Apparent Rand Paul Supporter Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head

I'm still wondering why the idiot saw fit to step on the woman's neck and shoulder when she was ALREADY BEING HELD DOWN BY 2 OTHER MEN!

Are teabaggers that pussified?

Your post answers that question.

He's an idiot.

What's the point the left is trying to make here?:eusa_eh:

That the right is as bad as the they are?

In this prick's case...they're right? In that we can agree.

Anything else?:hmpf:

No, the point is that wingnuts are worse than the left. The proof is that

1) you can't name one liberal campaign official who has stomped on someone's head.
2) While the thugs' actions were obviously wrong, the wingnuts on this thread continue to defend it

Who was a campaign official? Did you or some Lib award him that title now? Why is it every bigot or shithead all of the sudden becomes one of our leaders?:lalala: You've got to be making this up.

FYI....I may not be able to name somebody that has stomped on someone's head specifically...but I can name some that have blown up the Pentagon [Bill Ayers], gave speeches intended to incite violence [Rev. Jeremiah Wright], or declared fellow Americans to be the Enemy[Barrack H. Obama].

Which is worse? Which one of these acts effects more of us?

.....I don't see anybody defending this. Maybe you need to go back to school and work on your English Comprehension.
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He needs more training actually, that's what I learned out of the entire overblown clown show. The douche bag broad was an absolute nut case, and the warriors or whoever they were need some serious MMA training.

Good luck. Back to the issues.............

Ron Paul Jr spanking Democrat bum in the polls though huh? :)
He needs more training actually, that's what I learned out of the entire overblown clown show. The douche bag broad was an absolute nut case, and the warriors or whoever they were need some serious MMA training.

Good luck. Back to the issues.............

Ron Paul Jr spanking Democrat bum in the polls though huh? :)

It's what I call "The Old 60s Face-spitting Tactic"

Walk up to someone....spit in their face and wait for the ass-whipping soon to follow.

OH....and btw...make sure the cameras are rolling.
Your post answers that question.

He's an idiot.

What's the point the left is trying to make here?:eusa_eh:

That the right is as bad as the they are?

In this prick's case...they're right? In that we can agree.

Anything else?:hmpf:

No, the point is that wingnuts are worse than the left. The proof is that

1) you can't name one liberal campaign official who has stomped on someone's head.
2) While the thugs' actions were obviously wrong, the wingnuts on this thread continue to defend it
so now this guy is a campaign official?

and please link to those that defended the action

The guy doing the stomping has been identified as Tim Proffit, who USED to be Rand Paul's Burbon County coordinator.

Rand Paul has since fired him from the campaign.
Seems like only yesterday the right's cause celebre was Juan Williams' 'freedom of speech',

manifesting itself in a hysterical attack on NPR, demanding its defunding blah de blah.

Looks like the expiration date on that whole 'free speech' thing was closer than one might have thought.

Someone whose head was stomped would not be standing in front of a camera two minutes later smiling and giving an interview. In the chaos of the moment, someone pressed on her shoulder with his foot that's all. No one stomped the woman's head. The fact is this woman has no one but herself to blame. This was essentially a publicity stunt by a agitator whose intent was to generate controversy for the Paul campaign. Unfortunately, her antics succeeded better than she ever dreamed possible. She feigned an attack on Rand Paul, some bystanders restrained her, and the distorted headlines read that a member is beaten up by Tea Partiers. The headline should be agitator charges Rand Paul at political rally and is stopped by concerned citizens, but will the liberal press report this, no.
It was her shoulder.
And as Beck exposed, she's an activist know for causing trouble and attending radical far left "Street Performances".

Well, see, how easy was that.

Easy, I mean, to rationalize and justify a brownshirt beatdown.

Let's see here..........

A teabagger douche in Alaska (Miller) decided to stop freedom of the press by arresting a reporter with his brownshirt thugs.

Rand Paul has his brownshirt thugs beat A WOMAN who was simply exercising her freedom of speech.

Christine O'Donnell doesn't even know about the separation of church and state..........

Are the teabaggers SURE they understand what the Constitution is all about?
Someone whose head was stomped would not be standing in front of a camera two minutes later smiling and giving an interview. In the chaos of the moment, someone pressed on her shoulder with his foot that's all. No one stomped the woman's head. The fact is this woman has no one but herself to blame. This was essentially a publicity stunt by a agitator whose intent was to generate controversy for the Paul campaign. Unfortunately, her antics succeeded better than she ever dreamed possible. She feigned an attack on Rand Paul, some bystanders restrained her, and the distorted headlines read that a member is beaten up by Tea Partiers. The headline should be agitator charges Rand Paul at political rally and is stopped by concerned citizens, but will the liberal press report this, no.

If nothing wrong occurred, why did the Paul campaign sever their relationship with the Brownshirt who perpetrated the nothing-wrong attack?
The hack Democrat cops caused the entire scene by letting that little toad near those good people.

They neutralized the threat. Very ugly execution, but overall, a success. If someone thinks that's a head stomp, you should not leave Mom and Dad's shadow.
Your post answers that question.

He's an idiot.

What's the point the left is trying to make here?:eusa_eh:

That the right is as bad as the they are?

In this prick's case...they're right? In that we can agree.

Anything else?:hmpf:

No, the point is that wingnuts are worse than the left. The proof is that

1) you can't name one liberal campaign official who has stomped on someone's head.
2) While the thugs' actions were obviously wrong, the wingnuts on this thread continue to defend it
so now this guy is a campaign official?

and please link to those that defended the action

Yes, Tim Profitt was a campaign coordinator for the Rand Paul campaign in Bourbon County

As far as the link, the posts are in this thread
And as Beck exposed, she's an activist know for causing trouble and attending radical far left "Street Performances".

Well, see, how easy was that.

Easy, I mean, to rationalize and justify a brownshirt beatdown.

Let's see here..........

A teabagger douche in Alaska (Miller) decided to stop freedom of the press by arresting a reporter with his brownshirt thugs.

Rand Paul has his brownshirt thugs beat A WOMAN who was simply exercising her freedom of speech.

Christine O'Donnell doesn't even know about the separation of church and state..........

Are the teabaggers SURE they understand what the Constitution is all about?

You know it's bad when you can make a Brownshirt reference to describe an incident and it cannot be tossed off as hyperbole.
Someone whose head was stomped would not be standing in front of a camera two minutes later smiling and giving an interview. In the chaos of the moment, someone pressed on her shoulder with his foot that's all. No one stomped the woman's head. The fact is this woman has no one but herself to blame. This was essentially a publicity stunt by a agitator whose intent was to generate controversy for the Paul campaign. Unfortunately, her antics succeeded better than she ever dreamed possible. She feigned an attack on Rand Paul, some bystanders restrained her, and the distorted headlines read that a member is beaten up by Tea Partiers. The headline should be agitator charges Rand Paul at political rally and is stopped by concerned citizens, but will the liberal press report this, no.

A quick question or two for the soggy pussy in the corner.............

Did you see the video? Her head AND shoulder were both stomped on.

Wanna explain why the hospital says she had a concussion?
Your post answers that question.

He's an idiot.

What's the point the left is trying to make here?:eusa_eh:

That the right is as bad as the they are?

In this prick's case...they're right? In that we can agree.

Anything else?:hmpf:

No, the point is that wingnuts are worse than the left. The proof is that

1) you can't name one liberal campaign official who has stomped on someone's head.
2) While the thugs' actions were obviously wrong, the wingnuts on this thread continue to defend it

Who was a campaign official? Did you or some Lib award him that title now? Why is it every bigot or shithead all of the sudden becomes one of our leaders?:lalala: You've got to be making this up.

FYI....I may not be able to name somebody that has stomped on someone's head specifically...but I can name some that have blown up the Pentagon [Bill Ayers], gave speeches intended to incite violence [Rev. Jeremiah Wright], or declared fellow Americans to be the Enemy[Barrack H. Obama].

Which is worse? Which one of these acts effects more of us?

.....I don't see anybody defending this. Maybe you need to go back to school and work on your English Comprehension.

Umm, you're defending this thug by denying his involvement with Rand campaign and trying to compare it to people who had NOTHING to do with Obama's campaign.

Tim Profitt was a campaign coordinator in Bourbon County. Go ahead and deny the truth. It's The Wingnut Way of dealing with reality...denial
Someone whose head was stomped would not be standing in front of a camera two minutes later smiling and giving an interview. In the chaos of the moment, someone pressed on her shoulder with his foot that's all. No one stomped the woman's head. The fact is this woman has no one but herself to blame. This was essentially a publicity stunt by a agitator whose intent was to generate controversy for the Paul campaign. Unfortunately, her antics succeeded better than she ever dreamed possible. She feigned an attack on Rand Paul, some bystanders restrained her, and the distorted headlines read that a member is beaten up by Tea Partiers. The headline should be agitator charges Rand Paul at political rally and is stopped by concerned citizens, but will the liberal press report this, no.

If nothing wrong occurred, why did the Paul campaign sever their relationship with the Brownshirt who perpetrated the nothing-wrong attack?

Okay, so this man came to the Rand Paul rally with the intention of stomping on the head of anyone who opposes Paul that showed up? You believe this? What occurred was a response to clearly provocative actions of a member of who was there for the purpose of disrupting the event. Do you realize how many politicians have been murdered at political rallies and campaign events in this country? The campaign season is a very vulnerable time for politicians when people know where they are going to be and what time, and they are exposed. These bystanders had no way of knowing whether this wig-wearing freaky looking woman had a gun, a knife, or some other weapon, and whether she was running toward Paul in order to harm him. In the heat of the moment one of them got a bit overzealous subduing the threat, but on the video you could hear others telling him to hold back. If he went over the line then he should be held accountable, but I don't believe he had any malicious intent, he was just overly protective under the circumstances. Had the woman not tried to pull off this stunt in the first place none of this would have happened anyway.

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