Anyone an paste news articles, but can anyone comment on my latest 3 min audio speech


Nov 17, 2011
The reason I started putting out audio speeches is because you know it's not copied and pasted, and takes a little more effort to show i'm serious...

Please let me know what you think:

PVSI.NET speech July 16 2012 - YouTube

For those who are hearing impaired, here's the text:

If a deranged man held a gun to my head, and told me, "either be quiet, tell me the truth, or I'll blow your brains out" - I would tell him, this: You want success? I can make you a millionaire. it will not cost you anything, it will not take much effort, and the dream will come true within a few months. and it will last, a lifetime. Listen. Find a weak side within yourself - someone coming up to you with big money. it will not matter if he is a democrat or republican, he will be a gentleman, and you will be attracted to earn that cash. same is the problem with our politicians. Go back, to the very beginning. there was one soul. one world. no division. you are that one soul. there is an animal attached to it. it is selfish, hateful, ignorant, and it does not deserve to be a millionaire. the world governments, have no soul. they are controlled by money. Help me put these governments out of their misery, by replacing them with a new government serving justice, and you will become the wealthiest person on this planet. kill, kill, kill the pesimism in your head which says the dream is impossible. kill it. and with it you will kill all your enemies.
I do not have money to pay to be in your face on television. But you find time to pray to god, to play games, to go to church, to donate, gamble, drink, watch tv. so please, find time to share this very important message which will other wise not be shared by the media and the political industry which is driven by money. we can turn our country around this november. - has all the answers.
You've been waiting for judgement day, it is now time, time to listen to your soul. listen to my voice, let the honesty and openness guide you.
you may not recognize me because I'm not on television. And No, I can not be elected. because of all the good, but brainwashed people with voting rights. And I was not born here. so I've seen too much to qualify to be a puppet... I love all people, no matter who they are. I hate hypocrisy and dishonesty. I understand that none of us are perfect, and I am willing to forgive ALL criminals, no matter what crime they comitted in this crazy lawless world. everyone shall get a new chance. But my last name is Abrutis, and once I come to power, I will have no mercy for those who stand in the way of justice. no matter who they are. And I suggest that all politicians on television abandon their campaigns, for the sake of their families. to make way for a leadership. not to obscure my message.
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