Are the debates already rigged? How?

Why? What would you do to assure pertinent questions, but still avoid a playground shouting match?
Have each candidate prepare questions for the other. Hand them to the moderators as they go to the stage. Moderators ask the questions, shut their mikes off and call time. That's it. No fact checking, no audio or visuals.
Biden's demands on the microphones being closed for the one who doesn't have the floor, are suicidal for Trump! What the hell could he have been thinking.

Trump has never in his life agreed to any measure that can curtail his ability to talk over his opponents!

Just Imagine! Biden being able to lay out Trump's history in politics without being interrupted! Biden's handlers will prepare him flawlessly on taking Trump down.
I'm sure it was the only way to get Biden to debate, and trump really needs to debate. That was a smart and reasonable move by Biden. It will be funny watching trump try to keep his mouth shut.
Yes. We all know the excuse you’ve been given to hide the fact Dementia *Joe is a weakling and a coward. Demanding all those conditions. What a worthless POS you installed.
Did someone force trump to agree to those terms?
The closed mic agreement is Trump's Achilles heel. It can't be allowed to stand. Without that holding Trump back, he's free to destroy Biden!
The debates have only recently been agreed to, but there are already accusations that they are already rigged. Some believe the fix is in, but others think those claims are just another conspiracy theory. Both parties have agreed to the time, date, venue, and those posing the questions, as well as no audience. I've heard the rules will call for 5 minutes to answer, and then the microphone will be cut off. With both parties agreeing to the rules, I don't see how the format can be considered rigging. Do you think the debates are, or will be rigged? How do you think they might rig it?

They don't have to be fixed, the 'main stream media' will declare Bidumb the winner regardless of how it actually turns out, and that's all they need since dumbshits like you believe everything you're told by the 'MSM'.
Haha, well that's one fantasy take.

Another more realistic take is that Trump will be less.inclined to act like a 6 year old who is off his meds, because he won't have a live audience for his carnival barking. The applause of his cult is his oxygen.
Cult - lol. A cult is the climate change cult, the vaccine cult, the masking cult, and the lockdown cult.
Those are cults, MORON.
Why wouldn't Biden have his own personal cheering squad?
(just kidding, I know why)
Cheering squad = great for a football game
Cheering squad = childish disruptive lack of dignity for a debate.
Oh yeah. We saw what happened on CNN a year or so ago when he did.

I’m certainly not saying that it’s an unfair don’t have a cheering squad when you’re President and even if you did, you shouldn’t play to them--the President is supposed to represent the entire nation; not just those who voted for you.

Freddy Mercury put it best when he said (perhaps was credited with saying) that he was a “performer", not just a “singer”. Big personalities don’t always do so well on small stages.
Let's be honest here folks...Biden's handlers don't want an audience because they're scared some far left Hamas lover is going to start screaming "Genocide Joe!" in the middle of the debate! The only way to prevent that is to have the debate sans audience.
I'm sure it was the only way to get Biden to debate, and trump really needs to debate. That was a smart and reasonable move by Biden. It will be funny watching trump try to keep his mouth shut.
It simply can't stand! MSNBC has already gone into the details on what Biden can say and what he can't say.

Trump was manipulated into needed to respond immediately to Biden's demands. Trump's cakehole got him into some potentially big trouble. I can't help giggling just thinking about it!
Cheering squad = great for a football game
Cheering squad = childish disruptive lack of dignity for a debate.
Nope. They could also cheer for Pause *Joe.
But when he’s asked his predetermined question about inflation and lies, it probably will be booed. That’s why no audience.
Let's be honest here folks...Biden's handlers don't want an audience because they're scared some far left Hamas lover is going to start screaming "Genocide Joe!" in the middle of the debate! The only way to prevent that is to have the debate sans audience.
It's true! Trump's handlers were excluded from the details on the debates because of the two of them having the opportunity to agree on their own.

Except that it has the smell of Biden pretending to call his shots, when in fact his handlers called the whole thing.

Hence, the terrible concessions Trump has allowed to Biden.

Your whole point!
It would be so cool for you to prove that, but the accusation by itself is just childish.
Since the Democrats have already done that once in a debate...why is it so hard to believe that CNN (who absolutely LOATH Trump!) wouldn't be doing so again? At this point I'm going to assume that's a given. I'm also going to assume that if CNN gets to pick the questions asked, then they will be heavy on the abortion issue and Jan. 6th and light on inflation, the border and foreign policy.

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