Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes

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You called me a coward. The buck stops there. Okay. The reality is since I was a young kid, I've been willing to meet anyone, at any time. Going on an all black forum is not cowardice. It would be the same as calling you chickenshit for not taking your racist tripe to a Klan rally and showing up alone.

When I was growing up, there are some things you did not say to another man. It usually meant you were shopping for a fight. Today, people like you can say idiotic things and I accept personal challenges, then I'm accused of threatening people. That is why, man to man, you spew shit you don't have the balls to say to people's face. IF you meant to call me out, you'd have done so in a PM. So, if you see a coward, it's the one that looks at you in the mirror every day.

For years I sponsored public meetings twice a month. I've been on tv, radio, and in newspapers. The last guy who made the same claims as you on this board is a National Socialist. He was so gutless that he shoots through my kitchen window. So, Klan with a tan, blow smoke all you like, but YOU are the one who wants me to walk into an ambush because you've proven that YOU can't handle the truth and think the odds won't favor you unless the odds are stacked against me 10 to 1. You are spineless and you don't have even a portion of the truth.

Then take your argument to an all black forum. I've done all of what you have done and more. I am here in a forum of whites expressing my opposition to white racism. Why would you be s scared of an ambush if your views are what is needed to be heard. I'm not asking you to do anything I'm not dig but you are scared to do what I suggest. You came in here talking that Billy Jack bullshit and I am standing up with you man up and busting your ass at every turn. I'm and the he blacks here are outnumbered here 10 to 1 and we keep on whupping ass. Seems to me you are the one who can't handle the truth and think the odds won't favor you unless the odds at in YOUR favor.

There ain't no klan with a tan grand cyclops, there is only the pale skinned KKK who believes America is New Jerusalem and made to be a whites only nation.
Nobody ambushes you. If is the other way around. Your mindthought seems to lean toward violence. What an angry little man, pity.

I'm not the one who said anything about an ambush. Learn to read. I pity you because you are dumb. .For example when a white person tries to diss a black person for being angry, this is saying that you have no right to be angry about what we do to you because we are superior to you. And you are too dumb to see how racist that really is.

So while you move along in classic valley girl fashion at age 60 something while ignoring all the racism posted here in these forums while telling us how its all in the past, don't be as dumb to think we have no right to be angry about the racism we still see .going on.

Because Humone has posted 4 essays justifying white supremacy and instead of criticizing him for that, you are here talking stupid about how I am rhe racist. But you are not a racist, you just don't say anything to white racists and you jump all over blacks calling them racists for pointing out white racism. No you are not a racist, you just felt fine contributing to racist threads by whites but when a black person says we should have a conversation about race suddenly why should we talk abut race. Oh no you aren't a racist but when another white woman decided to agree with blacks you called her a black apologist. No, you are not a racist, you felt fine posting in threads by whites that denigrated blacks, but when blacks started to fight back, suddenly why must we make everything about race in a section where race is supposed to be discussed.

Of course you will deny these things and that's doesn't bother me for in the end I am not the one you must answer to.
I dont diss you because you are black, i despise your arrogant attitude, you are the one who thinks you are superior to whites. When did i call someone an apologist? Unless a white person apologizes for something whites did to blacks before our time, i would have no issue with it and again it is not racist. Disagreeing with you is not racist, where did i agree with whites denegrating blacks? Liar, you are really pathetic

I have never said was superior to anyone. I have spoken truth. You can't handle he truth. You are where you at because of things done before our time. But that's how dumb you are. Things that happened before your time is why you barbeque on July 4th every year. So you don't get to ignore it because it shows that you are where you are today as result of evil included in the same past you celebrate on the fourth of July.

You have not endured for one day in your life anything me and the other blacks here have during our lifetimes. The least of my concerns is some white person telling me they don't like me because I'm black. But if that happens to you that's a major case. I've been denied jobs, promotions, harassed by cops and accused of crimes. I never have had a criminal record. Because of the police harassment I have endured that still happens even now in my advanced age, I do not leave my house after dark. During my years of work I have received those funny phone calls where I got called racial slurs, my life threatened, letters with pictures of blacks hanging, more threats, pictures of monkeys and apes all because I was opposing white racism. One black here has described where he had to watch his parents get shit and piss thrown on them by whites. That's racism Molly and until you experience these things you haven't experienced racism. You can argue till hell freezes over about what you think I don't know about what you or whites haven't experienced but if you had experienced any of these things, you would not hold the positions you do today.
Everyone is where they are today because of the past. I dont deny anything that happened in the past, i dont dwell on it either. What is it you are expecting from us collectively? I certainly am not dumb and for you to keep calling me that shows you think you are superior
1) In America, blacks have been found guilty of raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying, and segregating - even when they get a free pass. To the rest of your complaints, I'd have to do a bit of research in order to respond
Can you show me examples of black people as a group raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying and segregating whites and getting off ?
"Is Jamie Foxx a racist? The actor recently hosted “Saturday Night Live,” delivering a rant that was supposed to be funny. It wasn’t. In fact, had a white person delivered the same monologue but simply exchanged the word “white” for “black,” his career would be over. The hypocrisy and double standard are egregious. They must stop. Black bigotry should no longer be condoned, let alone celebrated."

KUHNER: Jamie Foxx and the rise of black bigotry
When you are talking about black racism. All your talking about is name calling.

Saturday Night Live is run by NBC. The chairman of NBC is a white guy called Rob Greenblatt


In fact. As of 2017 six companies produce 95% of what Americans read, watch and listen to:
  1. Viacom
  2. CBS Corporation
  3. News Corp
  4. Time Warner
  5. General Electric
  6. Disney
This guy Summer Redstone owns the first two.


Rupert Murdoch


Jeffery Bewes


Jeffery Immelt


Rob Iger


In that order – white men all.

So understand. Jamie Foxx was allowed to say that. The white supremacist could slap him down and make sure that he never works in Hollywood or TV again if they wanted. The white supremacists know that name-calling is pretty ineffective

Racism on the part of black folks even the most vicious is pretty impotent. Racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And Jamie Foxx can't do any of that to whites. But there are white folks in positions to do those things, and who do them regularly
3) EVERYTHING that I've said on this board, I'm willing to say it to anyone's face. I once knew a guy that had a mouth like you. He had clout though. He was Martin Luther King, Jr.s right hand man. He had a tv show and I ended up debating him face to face. His name was Hosea Williams. When that discussion ended, the show was NOT renewed for another season... and everything I wanted to say at that time was said. I keep repeating this son. You can't call people out in open forum. If you want to make a challenge; do it in a PM
MLK's right hand man ? Fk me. How old's is he ? Must be close to eighty or older if he was MLK's right hand man. But that don't impress me

What's to debate ?

I’ve come to realize that debating is just another derailing tactic. So when in day to day life, when I If come across a white person who wants to argue then I’ve reached the end of the convo. Social justice is not a cult. It’s not my job to convert people. You have to choose to either be a decent human being or to support the racist colonialist system that is America.
4) Personally, I don't have the capacity to hate anyone. God's law supersedes ALL the other laws. But, I have been admonished to "Debate thy cause with thy neighbour himself; and discover not a secret to another:" Proverbs 25 : 9
Racism has little to do with hate. Racism is a system.
Black people make a lot of false statements, but they don't want us to remind them of how dishonest they are and how wrong they are.
How you could believe that in a culture where white critique of black people is a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute pastime is beyond me.
No black person ever lost their Hollywood gig nor their sports position for saying things against whites, but they have said things.
Colin Kapernick ?


A black person talking or acting out of turn has always been a white-hot target for mainstream America, who’d prefer blacks to be silent servants of the white ego. It’s ironic that taking the knee was the most respectful way of protesting that Kaepernick could think of and it’s still getting him shat on, first by the NFL, and then by the usual suspects (including the Trumpenproletariat). The NFL are reacting only because Trump threw a few shots their way and they’d lose face by doing nothing about it.

Tim Tebow was taking the knee long before Kaepernick, but Tebow did it in service of white Christianity, so it wasn’t deemed offensive to the usual suspects. But as long as black people are singing and dancing and doing other things for the amusement of the dominant culture things are just hunky dory.
5) Donald Trump is not a friend to the white people.
When former KKK imperial Wizard David Duke embraces a president and is often tweeting glowingly about DT that says something significant about Trump.


It's significant that white supremacists were so excited about president. It's significant that they were excited about his top adviser. It is significant that they were excited about his national security adviser.

It is significant because Trump done something to win all that approval.

When white supremacists were like “whoa, this Trump guy is our dream come true and doing things we never thought we’d see from a president,” that signifies something about Donald Trump.

Now how can that be the case if as you say
5) Donald Trump is not a friend to the white people.
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And the answer is:
Publicly speak out about how they feel without fear of reprisals.
African Americans can't be called racist more racist than whites because we don't have the ability to deny anyone.

But come back to me when black people begin lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying, bombing, segregating, building highways and thruways to dislocate and dismantle businesses, communities and neighborhoods; creating sun-down towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back and controlling in every imaginable way, hating white ppl en mass via de jure and de facto racism for hundreds of years, then and only then can calling black people racists make sense.

But let's look at this "We whites can't speak out about how they feel without fear of reprisals"

So what do you want to say ?

You want to shout from the roof tops that "You hate n.i.g.g.e.r.s" ? You have a system that tells us that everyday.


So what do what do you want to say about black people that you can't without fear of reprisals ?

You want insult black people verbally face to face ?

Well there are gonna be reprisals and could end with you getting your ass kicked or even worse.

That you won’t be able to understand this simple point is nothing so much as your own sense of entitlement. Whites are not used to anyone telling them that they can’t do something and you take offense when your freedom to offend is constrained.

Plus how you or anyone could believe you can't critique black people when we live in a global culture where critique of black people is a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute pastime is beyond me.

You have Donald Trump in the big house and white people still complain ? A man who is gonna be the most pro-white president in a long time.

And you still complain ?

The fact is if you are a white person living in the most European nations or in the US you experience less censorship than any other demographic on this planet. You have easier access to more resources including paper, pens, computers and dictaphones. Not only do you have more ability to access the internet to publish online. You have n*ggermania, shitskin, chimpout and chimpmania websites where you can talk shit about black people all day.

White people also have the world's strongest publishing industry statistically supporting them more than any other group where you read books like the Bell Curve which tries to prove how stupid black people are.

Nobody is less prevented from writing whatever they want to than whites. White supremacist are allowed to run a muck on here, run a muck on twitter, run a muck on facebook, run a muck reddit, run a muck on 4chan.

So once again what do what do you want to say about black people that you can't without fear of reprisals ?
How many ordinary hard working whites have the ability to deny you anything? You resort to violence if confronted face to face with whites who call you names, yet you call names here on these boards. Many of the horrible things you listed above were not committed in your lifetime.

Not exactly. This happened just a few years ago.

In Court: Suspect Accused Of Setting Council Grove Man On Fire


Isaac Wilson, 23, is charged with a crime that has left a 54-year-old man recovering from severe burns to his hands and lower body.

Wilson is accused of attacking Sterling Law at Law’s Council Grove home on Orchard Street last month.

Officials say Law was sitting inside when Wilson came in, drenched him in rubbing alcohol and ignited him with a cigarette lighter.

Wilson is charged with Aggravated Battery and Aggravated Burglary in connection with the incident.

"With Mr. Law, the allegations are that essentially there was alcohol placed on Mr. Law and Mr. Law was lit on fire. That lead to the Aggravated Battery charge in that case. The Aggravated Burglary is that Mr. Wilson entered into the residence with the intent to commit a felony, the Aggravated Battery," said Morris County Attorney Laura Allen.


A spokesman for the United States Attorney's Office for the District of Kansas told WIBW Friday that the case is still being reviewed at the federal level to determine whether or not it is a hate crime. Wilson is white and Sterling Law is black.

Notice the excuses made to deny that race had anything to do with this.

But when 13 News first broke the story, Law's brother said that Sterling is an easy target not because he's black, but because of his mental illness.

Council Grove is primarily white, but Sterling's friends say the crime wasn't racially motivated, instead, they say the suspect was taking advantage of Sterling's mental disability.

In Court: Suspect Accused Of Setting Council Grove Man On Fire

Or maybe 2011 was just too far in the ancient past for you so how about this one

Racist 'assassin' indicted as terrorist in NYC murder of black man


A sword-wielding racist who traveled to New York City and allegedly killed a homeless black man was charged Monday with state terrorism charges - a rarity - in a crime that prosecutors decried as an assault on personal and racial freedom.

The Manhattan district attorney's office took the dramatic step of filing first- and second-degree murder as an act of terrorism charges against James Jackson, 28. Terrorism charges are typically filed at the federal level and are reserved for suspects who planned mass attacks, anti-abortion killings, or eco-terrorism. Among the most famous domestic terror cases are the Unabomber attacks, the Oklahoma City bombing, and the Charleston church shooting.

Jackson was originally charged with run-of-the-mill murder charges but prosecutors on Monday upgraded the ante to terrorism. He is depicted in an indictment as an assassin who traveled from his Baltimore home for one simple reason: the scouting and killing of a black person on the streets of New York.

Maybe 2017 is just way to far in the past too.

And these were ordinary hardworking whites. Just like the ordinary hard working whites who fill these threads full of racism.
And the answer is:
Publicly speak out about how they feel without fear of reprisals.
African Americans can't be called racist more racist than whites because we don't have the ability to deny anyone.

But come back to me when black people begin lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying, bombing, segregating, building highways and thruways to dislocate and dismantle businesses, communities and neighborhoods; creating sun-down towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back and controlling in every imaginable way, hating white ppl en mass via de jure and de facto racism for hundreds of years, then and only then can calling black people racists make sense.

But let's look at this "We whites can't speak out about how they feel without fear of reprisals"

So what do you want to say ?

You want to shout from the roof tops that "You hate n.i.g.g.e.r.s" ? You have a system that tells us that everyday.


So what do what do you want to say about black people that you can't without fear of reprisals ?

You want insult black people verbally face to face ?

Well there are gonna be reprisals and could end with you getting your ass kicked or even worse.

That you won’t be able to understand this simple point is nothing so much as your own sense of entitlement. Whites are not used to anyone telling them that they can’t do something and you take offense when your freedom to offend is constrained.

Plus how you or anyone could believe you can't critique black people when we live in a global culture where critique of black people is a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute pastime is beyond me.

You have Donald Trump in the big house and white people still complain ? A man who is gonna be the most pro-white president in a long time.

And you still complain ?

The fact is if you are a white person living in the most European nations or in the US you experience less censorship than any other demographic on this planet. You have easier access to more resources including paper, pens, computers and dictaphones. Not only do you have more ability to access the internet to publish online. You have n*ggermania, shitskin, chimpout and chimpmania websites where you can talk shit about black people all day.

White people also have the world's strongest publishing industry statistically supporting them more than any other group where you read books like the Bell Curve which tries to prove how stupid black people are.

Nobody is less prevented from writing whatever they want to than whites. White supremacist are allowed to run a muck on here, run a muck on twitter, run a muck on facebook, run a muck reddit, run a muck on 4chan.

So once again what do what do you want to say about black people that you can't without fear of reprisals ?

This is Part 9 of THIS IS WHAT NEEDS TO BE SAID. You will find the other parts of this in posts 1445, 1448, 1460 1477, 1488,1505, 1516, and 1532. I'm just having to respond to a different poster.

1) In America, blacks have been found guilty of raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying, and segregating - even when they get a free pass. To the rest of your complaints, I'd have to do a bit of research in order to respond

2) According to the Washington Times:

"Is Jamie Foxx a racist? The actor recently hosted “Saturday Night Live,” delivering a rant that was supposed to be funny. It wasn’t. In fact, had a white person delivered the same monologue but simply exchanged the word “white” for “black,” his career would be over. The hypocrisy and double standard are egregious. They must stop. Black bigotry should no longer be condoned, let alone celebrated."

KUHNER: Jamie Foxx and the rise of black bigotry

3) EVERYTHING that I've said on this board, I'm willing to say it to anyone's face. I once knew a guy that had a mouth like you. He had clout though. He was Martin Luther King, Jr.s right hand man. He had a tv show and I ended up debating him face to face. His name was Hosea Williams. When that discussion ended, the show was NOT renewed for another season... and everything I wanted to say at that time was said. I keep repeating this son. You can't call people out in open forum. If you want to make a challenge; do it in a PM

4) Personally, I don't have the capacity to hate anyone. God's law supersedes ALL the other laws. But, I have been admonished to "Debate thy cause with thy neighbour himself; and discover not a secret to another:" Proverbs 25 : 9

Black people make a lot of false statements, but they don't want us to remind them of how dishonest they are and how wrong they are. No black person ever lost their Hollywood gig nor their sports position for saying things against whites, but they have said things...

5) Donald Trump is not a friend to the white people. He has settled for National Socialist solutions; he has preached a doctrine of intolerance for undocumented foreigners while employing them; he supports an agenda that, over time, will be very costly to the whites in terms of their Liberty and Freedom; Trump has no regard for unalienable Rights.

IF you were wise, you would celebrate Trump. His actions have made the liberals more determined to win than under any president in history. Democrats will retake the Senate - maybe the House and Trump's policies are deliberately designed to fail. So YOU should be happy.

As a side note, I should not have to go off into the Twilight Zone among kooks just to tell you that black people can and are just as racist as whites... but moreso, because, as the Washington Times article implied, black people are NOT held accountable in the mainstream for their racist attitudes.

Blacks have not been as racist as whites. That's the problem with your opinion.

That is your opinion. It is not, however, a fact.
I hate to tell you but Whites did not build this nation. This system was the product of whites excluding everyone else from the decision making process. You made claims about Americans fighting wars without claiming a single bit of land for themselves. Are you insane?

If whites wanted a homeland for whites they should have stayed where it was all white. Because this country was not going to be all white when at last 500 non white nations were already here. Sane whites understand their history. That is why you post his crap anonymously in a race and racism section in a small internet forum because you know good and well that you are posting a bunch of extremist crap. You don't dare take this any non white forum. That's why I say you are a coward. I'm here with a few blacks in a mostly white forum opposing the racism of the likes of you with fact. You post your drivel only here where whites who are as dumb and racist as you will cosign and make you feel good about yourself.


You called me a coward. The buck stops there. Okay. The reality is since I was a young kid, I've been willing to meet anyone, at any time. Going on an all black forum is not cowardice. It would be the same as calling you chickenshit for not taking your racist tripe to a Klan rally and showing up alone.

When I was growing up, there are some things you did not say to another man. It usually meant you were shopping for a fight. Today, people like you can say idiotic things and I accept personal challenges, then I'm accused of threatening people. That is why, man to man, you spew shit you don't have the balls to say to people's face. IF you meant to call me out, you'd have done so in a PM. So, if you see a coward, it's the one that looks at you in the mirror every day.

For years I sponsored public meetings twice a month. I've been on tv, radio, and in newspapers. The last guy who made the same claims as you on this board is a National Socialist. He was so gutless that he shoots through my kitchen window. So, Klan with a tan, blow smoke all you like, but YOU are the one who wants me to walk into an ambush because you've proven that YOU can't handle the truth and think the odds won't favor you unless the odds are stacked against me 10 to 1. You are spineless and you don't have even a portion of the truth.

Then take your argument to an all black forum. I've done all of what you have done and more. I am here in a forum of whites expressing my opposition to white racism. Why would you be s scared of an ambush if your views are what is needed to be heard. I'm not asking you to do anything I'm not dig but you are scared to do what I suggest. You came in here talking that Billy Jack bullshit and I am standing up with you man up and busting your ass at every turn. I'm and the he blacks here are outnumbered here 10 to 1 and we keep on whupping ass. Seems to me you are the one who can't handle the truth and think the odds won't favor you unless the odds at in YOUR favor.

There ain't no klan with a tan grand cyclops, there is only the pale skinned KKK who believes America is New Jerusalem and made to be a whites only nation.
Nobody ambushes you. If is the other way around. Your mindthought seems to lean toward violence. What an angry little man, pity.

I'm not the one who said anything about an ambush. Learn to read. I pity you because you are dumb. .For example when a white person tries to diss a black person for being angry, this is saying that you have no right to be angry about what we do to you because we are superior to you. And you are too dumb to see how racist that really is.

So while you move along in classic valley girl fashion at age 60 something while ignoring all the racism posted here in these forums while telling us how its all in the past, don't be as dumb to think we have no right to be angry about the racism we still see .going on.

Because Humone has posted 4 essays justifying white supremacy and instead of criticizing him for that, you are here talking stupid about how I am rhe racist. But you are not a racist, you just don't say anything to white racists and you jump all over blacks calling them racists for pointing out white racism. No you are not a racist, you just felt fine contributing to racist threads by whites but when a black person says we should have a conversation about race suddenly why should we talk abut race. Oh no you aren't a racist but when another white woman decided to agree with blacks you called her a black apologist. No, you are not a racist, you felt fine posting in threads by whites that denigrated blacks, but when blacks started to fight back, suddenly why must we make everything about race in a section where race is supposed to be discussed.

Of course you will deny these things and that's doesn't bother me for in the end I am not the one you must answer to.
I dont diss you because you are black, i despise your arrogant attitude, you are the one who thinks you are superior to whites. When did i call someone an apologist? Unless a white person apologizes for something whites did to blacks before our time, i would have no issue with it and again it is not racist. Disagreeing with you is not racist, where did i agree with whites denegrating blacks? Liar, you are really pathetic

MizMolly, You have my respect for standing up for what truthful. I wanted to end my rant of what needs to be said by interjecting myself into your conversation with IM2.

This is Part 10 of THIS IS WHAT NEEDS TO BE SAID. You will find the other parts of this in posts 1445, 1448, 1460 1477, 1488,1505, 1516,1532, and 1535.

In addressing you, IM2 said:

"You have not endured for one day in your life anything me and the other blacks here have during our lifetimes. The least of my concerns is some white person telling me they don't like me because I'm black. But if that happens to you that's a major case. I've been denied jobs, promotions, harassed by cops and accused of crimes. I never have had a criminal record. Because of the police harassment I have endured that still happens even now in my advanced age, I do not leave my house after dark. During my years of work I have received those funny phone calls where I got called racial slurs, my life threatened, letters with pictures of blacks hanging, more threats, pictures of monkeys and apes all because I was opposing white racism. One black here has described where he had to watch his parents get shit and piss thrown on them by whites. That's racism Molly and until you experience these things you haven't experienced racism. You can argue till hell freezes over about what you think I don't know about what you or whites haven't experienced but if you had experienced any of these things, you would not hold the positions you do today."

IM2's problem is he cannot B.S. me and tell me his life is worse than anyone else or that he experienced things the rest of the people haven't.

1) Whites HAVE been the victims of racism. This was pointed out in my earlier posts so check them for proof

2) One time I was handcuffed by the cops. They stretched my arms high over my head and cuffed me across the a bar, proceeded to place a phone book over my ribs while taking a billy stick and beating me. I was hurting for weeks, but it didn't leave a mark on me. Yeah, I can't rack that up to racism per se because one cop was white and one was black... it die have a racial component though.

In a not so famous case, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation planned to kick down my door, kill me and claim I resisted arrest. Fortunately, a news reporter got wind of it and was able to report on it before it could take place

3) I was laid off my first full time job due to racial quotas within a union; I was denied a promotion based on race when I was in the insurance industry

4) Since I've been on this board, my computer has been hacked; someone has put my personal information out publicly; someone got on professional sites and even gave me a big listing as a Georgia Bureau of Investigation Agent. I reported that one, but the GBI didn't care, so I left it. Somebody might actually believe it and not screw with me. Someone from this board killed the family cat by throwing it across a tree limb with a rope around its neck. They even shot through my kitchen window while I was at home... the perpetrator is a poster on this board

5) I received a lot of hate mail and threatening phone calls over the years.

The point is, IM2 will tell you all these horror stories about himself and chalk it all up to racism. But, sometimes his trials and tribulations may not have been related to his race at all, but rather by his attitude and the trash he talks. Black people have this belief that they are the only ones who had it rough in life. I can promise you they would never trade their lives for the one I lived. And there are many other people out there with horror stories of their lives that is just as bad. And, FWIW, my record is just clean as IM2's is. I've been a foster parent - which requires all manner of background checks.

6) While the race extremists from the left are arguing with me, I want to close with something important:

When I tell these racial extremists that America was founded by people who escaped the tyranny of King George and they intended for this to be a white country, the black extremists find fault with me for telling you the truth. But, what is telling and probably the most important part: they harp on other white countries and imply that we should go there to have a homeland. In reality, this is no different than a white supremacist telling them to jump on a boat and go to Africa.

Black extremists are more racist than the white ones because they have Hollywood fighting for them AND they are savvy enough to avoid being too blunt. They have become masters at using tact and wording their complaints in a manner where they are always innocent and the whites must pay.

I get the distinct feeling that they won't be satisfied until the last shovel dirt is thrown over the grave of the last white person on this planet. Despite what they say, the reality of my experiences are no less than anything I have experienced. BTW, I'll leave you with an incident that happened in my neighborhood:

Video shows woman shooting at invaders during Gwinnett home invasion

Despite what IM2 may claim, there are two sides to every story and he holds no monopoly of having been done wrong in the past. In my view, some people do not want a peaceful resolution. If they reject that and don't want civil conversations, we must be prepared for the worst. And, without giving you my personal feelings, that is the way it is.
Then take your argument to an all black forum. I've done all of what you have done and more. I am here in a forum of whites expressing my opposition to white racism. Why would you be s scared of an ambush if your views are what is needed to be heard. I'm not asking you to do anything I'm not dig but you are scared to do what I suggest. You came in here talking that Billy Jack bullshit and I am standing up with you man up and busting your ass at every turn. I'm and the he blacks here are outnumbered here 10 to 1 and we keep on whupping ass. Seems to me you are the one who can't handle the truth and think the odds won't favor you unless the odds at in YOUR favor.

There ain't no klan with a tan grand cyclops, there is only the pale skinned KKK who believes America is New Jerusalem and made to be a whites only nation.
Nobody ambushes you. If is the other way around. Your mindthought seems to lean toward violence. What an angry little man, pity.

I'm not the one who said anything about an ambush. Learn to read. I pity you because you are dumb. .For example when a white person tries to diss a black person for being angry, this is saying that you have no right to be angry about what we do to you because we are superior to you. And you are too dumb to see how racist that really is.

So while you move along in classic valley girl fashion at age 60 something while ignoring all the racism posted here in these forums while telling us how its all in the past, don't be as dumb to think we have no right to be angry about the racism we still see .going on.

Because Humone has posted 4 essays justifying white supremacy and instead of criticizing him for that, you are here talking stupid about how I am rhe racist. But you are not a racist, you just don't say anything to white racists and you jump all over blacks calling them racists for pointing out white racism. No you are not a racist, you just felt fine contributing to racist threads by whites but when a black person says we should have a conversation about race suddenly why should we talk abut race. Oh no you aren't a racist but when another white woman decided to agree with blacks you called her a black apologist. No, you are not a racist, you felt fine posting in threads by whites that denigrated blacks, but when blacks started to fight back, suddenly why must we make everything about race in a section where race is supposed to be discussed.

Of course you will deny these things and that's doesn't bother me for in the end I am not the one you must answer to.
I dont diss you because you are black, i despise your arrogant attitude, you are the one who thinks you are superior to whites. When did i call someone an apologist? Unless a white person apologizes for something whites did to blacks before our time, i would have no issue with it and again it is not racist. Disagreeing with you is not racist, where did i agree with whites denegrating blacks? Liar, you are really pathetic

I have never said was superior to anyone. I have spoken truth. You can't handle he truth. You are where you at because of things done before our time. But that's how dumb you are. Things that happened before your time is why you barbeque on July 4th every year. So you don't get to ignore it because it shows that you are where you are today as result of evil included in the same past you celebrate on the fourth of July.

You have not endured for one day in your life anything me and the other blacks here have during our lifetimes. The least of my concerns is some white person telling me they don't like me because I'm black. But if that happens to you that's a major case. I've been denied jobs, promotions, harassed by cops and accused of crimes. I never have had a criminal record. Because of the police harassment I have endured that still happens even now in my advanced age, I do not leave my house after dark. During my years of work I have received those funny phone calls where I got called racial slurs, my life threatened, letters with pictures of blacks hanging, more threats, pictures of monkeys and apes all because I was opposing white racism. One black here has described where he had to watch his parents get shit and piss thrown on them by whites. That's racism Molly and until you experience these things you haven't experienced racism. You can argue till hell freezes over about what you think I don't know about what you or whites haven't experienced but if you had experienced any of these things, you would not hold the positions you do today.
Everyone is where they are today because of the past. I dont deny anything that happened in the past, i dont dwell on it either. What is it you are expecting from us collectively? I certainly am not dumb and for you to keep calling me that shows you think you are superior

You are dumb. Me saying that doesn't imply that I am superior to white people. Until past damages are fixed, we are going to talk about what those damages have caused. We expect that whites like you stop making excuses and work to erase the racism in your communities.
1) In America, blacks have been found guilty of raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying, and segregating - even when they get a free pass. To the rest of your complaints, I'd have to do a bit of research in order to respond
Can you show me examples of black people as a group raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying and segregating whites and getting off ?
"Is Jamie Foxx a racist? The actor recently hosted “Saturday Night Live,” delivering a rant that was supposed to be funny. It wasn’t. In fact, had a white person delivered the same monologue but simply exchanged the word “white” for “black,” his career would be over. The hypocrisy and double standard are egregious. They must stop. Black bigotry should no longer be condoned, let alone celebrated."

KUHNER: Jamie Foxx and the rise of black bigotry
When you are talking about black racism. All your talking about is name calling.

Saturday Night Live is run by NBC. The chairman of NBC is a white guy called Rob Greenblatt


In fact. As of 2017 six companies produce 95% of what Americans read, watch and listen to:
  1. Viacom
  2. CBS Corporation
  3. News Corp
  4. Time Warner
  5. General Electric
  6. Disney
This guy Summer Redstone owns the first two.


Rupert Murdoch


Jeffery Bewes


Jeffery Immelt


Rob Iger


In that order – white men all.

So understand. Jamie Foxx was allowed to say that. The white supremacist could slap him down and make sure that he never works in Hollywood or TV again if they wanted. The white supremacists know that name-calling is pretty ineffective

Racism on the part of black folks even the most vicious is pretty impotent. Racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And Jamie Foxx can't do any of that to whites. But there are white folks in positions to do those things, and who do them regularly
3) EVERYTHING that I've said on this board, I'm willing to say it to anyone's face. I once knew a guy that had a mouth like you. He had clout though. He was Martin Luther King, Jr.s right hand man. He had a tv show and I ended up debating him face to face. His name was Hosea Williams. When that discussion ended, the show was NOT renewed for another season... and everything I wanted to say at that time was said. I keep repeating this son. You can't call people out in open forum. If you want to make a challenge; do it in a PM
MLK's right hand man ? Fk me. How old's is he ? Must be close to eighty or older if he was MLK's right hand man. But that don't impress me

What's to debate ?

I’ve come to realize that debating is just another derailing tactic. So when in day to day life, when I If come across a white person who wants to argue then I’ve reached the end of the convo. Social justice is not a cult. It’s not my job to convert people. You have to choose to either be a decent human being or to support the racist colonialist system that is America.
4) Personally, I don't have the capacity to hate anyone. God's law supersedes ALL the other laws. But, I have been admonished to "Debate thy cause with thy neighbour himself; and discover not a secret to another:" Proverbs 25 : 9
Racism has little to do with hate. Racism is a system.
Black people make a lot of false statements, but they don't want us to remind them of how dishonest they are and how wrong they are.
How you could believe that in a culture where white critique of black people is a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute pastime is beyond me.
No black person ever lost their Hollywood gig nor their sports position for saying things against whites, but they have said things.
Colin Kapernick ?


A black person talking or acting out of turn has always been a white-hot target for mainstream America, who’d prefer blacks to be silent servants of the white ego. It’s ironic that taking the knee was the most respectful way of protesting that Kaepernick could think of and it’s still getting him shat on, first by the NFL, and then by the usual suspects (including the Trumpenproletariat). The NFL are reacting only because Trump threw a few shots their way and they’d lose face by doing nothing about it.

Tim Tebow was taking the knee long before Kaepernick, but Tebow did it in service of white Christianity, so it wasn’t deemed offensive to the usual suspects. But as long as black people are singing and dancing and doing other things for the amusement of the dominant culture things are just hunky dory.
5) Donald Trump is not a friend to the white people.
When former KKK imperial Wizard David Duke embraces a president and is often tweeting glowingly about DT that says something significant about Trump.


It's significant that white supremacists were so excited about president. It's significant that they were excited about his top adviser. It is significant that they were excited about his national security adviser.

It is significant because Trump done something to win all that approval.

When white supremacists were like “whoa, this Trump guy is our dream come true and doing things we never thought we’d see from a president,” that signifies something about Donald Trump.

Now how can that be the case if as you say
5) Donald Trump is not a friend to the white people.

I've had my rant and not interested in your post. It's a waste of time. most of what you complain about has been asked and answered.

But a couple of points:

Did you realize that the whites, like David Duke, do not consider Jews to be white?

You do realize, don't you that most, if not all, the pictures you posted of rich people are Jews. How much more in common do you have with David Duke?

The extremists they have put into the spotlight do not have any idea of what is in the whites best interest. They are their own worst enemy.
Nobody ambushes you. If is the other way around. Your mindthought seems to lean toward violence. What an angry little man, pity.

I'm not the one who said anything about an ambush. Learn to read. I pity you because you are dumb. .For example when a white person tries to diss a black person for being angry, this is saying that you have no right to be angry about what we do to you because we are superior to you. And you are too dumb to see how racist that really is.

So while you move along in classic valley girl fashion at age 60 something while ignoring all the racism posted here in these forums while telling us how its all in the past, don't be as dumb to think we have no right to be angry about the racism we still see .going on.

Because Humone has posted 4 essays justifying white supremacy and instead of criticizing him for that, you are here talking stupid about how I am rhe racist. But you are not a racist, you just don't say anything to white racists and you jump all over blacks calling them racists for pointing out white racism. No you are not a racist, you just felt fine contributing to racist threads by whites but when a black person says we should have a conversation about race suddenly why should we talk abut race. Oh no you aren't a racist but when another white woman decided to agree with blacks you called her a black apologist. No, you are not a racist, you felt fine posting in threads by whites that denigrated blacks, but when blacks started to fight back, suddenly why must we make everything about race in a section where race is supposed to be discussed.

Of course you will deny these things and that's doesn't bother me for in the end I am not the one you must answer to.
I dont diss you because you are black, i despise your arrogant attitude, you are the one who thinks you are superior to whites. When did i call someone an apologist? Unless a white person apologizes for something whites did to blacks before our time, i would have no issue with it and again it is not racist. Disagreeing with you is not racist, where did i agree with whites denegrating blacks? Liar, you are really pathetic

I have never said was superior to anyone. I have spoken truth. You can't handle he truth. You are where you at because of things done before our time. But that's how dumb you are. Things that happened before your time is why you barbeque on July 4th every year. So you don't get to ignore it because it shows that you are where you are today as result of evil included in the same past you celebrate on the fourth of July.

You have not endured for one day in your life anything me and the other blacks here have during our lifetimes. The least of my concerns is some white person telling me they don't like me because I'm black. But if that happens to you that's a major case. I've been denied jobs, promotions, harassed by cops and accused of crimes. I never have had a criminal record. Because of the police harassment I have endured that still happens even now in my advanced age, I do not leave my house after dark. During my years of work I have received those funny phone calls where I got called racial slurs, my life threatened, letters with pictures of blacks hanging, more threats, pictures of monkeys and apes all because I was opposing white racism. One black here has described where he had to watch his parents get shit and piss thrown on them by whites. That's racism Molly and until you experience these things you haven't experienced racism. You can argue till hell freezes over about what you think I don't know about what you or whites haven't experienced but if you had experienced any of these things, you would not hold the positions you do today.
Everyone is where they are today because of the past. I dont deny anything that happened in the past, i dont dwell on it either. What is it you are expecting from us collectively? I certainly am not dumb and for you to keep calling me that shows you think you are superior

You are dumb. Me saying that doesn't imply that I am superior to white people. Until past damages are fixed, we are going to talk about what those damages have caused. We expect that whites like you stop making excuses and work to erase the racism in your communities.

You should invest some time erasing the racism within your own race. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
And the answer is:
Publicly speak out about how they feel without fear of reprisals.
African Americans can't be called racist more racist than whites because we don't have the ability to deny anyone.

But come back to me when black people begin lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying, bombing, segregating, building highways and thruways to dislocate and dismantle businesses, communities and neighborhoods; creating sun-down towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back and controlling in every imaginable way, hating white ppl en mass via de jure and de facto racism for hundreds of years, then and only then can calling black people racists make sense.

But let's look at this "We whites can't speak out about how they feel without fear of reprisals"

So what do you want to say ?

You want to shout from the roof tops that "You hate n.i.g.g.e.r.s" ? You have a system that tells us that everyday.


So what do what do you want to say about black people that you can't without fear of reprisals ?

You want insult black people verbally face to face ?

Well there are gonna be reprisals and could end with you getting your ass kicked or even worse.

That you won’t be able to understand this simple point is nothing so much as your own sense of entitlement. Whites are not used to anyone telling them that they can’t do something and you take offense when your freedom to offend is constrained.

Plus how you or anyone could believe you can't critique black people when we live in a global culture where critique of black people is a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute pastime is beyond me.

You have Donald Trump in the big house and white people still complain ? A man who is gonna be the most pro-white president in a long time.

And you still complain ?

The fact is if you are a white person living in the most European nations or in the US you experience less censorship than any other demographic on this planet. You have easier access to more resources including paper, pens, computers and dictaphones. Not only do you have more ability to access the internet to publish online. You have n*ggermania, shitskin, chimpout and chimpmania websites where you can talk shit about black people all day.

White people also have the world's strongest publishing industry statistically supporting them more than any other group where you read books like the Bell Curve which tries to prove how stupid black people are.

Nobody is less prevented from writing whatever they want to than whites. White supremacist are allowed to run a muck on here, run a muck on twitter, run a muck on facebook, run a muck reddit, run a muck on 4chan.

So once again what do what do you want to say about black people that you can't without fear of reprisals ?
How many ordinary hard working whites have the ability to deny you anything? You resort to violence if confronted face to face with whites who call you names, yet you call names here on these boards. Many of the horrible things you listed above were not committed in your lifetime.

Not exactly. This happened just a few years ago.

In Court: Suspect Accused Of Setting Council Grove Man On Fire


Isaac Wilson, 23, is charged with a crime that has left a 54-year-old man recovering from severe burns to his hands and lower body.

Wilson is accused of attacking Sterling Law at Law’s Council Grove home on Orchard Street last month.

Officials say Law was sitting inside when Wilson came in, drenched him in rubbing alcohol and ignited him with a cigarette lighter.

Wilson is charged with Aggravated Battery and Aggravated Burglary in connection with the incident.

"With Mr. Law, the allegations are that essentially there was alcohol placed on Mr. Law and Mr. Law was lit on fire. That lead to the Aggravated Battery charge in that case. The Aggravated Burglary is that Mr. Wilson entered into the residence with the intent to commit a felony, the Aggravated Battery," said Morris County Attorney Laura Allen.


A spokesman for the United States Attorney's Office for the District of Kansas told WIBW Friday that the case is still being reviewed at the federal level to determine whether or not it is a hate crime. Wilson is white and Sterling Law is black.

Notice the excuses made to deny that race had anything to do with this.

But when 13 News first broke the story, Law's brother said that Sterling is an easy target not because he's black, but because of his mental illness.

Council Grove is primarily white, but Sterling's friends say the crime wasn't racially motivated, instead, they say the suspect was taking advantage of Sterling's mental disability.

In Court: Suspect Accused Of Setting Council Grove Man On Fire

Or maybe 2011 was just too far in the ancient past for you so how about this one

Racist 'assassin' indicted as terrorist in NYC murder of black man


A sword-wielding racist who traveled to New York City and allegedly killed a homeless black man was charged Monday with state terrorism charges - a rarity - in a crime that prosecutors decried as an assault on personal and racial freedom.

The Manhattan district attorney's office took the dramatic step of filing first- and second-degree murder as an act of terrorism charges against James Jackson, 28. Terrorism charges are typically filed at the federal level and are reserved for suspects who planned mass attacks, anti-abortion killings, or eco-terrorism. Among the most famous domestic terror cases are the Unabomber attacks, the Oklahoma City bombing, and the Charleston church shooting.

Jackson was originally charged with run-of-the-mill murder charges but prosecutors on Monday upgraded the ante to terrorism. He is depicted in an indictment as an assassin who traveled from his Baltimore home for one simple reason: the scouting and killing of a black person on the streets of New York.

Racist 'assassin' indicted as terrorist in NYC murder of black man

Maybe 2017 is just way to far in the past too.

And these were ordinary hardworking whites. Just like the ordinary hard working whites who fill these threads full of racism.

A black man set Richard Barrett, a white lawyer (racist wannabe) on fire and killing him. Your point?
1) In America, blacks have been found guilty of raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying, and segregating - even when they get a free pass. To the rest of your complaints, I'd have to do a bit of research in order to respond
Can you show me examples of black people as a group raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying and segregating whites and getting off ?
"Is Jamie Foxx a racist? The actor recently hosted “Saturday Night Live,” delivering a rant that was supposed to be funny. It wasn’t. In fact, had a white person delivered the same monologue but simply exchanged the word “white” for “black,” his career would be over. The hypocrisy and double standard are egregious. They must stop. Black bigotry should no longer be condoned, let alone celebrated."

KUHNER: Jamie Foxx and the rise of black bigotry
When you are talking about black racism. All your talking about is name calling.

Saturday Night Live is run by NBC. The chairman of NBC is a white guy called Rob Greenblatt


In fact. As of 2017 six companies produce 95% of what Americans read, watch and listen to:
  1. Viacom
  2. CBS Corporation
  3. News Corp
  4. Time Warner
  5. General Electric
  6. Disney
This guy Summer Redstone owns the first two.


Rupert Murdoch


Jeffery Bewes


Jeffery Immelt


Rob Iger


In that order – white men all.

So understand. Jamie Foxx was allowed to say that. The white supremacist could slap him down and make sure that he never works in Hollywood or TV again if they wanted. The white supremacists know that name-calling is pretty ineffective

Racism on the part of black folks even the most vicious is pretty impotent. Racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And Jamie Foxx can't do any of that to whites. But there are white folks in positions to do those things, and who do them regularly
3) EVERYTHING that I've said on this board, I'm willing to say it to anyone's face. I once knew a guy that had a mouth like you. He had clout though. He was Martin Luther King, Jr.s right hand man. He had a tv show and I ended up debating him face to face. His name was Hosea Williams. When that discussion ended, the show was NOT renewed for another season... and everything I wanted to say at that time was said. I keep repeating this son. You can't call people out in open forum. If you want to make a challenge; do it in a PM
MLK's right hand man ? Fk me. How old's is he ? Must be close to eighty or older if he was MLK's right hand man. But that don't impress me

What's to debate ?

I’ve come to realize that debating is just another derailing tactic. So when in day to day life, when I If come across a white person who wants to argue then I’ve reached the end of the convo. Social justice is not a cult. It’s not my job to convert people. You have to choose to either be a decent human being or to support the racist colonialist system that is America.
4) Personally, I don't have the capacity to hate anyone. God's law supersedes ALL the other laws. But, I have been admonished to "Debate thy cause with thy neighbour himself; and discover not a secret to another:" Proverbs 25 : 9
Racism has little to do with hate. Racism is a system.
Black people make a lot of false statements, but they don't want us to remind them of how dishonest they are and how wrong they are.
How you could believe that in a culture where white critique of black people is a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute pastime is beyond me.
No black person ever lost their Hollywood gig nor their sports position for saying things against whites, but they have said things.
Colin Kapernick ?


A black person talking or acting out of turn has always been a white-hot target for mainstream America, who’d prefer blacks to be silent servants of the white ego. It’s ironic that taking the knee was the most respectful way of protesting that Kaepernick could think of and it’s still getting him shat on, first by the NFL, and then by the usual suspects (including the Trumpenproletariat). The NFL are reacting only because Trump threw a few shots their way and they’d lose face by doing nothing about it.

Tim Tebow was taking the knee long before Kaepernick, but Tebow did it in service of white Christianity, so it wasn’t deemed offensive to the usual suspects. But as long as black people are singing and dancing and doing other things for the amusement of the dominant culture things are just hunky dory.
5) Donald Trump is not a friend to the white people.
When former KKK imperial Wizard David Duke embraces a president and is often tweeting glowingly about DT that says something significant about Trump.


It's significant that white supremacists were so excited about president. It's significant that they were excited about his top adviser. It is significant that they were excited about his national security adviser.

It is significant because Trump done something to win all that approval.

When white supremacists were like “whoa, this Trump guy is our dream come true and doing things we never thought we’d see from a president,” that signifies something about Donald Trump.

Now how can that be the case if as you say
5) Donald Trump is not a friend to the white people.

I've had my rant and not interested in your post. It's a waste of time. most of what you complain about has been asked and answered.

But a couple of points:

Did you realize that the whites, like David Duke, do not consider Jews to be white?

You do realize, don't you that most, if not all, the pictures you posted of rich people are Jews. How much more in common do you have with David Duke?

The extremists they have put into the spotlight do not have any idea of what is in the whites best interest. They are their own worst enemy.
Jews are white
And the answer is:
Publicly speak out about how they feel without fear of reprisals.
African Americans can't be called racist more racist than whites because we don't have the ability to deny anyone.

But come back to me when black people begin lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying, bombing, segregating, building highways and thruways to dislocate and dismantle businesses, communities and neighborhoods; creating sun-down towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back and controlling in every imaginable way, hating white ppl en mass via de jure and de facto racism for hundreds of years, then and only then can calling black people racists make sense.

But let's look at this "We whites can't speak out about how they feel without fear of reprisals"

So what do you want to say ?

You want to shout from the roof tops that "You hate n.i.g.g.e.r.s" ? You have a system that tells us that everyday.


So what do what do you want to say about black people that you can't without fear of reprisals ?

You want insult black people verbally face to face ?

Well there are gonna be reprisals and could end with you getting your ass kicked or even worse.

That you won’t be able to understand this simple point is nothing so much as your own sense of entitlement. Whites are not used to anyone telling them that they can’t do something and you take offense when your freedom to offend is constrained.

Plus how you or anyone could believe you can't critique black people when we live in a global culture where critique of black people is a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute pastime is beyond me.

You have Donald Trump in the big house and white people still complain ? A man who is gonna be the most pro-white president in a long time.

And you still complain ?

The fact is if you are a white person living in the most European nations or in the US you experience less censorship than any other demographic on this planet. You have easier access to more resources including paper, pens, computers and dictaphones. Not only do you have more ability to access the internet to publish online. You have n*ggermania, shitskin, chimpout and chimpmania websites where you can talk shit about black people all day.

White people also have the world's strongest publishing industry statistically supporting them more than any other group where you read books like the Bell Curve which tries to prove how stupid black people are.

Nobody is less prevented from writing whatever they want to than whites. White supremacist are allowed to run a muck on here, run a muck on twitter, run a muck on facebook, run a muck reddit, run a muck on 4chan.

So once again what do what do you want to say about black people that you can't without fear of reprisals ?

This is Part 9 of THIS IS WHAT NEEDS TO BE SAID. You will find the other parts of this in posts 1445, 1448, 1460 1477, 1488,1505, 1516, and 1532. I'm just having to respond to a different poster.

1) In America, blacks have been found guilty of raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying, and segregating - even when they get a free pass. To the rest of your complaints, I'd have to do a bit of research in order to respond

2) According to the Washington Times:

"Is Jamie Foxx a racist? The actor recently hosted “Saturday Night Live,” delivering a rant that was supposed to be funny. It wasn’t. In fact, had a white person delivered the same monologue but simply exchanged the word “white” for “black,” his career would be over. The hypocrisy and double standard are egregious. They must stop. Black bigotry should no longer be condoned, let alone celebrated."

KUHNER: Jamie Foxx and the rise of black bigotry

3) EVERYTHING that I've said on this board, I'm willing to say it to anyone's face. I once knew a guy that had a mouth like you. He had clout though. He was Martin Luther King, Jr.s right hand man. He had a tv show and I ended up debating him face to face. His name was Hosea Williams. When that discussion ended, the show was NOT renewed for another season... and everything I wanted to say at that time was said. I keep repeating this son. You can't call people out in open forum. If you want to make a challenge; do it in a PM

4) Personally, I don't have the capacity to hate anyone. God's law supersedes ALL the other laws. But, I have been admonished to "Debate thy cause with thy neighbour himself; and discover not a secret to another:" Proverbs 25 : 9

Black people make a lot of false statements, but they don't want us to remind them of how dishonest they are and how wrong they are. No black person ever lost their Hollywood gig nor their sports position for saying things against whites, but they have said things...

5) Donald Trump is not a friend to the white people. He has settled for National Socialist solutions; he has preached a doctrine of intolerance for undocumented foreigners while employing them; he supports an agenda that, over time, will be very costly to the whites in terms of their Liberty and Freedom; Trump has no regard for unalienable Rights.

IF you were wise, you would celebrate Trump. His actions have made the liberals more determined to win than under any president in history. Democrats will retake the Senate - maybe the House and Trump's policies are deliberately designed to fail. So YOU should be happy.

As a side note, I should not have to go off into the Twilight Zone among kooks just to tell you that black people can and are just as racist as whites... but moreso, because, as the Washington Times article implied, black people are NOT held accountable in the mainstream for their racist attitudes.

Blacks have not been as racist as whites. That's the problem with your opinion.

That is your opinion. It is not, however, a fact.

You called me a coward. The buck stops there. Okay. The reality is since I was a young kid, I've been willing to meet anyone, at any time. Going on an all black forum is not cowardice. It would be the same as calling you chickenshit for not taking your racist tripe to a Klan rally and showing up alone.

When I was growing up, there are some things you did not say to another man. It usually meant you were shopping for a fight. Today, people like you can say idiotic things and I accept personal challenges, then I'm accused of threatening people. That is why, man to man, you spew shit you don't have the balls to say to people's face. IF you meant to call me out, you'd have done so in a PM. So, if you see a coward, it's the one that looks at you in the mirror every day.

For years I sponsored public meetings twice a month. I've been on tv, radio, and in newspapers. The last guy who made the same claims as you on this board is a National Socialist. He was so gutless that he shoots through my kitchen window. So, Klan with a tan, blow smoke all you like, but YOU are the one who wants me to walk into an ambush because you've proven that YOU can't handle the truth and think the odds won't favor you unless the odds are stacked against me 10 to 1. You are spineless and you don't have even a portion of the truth.

Then take your argument to an all black forum. I've done all of what you have done and more. I am here in a forum of whites expressing my opposition to white racism. Why would you be s scared of an ambush if your views are what is needed to be heard. I'm not asking you to do anything I'm not dig but you are scared to do what I suggest. You came in here talking that Billy Jack bullshit and I am standing up with you man up and busting your ass at every turn. I'm and the he blacks here are outnumbered here 10 to 1 and we keep on whupping ass. Seems to me you are the one who can't handle the truth and think the odds won't favor you unless the odds at in YOUR favor.

There ain't no klan with a tan grand cyclops, there is only the pale skinned KKK who believes America is New Jerusalem and made to be a whites only nation.
Nobody ambushes you. If is the other way around. Your mindthought seems to lean toward violence. What an angry little man, pity.

I'm not the one who said anything about an ambush. Learn to read. I pity you because you are dumb. .For example when a white person tries to diss a black person for being angry, this is saying that you have no right to be angry about what we do to you because we are superior to you. And you are too dumb to see how racist that really is.

So while you move along in classic valley girl fashion at age 60 something while ignoring all the racism posted here in these forums while telling us how its all in the past, don't be as dumb to think we have no right to be angry about the racism we still see .going on.

Because Humone has posted 4 essays justifying white supremacy and instead of criticizing him for that, you are here talking stupid about how I am rhe racist. But you are not a racist, you just don't say anything to white racists and you jump all over blacks calling them racists for pointing out white racism. No you are not a racist, you just felt fine contributing to racist threads by whites but when a black person says we should have a conversation about race suddenly why should we talk abut race. Oh no you aren't a racist but when another white woman decided to agree with blacks you called her a black apologist. No, you are not a racist, you felt fine posting in threads by whites that denigrated blacks, but when blacks started to fight back, suddenly why must we make everything about race in a section where race is supposed to be discussed.

Of course you will deny these things and that's doesn't bother me for in the end I am not the one you must answer to.
I dont diss you because you are black, i despise your arrogant attitude, you are the one who thinks you are superior to whites. When did i call someone an apologist? Unless a white person apologizes for something whites did to blacks before our time, i would have no issue with it and again it is not racist. Disagreeing with you is not racist, where did i agree with whites denegrating blacks? Liar, you are really pathetic

MizMolly, You have my respect for standing up for what truthful. I wanted to end my rant of what needs to be said by interjecting myself into your conversation with IM2.

This is Part 10 of THIS IS WHAT NEEDS TO BE SAID. You will find the other parts of this in posts 1445, 1448, 1460 1477, 1488,1505, 1516,1532, and 1535.

In addressing you, IM2 said:

"You have not endured for one day in your life anything me and the other blacks here have during our lifetimes. The least of my concerns is some white person telling me they don't like me because I'm black. But if that happens to you that's a major case. I've been denied jobs, promotions, harassed by cops and accused of crimes. I never have had a criminal record. Because of the police harassment I have endured that still happens even now in my advanced age, I do not leave my house after dark. During my years of work I have received those funny phone calls where I got called racial slurs, my life threatened, letters with pictures of blacks hanging, more threats, pictures of monkeys and apes all because I was opposing white racism. One black here has described where he had to watch his parents get shit and piss thrown on them by whites. That's racism Molly and until you experience these things you haven't experienced racism. You can argue till hell freezes over about what you think I don't know about what you or whites haven't experienced but if you had experienced any of these things, you would not hold the positions you do today."

IM2's problem is he cannot B.S. me and tell me his life is worse than anyone else or that he experienced things the rest of the people haven't.

1) Whites HAVE been the victims of racism. This was pointed out in my earlier posts so check them for proof

2) One time I was handcuffed by the cops. They stretched my arms high over my head and cuffed me across the a bar, proceeded to place a phone book over my ribs while taking a billy stick and beating me. I was hurting for weeks, but it didn't leave a mark on me. Yeah, I can't rack that up to racism per se because one cop was white and one was black... it die have a racial component though.

In a not so famous case, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation planned to kick down my door, kill me and claim I resisted arrest. Fortunately, a news reporter got wind of it and was able to report on it before it could take place

3) I was laid off my first full time job due to racial quotas within a union; I was denied a promotion based on race when I was in the insurance industry

4) Since I've been on this board, my computer has been hacked; someone has put my personal information out publicly; someone got on professional sites and even gave me a big listing as a Georgia Bureau of Investigation Agent. I reported that one, but the GBI didn't care, so I left it. Somebody might actually believe it and not screw with me. Someone from this board killed the family cat by throwing it across a tree limb with a rope around its neck. They even shot through my kitchen window while I was at home... the perpetrator is a poster on this board

5) I received a lot of hate mail and threatening phone calls over the years.

The point is, IM2 will tell you all these horror stories about himself and chalk it all up to racism. But, sometimes his trials and tribulations may not have been related to his race at all, but rather by his attitude and the trash he talks. Black people have this belief that they are the only ones who had it rough in life. I can promise you they would never trade their lives for the one I lived. And there are many other people out there with horror stories of their lives that is just as bad. And, FWIW, my record is just clean as IM2's is. I've been a foster parent - which requires all manner of background checks.

6) While the race extremists from the left are arguing with me, I want to close with something important:

When I tell these racial extremists that America was founded by people who escaped the tyranny of King George and they intended for this to be a white country, the black extremists find fault with me for telling you the truth. But, what is telling and probably the most important part: they harp on other white countries and imply that we should go there to have a homeland. In reality, this is no different than a white supremacist telling them to jump on a boat and go to Africa.

Black extremists are more racist than the white ones because they have Hollywood fighting for them AND they are savvy enough to avoid being too blunt. They have become masters at using tact and wording their complaints in a manner where they are always innocent and the whites must pay.

I get the distinct feeling that they won't be satisfied until the last shovel dirt is thrown over the grave of the last white person on this planet. Despite what they say, the reality of my experiences are no less than anything I have experienced. BTW, I'll leave you with an incident that happened in my neighborhood:

Video shows woman shooting at invaders during Gwinnett home invasion

Despite what IM2 may claim, there are two sides to every story and he holds no monopoly of having been done wrong in the past. In my view, some people do not want a peaceful resolution. If they reject that and don't want civil conversations, we must be prepared for the worst. And, without giving you my personal feelings, that is the way it is.

Humone there is a difference between racism and the normal tough things everyone faces. All these posts only reveal that you are a racist. You see, you made the claim that America was made to be a white nation. You made your claim by using china and japan as examples of countries that have one race to justify your racist views of how America is for whites. Yet there was an entire continent of whites called Europe and when that was shown to you then you turn to victim which is the hallmark of the fake white grievance industry.

The problem with all your ranting is that you said nothing we blacks don't know. .What you need to understand idiot is that others were here so this could not be a whites only country no matter what the fuck your forefathers believed and no matter what kind of puritan delusions you present as an argument. Would you like to argue justification for burning women at the stake too? After all this was New Jerusalem. The fact is that unjust laws do not count. And his nation was built on unjust laws that whites created for their own benefit.

What really needs to be said.

Racism is so insidious, even black people underestimate it

There is a tendency to respond to racialized tragedies with a sudden effort at self-reflection – an attempt to quantify our collective attitudes on race for clues as to why, yet again, we must somehow make sense of the senseless killing of a black teenager. Of the numerous recent polls that measure American perceptions of race, nearly all arrive at the same conclusion: overwhelmingly, white Americans not only believe that race is far less a factor than reported in incidents of police violence against young African-American men but that, in essence, black people are pretty much making this whole racism thing up.

And yet quantitative studies tell a vastly different story. Researchers consistently find that people of color are more likely to be stopped and frisked; that white Americans are more likely to use illegal drugs, but black Americans are more likely to be jailed for drug use; that black men are sentenced to longer prison terms than their white peers for the same crimes and, even more incredibly, that the more stereotypically “black looking” a defendant is, the more likely he is to be sentenced to death. White Americans support harsh criminal penalties not despite but because they believe black offenders will be disproportionately affected.

Then there are the consistent and, in some cases, admitted, political dog whistles to race in immigration debates, and racism against Hispanics that serves as a barrier to assimilation. Perhaps most alarmingly, anti-black and anti-Hispanic sentiments have increased in recent years.

That racism is so rampant might seem unfathomable to most white Americans, but the evidence is undeniable. The devastating consequences of racial bias are frequently underestimated even by white people who consider themselves allies – and often in the face of irrefutable proof. For many white Americans, exemption from systemic racism renders it invisible, and the sheer enormity of America’s “race problem” further stretches the boundaries of white imaginations. But racism is not just far more common than white Americans think, it is so pervasive – so unimaginably insidious – that people of color themselves are often unsuspecting victims.


A spate of recent cases that have made national news offer a few telling examples. There was the African-American woman who, frustrated by the lack of success in her job hunt, decided to disguise her virtual self as a white woman, only to have offers begin pouring in. Similarly, job seeker José Zamora’s résumé failed to garner a single response until he anglicized his name to Joe, after which the callbacks began. Preeti Singh, an Indian writer living in the US, says that after three months of radio silence from literary agents, she decided to make a single change to her query letter, altering her name Pat Smith. Several of the agents who had not even bothered to reply suddenly wrote expressing interest in Pat’s novel.

And in a segment last year from This American Life, a New York City housing discrimination “tester” – a young African-American woman who poses as a potential renter to uncover racial bias – described a super who seemed genuinely apologetic when he told her his building had no vacancies. She later discovered he’d shown a one-bedroom to a white tester later the same day. Prior to that incident, she’d considered herself someone who could capably detect racial prejudice, but in this case, she’d failed to sense it. “Does that mean I’m misjudging other people?” she wondered. The experience forced her to reassess every interracial interaction in her life.

Racism is so insidious, even black people underestimate it | Kali Holloway
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Sure there is. You made an argument that your friend was justified in calling me a vile insult for no reason.

You lost that argument. You lose.

That this is an anonymous forum, doesn't change that. That it won't change your life, doesn't change that.

Nothing about my statement implies real significant harm to you.

Yet, you took a stupid stance, and you lost.

In our society, "racist" is a very serious insult. Careers, lives are ruined by being labeled as such, whether the accusation is true or not.

To deny that it is a vile insult, is absurd.

Only because assholes like to call people names. Nothing I have said in this thread justifies calling me such a name, and I have demonstrated that, by challenging your friend to back it up, and her utter failure to do so.

I am quick to call people on race baiting. It is a real problem in our society, and assholes who do it, need to be called on their shit.

My morals are fine.

ANd that's just an ass trying to minimizing my proper response to asses being asses.

Your lie is rejected.

I'm well aware that the world if full of lefty race baiting assholes, and I enjoy that on this site I get to call them on their bullshit.

My arguments stand on their own merits or don't. That you feel a need to attack me personally, shows that my arguments are such that you cannot refute them.

Nope. Nothing I have said supports that stupid claim.

Said the man that thinks that not answering a question is reason to call someone racist.

You are a ridiculous drama queen. If your idea of a "vile insult" is being called a racist on a "race relations" message board you are a fool just as you were accurately called.

It is a vile insult in our culture, and your denial of this just reveals you to be a liar.

There are no winners or losers here, and if in your little mind, there are, then that makes you look even more foolish, and hypersensitive than you actually are, if thats possible.

Says the man arguing that "racist" is not a vile insult in our culture. AND that not answering a question is reason enough to be called one.

You got called a racist, and to a number of people here, you appear to be.

Which is interesting, because NOTHING I say actually fits the actual definition of racist.

When people call me a racist, they are lying and race baiting.

Name one person who post here who has not been called a racist, quite a few have been by none other than you.

1. That a lot of people throw that word around stupidly and wrongly and vilely, does not support your argument. It just shows that there are a lot of assholes in the world.

2. I actually call people racist, when they are saying racist things or supporting racist policies, like discriminating against people based on race.

That's when it is i reasonable to call someone a racist. Not when they do not answer a question and so you assume their answer and then judge them based on your assumption.

And if you continue to post here, you will be called one again.

No doubt. And I will call you race baiters on your behavior, when you do it.

Get over it. You aren't special.

Again with the trying to make it about me.

My arguments stand or don't stand, based on their own merits. I have never claimed any special Authority, where you should just bow to my decree.

And my arguments are sound. Which is WHY you lefties always drop the discussion about the topic, and start with personal attacks.

Because you are wrong, and you are too dishonest to admit it.

Your arguments are "sound"? That is humorous, and as a rule, I never reject an opportunity for a good laugh, and you seldom fall short of providing one.

In my life experience, genuine racists will flat out deny that racism actually exists, only to cry “REVERSE RACISM !” or "ANTI WHITE DISCRIMINATION!" in the next breath.

To people like you, who are believed to be racists, the real meaning of "reverse racism" or 'anti white discrimination" is having to live in a post 1965 world where you are expected to treat non white people fairly and equally.

To the point that it just feels uncomfortable to you.

Being called a RACIST in YOUR case, is not an insult, it's a DIAGNOSIS.

That's the way you are viewed by a number of people here, and no matter what level of objection that you express towards that perception, it is not likely to change,

Lastly, speaking for myself, I believe that you are more ignorant and misinformed than you are racist.

1. You open with claiming my arguments are unsound, but present no reason to support that claim.

2. Unless your claim is that racists deny being racist, was the "supporting argument".. Which is utterly stupid, because non racist would deny being racist too.

3. Your support for your calling me a racist is claiming that you know what we "really" mean when we complain about white discrimination. You offer no support of your mind reading ability, and that's all you have to support your vile insult of me.

4. YOu do use the Logical Fallacy of Argumentum ad populum, as a supporting argument So there is that. It's a stupid and invalid argument. Argumentum ad populum - Wikipedia

5. So, to conclude, you call me a vile name based on utterly stupid and invalid reasons. Thus, since you insult me, allow me to point out that you are a race baiting asshole. The difference between us, is that my insult of you, is true, while you are a liar.

Actually, YOU are a liar. "I" did not call you a vile name.

What I stated is that you are "perceived" as being a racist by some who post here.

And, I stated that I believe you to be more ignorant and misinformed than you are a racist.

There is nothing "vile" about those observations

You could save yourself from having so many meltdowns if you took time to read more thoroughly.

Furthermore, yes, I do not believe that your so called :arguments" are sound, because you are far too emotionally invested in defending your obtuse positions to total the point of typing the same thing over and over.

Although I am beginning to lose interest in being entertained by your shrill whining, I have noticed that you seldom back up what you post with any credible sources.

Since you factually prove very little regarding what you see as truth, why should anyone who responds to you just for a laugh waste their time doing so?

Corrected post.

1. You open with claiming my arguments are unsound, but present no reason to support that claim.

2. Unless your claim is that racists deny being racist, was the "supporting argument".. Which is utterly stupid, because non racist would deny being racist too.

3. Your support for your calling me a racist is claiming that you know what we "really" mean when we complain about white discrimination. You offer no support of your mind reading ability, and that's all you have to support your vile insult of me.

4. YOu do use the Logical Fallacy of Argumentum ad populum, as a supporting argument So there is that. It's a stupid and invalid argument. Argumentum ad populum - Wikipedia

5. So, to conclude, you SUPPORT callING me a vile name based on utterly stupid and invalid reasons.
And the answer is:
Publicly speak out about how they feel without fear of reprisals.
African Americans can't be called racist more racist than whites because we don't have the ability to deny anyone.

But come back to me when black people begin lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying, bombing, segregating, building highways and thruways to dislocate and dismantle businesses, communities and neighborhoods; creating sun-down towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back and controlling in every imaginable way, hating white ppl en mass via de jure and de facto racism for hundreds of years, then and only then can calling black people racists make sense.

But let's look at this "We whites can't speak out about how they feel without fear of reprisals"

So what do you want to say ?

You want to shout from the roof tops that "You hate n.i.g.g.e.r.s" ? You have a system that tells us that everyday.


So what do what do you want to say about black people that you can't without fear of reprisals ?

You want insult black people verbally face to face ?

Well there are gonna be reprisals and could end with you getting your ass kicked or even worse.

That you won’t be able to understand this simple point is nothing so much as your own sense of entitlement. Whites are not used to anyone telling them that they can’t do something and you take offense when your freedom to offend is constrained.

Plus how you or anyone could believe you can't critique black people when we live in a global culture where critique of black people is a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute pastime is beyond me.

You have Donald Trump in the big house and white people still complain ? A man who is gonna be the most pro-white president in a long time.

And you still complain ?

The fact is if you are a white person living in the most European nations or in the US you experience less censorship than any other demographic on this planet. You have easier access to more resources including paper, pens, computers and dictaphones. Not only do you have more ability to access the internet to publish online. You have n*ggermania, shitskin, chimpout and chimpmania websites where you can talk shit about black people all day.

White people also have the world's strongest publishing industry statistically supporting them more than any other group where you read books like the Bell Curve which tries to prove how stupid black people are.

Nobody is less prevented from writing whatever they want to than whites. White supremacist are allowed to run a muck on here, run a muck on twitter, run a muck on facebook, run a muck reddit, run a muck on 4chan.

So once again what do what do you want to say about black people that you can't without fear of reprisals ?
How many ordinary hard working whites have the ability to deny you anything? You resort to violence if confronted face to face with whites who call you names, yet you call names here on these boards. Many of the horrible things you listed above were not committed in your lifetime.

Not exactly. This happened just a few years ago.

In Court: Suspect Accused Of Setting Council Grove Man On Fire


Isaac Wilson, 23, is charged with a crime that has left a 54-year-old man recovering from severe burns to his hands and lower body.

Wilson is accused of attacking Sterling Law at Law’s Council Grove home on Orchard Street last month.

Officials say Law was sitting inside when Wilson came in, drenched him in rubbing alcohol and ignited him with a cigarette lighter.

Wilson is charged with Aggravated Battery and Aggravated Burglary in connection with the incident.

"With Mr. Law, the allegations are that essentially there was alcohol placed on Mr. Law and Mr. Law was lit on fire. That lead to the Aggravated Battery charge in that case. The Aggravated Burglary is that Mr. Wilson entered into the residence with the intent to commit a felony, the Aggravated Battery," said Morris County Attorney Laura Allen.


A spokesman for the United States Attorney's Office for the District of Kansas told WIBW Friday that the case is still being reviewed at the federal level to determine whether or not it is a hate crime. Wilson is white and Sterling Law is black.

Notice the excuses made to deny that race had anything to do with this.

But when 13 News first broke the story, Law's brother said that Sterling is an easy target not because he's black, but because of his mental illness.

Council Grove is primarily white, but Sterling's friends say the crime wasn't racially motivated, instead, they say the suspect was taking advantage of Sterling's mental disability.

In Court: Suspect Accused Of Setting Council Grove Man On Fire

Or maybe 2011 was just too far in the ancient past for you so how about this one

Racist 'assassin' indicted as terrorist in NYC murder of black man


A sword-wielding racist who traveled to New York City and allegedly killed a homeless black man was charged Monday with state terrorism charges - a rarity - in a crime that prosecutors decried as an assault on personal and racial freedom.

The Manhattan district attorney's office took the dramatic step of filing first- and second-degree murder as an act of terrorism charges against James Jackson, 28. Terrorism charges are typically filed at the federal level and are reserved for suspects who planned mass attacks, anti-abortion killings, or eco-terrorism. Among the most famous domestic terror cases are the Unabomber attacks, the Oklahoma City bombing, and the Charleston church shooting.

Jackson was originally charged with run-of-the-mill murder charges but prosecutors on Monday upgraded the ante to terrorism. He is depicted in an indictment as an assassin who traveled from his Baltimore home for one simple reason: the scouting and killing of a black person on the streets of New York.

Racist 'assassin' indicted as terrorist in NYC murder of black man

Maybe 2017 is just way to far in the past too.

And these were ordinary hardworking whites. Just like the ordinary hard working whites who fill these threads full of racism.

A black man set Richard Barrett, a white lawyer (racist wannabe) on fire and killing him. Your point?

A white racist being burned to death by a black person is now the same as a black man who was doing nothing who got sat on fire. This is the lunacy we face today.
1) In America, blacks have been found guilty of raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying, and segregating - even when they get a free pass. To the rest of your complaints, I'd have to do a bit of research in order to respond
Can you show me examples of black people as a group raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying and segregating whites and getting off ?
"Is Jamie Foxx a racist? The actor recently hosted “Saturday Night Live,” delivering a rant that was supposed to be funny. It wasn’t. In fact, had a white person delivered the same monologue but simply exchanged the word “white” for “black,” his career would be over. The hypocrisy and double standard are egregious. They must stop. Black bigotry should no longer be condoned, let alone celebrated."

KUHNER: Jamie Foxx and the rise of black bigotry
When you are talking about black racism. All your talking about is name calling.

Saturday Night Live is run by NBC. The chairman of NBC is a white guy called Rob Greenblatt


In fact. As of 2017 six companies produce 95% of what Americans read, watch and listen to:
  1. Viacom
  2. CBS Corporation
  3. News Corp
  4. Time Warner
  5. General Electric
  6. Disney
This guy Summer Redstone owns the first two.


Rupert Murdoch


Jeffery Bewes


Jeffery Immelt


Rob Iger


In that order – white men all.

So understand. Jamie Foxx was allowed to say that. The white supremacist could slap him down and make sure that he never works in Hollywood or TV again if they wanted. The white supremacists know that name-calling is pretty ineffective

Racism on the part of black folks even the most vicious is pretty impotent. Racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And Jamie Foxx can't do any of that to whites. But there are white folks in positions to do those things, and who do them regularly
3) EVERYTHING that I've said on this board, I'm willing to say it to anyone's face. I once knew a guy that had a mouth like you. He had clout though. He was Martin Luther King, Jr.s right hand man. He had a tv show and I ended up debating him face to face. His name was Hosea Williams. When that discussion ended, the show was NOT renewed for another season... and everything I wanted to say at that time was said. I keep repeating this son. You can't call people out in open forum. If you want to make a challenge; do it in a PM
MLK's right hand man ? Fk me. How old's is he ? Must be close to eighty or older if he was MLK's right hand man. But that don't impress me

What's to debate ?

I’ve come to realize that debating is just another derailing tactic. So when in day to day life, when I If come across a white person who wants to argue then I’ve reached the end of the convo. Social justice is not a cult. It’s not my job to convert people. You have to choose to either be a decent human being or to support the racist colonialist system that is America.
4) Personally, I don't have the capacity to hate anyone. God's law supersedes ALL the other laws. But, I have been admonished to "Debate thy cause with thy neighbour himself; and discover not a secret to another:" Proverbs 25 : 9
Racism has little to do with hate. Racism is a system.
Black people make a lot of false statements, but they don't want us to remind them of how dishonest they are and how wrong they are.
How you could believe that in a culture where white critique of black people is a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute pastime is beyond me.
No black person ever lost their Hollywood gig nor their sports position for saying things against whites, but they have said things.
Colin Kapernick ?


A black person talking or acting out of turn has always been a white-hot target for mainstream America, who’d prefer blacks to be silent servants of the white ego. It’s ironic that taking the knee was the most respectful way of protesting that Kaepernick could think of and it’s still getting him shat on, first by the NFL, and then by the usual suspects (including the Trumpenproletariat). The NFL are reacting only because Trump threw a few shots their way and they’d lose face by doing nothing about it.

Tim Tebow was taking the knee long before Kaepernick, but Tebow did it in service of white Christianity, so it wasn’t deemed offensive to the usual suspects. But as long as black people are singing and dancing and doing other things for the amusement of the dominant culture things are just hunky dory.
5) Donald Trump is not a friend to the white people.
When former KKK imperial Wizard David Duke embraces a president and is often tweeting glowingly about DT that says something significant about Trump.


It's significant that white supremacists were so excited about president. It's significant that they were excited about his top adviser. It is significant that they were excited about his national security adviser.

It is significant because Trump done something to win all that approval.

When white supremacists were like “whoa, this Trump guy is our dream come true and doing things we never thought we’d see from a president,” that signifies something about Donald Trump.

Now how can that be the case if as you say
5) Donald Trump is not a friend to the white people.

I've had my rant and not interested in your post. It's a waste of time. most of what you complain about has been asked and answered.

But a couple of points:

Did you realize that the whites, like David Duke, do not consider Jews to be white?

You do realize, don't you that most, if not all, the pictures you posted of rich people are Jews. How much more in common do you have with David Duke?

The extremists they have put into the spotlight do not have any idea of what is in the whites best interest. They are their own worst enemy.
Jews are white

Tell that to David Duke. He and other white groups disagree.
And the answer is:
Publicly speak out about how they feel without fear of reprisals.
African Americans can't be called racist more racist than whites because we don't have the ability to deny anyone.

But come back to me when black people begin lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying, bombing, segregating, building highways and thruways to dislocate and dismantle businesses, communities and neighborhoods; creating sun-down towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back and controlling in every imaginable way, hating white ppl en mass via de jure and de facto racism for hundreds of years, then and only then can calling black people racists make sense.

But let's look at this "We whites can't speak out about how they feel without fear of reprisals"

So what do you want to say ?

You want to shout from the roof tops that "You hate n.i.g.g.e.r.s" ? You have a system that tells us that everyday.


So what do what do you want to say about black people that you can't without fear of reprisals ?

You want insult black people verbally face to face ?

Well there are gonna be reprisals and could end with you getting your ass kicked or even worse.

That you won’t be able to understand this simple point is nothing so much as your own sense of entitlement. Whites are not used to anyone telling them that they can’t do something and you take offense when your freedom to offend is constrained.

Plus how you or anyone could believe you can't critique black people when we live in a global culture where critique of black people is a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute pastime is beyond me.

You have Donald Trump in the big house and white people still complain ? A man who is gonna be the most pro-white president in a long time.

And you still complain ?

The fact is if you are a white person living in the most European nations or in the US you experience less censorship than any other demographic on this planet. You have easier access to more resources including paper, pens, computers and dictaphones. Not only do you have more ability to access the internet to publish online. You have n*ggermania, shitskin, chimpout and chimpmania websites where you can talk shit about black people all day.

White people also have the world's strongest publishing industry statistically supporting them more than any other group where you read books like the Bell Curve which tries to prove how stupid black people are.

Nobody is less prevented from writing whatever they want to than whites. White supremacist are allowed to run a muck on here, run a muck on twitter, run a muck on facebook, run a muck reddit, run a muck on 4chan.

So once again what do what do you want to say about black people that you can't without fear of reprisals ?

This is Part 9 of THIS IS WHAT NEEDS TO BE SAID. You will find the other parts of this in posts 1445, 1448, 1460 1477, 1488,1505, 1516, and 1532. I'm just having to respond to a different poster.

1) In America, blacks have been found guilty of raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying, and segregating - even when they get a free pass. To the rest of your complaints, I'd have to do a bit of research in order to respond

2) According to the Washington Times:

"Is Jamie Foxx a racist? The actor recently hosted “Saturday Night Live,” delivering a rant that was supposed to be funny. It wasn’t. In fact, had a white person delivered the same monologue but simply exchanged the word “white” for “black,” his career would be over. The hypocrisy and double standard are egregious. They must stop. Black bigotry should no longer be condoned, let alone celebrated."

KUHNER: Jamie Foxx and the rise of black bigotry

3) EVERYTHING that I've said on this board, I'm willing to say it to anyone's face. I once knew a guy that had a mouth like you. He had clout though. He was Martin Luther King, Jr.s right hand man. He had a tv show and I ended up debating him face to face. His name was Hosea Williams. When that discussion ended, the show was NOT renewed for another season... and everything I wanted to say at that time was said. I keep repeating this son. You can't call people out in open forum. If you want to make a challenge; do it in a PM

4) Personally, I don't have the capacity to hate anyone. God's law supersedes ALL the other laws. But, I have been admonished to "Debate thy cause with thy neighbour himself; and discover not a secret to another:" Proverbs 25 : 9

Black people make a lot of false statements, but they don't want us to remind them of how dishonest they are and how wrong they are. No black person ever lost their Hollywood gig nor their sports position for saying things against whites, but they have said things...

5) Donald Trump is not a friend to the white people. He has settled for National Socialist solutions; he has preached a doctrine of intolerance for undocumented foreigners while employing them; he supports an agenda that, over time, will be very costly to the whites in terms of their Liberty and Freedom; Trump has no regard for unalienable Rights.

IF you were wise, you would celebrate Trump. His actions have made the liberals more determined to win than under any president in history. Democrats will retake the Senate - maybe the House and Trump's policies are deliberately designed to fail. So YOU should be happy.

As a side note, I should not have to go off into the Twilight Zone among kooks just to tell you that black people can and are just as racist as whites... but moreso, because, as the Washington Times article implied, black people are NOT held accountable in the mainstream for their racist attitudes.

Blacks have not been as racist as whites. That's the problem with your opinion.

That is your opinion. It is not, however, a fact.
Then take your argument to an all black forum. I've done all of what you have done and more. I am here in a forum of whites expressing my opposition to white racism. Why would you be s scared of an ambush if your views are what is needed to be heard. I'm not asking you to do anything I'm not dig but you are scared to do what I suggest. You came in here talking that Billy Jack bullshit and I am standing up with you man up and busting your ass at every turn. I'm and the he blacks here are outnumbered here 10 to 1 and we keep on whupping ass. Seems to me you are the one who can't handle the truth and think the odds won't favor you unless the odds at in YOUR favor.

There ain't no klan with a tan grand cyclops, there is only the pale skinned KKK who believes America is New Jerusalem and made to be a whites only nation.
Nobody ambushes you. If is the other way around. Your mindthought seems to lean toward violence. What an angry little man, pity.

I'm not the one who said anything about an ambush. Learn to read. I pity you because you are dumb. .For example when a white person tries to diss a black person for being angry, this is saying that you have no right to be angry about what we do to you because we are superior to you. And you are too dumb to see how racist that really is.

So while you move along in classic valley girl fashion at age 60 something while ignoring all the racism posted here in these forums while telling us how its all in the past, don't be as dumb to think we have no right to be angry about the racism we still see .going on.

Because Humone has posted 4 essays justifying white supremacy and instead of criticizing him for that, you are here talking stupid about how I am rhe racist. But you are not a racist, you just don't say anything to white racists and you jump all over blacks calling them racists for pointing out white racism. No you are not a racist, you just felt fine contributing to racist threads by whites but when a black person says we should have a conversation about race suddenly why should we talk abut race. Oh no you aren't a racist but when another white woman decided to agree with blacks you called her a black apologist. No, you are not a racist, you felt fine posting in threads by whites that denigrated blacks, but when blacks started to fight back, suddenly why must we make everything about race in a section where race is supposed to be discussed.

Of course you will deny these things and that's doesn't bother me for in the end I am not the one you must answer to.
I dont diss you because you are black, i despise your arrogant attitude, you are the one who thinks you are superior to whites. When did i call someone an apologist? Unless a white person apologizes for something whites did to blacks before our time, i would have no issue with it and again it is not racist. Disagreeing with you is not racist, where did i agree with whites denegrating blacks? Liar, you are really pathetic

MizMolly, You have my respect for standing up for what truthful. I wanted to end my rant of what needs to be said by interjecting myself into your conversation with IM2.

This is Part 10 of THIS IS WHAT NEEDS TO BE SAID. You will find the other parts of this in posts 1445, 1448, 1460 1477, 1488,1505, 1516,1532, and 1535.

In addressing you, IM2 said:

"You have not endured for one day in your life anything me and the other blacks here have during our lifetimes. The least of my concerns is some white person telling me they don't like me because I'm black. But if that happens to you that's a major case. I've been denied jobs, promotions, harassed by cops and accused of crimes. I never have had a criminal record. Because of the police harassment I have endured that still happens even now in my advanced age, I do not leave my house after dark. During my years of work I have received those funny phone calls where I got called racial slurs, my life threatened, letters with pictures of blacks hanging, more threats, pictures of monkeys and apes all because I was opposing white racism. One black here has described where he had to watch his parents get shit and piss thrown on them by whites. That's racism Molly and until you experience these things you haven't experienced racism. You can argue till hell freezes over about what you think I don't know about what you or whites haven't experienced but if you had experienced any of these things, you would not hold the positions you do today."

IM2's problem is he cannot B.S. me and tell me his life is worse than anyone else or that he experienced things the rest of the people haven't.

1) Whites HAVE been the victims of racism. This was pointed out in my earlier posts so check them for proof

2) One time I was handcuffed by the cops. They stretched my arms high over my head and cuffed me across the a bar, proceeded to place a phone book over my ribs while taking a billy stick and beating me. I was hurting for weeks, but it didn't leave a mark on me. Yeah, I can't rack that up to racism per se because one cop was white and one was black... it die have a racial component though.

In a not so famous case, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation planned to kick down my door, kill me and claim I resisted arrest. Fortunately, a news reporter got wind of it and was able to report on it before it could take place

3) I was laid off my first full time job due to racial quotas within a union; I was denied a promotion based on race when I was in the insurance industry

4) Since I've been on this board, my computer has been hacked; someone has put my personal information out publicly; someone got on professional sites and even gave me a big listing as a Georgia Bureau of Investigation Agent. I reported that one, but the GBI didn't care, so I left it. Somebody might actually believe it and not screw with me. Someone from this board killed the family cat by throwing it across a tree limb with a rope around its neck. They even shot through my kitchen window while I was at home... the perpetrator is a poster on this board

5) I received a lot of hate mail and threatening phone calls over the years.

The point is, IM2 will tell you all these horror stories about himself and chalk it all up to racism. But, sometimes his trials and tribulations may not have been related to his race at all, but rather by his attitude and the trash he talks. Black people have this belief that they are the only ones who had it rough in life. I can promise you they would never trade their lives for the one I lived. And there are many other people out there with horror stories of their lives that is just as bad. And, FWIW, my record is just clean as IM2's is. I've been a foster parent - which requires all manner of background checks.

6) While the race extremists from the left are arguing with me, I want to close with something important:

When I tell these racial extremists that America was founded by people who escaped the tyranny of King George and they intended for this to be a white country, the black extremists find fault with me for telling you the truth. But, what is telling and probably the most important part: they harp on other white countries and imply that we should go there to have a homeland. In reality, this is no different than a white supremacist telling them to jump on a boat and go to Africa.

Black extremists are more racist than the white ones because they have Hollywood fighting for them AND they are savvy enough to avoid being too blunt. They have become masters at using tact and wording their complaints in a manner where they are always innocent and the whites must pay.

I get the distinct feeling that they won't be satisfied until the last shovel dirt is thrown over the grave of the last white person on this planet. Despite what they say, the reality of my experiences are no less than anything I have experienced. BTW, I'll leave you with an incident that happened in my neighborhood:

Video shows woman shooting at invaders during Gwinnett home invasion

Despite what IM2 may claim, there are two sides to every story and he holds no monopoly of having been done wrong in the past. In my view, some people do not want a peaceful resolution. If they reject that and don't want civil conversations, we must be prepared for the worst. And, without giving you my personal feelings, that is the way it is.

Humone there is a difference between racism and the normal tough things everyone faces. All these posts only reveal that you are a racist. You see, you made the claim that America was made to be a white nation. You made your claim by using china and japan as examples of countries that have one race to justify your racist views of how America is for whites. Yet there was an entire continent of whites called Europe and when that as shown to you then you turn t victim which is the hallmark of the fake white grievance industry.

The problem with all your ranting is that you said nothing we blacks don't know. .What you need to understand idiot is that others were here so this could not be a whites only country no matter what the fuck your forefathers believed and no matter what kind of puritan delusions you present as an argument. Would you like to argue justification for burning women at the stake too. After all this was New Jerusalem. The fact is that unjust laws do not count. And his nation was built on unjust laws that whites created for their own benefit.

What really needs to be said.

Racism is so insidious, even black people underestimate it

There is a tendency to respond to racialized tragedies with a sudden effort at self-reflection – an attempt to quantify our collective attitudes on race for clues as to why, yet again, we must somehow make sense of the senseless killing of a black teenager. Of the numerous recent polls that measure American perceptions of race, nearly all arrive at the same conclusion: overwhelmingly, white Americans not only believe that race is far less a factor than reported in incidents of police violence against young African-American men but that, in essence, black people are pretty much making this whole racism thing up.

And yet quantitative studies tell a vastly different story. Researchers consistently find that people of color are more likely to be stopped and frisked; that white Americans are more likely to use illegal drugs, but black Americans are more likely to be jailed for drug use; that black men are sentenced to longer prison terms than their white peers for the same crimes and, even more incredibly, that the more stereotypically “black looking” a defendant is, the more likely he is to be sentenced to death. White Americans support harsh criminal penalties not despite but because they believe black offenders will be disproportionately affected.

Then there are the consistent and, in some cases, admitted, political dog whistles to race in immigration debates, and racism against Hispanics that serves as a barrier to assimilation. Perhaps most alarmingly, anti-black and anti-Hispanic sentiments have increased in recent years.

That racism is so rampant might seem unfathomable to most white Americans, but the evidence is undeniable. The devastating consequences of racial bias are frequently underestimated even by white people who consider themselves allies – and often in the face of irrefutable proof. For many white Americans, exemption from systemic racism renders it invisible, and the sheer enormity of America’s “race problem” further stretches the boundaries of white imaginations. But racism is not just far more common than white Americans think, it is so pervasive – so unimaginably insidious – that people of color themselves are often unsuspecting victims.


A spate of recent cases that have made national news offer a few telling examples. There was the African-American woman who, frustrated by the lack of success in her job hunt, decided to disguise her virtual self as a white woman, only to have offers begin pouring in. Similarly, job seeker José Zamora’s résumé failed to garner a single response until he anglicized his name to Joe, after which the callbacks began. Preeti Singh, an Indian writer living in the US, says that after three months of radio silence from literary agents, she decided to make a single change to her query letter, altering her name Pat Smith. Several of the agents who had not even bothered to reply suddenly wrote expressing interest in Pat’s novel.

And in a segment last year from This American Life, a New York City housing discrimination “tester” – a young African-American woman who poses as a potential renter to uncover racial bias – described a super who seemed genuinely apologetic when he told her his building had no vacancies. She later discovered he’d shown a one-bedroom to a white tester later the same day. Prior to that incident, she’d considered herself someone who could capably detect racial prejudice, but in this case, she’d failed to sense it. “Does that mean I’m misjudging other people?” she wondered. The experience forced her to reassess every interracial interaction in her life.

Racism is so insidious, even black people underestimate it | Kali Holloway

You are a pathological liar. I made no such claim based upon any other country. America was founded as a white nation because the Preamble to the Constitution says; most of the state constitutions said so; the first naturalization laws said so.

If you're going to open your post with a KNOWN AND DELIBERATE LIE, I will not respond to the rest of your bullshit because you and I know, for a fact, YOU ARE LYING AND YOU ARE WRONG.
Nobody ambushes you. If is the other way around. Your mindthought seems to lean toward violence. What an angry little man, pity.

I'm not the one who said anything about an ambush. Learn to read. I pity you because you are dumb. .For example when a white person tries to diss a black person for being angry, this is saying that you have no right to be angry about what we do to you because we are superior to you. And you are too dumb to see how racist that really is.

So while you move along in classic valley girl fashion at age 60 something while ignoring all the racism posted here in these forums while telling us how its all in the past, don't be as dumb to think we have no right to be angry about the racism we still see .going on.

Because Humone has posted 4 essays justifying white supremacy and instead of criticizing him for that, you are here talking stupid about how I am rhe racist. But you are not a racist, you just don't say anything to white racists and you jump all over blacks calling them racists for pointing out white racism. No you are not a racist, you just felt fine contributing to racist threads by whites but when a black person says we should have a conversation about race suddenly why should we talk abut race. Oh no you aren't a racist but when another white woman decided to agree with blacks you called her a black apologist. No, you are not a racist, you felt fine posting in threads by whites that denigrated blacks, but when blacks started to fight back, suddenly why must we make everything about race in a section where race is supposed to be discussed.

Of course you will deny these things and that's doesn't bother me for in the end I am not the one you must answer to.
I dont diss you because you are black, i despise your arrogant attitude, you are the one who thinks you are superior to whites. When did i call someone an apologist? Unless a white person apologizes for something whites did to blacks before our time, i would have no issue with it and again it is not racist. Disagreeing with you is not racist, where did i agree with whites denegrating blacks? Liar, you are really pathetic

I have never said was superior to anyone. I have spoken truth. You can't handle he truth. You are where you at because of things done before our time. But that's how dumb you are. Things that happened before your time is why you barbeque on July 4th every year. So you don't get to ignore it because it shows that you are where you are today as result of evil included in the same past you celebrate on the fourth of July.

You have not endured for one day in your life anything me and the other blacks here have during our lifetimes. The least of my concerns is some white person telling me they don't like me because I'm black. But if that happens to you that's a major case. I've been denied jobs, promotions, harassed by cops and accused of crimes. I never have had a criminal record. Because of the police harassment I have endured that still happens even now in my advanced age, I do not leave my house after dark. During my years of work I have received those funny phone calls where I got called racial slurs, my life threatened, letters with pictures of blacks hanging, more threats, pictures of monkeys and apes all because I was opposing white racism. One black here has described where he had to watch his parents get shit and piss thrown on them by whites. That's racism Molly and until you experience these things you haven't experienced racism. You can argue till hell freezes over about what you think I don't know about what you or whites haven't experienced but if you had experienced any of these things, you would not hold the positions you do today.
Everyone is where they are today because of the past. I dont deny anything that happened in the past, i dont dwell on it either. What is it you are expecting from us collectively? I certainly am not dumb and for you to keep calling me that shows you think you are superior

You are dumb. Me saying that doesn't imply that I am superior to white people. Until past damages are fixed, we are going to talk about what those damages have caused. We expect that whites like you stop making excuses and work to erase the racism in your communities.
Since I am not dumb or racism, there is nothing I need to do to improve myself. How do you expect me to erase racism? A racist will not change their perspective of individuals or groups of people, at least not unless they want to, but certainly not by someone telling them to stop. Throwing out false derogatory names make you look like the stupid one. Just because I haven't lived your life doesn't mean I am unaware of what goes on in the world. I believe a lot of your issues are with your attitude, not your race. If someone came to me looking for a job and acted like you, they would not be hired, because of their attitude, not their race.
And the answer is:
Publicly speak out about how they feel without fear of reprisals.
African Americans can't be called racist more racist than whites because we don't have the ability to deny anyone.

But come back to me when black people begin lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying, bombing, segregating, building highways and thruways to dislocate and dismantle businesses, communities and neighborhoods; creating sun-down towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back and controlling in every imaginable way, hating white ppl en mass via de jure and de facto racism for hundreds of years, then and only then can calling black people racists make sense.

But let's look at this "We whites can't speak out about how they feel without fear of reprisals"

So what do you want to say ?

You want to shout from the roof tops that "You hate n.i.g.g.e.r.s" ? You have a system that tells us that everyday.


So what do what do you want to say about black people that you can't without fear of reprisals ?

You want insult black people verbally face to face ?

Well there are gonna be reprisals and could end with you getting your ass kicked or even worse.

That you won’t be able to understand this simple point is nothing so much as your own sense of entitlement. Whites are not used to anyone telling them that they can’t do something and you take offense when your freedom to offend is constrained.

Plus how you or anyone could believe you can't critique black people when we live in a global culture where critique of black people is a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute pastime is beyond me.

You have Donald Trump in the big house and white people still complain ? A man who is gonna be the most pro-white president in a long time.

And you still complain ?

The fact is if you are a white person living in the most European nations or in the US you experience less censorship than any other demographic on this planet. You have easier access to more resources including paper, pens, computers and dictaphones. Not only do you have more ability to access the internet to publish online. You have n*ggermania, shitskin, chimpout and chimpmania websites where you can talk shit about black people all day.

White people also have the world's strongest publishing industry statistically supporting them more than any other group where you read books like the Bell Curve which tries to prove how stupid black people are.

Nobody is less prevented from writing whatever they want to than whites. White supremacist are allowed to run a muck on here, run a muck on twitter, run a muck on facebook, run a muck reddit, run a muck on 4chan.

So once again what do what do you want to say about black people that you can't without fear of reprisals ?
How many ordinary hard working whites have the ability to deny you anything? You resort to violence if confronted face to face with whites who call you names, yet you call names here on these boards. Many of the horrible things you listed above were not committed in your lifetime.

Not exactly. This happened just a few years ago.

In Court: Suspect Accused Of Setting Council Grove Man On Fire


Isaac Wilson, 23, is charged with a crime that has left a 54-year-old man recovering from severe burns to his hands and lower body.

Wilson is accused of attacking Sterling Law at Law’s Council Grove home on Orchard Street last month.

Officials say Law was sitting inside when Wilson came in, drenched him in rubbing alcohol and ignited him with a cigarette lighter.

Wilson is charged with Aggravated Battery and Aggravated Burglary in connection with the incident.

"With Mr. Law, the allegations are that essentially there was alcohol placed on Mr. Law and Mr. Law was lit on fire. That lead to the Aggravated Battery charge in that case. The Aggravated Burglary is that Mr. Wilson entered into the residence with the intent to commit a felony, the Aggravated Battery," said Morris County Attorney Laura Allen.


A spokesman for the United States Attorney's Office for the District of Kansas told WIBW Friday that the case is still being reviewed at the federal level to determine whether or not it is a hate crime. Wilson is white and Sterling Law is black.

Notice the excuses made to deny that race had anything to do with this.

But when 13 News first broke the story, Law's brother said that Sterling is an easy target not because he's black, but because of his mental illness.

Council Grove is primarily white, but Sterling's friends say the crime wasn't racially motivated, instead, they say the suspect was taking advantage of Sterling's mental disability.

In Court: Suspect Accused Of Setting Council Grove Man On Fire

Or maybe 2011 was just too far in the ancient past for you so how about this one

Racist 'assassin' indicted as terrorist in NYC murder of black man


A sword-wielding racist who traveled to New York City and allegedly killed a homeless black man was charged Monday with state terrorism charges - a rarity - in a crime that prosecutors decried as an assault on personal and racial freedom.

The Manhattan district attorney's office took the dramatic step of filing first- and second-degree murder as an act of terrorism charges against James Jackson, 28. Terrorism charges are typically filed at the federal level and are reserved for suspects who planned mass attacks, anti-abortion killings, or eco-terrorism. Among the most famous domestic terror cases are the Unabomber attacks, the Oklahoma City bombing, and the Charleston church shooting.

Jackson was originally charged with run-of-the-mill murder charges but prosecutors on Monday upgraded the ante to terrorism. He is depicted in an indictment as an assassin who traveled from his Baltimore home for one simple reason: the scouting and killing of a black person on the streets of New York.

Racist 'assassin' indicted as terrorist in NYC murder of black man

Maybe 2017 is just way to far in the past too.

And these were ordinary hardworking whites. Just like the ordinary hard working whites who fill these threads full of racism.

A black man set Richard Barrett, a white lawyer (racist wannabe) on fire and killing him. Your point?

A white racist being burned to death by a black person is now the same as a black man who was doing nothing who got sat on fire. This is the lunacy we face today.

So, Barrett runs around popping off his mouth and that justifies killing him in a racist rage?
Tell that to David Duke. He and other white groups disagree.
If Jewish people are not white then how come so many of them can change there names and easily fit into white society and be accepted as white ?

Woody Allen was born Allan Stewart Konigsberg.
Natalie Portman was born Natalie Hershlag
Kirk Douglas was born Issur Danielovitch
Bob Dylan was born Robert Zimmerman

The list goes on
And the answer is:
Publicly speak out about how they feel without fear of reprisals.
African Americans can't be called racist more racist than whites because we don't have the ability to deny anyone.

But come back to me when black people begin lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying, bombing, segregating, building highways and thruways to dislocate and dismantle businesses, communities and neighborhoods; creating sun-down towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back and controlling in every imaginable way, hating white ppl en mass via de jure and de facto racism for hundreds of years, then and only then can calling black people racists make sense.

But let's look at this "We whites can't speak out about how they feel without fear of reprisals"

So what do you want to say ?

You want to shout from the roof tops that "You hate n.i.g.g.e.r.s" ? You have a system that tells us that everyday.


So what do what do you want to say about black people that you can't without fear of reprisals ?

You want insult black people verbally face to face ?

Well there are gonna be reprisals and could end with you getting your ass kicked or even worse.

That you won’t be able to understand this simple point is nothing so much as your own sense of entitlement. Whites are not used to anyone telling them that they can’t do something and you take offense when your freedom to offend is constrained.

Plus how you or anyone could believe you can't critique black people when we live in a global culture where critique of black people is a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute pastime is beyond me.

You have Donald Trump in the big house and white people still complain ? A man who is gonna be the most pro-white president in a long time.

And you still complain ?

The fact is if you are a white person living in the most European nations or in the US you experience less censorship than any other demographic on this planet. You have easier access to more resources including paper, pens, computers and dictaphones. Not only do you have more ability to access the internet to publish online. You have n*ggermania, shitskin, chimpout and chimpmania websites where you can talk shit about black people all day.

White people also have the world's strongest publishing industry statistically supporting them more than any other group where you read books like the Bell Curve which tries to prove how stupid black people are.

Nobody is less prevented from writing whatever they want to than whites. White supremacist are allowed to run a muck on here, run a muck on twitter, run a muck on facebook, run a muck reddit, run a muck on 4chan.

So once again what do what do you want to say about black people that you can't without fear of reprisals ?

This is Part 9 of THIS IS WHAT NEEDS TO BE SAID. You will find the other parts of this in posts 1445, 1448, 1460 1477, 1488,1505, 1516, and 1532. I'm just having to respond to a different poster.

1) In America, blacks have been found guilty of raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying, and segregating - even when they get a free pass. To the rest of your complaints, I'd have to do a bit of research in order to respond

2) According to the Washington Times:

"Is Jamie Foxx a racist? The actor recently hosted “Saturday Night Live,” delivering a rant that was supposed to be funny. It wasn’t. In fact, had a white person delivered the same monologue but simply exchanged the word “white” for “black,” his career would be over. The hypocrisy and double standard are egregious. They must stop. Black bigotry should no longer be condoned, let alone celebrated."

KUHNER: Jamie Foxx and the rise of black bigotry

3) EVERYTHING that I've said on this board, I'm willing to say it to anyone's face. I once knew a guy that had a mouth like you. He had clout though. He was Martin Luther King, Jr.s right hand man. He had a tv show and I ended up debating him face to face. His name was Hosea Williams. When that discussion ended, the show was NOT renewed for another season... and everything I wanted to say at that time was said. I keep repeating this son. You can't call people out in open forum. If you want to make a challenge; do it in a PM

4) Personally, I don't have the capacity to hate anyone. God's law supersedes ALL the other laws. But, I have been admonished to "Debate thy cause with thy neighbour himself; and discover not a secret to another:" Proverbs 25 : 9

Black people make a lot of false statements, but they don't want us to remind them of how dishonest they are and how wrong they are. No black person ever lost their Hollywood gig nor their sports position for saying things against whites, but they have said things...

5) Donald Trump is not a friend to the white people. He has settled for National Socialist solutions; he has preached a doctrine of intolerance for undocumented foreigners while employing them; he supports an agenda that, over time, will be very costly to the whites in terms of their Liberty and Freedom; Trump has no regard for unalienable Rights.

IF you were wise, you would celebrate Trump. His actions have made the liberals more determined to win than under any president in history. Democrats will retake the Senate - maybe the House and Trump's policies are deliberately designed to fail. So YOU should be happy.

As a side note, I should not have to go off into the Twilight Zone among kooks just to tell you that black people can and are just as racist as whites... but moreso, because, as the Washington Times article implied, black people are NOT held accountable in the mainstream for their racist attitudes.

Blacks have not been as racist as whites. That's the problem with your opinion.

That is your opinion. It is not, however, a fact.

You called me a coward. The buck stops there. Okay. The reality is since I was a young kid, I've been willing to meet anyone, at any time. Going on an all black forum is not cowardice. It would be the same as calling you chickenshit for not taking your racist tripe to a Klan rally and showing up alone.

When I was growing up, there are some things you did not say to another man. It usually meant you were shopping for a fight. Today, people like you can say idiotic things and I accept personal challenges, then I'm accused of threatening people. That is why, man to man, you spew shit you don't have the balls to say to people's face. IF you meant to call me out, you'd have done so in a PM. So, if you see a coward, it's the one that looks at you in the mirror every day.

For years I sponsored public meetings twice a month. I've been on tv, radio, and in newspapers. The last guy who made the same claims as you on this board is a National Socialist. He was so gutless that he shoots through my kitchen window. So, Klan with a tan, blow smoke all you like, but YOU are the one who wants me to walk into an ambush because you've proven that YOU can't handle the truth and think the odds won't favor you unless the odds are stacked against me 10 to 1. You are spineless and you don't have even a portion of the truth.

Then take your argument to an all black forum. I've done all of what you have done and more. I am here in a forum of whites expressing my opposition to white racism. Why would you be s scared of an ambush if your views are what is needed to be heard. I'm not asking you to do anything I'm not dig but you are scared to do what I suggest. You came in here talking that Billy Jack bullshit and I am standing up with you man up and busting your ass at every turn. I'm and the he blacks here are outnumbered here 10 to 1 and we keep on whupping ass. Seems to me you are the one who can't handle the truth and think the odds won't favor you unless the odds at in YOUR favor.

There ain't no klan with a tan grand cyclops, there is only the pale skinned KKK who believes America is New Jerusalem and made to be a whites only nation.
Nobody ambushes you. If is the other way around. Your mindthought seems to lean toward violence. What an angry little man, pity.

I'm not the one who said anything about an ambush. Learn to read. I pity you because you are dumb. .For example when a white person tries to diss a black person for being angry, this is saying that you have no right to be angry about what we do to you because we are superior to you. And you are too dumb to see how racist that really is.

So while you move along in classic valley girl fashion at age 60 something while ignoring all the racism posted here in these forums while telling us how its all in the past, don't be as dumb to think we have no right to be angry about the racism we still see .going on.

Because Humone has posted 4 essays justifying white supremacy and instead of criticizing him for that, you are here talking stupid about how I am rhe racist. But you are not a racist, you just don't say anything to white racists and you jump all over blacks calling them racists for pointing out white racism. No you are not a racist, you just felt fine contributing to racist threads by whites but when a black person says we should have a conversation about race suddenly why should we talk abut race. Oh no you aren't a racist but when another white woman decided to agree with blacks you called her a black apologist. No, you are not a racist, you felt fine posting in threads by whites that denigrated blacks, but when blacks started to fight back, suddenly why must we make everything about race in a section where race is supposed to be discussed.

Of course you will deny these things and that's doesn't bother me for in the end I am not the one you must answer to.
I dont diss you because you are black, i despise your arrogant attitude, you are the one who thinks you are superior to whites. When did i call someone an apologist? Unless a white person apologizes for something whites did to blacks before our time, i would have no issue with it and again it is not racist. Disagreeing with you is not racist, where did i agree with whites denegrating blacks? Liar, you are really pathetic

MizMolly, You have my respect for standing up for what truthful. I wanted to end my rant of what needs to be said by interjecting myself into your conversation with IM2.

This is Part 10 of THIS IS WHAT NEEDS TO BE SAID. You will find the other parts of this in posts 1445, 1448, 1460 1477, 1488,1505, 1516,1532, and 1535.

In addressing you, IM2 said:

"You have not endured for one day in your life anything me and the other blacks here have during our lifetimes. The least of my concerns is some white person telling me they don't like me because I'm black. But if that happens to you that's a major case. I've been denied jobs, promotions, harassed by cops and accused of crimes. I never have had a criminal record. Because of the police harassment I have endured that still happens even now in my advanced age, I do not leave my house after dark. During my years of work I have received those funny phone calls where I got called racial slurs, my life threatened, letters with pictures of blacks hanging, more threats, pictures of monkeys and apes all because I was opposing white racism. One black here has described where he had to watch his parents get shit and piss thrown on them by whites. That's racism Molly and until you experience these things you haven't experienced racism. You can argue till hell freezes over about what you think I don't know about what you or whites haven't experienced but if you had experienced any of these things, you would not hold the positions you do today."

IM2's problem is he cannot B.S. me and tell me his life is worse than anyone else or that he experienced things the rest of the people haven't.

1) Whites HAVE been the victims of racism. This was pointed out in my earlier posts so check them for proof

2) One time I was handcuffed by the cops. They stretched my arms high over my head and cuffed me across the a bar, proceeded to place a phone book over my ribs while taking a billy stick and beating me. I was hurting for weeks, but it didn't leave a mark on me. Yeah, I can't rack that up to racism per se because one cop was white and one was black... it die have a racial component though.

In a not so famous case, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation planned to kick down my door, kill me and claim I resisted arrest. Fortunately, a news reporter got wind of it and was able to report on it before it could take place

3) I was laid off my first full time job due to racial quotas within a union; I was denied a promotion based on race when I was in the insurance industry

4) Since I've been on this board, my computer has been hacked; someone has put my personal information out publicly; someone got on professional sites and even gave me a big listing as a Georgia Bureau of Investigation Agent. I reported that one, but the GBI didn't care, so I left it. Somebody might actually believe it and not screw with me. Someone from this board killed the family cat by throwing it across a tree limb with a rope around its neck. They even shot through my kitchen window while I was at home... the perpetrator is a poster on this board

5) I received a lot of hate mail and threatening phone calls over the years.

The point is, IM2 will tell you all these horror stories about himself and chalk it all up to racism. But, sometimes his trials and tribulations may not have been related to his race at all, but rather by his attitude and the trash he talks. Black people have this belief that they are the only ones who had it rough in life. I can promise you they would never trade their lives for the one I lived. And there are many other people out there with horror stories of their lives that is just as bad. And, FWIW, my record is just clean as IM2's is. I've been a foster parent - which requires all manner of background checks.

6) While the race extremists from the left are arguing with me, I want to close with something important:

When I tell these racial extremists that America was founded by people who escaped the tyranny of King George and they intended for this to be a white country, the black extremists find fault with me for telling you the truth. But, what is telling and probably the most important part: they harp on other white countries and imply that we should go there to have a homeland. In reality, this is no different than a white supremacist telling them to jump on a boat and go to Africa.

Black extremists are more racist than the white ones because they have Hollywood fighting for them AND they are savvy enough to avoid being too blunt. They have become masters at using tact and wording their complaints in a manner where they are always innocent and the whites must pay.

I get the distinct feeling that they won't be satisfied until the last shovel dirt is thrown over the grave of the last white person on this planet. Despite what they say, the reality of my experiences are no less than anything I have experienced. BTW, I'll leave you with an incident that happened in my neighborhood:

Video shows woman shooting at invaders during Gwinnett home invasion

Despite what IM2 may claim, there are two sides to every story and he holds no monopoly of having been done wrong in the past. In my view, some people do not want a peaceful resolution. If they reject that and don't want civil conversations, we must be prepared for the worst. And, without giving you my personal feelings, that is the way it is.
We can't change other posters' minds, they are programmed by their parents since birth to hate us. Not all black people, just the ones who hate us for being white. Yes, they have suffered indignities, no, it isnt my fault now nor is it my responsibility. This thread has run it course. Mostly bullshit but that's usually what we find on the Race and Racism threads.
Tell that to David Duke. He and other white groups disagree.
If Jewish people are not white then how come so many of them can change there names and easily fit into white society and be accepted as white ?

Woody Allen was born Allan Stewart Konigsberg.
Natalie Portman was born Natalie Hershlag
Kirk Douglas was born Issur Danielovitch
Bob Dylan was born Robert Zimmerman

The list goes on

I think that they have to change their names to fit in might be a question you would address to David Duke or maybe Richard Spencer
And the answer is:
Publicly speak out about how they feel without fear of reprisals.
African Americans can't be called racist more racist than whites because we don't have the ability to deny anyone.

But come back to me when black people begin lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying, bombing, segregating, building highways and thruways to dislocate and dismantle businesses, communities and neighborhoods; creating sun-down towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back and controlling in every imaginable way, hating white ppl en mass via de jure and de facto racism for hundreds of years, then and only then can calling black people racists make sense.

But let's look at this "We whites can't speak out about how they feel without fear of reprisals"

So what do you want to say ?

You want to shout from the roof tops that "You hate n.i.g.g.e.r.s" ? You have a system that tells us that everyday.


So what do what do you want to say about black people that you can't without fear of reprisals ?

You want insult black people verbally face to face ?

Well there are gonna be reprisals and could end with you getting your ass kicked or even worse.

That you won’t be able to understand this simple point is nothing so much as your own sense of entitlement. Whites are not used to anyone telling them that they can’t do something and you take offense when your freedom to offend is constrained.

Plus how you or anyone could believe you can't critique black people when we live in a global culture where critique of black people is a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute pastime is beyond me.

You have Donald Trump in the big house and white people still complain ? A man who is gonna be the most pro-white president in a long time.

And you still complain ?

The fact is if you are a white person living in the most European nations or in the US you experience less censorship than any other demographic on this planet. You have easier access to more resources including paper, pens, computers and dictaphones. Not only do you have more ability to access the internet to publish online. You have n*ggermania, shitskin, chimpout and chimpmania websites where you can talk shit about black people all day.

White people also have the world's strongest publishing industry statistically supporting them more than any other group where you read books like the Bell Curve which tries to prove how stupid black people are.

Nobody is less prevented from writing whatever they want to than whites. White supremacist are allowed to run a muck on here, run a muck on twitter, run a muck on facebook, run a muck reddit, run a muck on 4chan.

So once again what do what do you want to say about black people that you can't without fear of reprisals ?

This is Part 9 of THIS IS WHAT NEEDS TO BE SAID. You will find the other parts of this in posts 1445, 1448, 1460 1477, 1488,1505, 1516, and 1532. I'm just having to respond to a different poster.

1) In America, blacks have been found guilty of raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying, and segregating - even when they get a free pass. To the rest of your complaints, I'd have to do a bit of research in order to respond

2) According to the Washington Times:

"Is Jamie Foxx a racist? The actor recently hosted “Saturday Night Live,” delivering a rant that was supposed to be funny. It wasn’t. In fact, had a white person delivered the same monologue but simply exchanged the word “white” for “black,” his career would be over. The hypocrisy and double standard are egregious. They must stop. Black bigotry should no longer be condoned, let alone celebrated."

KUHNER: Jamie Foxx and the rise of black bigotry

3) EVERYTHING that I've said on this board, I'm willing to say it to anyone's face. I once knew a guy that had a mouth like you. He had clout though. He was Martin Luther King, Jr.s right hand man. He had a tv show and I ended up debating him face to face. His name was Hosea Williams. When that discussion ended, the show was NOT renewed for another season... and everything I wanted to say at that time was said. I keep repeating this son. You can't call people out in open forum. If you want to make a challenge; do it in a PM

4) Personally, I don't have the capacity to hate anyone. God's law supersedes ALL the other laws. But, I have been admonished to "Debate thy cause with thy neighbour himself; and discover not a secret to another:" Proverbs 25 : 9

Black people make a lot of false statements, but they don't want us to remind them of how dishonest they are and how wrong they are. No black person ever lost their Hollywood gig nor their sports position for saying things against whites, but they have said things...

5) Donald Trump is not a friend to the white people. He has settled for National Socialist solutions; he has preached a doctrine of intolerance for undocumented foreigners while employing them; he supports an agenda that, over time, will be very costly to the whites in terms of their Liberty and Freedom; Trump has no regard for unalienable Rights.

IF you were wise, you would celebrate Trump. His actions have made the liberals more determined to win than under any president in history. Democrats will retake the Senate - maybe the House and Trump's policies are deliberately designed to fail. So YOU should be happy.

As a side note, I should not have to go off into the Twilight Zone among kooks just to tell you that black people can and are just as racist as whites... but moreso, because, as the Washington Times article implied, black people are NOT held accountable in the mainstream for their racist attitudes.

Blacks have not been as racist as whites. That's the problem with your opinion.

That is your opinion. It is not, however, a fact.
Then take your argument to an all black forum. I've done all of what you have done and more. I am here in a forum of whites expressing my opposition to white racism. Why would you be s scared of an ambush if your views are what is needed to be heard. I'm not asking you to do anything I'm not dig but you are scared to do what I suggest. You came in here talking that Billy Jack bullshit and I am standing up with you man up and busting your ass at every turn. I'm and the he blacks here are outnumbered here 10 to 1 and we keep on whupping ass. Seems to me you are the one who can't handle the truth and think the odds won't favor you unless the odds at in YOUR favor.

There ain't no klan with a tan grand cyclops, there is only the pale skinned KKK who believes America is New Jerusalem and made to be a whites only nation.
Nobody ambushes you. If is the other way around. Your mindthought seems to lean toward violence. What an angry little man, pity.

I'm not the one who said anything about an ambush. Learn to read. I pity you because you are dumb. .For example when a white person tries to diss a black person for being angry, this is saying that you have no right to be angry about what we do to you because we are superior to you. And you are too dumb to see how racist that really is.

So while you move along in classic valley girl fashion at age 60 something while ignoring all the racism posted here in these forums while telling us how its all in the past, don't be as dumb to think we have no right to be angry about the racism we still see .going on.

Because Humone has posted 4 essays justifying white supremacy and instead of criticizing him for that, you are here talking stupid about how I am rhe racist. But you are not a racist, you just don't say anything to white racists and you jump all over blacks calling them racists for pointing out white racism. No you are not a racist, you just felt fine contributing to racist threads by whites but when a black person says we should have a conversation about race suddenly why should we talk abut race. Oh no you aren't a racist but when another white woman decided to agree with blacks you called her a black apologist. No, you are not a racist, you felt fine posting in threads by whites that denigrated blacks, but when blacks started to fight back, suddenly why must we make everything about race in a section where race is supposed to be discussed.

Of course you will deny these things and that's doesn't bother me for in the end I am not the one you must answer to.
I dont diss you because you are black, i despise your arrogant attitude, you are the one who thinks you are superior to whites. When did i call someone an apologist? Unless a white person apologizes for something whites did to blacks before our time, i would have no issue with it and again it is not racist. Disagreeing with you is not racist, where did i agree with whites denegrating blacks? Liar, you are really pathetic

MizMolly, You have my respect for standing up for what truthful. I wanted to end my rant of what needs to be said by interjecting myself into your conversation with IM2.

This is Part 10 of THIS IS WHAT NEEDS TO BE SAID. You will find the other parts of this in posts 1445, 1448, 1460 1477, 1488,1505, 1516,1532, and 1535.

In addressing you, IM2 said:

"You have not endured for one day in your life anything me and the other blacks here have during our lifetimes. The least of my concerns is some white person telling me they don't like me because I'm black. But if that happens to you that's a major case. I've been denied jobs, promotions, harassed by cops and accused of crimes. I never have had a criminal record. Because of the police harassment I have endured that still happens even now in my advanced age, I do not leave my house after dark. During my years of work I have received those funny phone calls where I got called racial slurs, my life threatened, letters with pictures of blacks hanging, more threats, pictures of monkeys and apes all because I was opposing white racism. One black here has described where he had to watch his parents get shit and piss thrown on them by whites. That's racism Molly and until you experience these things you haven't experienced racism. You can argue till hell freezes over about what you think I don't know about what you or whites haven't experienced but if you had experienced any of these things, you would not hold the positions you do today."

IM2's problem is he cannot B.S. me and tell me his life is worse than anyone else or that he experienced things the rest of the people haven't.

1) Whites HAVE been the victims of racism. This was pointed out in my earlier posts so check them for proof

2) One time I was handcuffed by the cops. They stretched my arms high over my head and cuffed me across the a bar, proceeded to place a phone book over my ribs while taking a billy stick and beating me. I was hurting for weeks, but it didn't leave a mark on me. Yeah, I can't rack that up to racism per se because one cop was white and one was black... it die have a racial component though.

In a not so famous case, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation planned to kick down my door, kill me and claim I resisted arrest. Fortunately, a news reporter got wind of it and was able to report on it before it could take place

3) I was laid off my first full time job due to racial quotas within a union; I was denied a promotion based on race when I was in the insurance industry

4) Since I've been on this board, my computer has been hacked; someone has put my personal information out publicly; someone got on professional sites and even gave me a big listing as a Georgia Bureau of Investigation Agent. I reported that one, but the GBI didn't care, so I left it. Somebody might actually believe it and not screw with me. Someone from this board killed the family cat by throwing it across a tree limb with a rope around its neck. They even shot through my kitchen window while I was at home... the perpetrator is a poster on this board

5) I received a lot of hate mail and threatening phone calls over the years.

The point is, IM2 will tell you all these horror stories about himself and chalk it all up to racism. But, sometimes his trials and tribulations may not have been related to his race at all, but rather by his attitude and the trash he talks. Black people have this belief that they are the only ones who had it rough in life. I can promise you they would never trade their lives for the one I lived. And there are many other people out there with horror stories of their lives that is just as bad. And, FWIW, my record is just clean as IM2's is. I've been a foster parent - which requires all manner of background checks.

6) While the race extremists from the left are arguing with me, I want to close with something important:

When I tell these racial extremists that America was founded by people who escaped the tyranny of King George and they intended for this to be a white country, the black extremists find fault with me for telling you the truth. But, what is telling and probably the most important part: they harp on other white countries and imply that we should go there to have a homeland. In reality, this is no different than a white supremacist telling them to jump on a boat and go to Africa.

Black extremists are more racist than the white ones because they have Hollywood fighting for them AND they are savvy enough to avoid being too blunt. They have become masters at using tact and wording their complaints in a manner where they are always innocent and the whites must pay.

I get the distinct feeling that they won't be satisfied until the last shovel dirt is thrown over the grave of the last white person on this planet. Despite what they say, the reality of my experiences are no less than anything I have experienced. BTW, I'll leave you with an incident that happened in my neighborhood:

Video shows woman shooting at invaders during Gwinnett home invasion

Despite what IM2 may claim, there are two sides to every story and he holds no monopoly of having been done wrong in the past. In my view, some people do not want a peaceful resolution. If they reject that and don't want civil conversations, we must be prepared for the worst. And, without giving you my personal feelings, that is the way it is.
We can't change other posters' minds, they are programmed by their parents since birth to hate us. Not all black people, just the ones who hate us for being white. Yes, they have suffered indignities, no, it isnt my fault now nor is it my responsibility. This thread has run it course. Mostly bullshit but that's usually what we find on the Race and Racism threads.

I agree except for one small thing.

Many blacks have been programmed, Pavlovian style, to become professional victims. Most people, however, pick themselves up and move on.

Japanese were put into camps during World War II. The current generation has risen above those wartime indignities. We're now past the half century point with people having to sit on the back of the bus. These guys that showed up every day while I neglected my regular work to let them know a little about the real world spend way too much time reading liberal propaganda and coming up with talking points.

IM2, however, went above and beyond what is acceptable. His pity me, I'm a victim mentality coupled with his lies makes him the kind of guy that prevents civil conversations from being possible. I'm not getting into the back and forth of did too, did not kind of arguing.

After this thread, I'm having to look at black people I've known for years and hoping that deep down inside they don't believe half the B.S. that the black extremists spew here.
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