Any word on the "accomplishments" of Rubio, Rand Paul, Lindsay Graham, or Ted Cruz?

Cruz shut down government and wasted $26 billion
....they never turned $1,000 into $100,000 trading commodities in an account that was overseen by a major broker doing business with Arkansas at a time when a broker could allocate trades to different accounts, the house takes the losing side of the trade and Hillary gets the gains

Why'd she stop trading commodities after that?

Odd, no?
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They seem to be as qualified as Obama, Hillary, or Sanders.
With the exception of Lindsey Graham, who's still a closet gay fraud, all are better than Hillary Clinton. My opinion anyway.
We've been talking about Hillary's...any word on the GOP Senators' accomplishments?
None yet. I haven't heard a word about accomplishments, from any of them. But, when one thinks about it, what accomplishments could any of them possibly present to the public. After all, things aren't exactly peaches and cream on Main Street America, and haven't been in over a half century now.
We've been talking about Hillary's...any word on the GOP Senators' accomplishments?

They all didn't ride their spouse's coattail into power.

They were not responsible for nor lied about the deaths of Americans at Benghazi.

They offer a younger perspective and not one of a Washington insider.

They don't run slush funds in the guise of charity.
Well, in the Florida Senate, Rubio was Majority leader, then Speaker of the House before elected to the US Senate.

Better creds than Obama.

and FAR better than Hillary
That fluff piece ignores the million employees paid for sitting home during the GOP hissy fit over Obamacare

They were going to receive their salary regardless of what happened with the shutdown. There was no 24 billion dollar waste/loss.

They were paid for not working

0 labor performed........100% pay received
Can Hillary tell us what the contract specification were of the "Cattle futures" she "traded"
Well, in the Florida Senate, Rubio was Majority leader, then Speaker of the House before elected to the US Senate.

Better creds than Obama.

and FAR better than Hillary
Hillary was elected Senator too....twice. Game Set Match...Clinton

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