Approaching 50 and not much to show


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
I seem to know a lot of useless information like I can tell you all about periods of history or things about physics and natural phenomenas

Still I have only owned 2 crappy UPS stores .

I currently am unemployed and have zero friends .

I was enjoying MMA but I had to quit due to DDD in L4-5 hell
I can’t even fight anymore !! The one thing i was ok at
My back surgery was only partially effective

Now I am days away from 50 and not much to show

Life is cruel !!!

Also read Steve McQueen , Max Bier all died at 50
Also MJackdon , Bernie Mac , Chris Reeve and James Gandofini

Just venting

Life ain’t easy
I seem to know a lot of useless information like I can tell you all about periods of history or things about physics and natural phenomenas

Still I have only owned 2 crappy UPS stores .

I currently am unemployed and have zero friends .

I was enjoying MMA but I had to quit due to DDD in L4-5 hell
I can’t even fight anymore !! The one thing i was ok at
My back surgery was only partially effective

Now I am days away from 50 and not much to show

Life is cruel !!!

Also read Steve McQueen , Max Bier all died at 50
Also MJackdon , Bernie Mac , Chris Reeve and James Gandofini

Just venting

Life ain’t easy
just curious .. what skills do you have for the job market? What's your sweet spot?
I seem to know a lot of useless information like I can tell you all about periods of history or things about physics and natural phenomenas

Still I have only owned 2 crappy UPS stores .

I currently am unemployed and have zero friends .

I was enjoying MMA but I had to quit due to DDD in L4-5 hell
I can’t even fight anymore !! The one thing i was ok at
My back surgery was only partially effective

Now I am days away from 50 and not much to show

Life is cruel !!!

Also read Steve McQueen , Max Bier all died at 50
Also MJackdon , Bernie Mac , Chris Reeve and James Gandofini

Just venting

Life ain’t easy

Yes!! Death seems to be smiling over me a lot !
This is excellent present

Is this Marcus Aurelius???
It is a collection of the most famous ancient Stoics.

From the description;

"This video contains wisdom from the three most notable stoic thinkers: Marcus Aurelius, Seneca and Epictetus. The trio lived during the times of ancient Rome and became avid scholars of philosophy, with stoicism being their primary focus and guide for life. Thousands of years later their teachings remain intact and still ring true, applicable to the challenges we face today.

Aurelius had the burden of managing the largest empire the world had ever seen as the emperor of Rome. He would go on to have a prosperous rule for 20 years and went down in history as one of the great rulers.

Epictetus who was born a slave asked his master for permission to study. He was granted this right and went on to teach philosophy in Rome.

Seneca who was a successful financial clerk and writer found himself exiled for adultery. He was later hired to tutor a young boy called Nero who would become a tyrannical emperor of Rome. Nero later had Seneca execute himself for allegedly conspiring against him. A claim that was most likely untrue.

Each of these men faced great challenges in their lives and were able to navigate them through the philosophy of stoicism. I hope that this video is able help you learn the same principles used by these legendary figures. "
It is a collection of the most famous ancient Stoics.

From the description;

"This video contains wisdom from the three most notable stoic thinkers: Marcus Aurelius, Seneca and Epictetus. The trio lived during the times of ancient Rome and became avid scholars of philosophy, with stoicism being their primary focus and guide for life. Thousands of years later their teachings remain intact and still ring true, applicable to the challenges we face today.

Aurelius had the burden of managing the largest empire the world had ever seen as the emperor of Rome. He would go on to have a prosperous rule for 20 years and went down in history as one of the great rulers.

Epictetus who was born a slave asked his master for permission to study. He was granted this right and went on to teach philosophy in Rome.

Seneca who was a successful financial clerk and writer found himself exiled for adultery. He was later hired to tutor a young boy called Nero who would become a tyrannical emperor of Rome. Nero later had Seneca execute himself for allegedly conspiring against him. A claim that was most likely untrue.

Each of these men faced great challenges in their lives and were able to navigate them through the philosophy of stoicism. I hope that this video is able help you learn the same principles used by these legendary figures. "
In today's terms..we express it thus..'It is what it is'~
Happiness is an inside job... if your health is ok start up a landscaping business... you get to work outside and make your own hours... anyone can push a lawnmower and rake up leaves... good gardeners are in short supply...
There is also some construction jobs that are easy to pick up and learn... manual labor is in short supply...
In today's terms..we express it thus..'It is what it is'~
That is the first part of it, yes, but it goes a bit deeper.

What one feels and thinks about what it is? The quality of ones thoughts about, "what is," will determine your reality and satisfaction with life.

SO, while I do agree, it also includes the old maxim, "If life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

IOW? IT is only our PoV on what, "it is," that determines the quality of our lives.

If you believe that what "it is," is terrible? Then life will be terrible. If what, "it is," is a blessing? Then life will be good.

Events & circumstances do not determine the happiness of a stoic, only their thoughts ABOUT said events and circumstances.


I currently am unemployed and have zero friends .
How wonderful! You are on vacation and now have the opportunity to chart a new life course, a "second act." No friends? No one to have to tell you what you should do or think. You are free.

My back surgery was only partially effective
You can still walk? You can see? And hear? How lucky you are able to interact with a community of intelligent folks on-line!

Do you have a place to sleep? Food to eat? Clothes on your back? What a blessing!

Now I am days away from 50 and not much to show
How awesome that you have made it to so old an age, while so many others die and are crippled so young. Cherish the wisdom you have gained over the years!

Not much to show? So you are free, no responsibility, nothing and no one to be accountable to? And now? You have the freedom and desire to make something to show?

How wonderful!

Also read Steve McQueen , Max Bier all died at 50
Also MJackdon , Bernie Mac , Chris Reeve and James Gandofini

There you go. . . look at how short and precious life is. . now find a port and sail toward it!

I have zero skills
You can read, write, think and reason. What blessings you have!
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