Anti-Gay cake jerk gets told to take a hike.

Silly. Bigomy is illegal. Perhaps you are confused as to what it means to be bisexual.

Gay marriage is illegal in most of states. It doesn't stop gays to demand to get married. If definition of marriage could be changed for gays and therefore become legal, whats preventing government to change the definition again if there is "popular demand" for it?
Silly. Bigomy is illegal. Perhaps you are confused as to what it means to be bisexual.

Gay marriage is illegal in most of states. It doesn't stop gays to demand to get married. If definition of marriage could be changed for gays and therefore become legal, whats preventing government to change the definition again if there is "popular demand" for it?

If you don't like living in a democratic republic, may I suggest you find some other place to live?
If you don't think being gay is a choice, is being bisexual a choice, or were you born that way?

I don't think that Bisexuality is a choice any more than homosexuality, heterosexuality or transsexuality is.
How about your gross hypocrisy, is that a choice?

What hypocrisy would that be?

Do you think you could be more vague?
Do you think you could be more hypocritical?
I don't think that Bisexuality is a choice any more than homosexuality, heterosexuality or transsexuality is.
How about your gross hypocrisy, is that a choice?

What hypocrisy would that be?

Do you think you could be more vague?
Do you think you could be more hypocritical?

You aren't making sense, or are intentionally trolling. See ya.
First I have no problem with gays, on the other hand I have a big problem with radical fag activist that want to force their lifestyle choices on everyone else. If they want to be treated like everyone else maybe they should start acting like everyone else and stop trying to destroy anyone who objects to their choices. I've got some gay friends who are embarrassed by the faghadist. You refused to answer my question because your answer would show you to be the hypocrite you are, just like PMH. So go on ignoring reality and we'll keep laughing at you.

The fact that you used the phrase "radical fag activists" in the same sentence where you declared yourself to "have no problem with gays" leads me to believe you are deluded, and thus, ignore your own reality. Being gay is not a choice. To what question did I not respond?

If you don't think being gay is a choice, is being bisexual a choice?

I don't think that Bisexuality is a choice any more than homosexuality, heterosexuality or transsexuality is.

So I guess a bi should be able to marry both a man and a woman?

Silly. Bigomy is illegal. Perhaps you are confused as to what it means to be bisexual.

Not confused at all, who are we to deprive them the ability to marry the ones they love? Courts have already proven laws mean nothing.
The rightwing dinosaurs continue to be annihilated by the asteroid of progess.
It's a double standard. Both merchants refused to participate, the Christian isn't allowed to decline and the other was. The American people expect fairness.
Most people recognize the difference in the incidents. The court especially noticed. It is only the desperate folks like yourself who choose to live in a fantasy like delusional world of rw spin and dishonesty. The anti gay person was offered a cake exactly as he requested minus the writing on the cake. The baker offered the material and tool for writing whatever he wanted on the bible shaped and imaged cake he requested. That means that factually, you know, those pesky facts the rw hates, the man was offered the cake he requested. See the difference. One customer got refused and the other one didn't.
Congratulations, you found another double standard from the left. Not a hard thing to do.
There is no double-standard. One is a happy gay couple, and the other is an anti-gay American Taliban asshole. She doesn't make hate cakes, and that's what he wanted. She didn't refuse to serve him because of his faith, she's Catholic, she refused to serve because of his hated. They saw through his BS, and so should you.

With that, at 21K, I'm on break. See ya, maybe.

Hate as decided by you. OMG the left wing is trying to now legalize love.
Silly. Bigomy is illegal. Perhaps you are confused as to what it means to be bisexual.

Gay marriage is illegal in most of states. It doesn't stop gays to demand to get married. If definition of marriage could be changed for gays and therefore become legal, whats preventing government to change the definition again if there is "popular demand" for it?

If you don't like living in a democratic republic, may I suggest you find some other place to live?

That's not my argument. You said bigamy is illegal. I counter that gay marriage is illegal in most states.

If marriage definition can be redefined for one, it can be redefined for another.

Btw, seems you believe you live in democratic republic. There were such countries, like Democratic Republic of Deutschland. I bet you miss it. We are constitutional republic. Don't know the difference?
And yet another member of the American Taliban gets spanked for being a jerk. Happy days.

The Colorado Civil Rights Division, which earlier ruled a Christian bakery could not refuse to make a wedding cake for a “same-sex” marriage, has denied any discrimination took place when another bakery turned down a request to make cakes that including Bible verses labeling homosexual conduct as sin.

Last week, the state agency ruled that Denver’s Azucar Bakery did not discriminate against William Jack, a Christian from Castle Rock, by refusing to make two cakes with “groomsmen” X’d out and Bible verses the following Bible verses: “God hates sin. Psalm 45:7,” “Homosexuality is a detestable sin. Leviticus 18:2,” “God loves sinners” and “While we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Romans 5:8.”

He told the civil rights agency he ordered the cakes with the imagery and biblical verses to convey that same-sex marriage is, in his words, “un-biblical and inappropriate.”

Marjorie Silva, the owner of the bakery, told Jack that she would make him the Bible-shaped cakes, but would not decorate them with the biblical verses and the image of the groomsmen that he requested. Instead, she offered to provide him with icing and a pastry bag so he could write or draw whatever messages he wished on the cakes.

Gay cakes protected anti- gay cakes not

Nope. I think everyone should be treated equally by the law so if someone has to bake a cake for gay dudes then bible people should be able to force others to bake a cake for them.

The baker didn't refuse to make that cake. She refused to write on it. She said she would make the bible shape cake and then give the icing bag to the customer and the customer could write on it.

That's not denying anyone a cake.
It is denial of full service she provides to gays and anyone else.
Silly. Bigomy is illegal. Perhaps you are confused as to what it means to be bisexual.

Gay marriage is illegal in most of states. It doesn't stop gays to demand to get married. If definition of marriage could be changed for gays and therefore become legal, whats preventing government to change the definition again if there is "popular demand" for it?
"Gay marriage is illegal in most of states."

Legal in 3/4's of the states and in June: Legal nationally.

Buckle up.
Great idea. Just ignore those fines, and you will find all about butt fucking when they lock you up. You might have more than your feelings hurt.
Diversity police breaking down the door in middle of the night to arrest violators of the diversity policy....sounds like a 1984esque novel. Something scum like you would cheer no doubt.

Well, it should sound like fiction, because it is. I realize right wingers have trouble keeping fiction novels and reality separate, but you should at least try.

What do you expect? They are obsessed with the most popular fiction novel ever written.
the problem is both sides feel the rulings or laws biased against them
violate their CONSENT, their beliefs and free will/right to choose.

By natural laws, which are not fiction, but are inherent in all human beings
neither side agrees to see govt abused to violate their beliefs and free will.
So both sides are fighting for Equal Constitutional protection of their beliefs.

The Constitutional principles are not fiction either, but based on natural laws we didn't write.
We didn't create human nature, but all people want free will, free exercise of religion,
free choice not to be dictated or discriminated against by govt abused by opposing interests.

Both sides are fighting the same battle, but only to defend their side.
orogenicman isn't this the same age old battle man has always faced since we first became
aware we had individual will, and collective society or will of others to account for,
and the issue of laws to enforce to defend the interests of some over adversity?

This same conflict may arise in every fiction tale, drama, book or movie,
but it is the story of humanity. Everyone I know is "obsessed" with defending their beliefs
and interests from oppression or conflict with others!

Not at all really. Homsexuality is not a belief system. It is not a lifestyle choice. As such you cannot compare the struggle of homosexuals against discrimination in all aspects of their daily lives with the "struggle" of religious bigots to deify their bigotry. The analogy simply doesn't work.
Homosexuals do not hold the BELIEF their orientation is normal? That's what you're saying.
The baker didn't refuse to make that cake. She refused to write on it. She said she would make the bible shape cake and then give the icing bag to the customer and the customer could write on it.

That's not denying anyone a cake.

So then, she refused service to others based on their religious beliefs.

Isn't that right, assclown?

No she did not refuse to serve anyone. She simply refused to write hate speech on a cake she was asked to make. She offered to make the cake. By the way, she is a Catholic.
She is a LIBERAL. You people will throw your mother off a cliff to promote your agenda.
Silly. Bigomy is illegal. Perhaps you are confused as to what it means to be bisexual.

Gay marriage is illegal in most of states. It doesn't stop gays to demand to get married. If definition of marriage could be changed for gays and therefore become legal, whats preventing government to change the definition again if there is "popular demand" for it?
"Gay marriage is illegal in most of states."

Legal in 3/4's of the states and in June: Legal nationally.

Buckle up.


I should have say "gay marriage was illegal (in most states), and that didn't stop gays from demanding..."
The fact that you used the phrase "radical fag activists" in the same sentence where you declared yourself to "have no problem with gays" leads me to believe you are deluded, and thus, ignore your own reality. Being gay is not a choice. To what question did I not respond?

If you don't think being gay is a choice, is being bisexual a choice?

I don't think that Bisexuality is a choice any more than homosexuality, heterosexuality or transsexuality is.

So I guess a bi should be able to marry both a man and a woman?

Silly. Bigomy is illegal. Perhaps you are confused as to what it means to be bisexual.

Not confused at all, who are we to deprive them the ability to marry the ones they love? Courts have already proven laws mean nothing.
Silly. Bigomy is illegal. Perhaps you are confused as to what it means to be bisexual.

Gay marriage is illegal in most of states. It doesn't stop gays to demand to get married. If definition of marriage could be changed for gays and therefore become legal, whats preventing government to change the definition again if there is "popular demand" for it?

If you don't like living in a democratic republic, may I suggest you find some other place to live?

That's not my argument. You said bigamy is illegal. I counter that gay marriage is illegal in most states.

Most states? You have that backwards. 37 states have legalized gay marriage. It is illegal in only 13 states.
The baker didn't refuse to make that cake. She refused to write on it. She said she would make the bible shape cake and then give the icing bag to the customer and the customer could write on it.

That's not denying anyone a cake.

So then, she refused service to others based on their religious beliefs.

Isn't that right, assclown?

No she did not refuse to serve anyone. She simply refused to write hate speech on a cake she was asked to make. She offered to make the cake. By the way, she is a Catholic.
She is a LIBERAL. You people will throw your mother off a cliff to promote your agenda.

Emotional arguments like yours is a sign of desperation.
Diversity police breaking down the door in middle of the night to arrest violators of the diversity policy....sounds like a 1984esque novel. Something scum like you would cheer no doubt.

Well, it should sound like fiction, because it is. I realize right wingers have trouble keeping fiction novels and reality separate, but you should at least try.

What do you expect? They are obsessed with the most popular fiction novel ever written.
the problem is both sides feel the rulings or laws biased against them
violate their CONSENT, their beliefs and free will/right to choose.

By natural laws, which are not fiction, but are inherent in all human beings
neither side agrees to see govt abused to violate their beliefs and free will.
So both sides are fighting for Equal Constitutional protection of their beliefs.

The Constitutional principles are not fiction either, but based on natural laws we didn't write.
We didn't create human nature, but all people want free will, free exercise of religion,
free choice not to be dictated or discriminated against by govt abused by opposing interests.

Both sides are fighting the same battle, but only to defend their side.
orogenicman isn't this the same age old battle man has always faced since we first became
aware we had individual will, and collective society or will of others to account for,
and the issue of laws to enforce to defend the interests of some over adversity?

This same conflict may arise in every fiction tale, drama, book or movie,
but it is the story of humanity. Everyone I know is "obsessed" with defending their beliefs
and interests from oppression or conflict with others!

Not at all really. Homsexuality is not a belief system. It is not a lifestyle choice. As such you cannot compare the struggle of homosexuals against discrimination in all aspects of their daily lives with the "struggle" of religious bigots to deify their bigotry. The analogy simply doesn't work.
Homosexuals do not hold the BELIEF their orientation is normal? That's what you're saying.

Don't put words in my mouth.

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