Anthony The Mooch Scaramucci to Bill Maher: "I'll give ya that one", Trump is destroying environment

The EPA was destroying our economy. One of the reasons that under Obama economic growth was dismal.

How dare they stop companies from polluting at will !

You are really confused about this aren't you Moon Bat?

Congress and Nixon created the EPA. In the next 10 years or so the US cleaned up about 80% of the pollution for about 20% of the cost. Most people would agree that was a good thing.

Then that piece of shit Slick Willy came along and insisted that we clean of 15% of the pollution for 40% of the cost. Most people would agree that was a big waste of money to do. Lots of money, very little return.

Then that dumbsit Kenyan came along and insisted that we clean up 4% of the pollution for another 40% of the cost and that is one of the reasons the economy did so bad under the Kenyan. Most people except the stupid environmental wackos would think that was a moronic thing to do . Tremendous expenditure of money and almost negligible return.

The US spends as much money for cleanup and pollution control as the rest of the world combined. Ever since the CWA, CAA, RCRA, SWDA etc were passed the US has had declining air and water emissions and a tremendous decrease in hazardous waste. Most that was achieved long before we elected those idiot Democrat Presidents.

The first part of cleanup is the easiest .

Yes cleaning up cancer causing pollution from our water is expensive . How do you measure that in your cost benefit analysis?

What's the point of having an environment if we can't use it?
Isn't the environment a product of nature?
Man is part of nature.
Vermin and Vegetation

Nature is the enemy of man. All progress comes from taming it and transforming it. But the enemies of mankind want to force us to believe that nature is supernatural and we must submit to it. Nature is a natural disaster.

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