Are Whites Ashamed...

I bet a lot of white people (mostly Northern white people) believe Abraham Lincoln was not a racist motherfucker.
He also lived in the 1800’s. I figure he was ahead of the curve.

And he didn’t think human beings should be properly. And that puts him ahead of a good percentage of trumptards.

He was a racist. Technically his belief was white supremacy. I can't give him a pass because he lived in the1800's. But he's dead now and we have to deal with the trump lovers and they are truly losers.
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?
That's old news. Quit pissing and moaning and move into the 21st Century without a chip on your shoulder. Someone will definitely knock it off.
Can you answer the question or should I ignore you for being off topic?

Do what you will. I wasn't around then and neither were you.

The first slaves from Africa arrived in what is now the United States in 1619, well before my ancestors and most others who post on this message board.

But not my ancestors, and we didn't own slaves. In the 1800s, there were sharecroppers out back. Now they own every bit of land around we didn't give to someone else, and they're black. Pretty sure they own about 160 acres.

That's old news. Quit pissing and moaning and move into the 21st Century without a chip on your shoulder. Someone will definitely knock it off.
Can you answer the question or should I ignore you for being off topic?

Do what you will. I wasn't around then and neither were you.

The first slaves from Africa arrived in what is now the United States in 1619, well before my ancestors and most others who post on this message board.

But not my ancestors, and we didn't own slaves. In the 1800s, there were sharecroppers out back. Now they own every bit of land around we didn't give to someone else, and they're black. Pretty sure they own about 160 acres.


So why is your ass so sorry and all whining for "reparations" and shiet?

Someone in your bloodline give up the 40 acres and a mule, or what?

Why ain't you got 40 acres? :aargh: I know a nigga that's got 160.

FYI: That's 4x 40 acres. He said I could hunt if I wanted to, too. :5_1_12024:
I asked IM2 this question in another thread and he refused to answer so I'll ask you: If the actions of the white colonizers is directly responsible and to be blamed for the hatred between the Hutus and Tutsis and the subsequent genocide, who is responsible for my racism?

The question is irrelevant and based on a false premise that whites are inherently more evil. Unless we're talking strictly about numbers for the sake of discussing generic information, the body counts mean nothing. However, if we're talking about the capability to do evil, Rwanda disproves your premise at one machete stroke. On top of that, the 1994 genocide was not the only one in that country. There was one in 1972 started by the Tutsis where at least 80,000 were killed. The Hutu armed response to this massacre resulted in thousands more killed. So not only are Rwandans guilty of genocide, they are twice guilty.

A quick look at some of the actions by the Hutu perpetrators: Hutus not only killed Tutsis, they slaughtered moderate members and Tutsi sympathizers within their own tribe; Hutu husbands killed their own Tutsi wives; Tutsis women were taken away as sex slaves; Children were clubbed and hacked to death along with adults; HIV-infected patients were formed into "rape squads" to rape and infect Tutsi women; Men and women both suffered sexual mutilation (some after having been raped) by having their genitalia hacked with machetes, knives, and sharp sticks and doused with acid.There's more but I think you get the idea.

So this raises another question: Does it require any more evil to put someone in a gas chamber than to hack a child to death with a machete?

A list of some of the worst African wars since the end of WWII and the Holocaust:

First Sudanese War, 1955 - 1972 - 500,000 dead.
Second Sudanese War, 1983 - 2005 - 1-2 million dead.
Lord's Resistance Army Insurgency, 1987 - present - 100,000+ dead so far.
War in Darfur, 2003 - present - 300,000 dead so far.
South Sudanese Civil War, 2013 - present - 10,000+ dead.
Chad/Libya Conflict, 1978 - 1987 - 8,500+ dead.
Libyan Civil War, 2014 - present - 10,000 dead.
Somali Civil War, 1980s - present - 300,00 - 500,000 dead.
Eritrean War of Independence, 1961 - 1991 - 145,000 dead.
Ethiopian Civil War, 1974 - 1991 - +/- 500,000 war dead plus 1,000,000 dead from famine.
Eritrean-Ethiopian War, 1998 - 2000 - 70,000 - 100,000 dead.
Congo Civil War, 1997 - 1999 - 14,000 - 25,000 dead.

So since WWII and the end of the Holocaust, blacks have slaughtered blacks to the tune of about 4 million killed just in the wars and conflicts listed here (there are many other recorded wars and conflicts on the African continent) and that's using the conservative estimates and doesn't even include the 800,000 from the Rwandan genocide. What's more, whites had nothing to do with any of them.
My theory is that your genetic makeup is responsible for your racism. Europeans lacked resources hence their late arrival to civilization. Because of this lack of resources europeans developed into war mongering, violent people. Lack of melanin may have inspired a better perception of a boundary between "us" and "them". There is a reason whites are the ones that came up with a way to classify races and put them in a pecking order with whites supposedly at the top.

Firstly, this is precisely the sort of thinking that prompted whites to enslave blacks, i.e. blacks were genetically inferior. Secondly, I take it you are a Christian man; do you honestly believe God made men genetically unequal? Did you ever ask God why he made whites more violent? Or for that matter, why he made other races weaker and more subservient?
How about freewill? Doesn't your religion teach that each person has the freewill to sin against God of their own volition? How far does your faith go? Does it go all the way or only as far as the color line between blacks and whites?

You can paint it anyway you like. The bottom line is any atrocities in Africa were engineered and often aided by whites. Even so there is still no match for the sheer number of deaths directly attributable to whites. I mean you guys wiped out entire multiple cultures.

Whites were involved in none of the wars or conflicts I listed.

That question prompts a question from me. Is it more evil to hack a child to death, feed a child to alligators, lynch a child and cut off their testicles and sell them as souvenirs?

I'll answer yours when you answer mine.
No. Its not the same thinking at all. There is no assumption of inferiority in believing whites are genetically more violent.

Bullshit. Do you believe the same way when the white racists here say that blacks are more violent given the high black crime rates?

Its merely a theory propped up by the violent history of the white race. Its pretty evident god made races unequal. If he had whites would be able to produce melanin in sufficient quantities to protect themselves from the sun. Never thought to ask god why whites were so violent. I'm pretty sure he has a plan to get rid of them. I dont know any races that are subservient. Whites are the weakest race IMO.

That's the funniest goddamn thing I've heard today. So you're telling me that the weakest race managed to conquer, enslave and subjugate a stronger race? And you're "pretty sure" God has a plan to get rid of whites? Holy shit. I thought you were somewhat delusional but I never imagined it was on a Hitleresque scale.

Each person has free will, however we know that people are social animals that can be influenced or led to act in ways that their free will would normally direct them not to do. Thats why you have some whites that are compassionate, truth tellers, and non violent.

Freewill does not direct us to do anything, it only gives us the option to choose to continue the hate or stop the hate cycle. In other words, every single Rwandan involved in that war and genocide had the choice not to kill or otherwise not get involved.
The actions of the white colonizers ceased to matter once they were gone. When the whites left, Rwandans had the choice to do away with the caste system imposed upon them and come together as a people to move forward. Instead they chose to worsen the divide, perpetuate the class system and ultimately take up arms against each other.

Whites were involved in every war or conflict you listed. Check the dates. If it was after 1881 then whites were involved.

Wrong. Do the research like I did. That's how I found out about these wars and what started them. And even if whites were involved in some way in some cases, the Rwanda case is the only one I know of where whites actively pitted one tribe against another.
Not the same thing. since we are dealing with fake white stats. Whites commit more crime than anyone else. to be exact they commit 69% of all crime.

I don't say that, white racists do. My point is that, if a white racist says blacks are genetically or inherently more violent and cites black crime rates, you would see it as an assumption of superiority of whites on his part, would you not?

You say that like a 100lb 12 year old girl couldnt kill a 300 lb man with a gun? Do you think because whites had more advanced weapons that they are superior or simply more violent?

Back up and take a breath Pee Wee. Whites were able to conquer more simply because they had superior weapons. It was usually a case of muskets and cannons against spears and bows and arrows. That's it.

Free will doesnt give you an option. Free will is a reflection of whatever propaganda you have had installed in your head.

If freewill doesn't give you an option then it's not FREEwill.

The Merriam-Webster definition of freewill: Voluntary, spontaneous. made or done freely or of one's own accord; voluntary:
Google: the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one's own discretion.

A "reflection of whatever propaganda you have had installed in your head", as you put it, is what is called informed viewpoint or perspective. Each of us has the choice to either 1.) change our perspective or at least question the propaganda. or 2.) not to kill.

If the white colonizers are to blame for Rwanda, who is to blame for the Holocaust? If we go back far enough, who or what will we find that is directly responsible if it was not Hitler and the Germans?
So because Rwandan blacks killed other blacks, it is somehow less evil?

Judging by your criteria, the Rwandans certainly thought like whites. They just killed people of their own race.
The evil that inspired the event came from whites meddling in Africa.

So we have white evil that inspired the event, what evil made them pick up machetes and hack women and children?
White people. White philosophy.

You mean the white people that had left thirty years before?
They never left. They were still interfering. IM2 posted the proof on this.

I believe you have to be racist in order for Drumpf to appeal to you as a white person. For non white supporters its obvious they brainwashed by pro white teachings established centuries ago..

Or it could be white Trump voters were merely reacting to the writing on the wall. For a couple decades the democratic party and their lapdogs in the media has been pretty explicitly hostile to white people while the establishment GOP were too cowardly to take a firm stand in our interests, too busy pandering to ******* like you...
Heres a white guy that makes no bones about it. He thinks the playing field being leveled is against his interests. He has no problem with the fact that white trash like himself could not survive without assistance.

Hehe, your idea of equality means bringing everything down to your level. No thanks, I don't want the entire country to become a fucking ghetto.

Unless you've $$$$'s, it already is


Poor people in the US live like kings compared to poor people in shithole countries like Nigeria.
This is not about whites thinking they are better than most, this is about blacks thinking whites are worse than most.

Your history as documented by those of your own race support this conclusion. I mean can you explain how it is that Blacks have gone to all the continents without creating the genocide, theft, and general mayhem that whites have done?

Wrong. White history only documents more killed, not that they are inherently more prone to violence. And whites killed more because they could. I.E., for whatever reason, black tribes in Africa never developed as fast as the rest of the world in terms of technology and science. Therefore, they didn't have the destructive weapons of war and ships to migrate and conquer other lands and peoples, much less the ambition to do so. Whites are not more prone to kill and conquer, they just did it first.

Violence is a human trait, not a white one.
Nope White history not only documents more killed it pushes the doctrine of "manifest destiny." Should I provide you a link on what that is?

It wouldn't matter, I will still maintain that violence is a human trait, not a white one.

Without Black people in Africa you whites wouldnt even know what technology and science means.

I may regret asking this but: What?

I dont care what you maintain. Willful ignorance is something I have come to expect from your kind,.

Spoken like a racist.

Please be specific. What is it you are questioning?

Expand on the "Without black people in Africa..." remark.
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?

The reason slavery existed was greed. Blacks kidnapped and sold their brothers as slaves to make money, then the slave owners made a fortune using free labor.

What I find amazing is, these same "white devils" you seem to want to condemn also fought a Civil War over, killing over a million other white devils, to extinguish a wrong of the past. There was no outward force to correct their injustices, such as the US marching into Germany for forcibly make them end the Holocaust. No, these men were motivated by the roots of their Christian beliefs and the Constitution to rise up and end slavery once and for all.

Thomas Jefferson wished to include freedom for slaves in the Declaration of Independence, but was warned to take it out least the Southern colonies would not sign on. It's called compromising your moral code and it cost the next generation over a million dead.

What you may not know, though, is that there is more slavery today than at any other time in history. You act as though "blacks" are the only ones in this world who have suffered from it or are suffering from it, yet history and the present tell us otherwise.

Here are some uncomfortable facts for you. Human nature demands slavery. We see this in ancient history as most men were either slaves or forced to fight for their elitist leader. We also see this in slavery today, such as human trafficking.

The irony here is, in the 1800's slavery was legal and today it is illegal, yet we have more of it today.

Here is a suggestion. Get off your arse feeling sorry for yourself or blaming men of slavery that occurred over a hundred years ago and do something about the slavery going on in your back yard.
I agree with only your first sentence. Whites were greedy. Other than that it looks like you visited the WPVE for your information.

Whites didnt fight the Civil War to end slavery. Lincoln himself said he would keep people enslaved if it meant saving the union.

Thomas jefferson had slaves until the day he died. There was no moral code apparent.

I stopped reading the rest because it was a massive deflection from the point.

So black Africans did not sell their brothers into slavery to White Americans for profit? Is this what you are saying?

Also, I would agree with you that Lincoln would have allowed slavery to exist if only the Southern states would return to the Union. However, what led up to that? What led up to that were the slaves states vs. the free states. No state could come into the union as a free state or a slave state unless there was a free or slave state to even up the power on a federal level.

So yea, Lincoln would have sold his soul to have the South return, like Jefferson did by not demanding the slaves not be freed. So what? The fact of the matter is, slavery was the driving force for the Civil war. Then once the South did not return to the Union, Lincoln had no choice but t snuff out the one thing that had divided the nation to begin with by outlawing slavery.

Unfortunately, power corrupts. For example, Jefferson wanted to outlaw the Alien and Sedition Acts which made speaking out against the government as being illegal. A curious thing though, after becoming President he took advantage of these laws before finally snuffing them out. What remained of them FDR used to imprison innocent Japanese Americans. Jefferson freed his lover slave and her family but not the rest of his slaves after he died, just like he took advantage of the Alien and Sedition Acts before trying to do away with them. He was a conflicted soul and fell short of the mark, but at least he was aware of his own failings.

As for feeling guilty, who should feel more guilt? Should it be whites feeling guilty for something that happened hundreds of years prior to their existence, or should they feel more guilty for slavery that is occurring in their own back yard as we speak as they do nothing? About 2 out of every thousand are estimated as being slaves in the US today.
Yes thats exactly what I am saying. To be blunt its a lie whites made up to deflect from their actions.

Not sure what you mean by what led up to it or why thats even relevant to the point.

No slavery was never the driving force. The driving force was keeping the union together. Freeing the enslaved was a punishment forced upon the south. Lincoln told the south that he was going to support an amendment to legalize slavery forever prior to the war. They still wanted to leave.

I said nothing about feeling guilty. I asked if there was any embarrassment or anger.

So you are in the position of saying that whites changed history to make blacks look bad.

Do you have any evidence for this?

Additionally, do you think it is a lie of the media when they say that most black homicides are between black folk?
Asclepias said:
What did foreign tyranny have to do with enslaving people? Why is it taking so long to "work on it" as you say? How many centuries do you need before you level the field?
Until We've Gotten To Where We Are Today

Where You Grievance Whores
Can Only Squall About Micro-Aggressions
Phantom Privileges And Perceived Dirty Looks

Now Back To Your Black Nationalist Web-Sites For Your "Facts"
Because You're Just A Bunch Of Racist Grievance Whores
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?
Still can’t accept that your forebearers were cattle, huh?
Naah. He is more of a JACKASS.
Yup and white man Joseph Stalin killed around 9 million way more than all the wars you mentioned in African combined and that 9 million is a conservative estimate. Many claim it's more like 20-25 mill.

Can you answer the question I posed to Asclepias? Namely, does it require more evil to put someone in a gas chamber than it does to hack a child to death with a machete?
I think everyone knows whites are not the only people who have done evil in history. So to keep bringing it up comes off as either some kind of weak “Everyone does it” excuse that eight-year-olds use or as a way to draw attention away from the evils of white history.

The past, present and future of Black Americans concern me most. And in that history whites are the main evil. That is just how it is. I did not create the world I find myself in. If I were Darfuri, no doubt I would write about the Arabic-speaking Sudanese. If I were Palestinian, it would be the Israelis.

Can you answer the question or not?

Look. White people need to get over this idea that they are somehow special. They are not.

Of course we're not. But if we're not special then we are also not unique in the capacity for evil.

They are just like everyone else. But by putting up this front that they are better than most, they make themselves worse than most – because it means they turn a blind eye to the evil they do.

This is not about whites thinking they are better than most, this is about blacks thinking whites are worse than most.

No, this is about what whites have done. I have known far too many very fine whites to allow you to tell this lie because you can't face the fact of the wrongs whites have actually done.

First of all, what did I say that is insulting to the "very fine whites" you know? Secondly, I've never denied any wrongs done by whites. The conquering, enslavement and wars committed on other races and cultures by whites is a matter of history that everyone is aware of. My position is, and always has been, that whites have no more capacity for killing than any other human being.

White colonizers are respnsible for the struggles that continue going on in Africa. Most of the former colonies are still controlled by white business interests in the countries that colonized them. Until you study the colonization of Africa you are ignorant of things whites did to control the masses as a minority force. Divide and conquer as used by white colonizers created animosity between some tribes that never were hostile to each other and increased hostility between those who were. White colonizers set boundaries on the continent that did not exist, some of which split land into sections where opposing tribes were combined into to one region or territory.

So instead of endeavoring to achieve some sort of peace and détente between the tribes and countries, they choose to further hostilities.

Whites like you need to learn that we blacks here are very well educated.

I'm sure there are a few educated whites here too so this means precisely squat to me. Besides, education is no cure for lack of logic, common sense or critical thinking.

Your simplistic belief that we are just blaming whites for no reason amounts to a pile of rotting dung.

And your simplistic belief that Rwandans had no control over their own actions amounts to a pile of porcine afterbirth.

You need to learn that in this case, you might b trying to argue with people who have greater knowledge of the subject you are trying to argue than you. Maybe it's wise that you spend the same amount of time we have studying these things before you come back again trying to argue the same denial based argument steeped in a lack of knowledge.

Oh please. It's far too late for you to try intellectually shaming me.

You see fool, whites decided to forcibly invade a continent. They had no right to do that. Therefore your retard opinions do not apply in any attempt to call yourself trying to judge blacks on the basis of personal responsibility.

So instead of endeavoring to achieve some sort of peace and détente between the tribes and countries, they choose to further hostilities.

So instead of staying in Germany and Belgium whites decided they had the right to invade Africa and rule Rwanda.

Now you can believe whatever you want to imagine, but history shows us a record of activity. While whites like you talk about tribal conflicts, whites not only had that, but whites invaded and colonized most of the planet. We have had 2 worldwide wars because of whites. As a result whites have killed way over 1 billion people. No other race has dome this. So you can claim what you want, but actions show that whites have been the most violent race on the planet.
Asclepias said:
What did foreign tyranny have to do with enslaving people? Why is it taking so long to "work on it" as you say? How many centuries do you need before you level the field?
Until We've Gotten To Where We Are Today

Where You Grievance Whores
Can Only Squall About Micro-Aggressions
Phantom Privileges And Perceived Dirty Looks

Now Back To Your Black Nationalist Web-Sites For Your "Facts"
Because You're Just A Bunch Of Racist Grievance Whores

Really? Is that so?

The Heartbeat of Racism Is Denial
By Ibram X. Kendi

When our reality is too ugly, we deny reality. It is too painful to look at. Reality is too hard to accept.

Mental health experts routinely say that denial is among the most common defense mechanisms. Denial is how the person defends his superior sense of self, her racially unequal society.

Denial is how America defends itself as superior to “shithole countries” in Africa and elsewhere, as President Trump reportedly described them in a White House meeting last week, although he has since, well, denied that. It’s also how America defends itself as superior to those “developing countries” in Africa, to quote how liberal opponents of Mr. Trump might often describe them.

Mr. Trump appears to be unifying America — unifying Americans in their denial. The more racist Mr. Trump sounds, the more Trump country denies his racism, and the more his opponents look away from their own racism to brand Trump country as racist. Through it all, America remains a unified country of denial.

But Mr. Trump is no exception. In framing Mr. Trump’s racism as exceptional, in seeking to highlight the depth of the president’s cruelty, Mr. Durbin, a reliably liberal senator, showed the depth of denial of American racism.

Begin with the eight presidents who held slaves while in the Oval Office. Then consider how Abraham Lincoln urged black people to leave the United States. “Even when you cease to be slaves, you are yet far removed from being placed on an equality with the white race,” Lincoln told five black guests at the White House in 1862. So “it is better for us both, therefore, to be separated.”
Presidential history also includes the social Darwinism of Theodore Roosevelt, the federal-government-segregating, “Birth of a Nation”-praising Woodrow Wilson — and the bigotry that came from the mouths of presidents who are generally seen as essential to racial progress. President Lyndon B. Johnson said “******” nearly as often as Ku Klux Klansmen did.

This denial of racism is the heartbeat of racism. Where there is suffering from racist policies, there are denials that those policies are racist. The beat of denial sounds the same across time and space.

Thomas Jefferson was not a founding father of equality. He was a founding father of the heartbeat of denial that lives through both Mr. Trump’s denials and the assertion that his racial views are abnormal for America and its presidents.

Fifty years ago, Richard Nixon transformed this historic heartbeat of denial into an intoxicating political philosophy. His presidential candidacy appealed to George Wallace-type segregationists while also attracting Americans who refused to live near “dangerous” black residents, obstructed the desegregation of schools, resisted affirmative action policies, framed black mothers on welfare as undeserving, called the black family pathological and denigrated black culture — all those racists who refused to believe they were racist in 1968.

Nixon designed his campaign, one of his advisers explained, to allow a potential supporter to “avoid admitting to himself that he was attracted by” the “racist appeal.”

described Nigerians as living in “huts.”

When someone identifies the obvious, Mr. Trump resounds the beat of denial as he did before he was president: “I’m the least racist person that you’ve ever met,” that “you’ve ever seen,” that “you’ve ever encountered.”

These are ugly denials. But it’s the denials from those who stand in strong opposition to this president that are more frustrating to me: denials that their attacks on identity politics are racist. Denials that the paltry number of people of color in elite spaces marks racism.

Those denials echo the same ones that frustrated Dr. King in 1963 as he sat in a Birmingham jail cell and wrote, “Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will.”

Mr. Trump, I suspect, will go to his grave with his heart beating in denial of the ill will of racism. Many others will as well.

Opinion | The Heartbeat of Racism Is Denial
Posted June 21, 2018 at 4:53 pm by David Cooper
Workers of color are far more likely to be paid poverty-level wages than white workers

Marking the 50th anniversary of the 1968 Poor People’s Campaign, EPI has described the potential to reduce poverty through work, provided there are jobs with decent wages and adequate hours available to everyone who can and wants to work. Unfortunately, even when jobs are available, workers are often paid so little that they can still be left in poverty. Today, one in nine U.S. workers are paid wages that would leave them in poverty for their family size if they are the sole earner in their family—even with a full-time, year-round schedule.

Although the share of workers earning poverty wages has declined over the past three decades, there are still large racial and ethnic differences in the shares of workers being paid at adequate wage levels. As shown in the first figure below, workers of color are far more likely to be paid poverty-level wages than white workers. In 2017, 8.6 percent of white workers were paid poverty wages—i.e., hourly wages that would leave them below the federal poverty guideline for their family size if they are the sole earner in the family, even if they work full-time, year-round. In contrast, 19.2 percent—nearly one in five—Hispanic workers were paid poverty wages, and 14.3 percent—roughly one in seven—black workers were paid poverty wages. Asian or Pacific Islander workers also had higher poverty-wage rates than white workers, at 10.9 percent.


Among workers of all races and ethnicities, the shares being paid poverty wages have declined from highs reached in either the mid-1980s or the mid-1990s. However, the share of black workers earning poverty wages in 2017 (14.3 percent) was still slightly above where it was in 2006 (14.1 percent.) Black workers are the only group for whom the share receiving poverty wages is not at its lowest level on record.

Notably, racial gaps have been remarkably consistent—if not gotten worse—over time. The share of black workers earning poverty-level wages has consistently been 1.5 times that of white workers for the entirety of the series. The ratio of the Hispanic poverty-wage rate to the white poverty-wage rate has actually grown since the 1980s. In 1986, the share of Hispanic workers earning poverty-level wages was 1.8 times that of white workers; in 2017, it was 2.2 times the share of white workers.


Because a person’s applicable poverty guideline is determined by their family size, groups with larger average families will have higher average poverty guidelines—meaning that the share earning poverty-level wages could be higher simply from larger average family sizes. It is true that Hispanic workers tend to have larger families, on average, than workers of other races or ethnicities; however, the differences are not large enough to be driving Hispanic workers’ significantly larger poverty-wage rates. The second figure shows that Hispanic workers have an average family size of 3.2 people, while white workers’ average family size is 2.8 people. (Single childless adult workers have a family size of one.) In other words, the average family size of Hispanic workers is 14.5 percent larger than the average white worker, yet they are 123 percent more likely than white workers to be paid a poverty-level wage. Moreover, the growth in the ratio of the Hispanic poverty-wage rate to the white poverty-wage rate also cannot be attributed to changes in average family sizes, as the average Hispanic worker family size has shrunk more since 1986 than the average white worker family size has.

We can also calculate what the Hispanic poverty-wage rate would be if Hispanic workers had similar family sizes to white workers. Reweighting the 2017 data shows that if Hispanic workers had the same family structure as white workers, their poverty-wage rate would fall to 14.3 percent—still 5.7 percentage points higher than white workers.

Finally, it is worth noting that in 1986, the average black worker had a slightly larger family than the average white worker; yet by the mid-1990s, that was no longer true. As of 2017, black workers had the smallest average family size at 2.7 people—meaning that the significantly higher rates at which black workers are paid poverty-level wages relative to white or Asian workers is entirely the result of low wages, not larger average families. Indeed, reweighting the 2017 data shows that if black workers had the same average family size as white workers, their poverty-wage rate would actually rise to 14.8 percent.

Workers of color are far more likely to be paid poverty-level wages than white workers
Can you answer the question I posed to Asclepias? Namely, does it require more evil to put someone in a gas chamber than it does to hack a child to death with a machete?
I think everyone knows whites are not the only people who have done evil in history. So to keep bringing it up comes off as either some kind of weak “Everyone does it” excuse that eight-year-olds use or as a way to draw attention away from the evils of white history.

The past, present and future of Black Americans concern me most. And in that history whites are the main evil. That is just how it is. I did not create the world I find myself in. If I were Darfuri, no doubt I would write about the Arabic-speaking Sudanese. If I were Palestinian, it would be the Israelis.

Can you answer the question or not?

Look. White people need to get over this idea that they are somehow special. They are not.

Of course we're not. But if we're not special then we are also not unique in the capacity for evil.

They are just like everyone else. But by putting up this front that they are better than most, they make themselves worse than most – because it means they turn a blind eye to the evil they do.

This is not about whites thinking they are better than most, this is about blacks thinking whites are worse than most.

No, this is about what whites have done. I have known far too many very fine whites to allow you to tell this lie because you can't face the fact of the wrongs whites have actually done.

First of all, what did I say that is insulting to the "very fine whites" you know? Secondly, I've never denied any wrongs done by whites. The conquering, enslavement and wars committed on other races and cultures by whites is a matter of history that everyone is aware of. My position is, and always has been, that whites have no more capacity for killing than any other human being.

White colonizers are respnsible for the struggles that continue going on in Africa. Most of the former colonies are still controlled by white business interests in the countries that colonized them. Until you study the colonization of Africa you are ignorant of things whites did to control the masses as a minority force. Divide and conquer as used by white colonizers created animosity between some tribes that never were hostile to each other and increased hostility between those who were. White colonizers set boundaries on the continent that did not exist, some of which split land into sections where opposing tribes were combined into to one region or territory.

So instead of endeavoring to achieve some sort of peace and détente between the tribes and countries, they choose to further hostilities.

Whites like you need to learn that we blacks here are very well educated.

I'm sure there are a few educated whites here too so this means precisely squat to me. Besides, education is no cure for lack of logic, common sense or critical thinking.

Your simplistic belief that we are just blaming whites for no reason amounts to a pile of rotting dung.

And your simplistic belief that Rwandans had no control over their own actions amounts to a pile of porcine afterbirth.

You need to learn that in this case, you might b trying to argue with people who have greater knowledge of the subject you are trying to argue than you. Maybe it's wise that you spend the same amount of time we have studying these things before you come back again trying to argue the same denial based argument steeped in a lack of knowledge.

Oh please. It's far too late for you to try intellectually shaming me.

You see fool, whites decided to forcibly invade a continent. They had no right to do that. Therefore your retard opinions do not apply in any attempt to call yourself trying to judge blacks on the basis of personal responsibility.

So instead of endeavoring to achieve some sort of peace and détente between the tribes and countries, they choose to further hostilities.

So instead of staying in Germany and Belgium whites decided they had the right to invade Africa and rule Rwanda.

Now you can believe whatever you want to imagine, but history shows us a record of activity. While whites like you talk about tribal conflicts, whites not only had that, but whites invaded and colonized most of the planet. We have had 2 worldwide wars because of whites. As a result whites have killed way over 1 billion people. No other race has dome this. So you can claim what you want, but actions show that whites have been the most violent race on the planet.
Blacks took part in those wars.
You just think whites consider themselves special, they dont
I disagree. Its inherent in racism that whites believe they are special. How do you think Drumpf got elected?

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

Quoting a racist like LBJ doesnt mean it applies to everyone. not by a long shot. Thats a dumb ass quote by the way.

Trump got elected because people wanted a business man who they thought would probably be better at creating jobs... which theoretically should help everyone, white, black, latino.. VS Hillary who a lot of people see as a political insider waiting for her turn.
Its a true ass quote. Its a reflection of white philosophy and component of racism

Drumpf got elected because he appealed to the racist in every white person that voted for him. Now take a guess what demographic voted for him the most?

thats your opinion. If some racists voted for trump, that doesnt mean what you say about other white people. Why couldn't white people have voted for trump, for the same reason Asians did? or other black people or Hispanics? Looking at the color of voters is a very superficial observation of why someone voted, but you are entitled to that opinion
So you think the support for Drumpf from the KKK and Nazis was just some bizarre coincidence and you actually expect me to believe his rhetoric was not geared at racists?

Far Right groups like nazis and KKK were never going to vote for Hillary just like far left Communists and Anarchists are not likely to vote Republican. None of these groups represent normal every day people which make up most of the country. The Rhetoric was coming mostly from the News media trying to paint Trump as a racist no matter what he said. Example, he wanted to ban travel from SPECIFIC muslim countries and then the news media says he wanted to ban Muslims. Obama had previously labeled those same countries as sources of Terror. There you go . Trump hates muslims... racist! bull shit, its just politics because they wanted Hillary for president, and this isn't stopping from the left.
Can you answer the question I posed to Asclepias? Namely, does it require more evil to put someone in a gas chamber than it does to hack a child to death with a machete?
I think everyone knows whites are not the only people who have done evil in history. So to keep bringing it up comes off as either some kind of weak “Everyone does it” excuse that eight-year-olds use or as a way to draw attention away from the evils of white history.

The past, present and future of Black Americans concern me most. And in that history whites are the main evil. That is just how it is. I did not create the world I find myself in. If I were Darfuri, no doubt I would write about the Arabic-speaking Sudanese. If I were Palestinian, it would be the Israelis.

Can you answer the question or not?

Look. White people need to get over this idea that they are somehow special. They are not.

Of course we're not. But if we're not special then we are also not unique in the capacity for evil.

They are just like everyone else. But by putting up this front that they are better than most, they make themselves worse than most – because it means they turn a blind eye to the evil they do.

This is not about whites thinking they are better than most, this is about blacks thinking whites are worse than most.

No, this is about what whites have done. I have known far too many very fine whites to allow you to tell this lie because you can't face the fact of the wrongs whites have actually done.

First of all, what did I say that is insulting to the "very fine whites" you know? Secondly, I've never denied any wrongs done by whites. The conquering, enslavement and wars committed on other races and cultures by whites is a matter of history that everyone is aware of. My position is, and always has been, that whites have no more capacity for killing than any other human being.

White colonizers are respnsible for the struggles that continue going on in Africa. Most of the former colonies are still controlled by white business interests in the countries that colonized them. Until you study the colonization of Africa you are ignorant of things whites did to control the masses as a minority force. Divide and conquer as used by white colonizers created animosity between some tribes that never were hostile to each other and increased hostility between those who were. White colonizers set boundaries on the continent that did not exist, some of which split land into sections where opposing tribes were combined into to one region or territory.

So instead of endeavoring to achieve some sort of peace and détente between the tribes and countries, they choose to further hostilities.

Whites like you need to learn that we blacks here are very well educated.

I'm sure there are a few educated whites here too so this means precisely squat to me. Besides, education is no cure for lack of logic, common sense or critical thinking.

Your simplistic belief that we are just blaming whites for no reason amounts to a pile of rotting dung.

And your simplistic belief that Rwandans had no control over their own actions amounts to a pile of porcine afterbirth.

You need to learn that in this case, you might b trying to argue with people who have greater knowledge of the subject you are trying to argue than you. Maybe it's wise that you spend the same amount of time we have studying these things before you come back again trying to argue the same denial based argument steeped in a lack of knowledge.

Oh please. It's far too late for you to try intellectually shaming me.

You see fool, whites decided to forcibly invade a continent. They had no right to do that. Therefore your retard opinions do not apply in any attempt to call yourself trying to judge blacks on the basis of personal responsibility.

You see foo', as I said before, I'm not the one judging. My opinion is not that whites haven't killed more, it is that blacks are just as capable of that level of hate. I'm citing African wars and genocides as evidence that blacks are as capable, not more capable. You've missed or deliberately ignored this fact in every discussion we've ever had.

So instead of endeavoring to achieve some sort of peace and détente between the tribes and countries, they choose to further hostilities.

So instead of staying in Germany and Belgium whites decided they had the right to invade Africa and rule Rwanda.

Yeah, and? The Germans and Belgians are guilty of their own wrongs and so are the Rwandans. The Rwandans made their choice just as the Germans and Belgians did. The whites chose to colonize the Rwandans and foment class division. The Rwandans chose not to seek peace after the whites left but rather chose to continue and worsen the division to the point of civil war and genocide.

Now you can believe whatever you want to imagine, but history shows us a record of activity. While whites like you talk about tribal conflicts, whites not only had that, but whites invaded and colonized most of the planet. We have had 2 worldwide wars because of whites. As a result whites have killed way over 1 billion people. No other race has dome this. So you can claim what you want, but actions show that whites have been the most violent race on the planet.

Rwandans raped, hacked and genitally mutilated little girls. Given this fact, I simply cannot be impressed by or shamed over higher body counts.
karpenter said:
Until We've Gotten To Where We Are Today

Where You Grievance Whores
Can Only Squall About Micro-Aggressions
Phantom Privileges And Perceived Dirty Looks

Now Back To Your Black Nationalist Web-Sites For Your "Facts"
Because You're Just A Bunch Of Racist Grievance Whores

IM2 said:
Really? Is that so?
It IS So

Meet Professor Ibram X. Kendi
Professor Ibram X. Kendi joined the department of history faculty in August this year as an assistant professor.
He has a joint appointment with the African American Studies program,
and is one of our department’s two recently hired junior professors, the first in many–too many–years.

Oh, Here We Go ^ ^ ^ !!

Dr. Kendi completed the PhD at Temple University in 2010, after earning a BA from Florida A & M University.
He studies racists and antiracist ideas and movements

His award-winning book, The Black Campus Movement: Black Students and the Racial Reconstitution of Higher Education, 1965-1972, appeared in 2012. The recipient of numerous research fellowships and grants, he is currently working on two books, Stamped from the Beginning: A Narrative History of Racist Ideas in America, and Black Apple: A History of Malcolm X in New York.

PC Correct Left University Revisionist History
...And Grievance Whore

Could You Please Quote Me Some Works Of Rachel Dolezal

And Let's Not Forget Where America Put This Guy:


U.S. Government.
African Americans in the 114th Congress. A list of the African-Americans currently serving in the 114th Congress. There are 46 black members in the House of Representatives and 2 in the Senate.
African Americans in the 114th Congress
Last edited:
Only blacls built this country?

I know many Native American, Chinese and Hispanic\Latino Families that also had ancestors that help buil this country beside Irish, Italians, Jews and Blacks!

Oh let not forget about the Germans!

I swear you only see things as black and white and forget the others that were genocide and suffered!
Blacks did the vast majority of building this country. For free.

The blacks didn’t build anything. All they did was pick cotton, and it certainly wasn’t free. They had everything provided to them as slaves. Whites paid for their food, shelter, and health care. Funny that now they still want whites to pay for all that for them, just without doing any work in return.

More dumb whiteness.

Yes it is dumb of white liberals to keep wanting to pay blacks for no work.
Dumb white conservatives are paid to collect more welfare than any demographic.

What’s wrong with white people taking care of their own?

Question is, why don’t blacks do the same?
I bet a lot of white people (mostly Northern white people) believe Abraham Lincoln was not a racist motherfucker.
He also lived in the 1800’s. I figure he was ahead of the curve.

And he didn’t think human beings should be properly. And that puts him ahead of a good percentage of trumptards.
You do realize Lincoln was going to make it legal for Blacks to be enslaved for the duration of this country dont you?

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