Are people on here really as crazy as they seem?

No, just Jillian is.

But we give her a pass because she's . . . well, Jillian.
Probably not.

Probably not.

Well, it could be argued that the anonymity of the internet gives people the confidence to be who they truly are, in terms of character and temperament. To say what they usually would not, instead of holding it in.

Which, of course, would be a little disturbing...
Well, it could be argued that the anonymity of the internet gives people the confidence to be who they truly are, in terms of character and temperament. To say what they usually would not, instead of holding it in.

Which, of course, would be a little disturbing...

Or maybe it's just the frustration of watching the same people make the same stupid arguments every day, even after they get shot down.
Probably not.

Well, it could be argued that the anonymity of the internet gives people the confidence to be who they truly are, in terms of character and temperament. To say what they usually would not, instead of holding it in.

Which, of course, would be a little disturbing...

Or it can be a catharsis for some people to let off some steam.

There is an inner asshole in every person, the fact it gets let out anonymously on the internet doesn't mean the person would ever let it out in actual public.
I think most are unruly seniors in a locked wing of a dementia unit.
I have to wonder.

Dear cwise76
1. Some people are "crazy" as in delusionally biased because they can't see they are contradicting their own principles. Examples I have given: people who claim to be prochoice but support the ACA mandates that penalize free choice where I've caught some of these very people arguing "the law didn't take away anyone's free choice"
While this comes across as crazy as in delusional,
they are just so biased by their own beliefs, they can't see other views
are valid, so those "don't count as choices" being abridged or discriminated against. That's one kind of "crazy' that is more like willful ignorance, denial and projection.

2. Some people are so angry and against another person or group, they can't control what they post and how they react. Emotionally they have impaired self-control. They end up breaking rules, getting themselves banned, then complain other people are out to get them, when they are self-destructive and causing their own problems. They can't see this either. That's another type of crazy that is emotionally self-destructive while thinking "the other person is causing the problem." That's another level of crazy.

3. As for my own brand of "crazy," it's like how Trump spouting off wild fantastic concepts that aren't realistic, where people aren't ready or willing to do the work, so it's "crazy" to promote things that don't make sense to other people. With people like Trump, seen as selfish, it looks either deluded, "attention getting" or narcisstic/ego driven by some ulterior motive.

In my case I am sincerely trying to EXPLAIN and push new ideas I believe are critical but take time to research, prove and understand, much more to prepare longterm plans and implement in real life, I can come across as "obsessive crazy". If you think my ideas are "impossible hogwash," it seems like delusional obsession! If you see some true insight to these ideas or approaches to reform, then it still seems like a longshot, and will still look "crazy" to people to push ideas too far advance before people are ready.

So if people are VENTING they can be #2 crazy and just so overwrought with their emotional state in the PRESENT, that decides what they do and say over reason.

If people are stuck in the past, they tend to be #1 crazy and just can't get past their own biases if they are too busy blaming the past on others.

If people are so far ahead in the future, they talk past people,
that's #3 crazy.

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