to pick them up.

And, no. It is not against the law to leave clothing, medication, water, and food for illegals, or anybody else, unless some hard ass wants to send us to jail for littering. It is against the law to transport them, which we do not do. In fact, when they see us, they usually stay hidden until we are gone.

You have the right to be wrong. It's ok, I'm used to left-wingers being wrong.

Body of a 6-year-old girl from India is found in the Arizona desert - CNN

Pat yourself on the back dude. You are saving lives.... like this 6 year old girl. Well done jackass.

Wow, way to use a tragedy to make a political point. I am sure Jesus is very proud of you right now.
And such unwholesome language after lecturing me on the subject.
Seems there is a word to describe such actions...starts with an H...

Yeah, he would. I'm trying to save lives, by encouraging people to not trek through the desert and die. What are you doing? Leaving water to encourage them to do so, resulting in more deaths?

And yes, I am going to keep repeating that, because I know I'm right.

As long as we're in this debate, I'm going to keep saying that in every post. I know I'm right on this. You have zero evidence to support you.

If people were warned that you'll die trying to cross the desert on foot, instead of having groups stating openly they are dropping food and water for people to cross the desert on foot.... I know fewer people would be doing this. It's human nature.

You cannot make the case, that people looking at that choice, would not be influenced by "Hey this is risky, and people die constantly doing it" or being told "Yeah there are groups dropping water and food in the desert, so you can cross safely".

You arguing otherwise, is a joke. And it's why people like me who support charities that help people, are better than your groups that kill people.

You can deny it until the end of time.... you kill people. It's a fact.

well, you are right about one thing, there is no evidence or data to support your bull shit claim...all you have is “because I said so”. That explains why you are a right wing Trump worshiper, you accept things as true based on feelings and not data and facts.

Well keep killing people. I'm sure Jesus will pat you on the back for the trail of bodies you left in the desert.
I was under the impression that directly providing aid for illegal activity, was in fact a crime.

Now unless you can somehow suggest you are putting out water, for random US citizens that just wander out into the desert, I think you know you are aiding an people engaged in illegal activity.

That said.........

You actually made my point. You are doing this, which encourages people to make a dangerous trek into the desert, and then openly admit that anyone that arrives after the water is gone, is left to die. You know... because you are not going to engage in an illegal activity, even though you are encouraging others to, at the risk of their lives.

As far as I'm concerned, you just blew your ideological foot off with that post. Not that this isn't surprising. I knew I was dead on right about this from the start.

You know, I am coming to the conclusion that you actually believe your RW talking point that we are "encouraging people to make a dangerous trek in the desert". That is too fucking dumb to even debate. We are saving lives. In fact, more often than not, our only personal encounter with illegals is when they approach us and ask for help getting out of the desert. The help we provide is to radio Border patrol and tell them where to pick them up.

And, no. It is not against the law to leave clothing, medication, water, and food for illegals, or anybody else, unless some hard ass wants to send us to jail for littering. It is against the law to transport them, which we do not do. In fact, when they see us, they usually stay hidden until we are gone.

You have the right to be wrong. It's ok, I'm used to left-wingers being wrong.

Body of a 6-year-old girl from India is found in the Arizona desert - CNN

Pat yourself on the back dude. You are saving lives.... like this 6 year old girl. Well done jackass.
It isn't just Mexico. They come here from around the world. It has to stop.

Yeah. It's all over.

In fact, that story illustrates one of the big problems. If a 6-year-old from India can fly to Mexico, and trek through the desert to enter illegally... then of course terrorists can.

This is why we need a wall. You can't just have a wide open border.
And the only reason she came wad because someone in India told her that strangers were leaving food and water at random spots in the desert.

Again.... I personally put up an immigrant from India. I went to his citizenship ceremony. We have talked all about this.

The people here from other countries, are constantly coordinating with people back home. Constantly. When a migrant shows up, they don't show up just randomly. They are not in their home country, saying "ya know... America sounds like a good idea, let's go tomorrow".

Not how it works. They are talking ALL THE TIME with people back from their country. I have personally helped a migrant apply for VISAs for their family and friends. I've done it. And those people are calling people here in this country, and saying "how did you do it?".

So a GUARANTEE.... 100%, no doubt in my mind..... that they are calling people here, and saying "How did you get there?" and the people here are saying "It was fine. People leave water on the trail, you'll be fine".

And equally, I guarantee that people who barely made it, are saying "It was hell on Earth, and I could have died, don't do it"... those people would not be trying it.

So yes. I know migrants. I work with migrants. Some of my closest friends are migrants. I know what they are doing, and I know how it works.

Answer..... Yes sir. They are telling people that strangers are leaving food and water in the desert, and they will be able to make it. And yes, they are using that information in determining whether to risk trekking through the desert.

Absolutely. You don't know what you are talking about, if you think otherwise. You are simply an ignorant man, if you think otherwise.

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