Another win for Religious Liberty

The Bible makes the case quite well. If the invaders repented and went home, then they can be helped.
Go back and read the scripture I posted on page one, Jesus did not qualify his commandment to minister to the downtrodden. Quote the biblical basis for letting people die for lack of water.

Maybe you should leave milk and cookies out every night just in case someone breaks into your home and gets hungry and thirsty while looting. Better yet, leave them a few hundred dollars on the table...they obviously need the money. Would that be the Christian thing to do or just plain stupid?

Well now we know what side of this moral question you have taken. Funny how the people who think they own Jesus is firmly on the side of just letting people die.

I am not in favor of people breaking the law nor encouraging it. Jesus also taught us to abide by the law. I am most in favor of creating a all to prevent the majority of this in the first place.

Leaving water to help keep people from dying does not encourage anyone to come here. That is bullshit and you are like the 5th person on this thread to make the claim and not a one of you can back it up.

Of course the care package is not the primary reason they are coming, but it certainly is akin to rolling out the welcome mat.
Go back and read the scripture I posted on page one, Jesus did not qualify his commandment to minister to the downtrodden. Quote the biblical basis for letting people die for lack of water.

Maybe you should leave milk and cookies out every night just in case someone breaks into your home and gets hungry and thirsty while looting. Better yet, leave them a few hundred dollars on the table...they obviously need the money. Would that be the Christian thing to do or just plain stupid?

Well now we know what side of this moral question you have taken. Funny how the people who think they own Jesus is firmly on the side of just letting people die.

I am not in favor of people breaking the law nor encouraging it. Jesus also taught us to abide by the law. I am most in favor of creating a all to prevent the majority of this in the first place.

Leaving water to help keep people from dying does not encourage anyone to come here. That is bullshit and you are like the 5th person on this thread to make the claim and not a one of you can back it up.

Of course the care package is not the primary reason they are coming, but it certainly is akin to rolling out the welcome mat.

Not really since the water being left in places is random and not a sure thing. I suppose you think giving teens birth control leads to more sex also....
Saying that giving water to illegal immigrants is encouraging or assisting them in illegally immigrating is the equivalent of saying feeding people in prison encourages them to commit new crimes.

If you are starving on the streets, ga
Maybe you should leave milk and cookies out every night just in case someone breaks into your home and gets hungry and thirsty while looting. Better yet, leave them a few hundred dollars on the table...they obviously need the money. Would that be the Christian thing to do or just plain stupid?

Well now we know what side of this moral question you have taken. Funny how the people who think they own Jesus is firmly on the side of just letting people die.

I am not in favor of people breaking the law nor encouraging it. Jesus also taught us to abide by the law. I am most in favor of creating a all to prevent the majority of this in the first place.

Leaving water to help keep people from dying does not encourage anyone to come here. That is bullshit and you are like the 5th person on this thread to make the claim and not a one of you can back it up.

Of course the care package is not the primary reason they are coming, but it certainly is akin to rolling out the welcome mat.

Not really since the water being left in places is random and not a sure thing. I suppose you think giving people birth control leads to more sex also....

Depends. If a kid that has never experienced sex, yes, it encourages it when given by the parents. Here you go Johnny, I know you aren't having sex yet and I don't want you to, but just in case, I will provide you with the condemns. *wink* *wink*. Use some common sense.
Matthew 25:35-40 New International Version (NIV)
35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
I missed the part where Jesus helped people commit crimes. Could you point that out.
No. I only miss the part where right wing alleges to believe in natural rights, but this is not an abortion thread.
Judge's Ruling Shows Religious Freedom Isn’t Just For The Christian Right

For Scott Warren, a 37-year-old geography teacher from Ajo, Arizona, freedom of religion means making sure migrants crossing a treacherous stretch of desert along the U.S.-Mexico border don’t die of dehydration.

What do you all think, does this fall under Religious Liberty?
Is he crossing to invade my country!?
No, he is not.
What’s he doing?
Judge's Ruling Shows Religious Freedom Isn’t Just For The Christian Right

For Scott Warren, a 37-year-old geography teacher from Ajo, Arizona, freedom of religion means making sure migrants crossing a treacherous stretch of desert along the U.S.-Mexico border don’t die of dehydration.

What do you all think, does this fall under Religious Liberty?
Is he crossing to invade my country!?

No he is not. He is a citizen. Too many big words in the article for you?
Judge's Ruling Shows Religious Freedom Isn’t Just For The Christian Right

For Scott Warren, a 37-year-old geography teacher from Ajo, Arizona, freedom of religion means making sure migrants crossing a treacherous stretch of desert along the U.S.-Mexico border don’t die of dehydration.

What do you all think, does this fall under Religious Liberty?
Is he crossing to invade my country!?

No he is not. He is a citizen. Too many big words in the article for you?
As long as the foreigner doesn’t try to invade throw them some piss warm water. Lol idk
The Bible makes the case quite well. If the invaders repented and went home, then they can be helped.
Go back and read the scripture I posted on page one, Jesus did not qualify his commandment to minister to the downtrodden. Quote the biblical basis for letting people die for lack of water.

Maybe you should leave milk and cookies out every night just in case someone breaks into your home and gets hungry and thirsty while looting. Better yet, leave them a few hundred dollars on the table...they obviously need the money. Would that be the Christian thing to do or just plain stupid?

Well now we know what side of this moral question you have taken. Funny how the people who think they own Jesus is firmly on the side of just letting people die.

I am not in favor of people breaking the law nor encouraging it. Jesus also taught us to abide by the law. I am most in favor of creating a all to prevent the majority of this in the first place.

Leaving water to help keep people from dying does not encourage anyone to come here. That is bullshit and you are like the 5th person on this thread to make the claim and not a one of you can back it up.

Are we still waiting for the original claimant, westwall, to provide us a link he said he had?
Go back and read the scripture I posted on page one, Jesus did not qualify his commandment to minister to the downtrodden. Quote the biblical basis for letting people die for lack of water.

Maybe you should leave milk and cookies out every night just in case someone breaks into your home and gets hungry and thirsty while looting. Better yet, leave them a few hundred dollars on the table...they obviously need the money. Would that be the Christian thing to do or just plain stupid?

Well now we know what side of this moral question you have taken. Funny how the people who think they own Jesus is firmly on the side of just letting people die.

I am not in favor of people breaking the law nor encouraging it. Jesus also taught us to abide by the law. I am most in favor of creating a all to prevent the majority of this in the first place.

Leaving water to help keep people from dying does not encourage anyone to come here. That is bullshit and you are like the 5th person on this thread to make the claim and not a one of you can back it up.

Are we still waiting for the original claimant, westwall, to provide us a link he said he had?

I am not holding my breath for that to happen.
Judge's Ruling Shows Religious Freedom Isn’t Just For The Christian Right

For Scott Warren, a 37-year-old geography teacher from Ajo, Arizona, freedom of religion means making sure migrants crossing a treacherous stretch of desert along the U.S.-Mexico border don’t die of dehydration.

What do you all think, does this fall under Religious Liberty?
This will expose conservatives for the hypocrites they are; citizens will exercise their religious liberty in ways many on the right won’t like or approve of.

Conservatives can’t have it both ways.

How quickly liberals minds would change if these immigrants become citizens and turn Repblican one they realize that the Democratic Party is anti-religion, particularly Christianity. My guess is the Democrats would look to lock down the border as soon as possible. In the meantime, they are hoping the mainstream media will continue to do their work for them and brainwash new immigrants into voting for Democrats.

Please tell where this stupid idea that the Democratic Party is "anti-religion, particularly Christianity." This party is supported by a wide variety of people, many of whom are Christians. Most of its candidates are Christian. In the last three presidential elections, I have voted twice for a member of the United Church of Christ and once for a Methodist, so how could I ever believe what you say.
So, illegals who cross the border without papers, a misdemeanor, makes them equivalent to God's enemy? Glad I don't go to your church, Ram.

Well... somewhat, yes. You know the law.... you know you are not supposed to break the law....

What does the bible say about lawlessness?

What Does the Bible Say About Lawlessness?

I don't see much there that is good.

Again, I have no problem with people coming to the US legally..... but illegally.... yeah, that's not something G-d is in favor of.

Well, I guess that I am going to hell, too, because I, too, committed a misdemeanor. I got a speeding ticket for 15 MPH over the speed limit. God, have mercy on me!

That's why I set my cruise control. I got exactly 65 in the 65 zone. People pass me on both sides, and I just smile.

Even then however, there is a huge difference between you accidentally speeding, and people who are knowingly, intentionally, choosing to violate the law.

Most people who are caught speeding, are just not paying attention. (again that's why I set the cruise. I am real bad at just looking down and going CRUD! I'm going to fast!).

But illegals are not just randomly wandering around, and accidentily crossing a desert and entering the country illegally.

It's not like they walk out of the desert in Tucson, and say "Wait! This isn't Hermosillo!!".

They know exactly what they are doing. That's why they are in the desert.

Even so.... lets even say that. G-d is all about repentance. You repent of speeding.... by not speeding anymore. For me, that's setting the cruise control.

For illegally entering the US, that's going back to Mexico, or where ever, and staying their or trying to enter legally.

Then you are not an enemy of G-d.

That illegal alien is conspiring to take your job at the chicken packing plant, of trimming off the beak and feet. Therefore, God is offended, and demands a crusade to rid him from our presence!

Does breaking the law, depend on motive?

"that speeder is conspiring to take your job at the chicken packing plant, of trimming off the beak and feet. Therefore, God is offended, and demands a crusade to rid him from our presence!"

Implication, you can do 200 mph in a school zone, because you are just trying to get to work?

Breaking the law, is breaking the law. If you don't like the law, then change it. But you don't sit there and give pathetic excuses for why breaking the law is perfectly fine.

Unless you can make the case that it is a direct violation of some sort of intrinsic human right.... but entering a country is not a human right. If you go to France, it's 3 years in prison, and you are banned from attempting to legally enter France for 10 years.

If you go to Mexico illegally, you'll spend 3 years in prison. Not only that, but law enforcement is required by law to assist in border enforcement *AND* so is the Mexican military *AND* native Mexicans are authorized to make citizen-arrests of illegals found in their country.

Denmark, 3 years in prison. Finland, 1 year in prison.

I could go on and on. The vast majority of all countries have laws against illegal immigration.

And I don't see people in those countries arguing that it should be different. Why are you making this case?

And if you are not making the case that people should be able to enter the country without us knowing who they are why they are coming, then you can't logically argue we should allow them to break the law, without penalty.

And if they shouldn't break the law, then you also should not be aiding criminal activity.

What part of this logic, is difficult?

I will continue to try to save lives down here in the Arizona desert by distributing food, water, medicine and clothing, because the commission of a misdemeanor does not warrant a death sentence. Get over it.
...and a very amusing story, too!

And 100% true, as well! :)

Yes, and feeding the hungry encourages them to stay on welfare!

Not really. Giving them free food from government does, yes. But actual real charity does not generally.

Feeding the hungry, doesn't mean letting them live off you, and most Christian charities operate on that idea.

For example, when I worked at the homeless shelter down town, the vast majority of people that stayed there, generally were out in a month.

In fact, one of the duties that I was part of, was creating move-in boxes. This was a large box of common items for moving into a apartment. We have family, and individual boxes. They would contain a set of plates, cups, silverware, bathroom items, soap, shampoo, towels, tooth paste, toothbrushes, toilet paper, even some small pillows and some bed sheets, and usually a 3 pack of light bulbs.

We made hundreds of those boxes.

When people came and stayed there, and fed there, and so on... part of real charity is not just doing that, but also helping people back on their feet.

Another example, is the convict shelter, again run by an evangelical mission. You can stay there, free room, free food, free everything. But... you have to get a job. Any job. Must work 40 hours a week, and they had work placement programs for all convicts. Again, no rent payment, nothing.

Also you must take a class. Any class. A class on typing. A class on pipe-fitting. A class on reading and writing if you need it. But you have to take a class.

All the food you can eat, no cost on a room, no other requirements. And these convicts would graduate from classes, and work full time jobs, and eventually they would move out.

Again... you are helping people to succeed in life. Not helping them stay in their miserable condition for life.

And this is where the Bible is very clear.... 2 Thess 3:10
For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat."
So when a person shows up wanting food... yes you feed them. And you help them as best you can. But when you find out that they simply don't want to work, then you cut them off.

All those charities, have that as a rule. The homeless shelter, if the same guy in there for a month, has made no effort to enroll in a training program, has made no effort to get a job, then the shelter manager will sit the guy down, explain how this works, and if he still refuses to do anything... they kick him out.

Not going to feed some perfectly able bodied person who has no mental issues, simply because he wants to be lazy and live in his poverty on the backs of working people... not a chance. So they kick the guy out.

You don't work, you don't eat. And again, we are talking about able bodied people, who don't have mental issues.

But this is the exact opposite of left-wing ideology, where AOC wants a living wage so people can be professional useless people, who sit at home being lazy on the backs of working people. This is the exact opposite of the Bernie, everyone is entitled to help, no matter how irresponsible they are.

Left-wing ideology encourages the worst of human behavior with rewards.

Please post the Cliff Notes version of your heroic charitable activities.

I suppose that was pretty long read, for someone like you, who simply does not care about helping people.

Your definition of "helping people" is a reverse spin on the true meaning of the term; and, yes, I am not interested in "helping people" by allowing them to die of exposure.
And 100% true, as well! :)

Yes, and feeding the hungry encourages them to stay on welfare!

Not really. Giving them free food from government does, yes. But actual real charity does not generally.

Feeding the hungry, doesn't mean letting them live off you, and most Christian charities operate on that idea.

For example, when I worked at the homeless shelter down town, the vast majority of people that stayed there, generally were out in a month.

In fact, one of the duties that I was part of, was creating move-in boxes. This was a large box of common items for moving into a apartment. We have family, and individual boxes. They would contain a set of plates, cups, silverware, bathroom items, soap, shampoo, towels, tooth paste, toothbrushes, toilet paper, even some small pillows and some bed sheets, and usually a 3 pack of light bulbs.

We made hundreds of those boxes.

When people came and stayed there, and fed there, and so on... part of real charity is not just doing that, but also helping people back on their feet.

Another example, is the convict shelter, again run by an evangelical mission. You can stay there, free room, free food, free everything. But... you have to get a job. Any job. Must work 40 hours a week, and they had work placement programs for all convicts. Again, no rent payment, nothing.

Also you must take a class. Any class. A class on typing. A class on pipe-fitting. A class on reading and writing if you need it. But you have to take a class.

All the food you can eat, no cost on a room, no other requirements. And these convicts would graduate from classes, and work full time jobs, and eventually they would move out.

Again... you are helping people to succeed in life. Not helping them stay in their miserable condition for life.

And this is where the Bible is very clear.... 2 Thess 3:10
For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat."
So when a person shows up wanting food... yes you feed them. And you help them as best you can. But when you find out that they simply don't want to work, then you cut them off.

All those charities, have that as a rule. The homeless shelter, if the same guy in there for a month, has made no effort to enroll in a training program, has made no effort to get a job, then the shelter manager will sit the guy down, explain how this works, and if he still refuses to do anything... they kick him out.

Not going to feed some perfectly able bodied person who has no mental issues, simply because he wants to be lazy and live in his poverty on the backs of working people... not a chance. So they kick the guy out.

You don't work, you don't eat. And again, we are talking about able bodied people, who don't have mental issues.

But this is the exact opposite of left-wing ideology, where AOC wants a living wage so people can be professional useless people, who sit at home being lazy on the backs of working people. This is the exact opposite of the Bernie, everyone is entitled to help, no matter how irresponsible they are.

Left-wing ideology encourages the worst of human behavior with rewards.

Please post the Cliff Notes version of your heroic charitable activities.

I suppose that was pretty long read, for someone like you, who simply does not care about helping people.

Your definition of "helping people" is a reverse spin on the true meaning of the term; and, yes, I am not interested in "helping people" by allowing them to die of exposure.
If letting a few people die of exposure discourages others from coming it is certainly helping people.
Yes, and feeding the hungry encourages them to stay on welfare!

Not really. Giving them free food from government does, yes. But actual real charity does not generally.

Feeding the hungry, doesn't mean letting them live off you, and most Christian charities operate on that idea.

For example, when I worked at the homeless shelter down town, the vast majority of people that stayed there, generally were out in a month.

In fact, one of the duties that I was part of, was creating move-in boxes. This was a large box of common items for moving into a apartment. We have family, and individual boxes. They would contain a set of plates, cups, silverware, bathroom items, soap, shampoo, towels, tooth paste, toothbrushes, toilet paper, even some small pillows and some bed sheets, and usually a 3 pack of light bulbs.

We made hundreds of those boxes.

When people came and stayed there, and fed there, and so on... part of real charity is not just doing that, but also helping people back on their feet.

Another example, is the convict shelter, again run by an evangelical mission. You can stay there, free room, free food, free everything. But... you have to get a job. Any job. Must work 40 hours a week, and they had work placement programs for all convicts. Again, no rent payment, nothing.

Also you must take a class. Any class. A class on typing. A class on pipe-fitting. A class on reading and writing if you need it. But you have to take a class.

All the food you can eat, no cost on a room, no other requirements. And these convicts would graduate from classes, and work full time jobs, and eventually they would move out.

Again... you are helping people to succeed in life. Not helping them stay in their miserable condition for life.

And this is where the Bible is very clear.... 2 Thess 3:10
For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat."
So when a person shows up wanting food... yes you feed them. And you help them as best you can. But when you find out that they simply don't want to work, then you cut them off.

All those charities, have that as a rule. The homeless shelter, if the same guy in there for a month, has made no effort to enroll in a training program, has made no effort to get a job, then the shelter manager will sit the guy down, explain how this works, and if he still refuses to do anything... they kick him out.

Not going to feed some perfectly able bodied person who has no mental issues, simply because he wants to be lazy and live in his poverty on the backs of working people... not a chance. So they kick the guy out.

You don't work, you don't eat. And again, we are talking about able bodied people, who don't have mental issues.

But this is the exact opposite of left-wing ideology, where AOC wants a living wage so people can be professional useless people, who sit at home being lazy on the backs of working people. This is the exact opposite of the Bernie, everyone is entitled to help, no matter how irresponsible they are.

Left-wing ideology encourages the worst of human behavior with rewards.

Please post the Cliff Notes version of your heroic charitable activities.

I suppose that was pretty long read, for someone like you, who simply does not care about helping people.

Your definition of "helping people" is a reverse spin on the true meaning of the term; and, yes, I am not interested in "helping people" by allowing them to die of exposure.
If letting a few people die of exposure discourages others from coming it is certainly helping people.

Very Christ like there!

Well... somewhat, yes. You know the law.... you know you are not supposed to break the law....

What does the bible say about lawlessness?

What Does the Bible Say About Lawlessness?

I don't see much there that is good.

Again, I have no problem with people coming to the US legally..... but illegally.... yeah, that's not something G-d is in favor of.

Well, I guess that I am going to hell, too, because I, too, committed a misdemeanor. I got a speeding ticket for 15 MPH over the speed limit. God, have mercy on me!

That's why I set my cruise control. I got exactly 65 in the 65 zone. People pass me on both sides, and I just smile.

Even then however, there is a huge difference between you accidentally speeding, and people who are knowingly, intentionally, choosing to violate the law.

Most people who are caught speeding, are just not paying attention. (again that's why I set the cruise. I am real bad at just looking down and going CRUD! I'm going to fast!).

But illegals are not just randomly wandering around, and accidentily crossing a desert and entering the country illegally.

It's not like they walk out of the desert in Tucson, and say "Wait! This isn't Hermosillo!!".

They know exactly what they are doing. That's why they are in the desert.

Even so.... lets even say that. G-d is all about repentance. You repent of speeding.... by not speeding anymore. For me, that's setting the cruise control.

For illegally entering the US, that's going back to Mexico, or where ever, and staying their or trying to enter legally.

Then you are not an enemy of G-d.

That illegal alien is conspiring to take your job at the chicken packing plant, of trimming off the beak and feet. Therefore, God is offended, and demands a crusade to rid him from our presence!

Does breaking the law, depend on motive?

"that speeder is conspiring to take your job at the chicken packing plant, of trimming off the beak and feet. Therefore, God is offended, and demands a crusade to rid him from our presence!"

Implication, you can do 200 mph in a school zone, because you are just trying to get to work?

Breaking the law, is breaking the law. If you don't like the law, then change it. But you don't sit there and give pathetic excuses for why breaking the law is perfectly fine.

Unless you can make the case that it is a direct violation of some sort of intrinsic human right.... but entering a country is not a human right. If you go to France, it's 3 years in prison, and you are banned from attempting to legally enter France for 10 years.

If you go to Mexico illegally, you'll spend 3 years in prison. Not only that, but law enforcement is required by law to assist in border enforcement *AND* so is the Mexican military *AND* native Mexicans are authorized to make citizen-arrests of illegals found in their country.

Denmark, 3 years in prison. Finland, 1 year in prison.

I could go on and on. The vast majority of all countries have laws against illegal immigration.

And I don't see people in those countries arguing that it should be different. Why are you making this case?

And if you are not making the case that people should be able to enter the country without us knowing who they are why they are coming, then you can't logically argue we should allow them to break the law, without penalty.

And if they shouldn't break the law, then you also should not be aiding criminal activity.

What part of this logic, is difficult?

I will continue to try to save lives down here in the Arizona desert by distributing food, water, medicine and clothing, because the commission of a misdemeanor does not warrant a death sentence. Get over it.

So, then what? Do you just leave them there to fend for themselves in a strange land? Can't they stay at your house till they get on their feet? Do you drive them to a sanctuary city so they won't die? Maybe take them to a motel?
Or is a bottle of water the extent of your benefaction?
Well, I guess that I am going to hell, too, because I, too, committed a misdemeanor. I got a speeding ticket for 15 MPH over the speed limit. God, have mercy on me!

That's why I set my cruise control. I got exactly 65 in the 65 zone. People pass me on both sides, and I just smile.

Even then however, there is a huge difference between you accidentally speeding, and people who are knowingly, intentionally, choosing to violate the law.

Most people who are caught speeding, are just not paying attention. (again that's why I set the cruise. I am real bad at just looking down and going CRUD! I'm going to fast!).

But illegals are not just randomly wandering around, and accidentily crossing a desert and entering the country illegally.

It's not like they walk out of the desert in Tucson, and say "Wait! This isn't Hermosillo!!".

They know exactly what they are doing. That's why they are in the desert.

Even so.... lets even say that. G-d is all about repentance. You repent of speeding.... by not speeding anymore. For me, that's setting the cruise control.

For illegally entering the US, that's going back to Mexico, or where ever, and staying their or trying to enter legally.

Then you are not an enemy of G-d.

That illegal alien is conspiring to take your job at the chicken packing plant, of trimming off the beak and feet. Therefore, God is offended, and demands a crusade to rid him from our presence!

Does breaking the law, depend on motive?

"that speeder is conspiring to take your job at the chicken packing plant, of trimming off the beak and feet. Therefore, God is offended, and demands a crusade to rid him from our presence!"

Implication, you can do 200 mph in a school zone, because you are just trying to get to work?

Breaking the law, is breaking the law. If you don't like the law, then change it. But you don't sit there and give pathetic excuses for why breaking the law is perfectly fine.

Unless you can make the case that it is a direct violation of some sort of intrinsic human right.... but entering a country is not a human right. If you go to France, it's 3 years in prison, and you are banned from attempting to legally enter France for 10 years.

If you go to Mexico illegally, you'll spend 3 years in prison. Not only that, but law enforcement is required by law to assist in border enforcement *AND* so is the Mexican military *AND* native Mexicans are authorized to make citizen-arrests of illegals found in their country.

Denmark, 3 years in prison. Finland, 1 year in prison.

I could go on and on. The vast majority of all countries have laws against illegal immigration.

And I don't see people in those countries arguing that it should be different. Why are you making this case?

And if you are not making the case that people should be able to enter the country without us knowing who they are why they are coming, then you can't logically argue we should allow them to break the law, without penalty.

And if they shouldn't break the law, then you also should not be aiding criminal activity.

What part of this logic, is difficult?

I will continue to try to save lives down here in the Arizona desert by distributing food, water, medicine and clothing, because the commission of a misdemeanor does not warrant a death sentence. Get over it.

So, then what? Do you just leave them there to fend for themselves in a strange land? Can't they stay at your house till they get on their feet? Do you drive them to a sanctuary city so they won't die? Maybe take them to a motel?
Or is a bottle of water the extent of your benefaction?

Sorry, Ram.but everything you suggested is illegal, and we do not do illegal acts. If we spot them, and they want to give themselves up, we radio the border patrol to pick them up.
Well... somewhat, yes. You know the law.... you know you are not supposed to break the law....

What does the bible say about lawlessness?

What Does the Bible Say About Lawlessness?

I don't see much there that is good.

Again, I have no problem with people coming to the US legally..... but illegally.... yeah, that's not something G-d is in favor of.

Well, I guess that I am going to hell, too, because I, too, committed a misdemeanor. I got a speeding ticket for 15 MPH over the speed limit. God, have mercy on me!

That's why I set my cruise control. I got exactly 65 in the 65 zone. People pass me on both sides, and I just smile.

Even then however, there is a huge difference between you accidentally speeding, and people who are knowingly, intentionally, choosing to violate the law.

Most people who are caught speeding, are just not paying attention. (again that's why I set the cruise. I am real bad at just looking down and going CRUD! I'm going to fast!).

But illegals are not just randomly wandering around, and accidentily crossing a desert and entering the country illegally.

It's not like they walk out of the desert in Tucson, and say "Wait! This isn't Hermosillo!!".

They know exactly what they are doing. That's why they are in the desert.

Even so.... lets even say that. G-d is all about repentance. You repent of speeding.... by not speeding anymore. For me, that's setting the cruise control.

For illegally entering the US, that's going back to Mexico, or where ever, and staying their or trying to enter legally.

Then you are not an enemy of G-d.

That illegal alien is conspiring to take your job at the chicken packing plant, of trimming off the beak and feet. Therefore, God is offended, and demands a crusade to rid him from our presence!

Does breaking the law, depend on motive?

"that speeder is conspiring to take your job at the chicken packing plant, of trimming off the beak and feet. Therefore, God is offended, and demands a crusade to rid him from our presence!"

Implication, you can do 200 mph in a school zone, because you are just trying to get to work?

Breaking the law, is breaking the law. If you don't like the law, then change it. But you don't sit there and give pathetic excuses for why breaking the law is perfectly fine.

Unless you can make the case that it is a direct violation of some sort of intrinsic human right.... but entering a country is not a human right. If you go to France, it's 3 years in prison, and you are banned from attempting to legally enter France for 10 years.

If you go to Mexico illegally, you'll spend 3 years in prison. Not only that, but law enforcement is required by law to assist in border enforcement *AND* so is the Mexican military *AND* native Mexicans are authorized to make citizen-arrests of illegals found in their country.

Denmark, 3 years in prison. Finland, 1 year in prison.

I could go on and on. The vast majority of all countries have laws against illegal immigration.

And I don't see people in those countries arguing that it should be different. Why are you making this case?

And if you are not making the case that people should be able to enter the country without us knowing who they are why they are coming, then you can't logically argue we should allow them to break the law, without penalty.

And if they shouldn't break the law, then you also should not be aiding criminal activity.

What part of this logic, is difficult?

I will continue to try to save lives down here in the Arizona desert by distributing food, water, medicine and clothing, because the commission of a misdemeanor does not warrant a death sentence. Get over it.

It would be nice if you lowlife degenerate scrounges would clean up all your fucking trash out there.
But, but, but...THE ENVIRONMENT!
That's why I set my cruise control. I got exactly 65 in the 65 zone. People pass me on both sides, and I just smile.

Even then however, there is a huge difference between you accidentally speeding, and people who are knowingly, intentionally, choosing to violate the law.

Most people who are caught speeding, are just not paying attention. (again that's why I set the cruise. I am real bad at just looking down and going CRUD! I'm going to fast!).

But illegals are not just randomly wandering around, and accidentily crossing a desert and entering the country illegally.

It's not like they walk out of the desert in Tucson, and say "Wait! This isn't Hermosillo!!".

They know exactly what they are doing. That's why they are in the desert.

Even so.... lets even say that. G-d is all about repentance. You repent of speeding.... by not speeding anymore. For me, that's setting the cruise control.

For illegally entering the US, that's going back to Mexico, or where ever, and staying their or trying to enter legally.

Then you are not an enemy of G-d.

That illegal alien is conspiring to take your job at the chicken packing plant, of trimming off the beak and feet. Therefore, God is offended, and demands a crusade to rid him from our presence!

Does breaking the law, depend on motive?

"that speeder is conspiring to take your job at the chicken packing plant, of trimming off the beak and feet. Therefore, God is offended, and demands a crusade to rid him from our presence!"

Implication, you can do 200 mph in a school zone, because you are just trying to get to work?

Breaking the law, is breaking the law. If you don't like the law, then change it. But you don't sit there and give pathetic excuses for why breaking the law is perfectly fine.

Unless you can make the case that it is a direct violation of some sort of intrinsic human right.... but entering a country is not a human right. If you go to France, it's 3 years in prison, and you are banned from attempting to legally enter France for 10 years.

If you go to Mexico illegally, you'll spend 3 years in prison. Not only that, but law enforcement is required by law to assist in border enforcement *AND* so is the Mexican military *AND* native Mexicans are authorized to make citizen-arrests of illegals found in their country.

Denmark, 3 years in prison. Finland, 1 year in prison.

I could go on and on. The vast majority of all countries have laws against illegal immigration.

And I don't see people in those countries arguing that it should be different. Why are you making this case?

And if you are not making the case that people should be able to enter the country without us knowing who they are why they are coming, then you can't logically argue we should allow them to break the law, without penalty.

And if they shouldn't break the law, then you also should not be aiding criminal activity.

What part of this logic, is difficult?

I will continue to try to save lives down here in the Arizona desert by distributing food, water, medicine and clothing, because the commission of a misdemeanor does not warrant a death sentence. Get over it.

So, then what? Do you just leave them there to fend for themselves in a strange land? Can't they stay at your house till they get on their feet? Do you drive them to a sanctuary city so they won't die? Maybe take them to a motel?
Or is a bottle of water the extent of your benefaction?

Sorry, Ram.but everything you suggested is illegal, and we do not do illegal acts. If we spot them, and they want to give themselves up, we radio the border patrol to pick them up.

I was under the impression that directly providing aid for illegal activity, was in fact a crime.

Now unless you can somehow suggest you are putting out water, for random US citizens that just wander out into the desert, I think you know you are aiding an people engaged in illegal activity.

That said.........

You actually made my point. You are doing this, which encourages people to make a dangerous trek into the desert, and then openly admit that anyone that arrives after the water is gone, is left to die. You know... because you are not going to engage in an illegal activity, even though you are encouraging others to, at the risk of their lives.

As far as I'm concerned, you just blew your ideological foot off with that post. Not that this isn't surprising. I knew I was dead on right about this from the start.

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