Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes

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Unbelievable. We all know that the "provisions" were to ensure that certain practices and barriers that "affected" the overall right of people who were historically disenfranchised to vote were controlled.

Although the "provisions" were not the actual voting rights act, they were a component of ensuring that the "process" of voting was equal in areas where it had a history of inequality.

Certain racist assholes will nit pick and play semantics anyway possible in order to deflect.

"Nitpick and play semantics" = pointing out lies and deliberate misrepresentations.

"Racist" = anyone who refuses to cater to IM2's pity party.

That's your opinion. And it is my option to disagree.

What I notice is that IM2 makes certain statements that cause some who post here discomfort.

But, after close to 8 years of posting here, I see a distinct scenario that gets played out here like a daily rerun of an old show.

Numerous threads are posted here associating the VAST majority of the black population with criminality, unemployment, and in your own words "self pity".

I know enough about IM2 to know that he had a successful career, and has no reason for a so called "pity party", but the fact that he brings up history and the existence of racism that has gotten better in certain ways is viewed as a verbal assault on the entire white population. And he has never said "All White People" in any statement that I have read.

Conversely, I have seen numerous posts over the years here that do not just imply, but fkat out characterize the entire black population as mentally inferior criminals.

That being said, when certain people read into his comments as an "insult" to the entire race of white people, it is easy to question why they would be so defensive.

NOT "my opinion". FACT. You can disagree with facts all you like.

What I notice is that IM2 makes "certain statements" that are racist and offensive and LYING, and people are usually uncomfortable about such crass, low-class behavior. I also notice jackasses like you bending yourselves into pretzels to try to defend it and pretend he's not the load of rancid snake shit that he is.

"Congress voted in 2006 to extend the black right to vote for 25 more yeas."

If you defend that, you don't have the moral authority to say shit to me.

"Moral authority"? This is a public message board, and you are not anyone special.

No one has any authority here.

"FACT"? A fact is something that is proven scientifically or is a fact because it is history that has already happened. You have an "OPINION", and you do not express yourself very all.

You have a serious problem. With an empty space between your ears, which makes for a complete lack of objectivity.

That entire post was meaningless garbage that didn't say anything.

IM2 lied about the 2006 vote. You defended his lie. That undermines your credibility.

Those are facts, plain to see, and your denial is irrational.

You're irrational for having tbe audacity to think that you know what I defended, as if it is even your business. You are not a moderator in this forum.

And if I had a shred of credibility with the likes of YOU, that would be more "undermining" than anything else.
The voting rights of blacks do not come up for renewal.

That is not nitpicking.

What he is trying to imply, not state openly, because then it can be easily refuted,

is that without special federal oversight, evil white racists would end black voting as per the Jim Crow South, of several generations ago.

What gets me, is that in saying that, he is utterly insulting the whites of this country, yet the libs are happy to just accept it.

Calling them "Cucks" is really making more and more sense to me.

I did not state that voting rights are coming up for renewal. Neither did he state that directly.

As usual, you looked for a reason to get your feelings hurt, and ASSume that "the entire white population was being insulted.

Oh, he didn't state that directly? Now YOU are a lying sack of shit, just like he is.

"Congress voted in 2006 to extend the black right to vote for 25 more yeas." Direct quote from him.

Tell me again that he "didn't state that directly". Go on, SAY it, liar.

I will address your question, when you ask it in a civilized manner.

I don't normally engage in any dialouge with low class, foul mouthed females.

Weak dodge.

It wasn't a "dodge", Beav.
Besides, I was not addressing you in that post.

You really think I didn't notice that it was Cecilie kicking your ass?


I guess you had to say SOMETHING to distract from your pathetic dodge.
THe insult is not the law being signed in 1965.

THe insult is claiming that it is still needed today, as though the whites today are straining at the leash to bring back toll taxes and literacy tests.

That white libs see you blacks insulting them and still suck up to you, despite your obvious racist contempt, is them being "Cucks".

There was no insult against "the whites of today" Unless you are a collectivist.

Riiiiiight. IM2 babbles on and on endlessly about the evils of "the whites of today" because HE'S a collectivist, but the problem is that WE are mysteriously and unexplainably viewing his insults as insults.

And if "YOU " are that easily insulted by something stated on an anonymous message board, and do not possess the mental acuity to determine if it applies directly to you, then it may be possible that your emotional maturity is questionable.

NO, the problem is IM2 and you.

Try not insulting people, or defending insults and lies.

You nor anyone else tells me "what to defend". You should try not being such a pompous asshole and you won't be insulted in return by me.

It was a suggestion. Obviously. And I try to treat people the way they treat me. If you feel that I am a "pompous asshole" then I have succeeded.

As far as IM2 goes, he is a grown man,

Do not speak to me about him. Grow some balls and talk to him yourself.

I've spoken and am speaking to him plenty. WHich you know.

BUt you had to pretend otherwise, to sort of justify your little zinger,

cause shit like that, is ALL you have.

Cecilie's point stands, you've done nothing to refute it, NOTHING.

Her words.

"IM2 babbles on and on endlessly about the evils of "the whites of today" because HE'S a collectivist, but the problem is that WE are mysteriously and unexplainably viewing his insults as insults."
Yeah we know Correll.

Don't try the talking about the 15th amendment son. We all know that amendment was not followed.

Try to be less stupid.

If you know that, then why did you refer to the "black right to vote"?

Because it was the blacks right to vote. Do not try to pretend the 15th was followed junior. .

Wow. I see what you are trying say. But you are too dumb to actually say it.

Thank you for once again insulting every white in this country, by pretending that they are the same today as they were in 1955.

I'm not insulting every white in this country by saying there are whites who still have the same attitude whites had in1818. Because there are whites who say the same thing. You are a prime example of it.

You repeatedly assume behavior from whites AS A GROUP, that pretends they are the same as they were in 1955.

That is you insulting every white in this country.

And since you insulted me, by falsely calling me a prime example of it,

I feel comfortable pointing out the truth, ie that your behavior reveals you to be a race baiting piece of shit liar.

You are a liar. I say there are whites who still have he same attitude whites had in 1818..You don't represent all whites in his country,
I did not state that voting rights are coming up for renewal. Neither did he state that directly.

As usual, you looked for a reason to get your feelings hurt, and ASSume that "the entire white population was being insulted.

Oh, he didn't state that directly? Now YOU are a lying sack of shit, just like he is.

"Congress voted in 2006 to extend the black right to vote for 25 more yeas." Direct quote from him.

Tell me again that he "didn't state that directly". Go on, SAY it, liar.

I will address your question, when you ask it in a civilized manner.

I don't normally engage in any dialouge with low class, foul mouthed females.

Weak dodge.

It wasn't a "dodge", Beav.
Besides, I was not addressing you in that post.

You really think I didn't notice that it was Cecilie kicking your ass?


I guess you had to say SOMETHING to distract from your pathetic dodge.

Cecile? You mean the foul mouthed trollop who was just here?

She was almost as vapid as you are, her entire "argument" consisted of nothing but referring to everyone as "lying sacks of shit", and not one intelligent sentence.

You and your cartoon pals are definately a hoot
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"Nitpick and play semantics" = pointing out lies and deliberate misrepresentations.

"Racist" = anyone who refuses to cater to IM2's pity party.

That's your opinion. And it is my option to disagree.

What I notice is that IM2 makes certain statements that cause some who post here discomfort.

But, after close to 8 years of posting here, I see a distinct scenario that gets played out here like a daily rerun of an old show.

Numerous threads are posted here associating the VAST majority of the black population with criminality, unemployment, and in your own words "self pity".

I know enough about IM2 to know that he had a successful career, and has no reason for a so called "pity party", but the fact that he brings up history and the existence of racism that has gotten better in certain ways is viewed as a verbal assault on the entire white population. And he has never said "All White People" in any statement that I have read.

Conversely, I have seen numerous posts over the years here that do not just imply, but fkat out characterize the entire black population as mentally inferior criminals.

That being said, when certain people read into his comments as an "insult" to the entire race of white people, it is easy to question why they would be so defensive.

NOT "my opinion". FACT. You can disagree with facts all you like.

What I notice is that IM2 makes "certain statements" that are racist and offensive and LYING, and people are usually uncomfortable about such crass, low-class behavior. I also notice jackasses like you bending yourselves into pretzels to try to defend it and pretend he's not the load of rancid snake shit that he is.

"Congress voted in 2006 to extend the black right to vote for 25 more yeas."

If you defend that, you don't have the moral authority to say shit to me.

"Moral authority"? This is a public message board, and you are not anyone special.

No one has any authority here.

"FACT"? A fact is something that is proven scientifically or is a fact because it is history that has already happened. You have an "OPINION", and you do not express yourself very all.

You have a serious problem. With an empty space between your ears, which makes for a complete lack of objectivity.

That entire post was meaningless garbage that didn't say anything.

IM2 lied about the 2006 vote. You defended his lie. That undermines your credibility.

Those are facts, plain to see, and your denial is irrational.

You're irrational for having tbe audacity to think that you know what I defended, as if it is even your business. You are not a moderator in this forum.

And if I had a shred of credibility with the likes of YOU, that would be more "undermining" than anything else.

It is not irrational of me to comment on what I have seen you doing.

It is irrational of YOU to claim that it is. INsanely so.

One does not have to be a moderator, to point out that you have been defending, IM2.

It is utterly stupid and obviously a lie, for you to deny that.

But, I guess you had to say SOMETHING to avoid admitting what I said.

Which I will repost here, because you haven't addressed anything I said, at all.

IM2 lied about the 2006 vote. You defended his lie. That undermines your credibility.

Those are facts, plain to see, and your denial is irrational.
There was no insult against "the whites of today" Unless you are a collectivist.

Riiiiiight. IM2 babbles on and on endlessly about the evils of "the whites of today" because HE'S a collectivist, but the problem is that WE are mysteriously and unexplainably viewing his insults as insults.

And if "YOU " are that easily insulted by something stated on an anonymous message board, and do not possess the mental acuity to determine if it applies directly to you, then it may be possible that your emotional maturity is questionable.

NO, the problem is IM2 and you.

Try not insulting people, or defending insults and lies.

You nor anyone else tells me "what to defend". You should try not being such a pompous asshole and you won't be insulted in return by me.

It was a suggestion. Obviously. And I try to treat people the way they treat me. If you feel that I am a "pompous asshole" then I have succeeded.

As far as IM2 goes, he is a grown man,

Do not speak to me about him. Grow some balls and talk to him yourself.

I've spoken and am speaking to him plenty. WHich you know.

BUt you had to pretend otherwise, to sort of justify your little zinger,

cause shit like that, is ALL you have.

Cecilie's point stands, you've done nothing to refute it, NOTHING.

Her words.

"IM2 babbles on and on endlessly about the evils of "the whites of today" because HE'S a collectivist, but the problem is that WE are mysteriously and unexplainably viewing his insults as insults."

I don't care what a dumb woman thinks. You guys do the same to us then when we call you out you whine about being individuals. Well we are individuals and just because we denounce your racism doesn't mean we all are doing so because we want to find a reason to blame whites for our failures. This is what you Cecile and every other racist has stated about blacks as a group. So no one gives a fuck what either of you think or are insulted by with your fake individualism.
There was no insult against "the whites of today" Unless you are a collectivist.

Riiiiiight. IM2 babbles on and on endlessly about the evils of "the whites of today" because HE'S a collectivist, but the problem is that WE are mysteriously and unexplainably viewing his insults as insults.

And if "YOU " are that easily insulted by something stated on an anonymous message board, and do not possess the mental acuity to determine if it applies directly to you, then it may be possible that your emotional maturity is questionable.

NO, the problem is IM2 and you.

Try not insulting people, or defending insults and lies.

You nor anyone else tells me "what to defend". You should try not being such a pompous asshole and you won't be insulted in return by me.

It was a suggestion. Obviously. And I try to treat people the way they treat me. If you feel that I am a "pompous asshole" then I have succeeded.

As far as IM2 goes, he is a grown man,

Do not speak to me about him. Grow some balls and talk to him yourself.

I've spoken and am speaking to him plenty. WHich you know.

BUt you had to pretend otherwise, to sort of justify your little zinger,

cause shit like that, is ALL you have.

Cecilie's point stands, you've done nothing to refute it, NOTHING.

Her words.

"IM2 babbles on and on endlessly about the evils of "the whites of today" because HE'S a collectivist, but the problem is that WE are mysteriously and unexplainably viewing his insults as insults."

Using the term "WE " makes HER a collectivist.

All of your illogical rants about "insulting the ENTIRE white race", makes YOU a collectivist. You do not speak for all white people.

Her point "stands" with YOU. Not ME. And I don't need to justify anything to anyone here. I say what I think, no matter what.

None of IM2"s posts have been directed at the "entire white race" as you keep insisting.

But, as we all know, cockroaches do not like light shined on them, so the ones who have felt insulted, just might have a concience.
If you know that, then why did you refer to the "black right to vote"?

Because it was the blacks right to vote. Do not try to pretend the 15th was followed junior. .

Wow. I see what you are trying say. But you are too dumb to actually say it.

Thank you for once again insulting every white in this country, by pretending that they are the same today as they were in 1955.

I'm not insulting every white in this country by saying there are whites who still have the same attitude whites had in1818. Because there are whites who say the same thing. You are a prime example of it.

You repeatedly assume behavior from whites AS A GROUP, that pretends they are the same as they were in 1955.

That is you insulting every white in this country.

And since you insulted me, by falsely calling me a prime example of it,

I feel comfortable pointing out the truth, ie that your behavior reveals you to be a race baiting piece of shit liar.

You are a liar. I say there are whites who still have he same attitude whites had in 1818..You don't represent all whites in his country,

You said that without the special protections of the act, that your rights to vote would be gone. *

That is a smear directed at whites as a group in this country.

Whites as a group in this country, do represent "all whites" in this country.

YOu are liar.

* THough you didn't actually say that. YOu sort of implied it, while actually saying something far more provocative and then attacking us for addressing what you said. You are insanely dishonest and stupid.
Oh, he didn't state that directly? Now YOU are a lying sack of shit, just like he is.

"Congress voted in 2006 to extend the black right to vote for 25 more yeas." Direct quote from him.

Tell me again that he "didn't state that directly". Go on, SAY it, liar.

I will address your question, when you ask it in a civilized manner.

I don't normally engage in any dialouge with low class, foul mouthed females.

Weak dodge.

It wasn't a "dodge", Beav.
Besides, I was not addressing you in that post.

You really think I didn't notice that it was Cecilie kicking your ass?


I guess you had to say SOMETHING to distract from your pathetic dodge.

Cecile? You mean the foul mouthed trollop who was just here?

She was almost as vapid as you are, her entire "argument" consisted of nothing but referring to everyone as "lying sacks of shit", and not one intelligent sentence.

You and your cartoon pals are definately a hoot

Her arguments utterly kicked your ass.

And you know it.
That's your opinion. And it is my option to disagree.

What I notice is that IM2 makes certain statements that cause some who post here discomfort.

But, after close to 8 years of posting here, I see a distinct scenario that gets played out here like a daily rerun of an old show.

Numerous threads are posted here associating the VAST majority of the black population with criminality, unemployment, and in your own words "self pity".

I know enough about IM2 to know that he had a successful career, and has no reason for a so called "pity party", but the fact that he brings up history and the existence of racism that has gotten better in certain ways is viewed as a verbal assault on the entire white population. And he has never said "All White People" in any statement that I have read.

Conversely, I have seen numerous posts over the years here that do not just imply, but fkat out characterize the entire black population as mentally inferior criminals.

That being said, when certain people read into his comments as an "insult" to the entire race of white people, it is easy to question why they would be so defensive.

NOT "my opinion". FACT. You can disagree with facts all you like.

What I notice is that IM2 makes "certain statements" that are racist and offensive and LYING, and people are usually uncomfortable about such crass, low-class behavior. I also notice jackasses like you bending yourselves into pretzels to try to defend it and pretend he's not the load of rancid snake shit that he is.

"Congress voted in 2006 to extend the black right to vote for 25 more yeas."

If you defend that, you don't have the moral authority to say shit to me.

"Moral authority"? This is a public message board, and you are not anyone special.

No one has any authority here.

"FACT"? A fact is something that is proven scientifically or is a fact because it is history that has already happened. You have an "OPINION", and you do not express yourself very all.

You have a serious problem. With an empty space between your ears, which makes for a complete lack of objectivity.

That entire post was meaningless garbage that didn't say anything.

IM2 lied about the 2006 vote. You defended his lie. That undermines your credibility.

Those are facts, plain to see, and your denial is irrational.

You're irrational for having tbe audacity to think that you know what I defended, as if it is even your business. You are not a moderator in this forum.

And if I had a shred of credibility with the likes of YOU, that would be more "undermining" than anything else.

It is not irrational of me to comment on what I have seen you doing.

It is irrational of YOU to claim that it is. INsanely so.

One does not have to be a moderator, to point out that you have been defending, IM2.

It is utterly stupid and obviously a lie, for you to deny that.

But, I guess you had to say SOMETHING to avoid admitting what I said.

Which I will repost here, because you haven't addressed anything I said, at all.

IM2 lied about the 2006 vote. You defended his lie. That undermines your credibility.

Those are facts, plain to see, and your denial is irrational.

My "credibility" in a forum of strangers is not important to me. This site serves 2 purposes:

Entertainment, and an occasional reminder of some of the kind of dreck that is still in this world, and on occasion I agree with certain people, and have utter disdain for others.

What IM2 posts, you can discuss with him. What I choose to endorse, is my choice, and if you have a problem with that, too bad.
Riiiiiight. IM2 babbles on and on endlessly about the evils of "the whites of today" because HE'S a collectivist, but the problem is that WE are mysteriously and unexplainably viewing his insults as insults.

And if "YOU " are that easily insulted by something stated on an anonymous message board, and do not possess the mental acuity to determine if it applies directly to you, then it may be possible that your emotional maturity is questionable.

NO, the problem is IM2 and you.

Try not insulting people, or defending insults and lies.

You nor anyone else tells me "what to defend". You should try not being such a pompous asshole and you won't be insulted in return by me.

It was a suggestion. Obviously. And I try to treat people the way they treat me. If you feel that I am a "pompous asshole" then I have succeeded.

As far as IM2 goes, he is a grown man,

Do not speak to me about him. Grow some balls and talk to him yourself.

I've spoken and am speaking to him plenty. WHich you know.

BUt you had to pretend otherwise, to sort of justify your little zinger,

cause shit like that, is ALL you have.

Cecilie's point stands, you've done nothing to refute it, NOTHING.

Her words.

"IM2 babbles on and on endlessly about the evils of "the whites of today" because HE'S a collectivist, but the problem is that WE are mysteriously and unexplainably viewing his insults as insults."

I don't care what a dumb woman thinks. You guys do the same to us then when we call you out you whine about being individuals. Well we are individuals and just because we denounce your racism doesn't mean we all are doing so because we want to find a reason to blame whites for our failures. This is what you Cecile and every other racist has stated about blacks as a group. So no one gives a fuck what either of you think or are insulted by with your fake individualism.

It is not about what she thinks.

It is about her arguments being strong enough that you cannot refute them, not the slightest bit.

That you want to make it about her, is a standard lefty response to an argument that you cannot refute.

You do not denounce our racism, because we are not racist. That is just you being race baiting assholes.

I don't think that I have ever said that all blacks blame whites for their failures. I certainly do not believe that.

YOu obviously do give a fuck what I have to say, as demonstrated by your constant and prolific responses to my posts.
That's your opinion. And it is my option to disagree.

What I notice is that IM2 makes certain statements that cause some who post here discomfort.

But, after close to 8 years of posting here, I see a distinct scenario that gets played out here like a daily rerun of an old show.

Numerous threads are posted here associating the VAST majority of the black population with criminality, unemployment, and in your own words "self pity".

I know enough about IM2 to know that he had a successful career, and has no reason for a so called "pity party", but the fact that he brings up history and the existence of racism that has gotten better in certain ways is viewed as a verbal assault on the entire white population. And he has never said "All White People" in any statement that I have read.

Conversely, I have seen numerous posts over the years here that do not just imply, but fkat out characterize the entire black population as mentally inferior criminals.

That being said, when certain people read into his comments as an "insult" to the entire race of white people, it is easy to question why they would be so defensive.

NOT "my opinion". FACT. You can disagree with facts all you like.

What I notice is that IM2 makes "certain statements" that are racist and offensive and LYING, and people are usually uncomfortable about such crass, low-class behavior. I also notice jackasses like you bending yourselves into pretzels to try to defend it and pretend he's not the load of rancid snake shit that he is.

"Congress voted in 2006 to extend the black right to vote for 25 more yeas."

If you defend that, you don't have the moral authority to say shit to me.

"Moral authority"? This is a public message board, and you are not anyone special.

No one has any authority here.

"FACT"? A fact is something that is proven scientifically or is a fact because it is history that has already happened. You have an "OPINION", and you do not express yourself very all.

You have a serious problem. With an empty space between your ears, which makes for a complete lack of objectivity.

That entire post was meaningless garbage that didn't say anything.

IM2 lied about the 2006 vote. You defended his lie. That undermines your credibility.

Those are facts, plain to see, and your denial is irrational.

You're irrational for having tbe audacity to think that you know what I defended, as if it is even your business. You are not a moderator in this forum.

And if I had a shred of credibility with the likes of YOU, that would be more "undermining" than anything else.

It is not irrational of me to comment on what I have seen you doing.

It is irrational of YOU to claim that it is. INsanely so.

One does not have to be a moderator, to point out that you have been defending, IM2.

It is utterly stupid and obviously a lie, for you to deny that.

But, I guess you had to say SOMETHING to avoid admitting what I said.

Which I will repost here, because you haven't addressed anything I said, at all.

IM2 lied about the 2006 vote. You defended his lie. That undermines your credibility.

Those are facts, plain to see, and your denial is irrational.

I didn't lie about shit. You are nothing. A troll. I, Katsteve and other blacks are here in a all white forum challenging your racism. But you are a pussy, you won't do the same and enter an all black forum running your mouth like you do here. You are a coward. You have no credibility. .
I will address your question, when you ask it in a civilized manner.

I don't normally engage in any dialouge with low class, foul mouthed females.

Weak dodge.

It wasn't a "dodge", Beav.
Besides, I was not addressing you in that post.

You really think I didn't notice that it was Cecilie kicking your ass?


I guess you had to say SOMETHING to distract from your pathetic dodge.

Cecile? You mean the foul mouthed trollop who was just here?

She was almost as vapid as you are, her entire "argument" consisted of nothing but referring to everyone as "lying sacks of shit", and not one intelligent sentence.

You and your cartoon pals are definately a hoot

Her arguments utterly kicked your ass.

And you know it.

Here is "what I know". She was very unimpressive, not very intelligent, and really made no point that was even coherent. Her so called arguments consisted of nothing but name calling, and repeating the same inarticulate rant over and over. Even when I attempted to talk sensibly to her/you.

Her obsession was with IM2, and like you, she was perturbed to the point of appearing to be stupid over me agreeing with him.

In fact, I am beginning to think that she was actually you posting under a different name, which would explain why your nose is so far up her ass.
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NOT "my opinion". FACT. You can disagree with facts all you like.

What I notice is that IM2 makes "certain statements" that are racist and offensive and LYING, and people are usually uncomfortable about such crass, low-class behavior. I also notice jackasses like you bending yourselves into pretzels to try to defend it and pretend he's not the load of rancid snake shit that he is.

"Congress voted in 2006 to extend the black right to vote for 25 more yeas."

If you defend that, you don't have the moral authority to say shit to me.

"Moral authority"? This is a public message board, and you are not anyone special.

No one has any authority here.

"FACT"? A fact is something that is proven scientifically or is a fact because it is history that has already happened. You have an "OPINION", and you do not express yourself very all.

You have a serious problem. With an empty space between your ears, which makes for a complete lack of objectivity.

That entire post was meaningless garbage that didn't say anything.

IM2 lied about the 2006 vote. You defended his lie. That undermines your credibility.

Those are facts, plain to see, and your denial is irrational.

You're irrational for having tbe audacity to think that you know what I defended, as if it is even your business. You are not a moderator in this forum.

And if I had a shred of credibility with the likes of YOU, that would be more "undermining" than anything else.

It is not irrational of me to comment on what I have seen you doing.

It is irrational of YOU to claim that it is. INsanely so.

One does not have to be a moderator, to point out that you have been defending, IM2.

It is utterly stupid and obviously a lie, for you to deny that.

But, I guess you had to say SOMETHING to avoid admitting what I said.

Which I will repost here, because you haven't addressed anything I said, at all.

IM2 lied about the 2006 vote. You defended his lie. That undermines your credibility.

Those are facts, plain to see, and your denial is irrational.

I didn't lie about shit. You are nothing. A troll. I, Katsteve and other blacks are here in a all white forum challenging your racism. But you are a pussy, you won't do the same and enter an all black forum running your mouth like you do here. You are a coward. You have no credibility. .
Can't be an all-white forum if it's not all white..
And if "YOU " are that easily insulted by something stated on an anonymous message board, and do not possess the mental acuity to determine if it applies directly to you, then it may be possible that your emotional maturity is questionable.

NO, the problem is IM2 and you.

Try not insulting people, or defending insults and lies.

You nor anyone else tells me "what to defend". You should try not being such a pompous asshole and you won't be insulted in return by me.

It was a suggestion. Obviously. And I try to treat people the way they treat me. If you feel that I am a "pompous asshole" then I have succeeded.

As far as IM2 goes, he is a grown man,

Do not speak to me about him. Grow some balls and talk to him yourself.

I've spoken and am speaking to him plenty. WHich you know.

BUt you had to pretend otherwise, to sort of justify your little zinger,

cause shit like that, is ALL you have.

Cecilie's point stands, you've done nothing to refute it, NOTHING.

Her words.

"IM2 babbles on and on endlessly about the evils of "the whites of today" because HE'S a collectivist, but the problem is that WE are mysteriously and unexplainably viewing his insults as insults."

I don't care what a dumb woman thinks. You guys do the same to us then when we call you out you whine about being individuals. Well we are individuals and just because we denounce your racism doesn't mean we all are doing so because we want to find a reason to blame whites for our failures. This is what you Cecile and every other racist has stated about blacks as a group. So no one gives a fuck what either of you think or are insulted by with your fake individualism.

It is not about what she thinks.

It is about her arguments being strong enough that you cannot refute them, not the slightest bit.

That you want to make it about her, is a standard lefty response to an argument that you cannot refute.

You do not denounce our racism, because we are not racist. That is just you being race baiting assholes.

I don't think that I have ever said that all blacks blame whites for their failures. I certainly do not believe that.

YOu obviously do give a fuck what I have to say, as demonstrated by your constant and prolific responses to my posts.

.LOL! You are talking about me in posts here consistently. I don't give a damn what you think. You seem to be obsessed with me.
Riiiiiight. IM2 babbles on and on endlessly about the evils of "the whites of today" because HE'S a collectivist, but the problem is that WE are mysteriously and unexplainably viewing his insults as insults.

And if "YOU " are that easily insulted by something stated on an anonymous message board, and do not possess the mental acuity to determine if it applies directly to you, then it may be possible that your emotional maturity is questionable.

NO, the problem is IM2 and you.

Try not insulting people, or defending insults and lies.

You nor anyone else tells me "what to defend". You should try not being such a pompous asshole and you won't be insulted in return by me.

It was a suggestion. Obviously. And I try to treat people the way they treat me. If you feel that I am a "pompous asshole" then I have succeeded.

As far as IM2 goes, he is a grown man,

Do not speak to me about him. Grow some balls and talk to him yourself.

I've spoken and am speaking to him plenty. WHich you know.

BUt you had to pretend otherwise, to sort of justify your little zinger,

cause shit like that, is ALL you have.

Cecilie's point stands, you've done nothing to refute it, NOTHING.

Her words.

"IM2 babbles on and on endlessly about the evils of "the whites of today" because HE'S a collectivist, but the problem is that WE are mysteriously and unexplainably viewing his insults as insults."

Using the term "WE " makes HER a collectivist..

NO, it does not. "We" is a word with a meaning, and it is sometimes called for. You might want to ask her what group she was referring to.

All of your illogical rants about "insulting the ENTIRE white race", makes YOU a collectivist. You do not speak for all white people..

No, it does not. IM2 insulted the entire white race and addressing that does not make me a collectivist.

I do not claim to speak for all white people. I have no doubt that many white people, such as lib cucks, would completely agree with IM2, vile lies about white people as a group.

Her point "stands" with YOU. Not ME. And I don't need to justify anything to anyone here. I say what I think, no matter what..

Her point stands, because you can't refute it. At all. And you do have to justify what you say, or you look like an utter moron just spewing bullshit. And you have shown that you care about that, by trying to justify your little zinger. THough you failed. Utterly.

None of IM2"s posts have been directed at the "entire white race" as you keep insisting..

When he claims that without the 2006 vote, that black voting rights would end, he is claiming that whites, as a group in this country, would take them away. He has made specific references to the actions of the Deep South during Jim Crow.

He made no distinctions or limitations on his claim. He did not say, for example, that blacks would lose the right to vote in the South.

That was an insult to the "entire white race" as a group in this country. YOur denial is pathetically weak and does nothing but undermine your credibility even further.

But, as we all know, cockroaches do not like light shined on them, so the ones who have felt insulted, just might have a concience.

Interesting. A fairly standard filler insult to be expected from a lib. BUT, with an odd lightening at the end.
"Moral authority"? This is a public message board, and you are not anyone special.

No one has any authority here.

"FACT"? A fact is something that is proven scientifically or is a fact because it is history that has already happened. You have an "OPINION", and you do not express yourself very all.

You have a serious problem. With an empty space between your ears, which makes for a complete lack of objectivity.

That entire post was meaningless garbage that didn't say anything.

IM2 lied about the 2006 vote. You defended his lie. That undermines your credibility.

Those are facts, plain to see, and your denial is irrational.

You're irrational for having tbe audacity to think that you know what I defended, as if it is even your business. You are not a moderator in this forum.

And if I had a shred of credibility with the likes of YOU, that would be more "undermining" than anything else.

It is not irrational of me to comment on what I have seen you doing.

It is irrational of YOU to claim that it is. INsanely so.

One does not have to be a moderator, to point out that you have been defending, IM2.

It is utterly stupid and obviously a lie, for you to deny that.

But, I guess you had to say SOMETHING to avoid admitting what I said.

Which I will repost here, because you haven't addressed anything I said, at all.

IM2 lied about the 2006 vote. You defended his lie. That undermines your credibility.

Those are facts, plain to see, and your denial is irrational.

I didn't lie about shit. You are nothing. A troll. I, Katsteve and other blacks are here in a all white forum challenging your racism. But you are a pussy, you won't do the same and enter an all black forum running your mouth like you do here. You are a coward. You have no credibility. .
Can't be an all-white forum if it's not all white..

It can be if 99 percent of the participants are white. Now you can pay stupid with that 1 prcent all you want and claim it's not a white forum.
NOT "my opinion". FACT. You can disagree with facts all you like.

What I notice is that IM2 makes "certain statements" that are racist and offensive and LYING, and people are usually uncomfortable about such crass, low-class behavior. I also notice jackasses like you bending yourselves into pretzels to try to defend it and pretend he's not the load of rancid snake shit that he is.

"Congress voted in 2006 to extend the black right to vote for 25 more yeas."

If you defend that, you don't have the moral authority to say shit to me.

"Moral authority"? This is a public message board, and you are not anyone special.

No one has any authority here.

"FACT"? A fact is something that is proven scientifically or is a fact because it is history that has already happened. You have an "OPINION", and you do not express yourself very all.

You have a serious problem. With an empty space between your ears, which makes for a complete lack of objectivity.

That entire post was meaningless garbage that didn't say anything.

IM2 lied about the 2006 vote. You defended his lie. That undermines your credibility.

Those are facts, plain to see, and your denial is irrational.

You're irrational for having tbe audacity to think that you know what I defended, as if it is even your business. You are not a moderator in this forum.

And if I had a shred of credibility with the likes of YOU, that would be more "undermining" than anything else.

It is not irrational of me to comment on what I have seen you doing.

It is irrational of YOU to claim that it is. INsanely so.

One does not have to be a moderator, to point out that you have been defending, IM2.

It is utterly stupid and obviously a lie, for you to deny that.

But, I guess you had to say SOMETHING to avoid admitting what I said.

Which I will repost here, because you haven't addressed anything I said, at all.

IM2 lied about the 2006 vote. You defended his lie. That undermines your credibility.

Those are facts, plain to see, and your denial is irrational.

My "credibility" in a forum of strangers is not important to me. This site serves 2 purposes:

Entertainment, and an occasional reminder of some of the kind of dreck that is still in this world, and on occasion I agree with certain people, and have utter disdain for others.

What IM2 posts, you can discuss with him. What I choose to endorse, is my choice, and if you have a problem with that, too bad.

Whether you care or not about your credibility is not relevant to my post.

It stands.

IM2 lied about the 2006 vote. You defended his lie. That undermines your credibility.

Those are facts, plain to see, and your denial is irrational.
That entire post was meaningless garbage that didn't say anything.

IM2 lied about the 2006 vote. You defended his lie. That undermines your credibility.

Those are facts, plain to see, and your denial is irrational.

You're irrational for having tbe audacity to think that you know what I defended, as if it is even your business. You are not a moderator in this forum.

And if I had a shred of credibility with the likes of YOU, that would be more "undermining" than anything else.

It is not irrational of me to comment on what I have seen you doing.

It is irrational of YOU to claim that it is. INsanely so.

One does not have to be a moderator, to point out that you have been defending, IM2.

It is utterly stupid and obviously a lie, for you to deny that.

But, I guess you had to say SOMETHING to avoid admitting what I said.

Which I will repost here, because you haven't addressed anything I said, at all.

IM2 lied about the 2006 vote. You defended his lie. That undermines your credibility.

Those are facts, plain to see, and your denial is irrational.

I didn't lie about shit. You are nothing. A troll. I, Katsteve and other blacks are here in a all white forum challenging your racism. But you are a pussy, you won't do the same and enter an all black forum running your mouth like you do here. You are a coward. You have no credibility. .
Can't be an all-white forum if it's not all white..

It can be if 99 percent of the participants are white. Now you can pay stupid with that 1 percent all you want and claim it's not a white forum.
I am sorry you said something wrong to piss yerself off....Life must suck...
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