Appeals to white voters are racist and evil


Gold Member
Oct 24, 2016
Oops. Sorry about the headline. Same principle applies though. Right?

“...our approach is tailored to black people in the South...”


Opinion | How to Turn a Person Into a Voter
Oops. Sorry about the headline. Same principle applies though. Right?

“...our approach is tailored to black people in the South...”

View attachment 238304

Opinion | How to Turn a Person Into a Voter
When did white people get lynched, killed, or subjected to fraud voting tests just to vote?

Another in a long line of white boy whine threads. Hint. If your race wasnt subjected to fucked up shit regarding the topic dont try to draw false equivalence. :rolleyes:
Last edited:
Oops. Sorry about the headline. Same principle applies though. Right?

“...our approach is tailored to black people in the South...”

View attachment 238304

Opinion | How to Turn a Person Into a Voter
When did white people get lynched, killed, or subjected to fraud voting tests just to vote?

Another in a long line of white boy whine threads. Hint. If your race wasnt subjected to fucked up shit regarding the topic dont try to draw false equivalence. :rolleyes:

White people get killed all the time by blacks.
Oops. Sorry about the headline. Same principle applies though. Right?

“...our approach is tailored to black people in the South...”

View attachment 238304

Opinion | How to Turn a Person Into a Voter
When did white people get lynched, killed, or subjected to fraud voting tests just to vote?

Another in a long line of white boy whine threads. Hint. If your race wasnt subjected to fucked up shit regarding the topic dont try to draw false equivalence. :rolleyes:

Actually at least 1/3rd of Lynching victims were White, a fact that generally gets neglected, because of Black privilege.
Along the same line I saw an article where Millenials thing 'Seinfeld', especially the hilarious 'Soup Nazi' skit.


Through liberal indoctrination, social justice BS, and political correctness we have successfully created an entire generation of easily-offended/manipulated socialist democrat pu$$ies...

I weep for our future....
Oops. Sorry about the headline. Same principle applies though. Right?

“...our approach is tailored to black people in the South...”

View attachment 238304

Opinion | How to Turn a Person Into a Voter
When did white people get lynched, killed, or subjected to fraud voting tests just to vote?

Another in a long line of white boy whine threads. Hint. If your race wasnt subjected to fucked up shit regarding the topic dont try to draw false equivalence. :rolleyes:

White people get killed all the time by blacks.
As are blacks. Pointing that out will draw an accusation of racism.
When will blacks learn that the democrat party does not have their best intrest in mind. They now represent the anyone that can sneak across our southern border. President Trump has made life better for blacks that any past President including obama. Record low unemployment, jobs for anybody willing to work. All the democrats are going to do is flood the employment market with record numbers of illegal aliens to compete for entery level jobsthat should go to our legal citizens. Blacks should be some of the loudest voices screaming for a wall on our southern border.
I’ll admit I’m not black and maybe I don’t have the same prospective that a black person would have but it seems to me that the political party I choose to support should have my best intrest in mind, not a bunch of illegal aliens.
Oops. Sorry about the headline. Same principle applies though. Right?

“...our approach is tailored to black people in the South...”

View attachment 238304

Opinion | How to Turn a Person Into a Voter
When did white people get lynched, killed, or subjected to fraud voting tests just to vote?

Another in a long line of white boy whine threads. Hint. If your race wasnt subjected to fucked up shit regarding the topic dont try to draw false equivalence. :rolleyes:

White people get killed all the time by blacks.
blacks about 13% of population
whites about 67%
white murders of blacks - 189
black murders of whites -409
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
Oops. Sorry about the headline. Same principle applies though. Right?

“...our approach is tailored to black people in the South...”

View attachment 238304

Opinion | How to Turn a Person Into a Voter
When did white people get lynched, killed, or subjected to fraud voting tests just to vote?

Another in a long line of white boy whine threads. Hint. If your race wasnt subjected to fucked up shit regarding the topic dont try to draw false equivalence. :rolleyes:
White voters are subject to the same "voter tests" as black people, moron, and no one has been lynched in this country in about 70 years.
Oops. Sorry about the headline. Same principle applies though. Right?

“...our approach is tailored to black people in the South...”

View attachment 238304

Opinion | How to Turn a Person Into a Voter
When did white people get lynched, killed, or subjected to fraud voting tests just to vote?

Another in a long line of white boy whine threads. Hint. If your race wasnt subjected to fucked up shit regarding the topic dont try to draw false equivalence. :rolleyes:

White people get killed all the time by blacks.
Show me a white person that got killed over voting by a Black person. :rolleyes:
Oops. Sorry about the headline. Same principle applies though. Right?

“...our approach is tailored to black people in the South...”

View attachment 238304

Opinion | How to Turn a Person Into a Voter
When did white people get lynched, killed, or subjected to fraud voting tests just to vote?

Another in a long line of white boy whine threads. Hint. If your race wasnt subjected to fucked up shit regarding the topic dont try to draw false equivalence. :rolleyes:

White people get killed all the time by blacks.
Show me a white person that got killed over voting by a Black person. :rolleyes:
What does that even mean?
Oops. Sorry about the headline. Same principle applies though. Right?

“...our approach is tailored to black people in the South...”

View attachment 238304

Opinion | How to Turn a Person Into a Voter
When did white people get lynched, killed, or subjected to fraud voting tests just to vote?

Another in a long line of white boy whine threads. Hint. If your race wasnt subjected to fucked up shit regarding the topic dont try to draw false equivalence. :rolleyes:

White people get killed all the time by blacks.
Show me a white person that got killed over voting by a Black person. :rolleyes:
What does that even mean?
Ask someone educated what it means. I used english while writing it. Dont know what to tell you. :rolleyes:
It's precisely the reason I want liberalfilth (regardless of race) destroyed as much as they want me destroyed for being an American white male. How long did liberalfilth think they could keep spewing this much bloodthirsty hatred for my demographic before that hatred becomes RECIPROCATED in obedience to human nature???
It's precisely the reason I want liberalfilth (regardless of race) destroyed as much as they want me destroyed for being an American white male. How long did liberalfilth think they could keep spewing this much bloodthirsty hatred for my demographic before that hatred becomes RECIPROCATED in obedience to human nature???

They need to spew hated, otherwise taking our stuff is much too difficult.
Oops. Sorry about the headline. Same principle applies though. Right?

“...our approach is tailored to black people in the South...”

View attachment 238304

Opinion | How to Turn a Person Into a Voter
When did white people get lynched, killed, or subjected to fraud voting tests just to vote?

Another in a long line of white boy whine threads. Hint. If your race wasnt subjected to fucked up shit regarding the topic dont try to draw false equivalence. :rolleyes:

White people get killed all the time by blacks.
Show me a white person that got killed over voting by a Black person. :rolleyes:

Why you crybaby ignoramus, it is an FBI and DOJ statistical fact that every year there are hundreds of many times more black-on-white violent crimes than white-on-black violent crimes. You lying member of a race of clowns who can't even BEGIN to hold your liquor like my VERY WHITE paddy ancestors did!
Oops. Sorry about the headline. Same principle applies though. Right?

“...our approach is tailored to black people in the South...”

View attachment 238304

Opinion | How to Turn a Person Into a Voter
When did white people get lynched, killed, or subjected to fraud voting tests just to vote?

Another in a long line of white boy whine threads. Hint. If your race wasnt subjected to fucked up shit regarding the topic dont try to draw false equivalence. :rolleyes:

White people get killed all the time by blacks.
Show me a white person that got killed over voting by a Black person. :rolleyes:

Why you crybaby ignoramus, it is an FBI and DOJ statistical fact that every year there are hundreds of many times more black-on-white violent crimes than white-on-black violent crimes. You lying member of a race of clowns who can't even BEGIN to hold your liquor like my VERY WHITE paddy ancestors did!

The Color of Crime - American Renaissance
It's precisely the reason I want liberalfilth (regardless of race) destroyed as much as they want me destroyed for being an American white male. How long did liberalfilth think they could keep spewing this much bloodthirsty hatred for my demographic before that hatred becomes RECIPROCATED in obedience to human nature???

What the Democrat party does is divide people into groups, and then decide which groups are good and which are bad. Without that division, they would have a hard time winning elections.

The two support groups for Democrats are victims and government dependents. It makes perfect political sense to increase the size of either or both of those groups. If we could ever rid our country of government dependents and victims, the only time you'd hear of the Democrat party is in history books.

So the Democrats have created victims in all shapes and sizes; one for every American: Victims of big business, victims of big tobacco, victims of big pharma, victims of the NRA, victims of the war on women, victims of race, victims of religious zealots, victims of poor education, victims of bad air and water, victims, victims, victims.

A victim is somebody that is powerless against a much greater force. After all, how can you stop yourself from eating a big mac combo when it's advertised on television and road signs? Since we are all victims in some way or form, we need an entity of equal or greater power of our oppressors, and that equal power is big government.

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