Anti-White, Anti-Christian Bigotry Marches On

Ain't America great......
Where else can you get police protection for terrorist?

Which terrorists were getting police protection? Are you trying to say all Muslims are terrorists?

Not all of em obviously.
But I'd bet there's a few of em in every mosque.

A few in every mosque, huh? I wonder what you base that assertion on, specifically?

Regardless, the government is certainly not supposed to assume that any mosque in the US contains terrorists and therefore not provide police protection. :dunno:
As I've already stated. I'm not familiar with the guy,everything I've heard came from USMB members. Maybe someone will chime in
So you told me what you THINK but don't KNOW.

I'm saying all those the left calls "right-wing" always turn out to be "alt-right" SOCIALISTS

Dude,I'm conservative as they come.
I'm not some leftist trying to score points. The guy was in the news and posted here and was apparently a right wing dude.
I dont even remember the guy and I've been here since 2010.
AGAIN,maybe someone with more info will chime in.
Ain't America great......
Where else can you get police protection for terrorist?

Which terrorists were getting police protection? Are you trying to say all Muslims are terrorists?

Not all of em obviously.
But I'd bet there's a few of em in every mosque.

A few in every mosque, huh? I wonder what you base that assertion on, specifically?

Regardless, the government is certainly not supposed to assume that any mosque in the US contains terrorists and therefore not provide police protection. :dunno:

But you cant tell me there aren't.
But so many predictable responses are already upon us. As usual, the lamestream media already stands condemned here. While the New Zealand attack was terrible in the extreme, every single day we have massacres of infidels by devout Muslims taking place.

Yet it is almost always crickets chirping from the media. For example, what about the recent Muslim attacks on Christians in a church in Nigeria with 32 deaths; or in Egypt, leaving 9 dead; or the Philippines church attack that killed 20; or the 8 dead in a Somalia market attack, etc. The list is endless. As one group that monitors all this points out, in the month of February 2019 alone there were 150 deadly Islamic terror attacks in 22 different countries. These resulted in 883 deaths and 547 people being injured. This is routine stuff, yet when was the last time the MSM ran with any of it?

Some Inconvenient Truths About the Christchurch Massacre - CultureWatch


I wonder how much of that has to do with the religious groups being attacked, and how much has to do with the location. Australia is a 'Western' nation. Nigeria, Egypt, the Philippines, and Somalia are not. Western media tends to give a lot more attention to events in Western nations.
Dude,I'm conservative as they come.
I'm not some leftist trying to score points. The guy was in the news and posted here and was apparently a right wing dude.
I dont even remember the guy and I've been here since 2010.
AGAIN,maybe someone with more info will chime in
You keep repeating yourself but you can't produce any threads or posts of the guy. So you REALLY DONT KNOW. You're making a CLAIM based on what others say.

Example: odium thinks he's "right." Commie left wingers think so too. Yet he calls himself a National SOCIALIST.

These people are the fake right. The TRUE right wing doesn't engage in terroristic crime.
Dude,I'm conservative as they come.
I'm not some leftist trying to score points. The guy was in the news and posted here and was apparently a right wing dude.
I dont even remember the guy and I've been here since 2010.
AGAIN,maybe someone with more info will chime in
You keep repeating yourself but you can't produce any threads or posts of the guy. So you REALLY DONT KNOW. You're making a CLAIM based on what others say.

Example: sodium thinks he's "right." Commie left wingers think so too. Yet he calls himself a National SOCIALIST.

These people are the fake right. The TRUE right wing doesn't engage in terroristic crime.

Jesus Christ!!
Conservatives even admitted to the fact the guy was on the right.
After thousands of assaults on and murders of white Christians, and Christians of all races, my area in SE Michigan is treated to this double standard

In the parking lot of the Islamic Center of Detroit Friday, a watchful police officer sat in a squad car, keeping an eye out for any signs of potential trouble. Worshippers thanked the officer — offering him food, drinks, a handshake. Inside, Dearborn Police Chief Ronald Haddad greeted congregants with handshakes and hugs. Dearborn is a Detroit suburb with a large Arab and Muslim population.

Haddad said he doesn’t know if houses of worship are more of a target today than in previous times, but the scale and scope of the attacks in New Zealand clearly attracted his attention.

“Given what happened in New Zealand last night, we want to make sure that our community feels safe and secure,” he said.

In Chicago, the Muslim Community Center and the Downtown Islamic Center increased security during Friday prayers. Several armed police officers stood guard outside and inside throughout the afternoon service.

Event hosted by Haleemah Aqel, Mohammad Shaikh, Arwa Gayar and Silan Fadlallah on Facebook here

In the wake of the mosque shootings in New Zealand, the Islamophobia Working Group is holding a solidarity vigil on the Diag in Ann Arbor this Saturday at 4 pm.

All are welcome. Please spread the word so that UM may come together as a community in a time of crisis.
It seems that a terrorist white guy is more likely to survive interaction with the police than an innocent black guy who has interaction with the police. Have you noticed that?

Ain't America great......
Where else can you get police protection for terrorist?

Which terrorists were getting police protection? Are you trying to say all Muslims are terrorists?

Not all of em obviously.
But I'd bet there's a few of em in every mosque.

A few in every mosque, huh? I wonder what you base that assertion on, specifically?

Regardless, the government is certainly not supposed to assume that any mosque in the US contains terrorists and therefore not provide police protection. :dunno:

But you cant tell me there aren't.

I can't tell you that there aren't a few terrorists in every church or synagogue or any house of worship in the country. It's impossible to know for certain.

Look, I'm not claiming that Islam isn't the biggest religious driver of terrorism in the world today. Based on everything I've seen, it certainly is. I'm not going to assume every mosque in the country contains a terrorist, though.
After thousands of assaults on and murders of white Christians, and Christians of all races, my area in SE Michigan is treated to this double standard

In the parking lot of the Islamic Center of Detroit Friday, a watchful police officer sat in a squad car, keeping an eye out for any signs of potential trouble. Worshippers thanked the officer — offering him food, drinks, a handshake. Inside, Dearborn Police Chief Ronald Haddad greeted congregants with handshakes and hugs. Dearborn is a Detroit suburb with a large Arab and Muslim population.

Haddad said he doesn’t know if houses of worship are more of a target today than in previous times, but the scale and scope of the attacks in New Zealand clearly attracted his attention.

“Given what happened in New Zealand last night, we want to make sure that our community feels safe and secure,” he said.

In Chicago, the Muslim Community Center and the Downtown Islamic Center increased security during Friday prayers. Several armed police officers stood guard outside and inside throughout the afternoon service.

Event hosted by Haleemah Aqel, Mohammad Shaikh, Arwa Gayar and Silan Fadlallah on Facebook here

In the wake of the mosque shootings in New Zealand, the Islamophobia Working Group is holding a solidarity vigil on the Diag in Ann Arbor this Saturday at 4 pm.

All are welcome. Please spread the word so that UM may come together as a community in a time of crisis.
It seems that a terrorist white guy is more likely to survive interaction with the police than an innocent black guy who has interaction with the police. Have you noticed that?


And blacks are much more likely to die at the hands of a brother than a cop.
Ain't America great......
Where else can you get police protection for terrorist?

Which terrorists were getting police protection? Are you trying to say all Muslims are terrorists?

Not all of em obviously.
But I'd bet there's a few of em in every mosque.

A few in every mosque, huh? I wonder what you base that assertion on, specifically?

Regardless, the government is certainly not supposed to assume that any mosque in the US contains terrorists and therefore not provide police protection. :dunno:

But you cant tell me there aren't.

I can't tell you that there aren't a few terrorists in every church or synagogue or any house of worship in the country. It's impossible to know for certain.

Look, I'm not claiming that Islam isn't the biggest religious driver of terrorism in the world today. Based on everything I've seen, it certainly is. I'm not going to assume every mosque in the country contains a terrorist, though.

Error on the side of caution.
I think every mosque in the country should be under surveillance.
Which terrorists were getting police protection? Are you trying to say all Muslims are terrorists?

Not all of em obviously.
But I'd bet there's a few of em in every mosque.

A few in every mosque, huh? I wonder what you base that assertion on, specifically?

Regardless, the government is certainly not supposed to assume that any mosque in the US contains terrorists and therefore not provide police protection. :dunno:

But you cant tell me there aren't.

I can't tell you that there aren't a few terrorists in every church or synagogue or any house of worship in the country. It's impossible to know for certain.

Look, I'm not claiming that Islam isn't the biggest religious driver of terrorism in the world today. Based on everything I've seen, it certainly is. I'm not going to assume every mosque in the country contains a terrorist, though.

Error on the side of caution.
I think every mosque in the country should be under surveillance.

I'm much less comfortable with increasing government surveillance on citizens or legal immigrants without reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing. Simply being in a mosque is not reasonable suspicion.

The government already appears to engage in too much surveillance of citizens.
After thousands of assaults on and murders of white Christians, and Christians of all races, my area in SE Michigan is treated to this double standard

In the parking lot of the Islamic Center of Detroit Friday, a watchful police officer sat in a squad car, keeping an eye out for any signs of potential trouble. Worshippers thanked the officer — offering him food, drinks, a handshake. Inside, Dearborn Police Chief Ronald Haddad greeted congregants with handshakes and hugs. Dearborn is a Detroit suburb with a large Arab and Muslim population.

Haddad said he doesn’t know if houses of worship are more of a target today than in previous times, but the scale and scope of the attacks in New Zealand clearly attracted his attention.

“Given what happened in New Zealand last night, we want to make sure that our community feels safe and secure,” he said.

In Chicago, the Muslim Community Center and the Downtown Islamic Center increased security during Friday prayers. Several armed police officers stood guard outside and inside throughout the afternoon service.

Event hosted by Haleemah Aqel, Mohammad Shaikh, Arwa Gayar and Silan Fadlallah on Facebook here

In the wake of the mosque shootings in New Zealand, the Islamophobia Working Group is holding a solidarity vigil on the Diag in Ann Arbor this Saturday at 4 pm.

All are welcome. Please spread the word so that UM may come together as a community in a time of crisis.
It seems that a terrorist white guy is more likely to survive interaction with the police than an innocent black guy who has interaction with the police. Have you noticed that?


b on w.jpg
Cant remember the specifics.
Maybe someone else can chime in,he was a right wing loon though
Without even knowing, I'm willing to bet he isn't "right wing" at all. Alt right are SOCIALISTS, not Founding Fathers "right"

He was right wing based on his posts from my understanding.

As I've already stated. I'm not familiar with the guy,everything I've heard came from USMB members. Maybe someone will chime in.

Just the newest .

Update: NZ Mosque Killer a Socialist, Ecoterrorist, Who Praises Commie China and Condemns Conservatism… Media Calls him a Trump Supporter
We already know Tammy is an anti-christian bigot. I hope the last words you hear in your dead country will be Allahu Akabar! Allah is greatest!
How do you know that Tommy is not a Christian himself?
After thousands of assaults on and murders of white Christians, and Christians of all races, my area in SE Michigan is treated to this double standard

In the parking lot of the Islamic Center of Detroit Friday, a watchful police officer sat in a squad car, keeping an eye out for any signs of potential trouble. Worshippers thanked the officer — offering him food, drinks, a handshake. Inside, Dearborn Police Chief Ronald Haddad greeted congregants with handshakes and hugs. Dearborn is a Detroit suburb with a large Arab and Muslim population.

Haddad said he doesn’t know if houses of worship are more of a target today than in previous times, but the scale and scope of the attacks in New Zealand clearly attracted his attention.

“Given what happened in New Zealand last night, we want to make sure that our community feels safe and secure,” he said.

In Chicago, the Muslim Community Center and the Downtown Islamic Center increased security during Friday prayers. Several armed police officers stood guard outside and inside throughout the afternoon service.

Event hosted by Haleemah Aqel, Mohammad Shaikh, Arwa Gayar and Silan Fadlallah on Facebook here

In the wake of the mosque shootings in New
Zealand, the Islamophobia Working Group is holding a solidarity vigil on the Diag in Ann Arbor this Saturday at 4 pm.

All are welcome. Please spread the word so that UM may come together as a community in a time of crisis.

PLEASE present evidence that a person has been attacked beause of affiliation with the Christian faith or European "white ethnicity"? Who is attacking you in your Michigan neighborhood?
Not all of em obviously.
But I'd bet there's a few of em in every mosque.

A few in every mosque, huh? I wonder what you base that assertion on, specifically?

Regardless, the government is certainly not supposed to assume that any mosque in the US contains terrorists and therefore not provide police protection. :dunno:

But you cant tell me there aren't.

I can't tell you that there aren't a few terrorists in every church or synagogue or any house of worship in the country. It's impossible to know for certain.

Look, I'm not claiming that Islam isn't the biggest religious driver of terrorism in the world today. Based on everything I've seen, it certainly is. I'm not going to assume every mosque in the country contains a terrorist, though.

Error on the side of caution.
I think every mosque in the country should be under surveillance.

I'm much less comfortable with increasing government surveillance on citizens or legal immigrants without reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing. Simply being in a mosque is not reasonable suspicion.

The government already appears to engage in too much surveillance of citizens.

Since muslimes are prone to hiding weapons in mosques and are known to be terrorist I believe that gives us the right to keep an eye on em.
Cant remember the specifics.
Maybe someone else can chime in,he was a right wing loon though
Without even knowing, I'm willing to bet he isn't "right wing" at all. Alt right are SOCIALISTS, not Founding Fathers "right"

He was right wing based on his posts from my understanding.

As I've already stated. I'm not familiar with the guy,everything I've heard came from USMB members. Maybe someone will chime in.

Just the newest .

Update: NZ Mosque Killer a Socialist, Ecoterrorist, Who Praises Commie China and Condemns Conservatism… Media Calls him a Trump Supporter

Color me shocked.....
A few in every mosque, huh? I wonder what you base that assertion on, specifically?

Regardless, the government is certainly not supposed to assume that any mosque in the US contains terrorists and therefore not provide police protection. :dunno:

But you cant tell me there aren't.

I can't tell you that there aren't a few terrorists in every church or synagogue or any house of worship in the country. It's impossible to know for certain.

Look, I'm not claiming that Islam isn't the biggest religious driver of terrorism in the world today. Based on everything I've seen, it certainly is. I'm not going to assume every mosque in the country contains a terrorist, though.

Error on the side of caution.
I think every mosque in the country should be under surveillance.

I'm much less comfortable with increasing government surveillance on citizens or legal immigrants without reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing. Simply being in a mosque is not reasonable suspicion.

The government already appears to engage in too much surveillance of citizens.

Since muslimes are prone to hiding weapons in mosques and are known to be terrorist I believe that gives us the right to keep an eye on em.

So who is going to "keep an eye on" these white gangs who call themselves "militias".These scumbags ar operating in full view. Who is attacking you in Michigan? Any police reports where you have called for help because you are being attacked? Under seige?
Were there thousands of assaults on and murders of Christians in SE Michigan, and were those assaults and murders based on the victims being Christians?
Muzzies massacre Christians all over the world. Are the police protecting churches in the USA? Is the University of Michigan holding a vigil for the Christian victims?
Muslims? Only terrorists who kill more Muslims than anything... If we could just get the Republicans to stop screwing with other countries... How is Ronald Reagan's pal Saddam doing?
After thousands of assaults on and murders of white Christians, and Christians of all races, my area in SE Michigan is treated to this double standard

In the parking lot of the Islamic Center of Detroit Friday, a watchful police officer sat in a squad car, keeping an eye out for any signs of potential trouble. Worshippers thanked the officer — offering him food, drinks, a handshake. Inside, Dearborn Police Chief Ronald Haddad greeted congregants with handshakes and hugs. Dearborn is a Detroit suburb with a large Arab and Muslim population.

Haddad said he doesn’t know if houses of worship are more of a target today than in previous times, but the scale and scope of the attacks in New Zealand clearly attracted his attention.

“Given what happened in New Zealand last night, we want to make sure that our community feels safe and secure,” he said.

In Chicago, the Muslim Community Center and the Downtown Islamic Center increased security during Friday prayers. Several armed police officers stood guard outside and inside throughout the afternoon service.

Event hosted by Haleemah Aqel, Mohammad Shaikh, Arwa Gayar and Silan Fadlallah on Facebook here

In the wake of the mosque shootings in New Zealand, the Islamophobia Working Group is holding a solidarity vigil on the Diag in Ann Arbor this Saturday at 4 pm.

All are welcome. Please spread the word so that UM may come together as a community in a time of crisis.
It seems that a terrorist white guy is more likely to survive interaction with the police than an innocent black guy who has interaction with the police. Have you noticed that?


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If only all those black felons could get jobs.... Legalize marijuana now.

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