Are Whites Ashamed...

that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?

Our Aristocrat FF's were never concerned about a 'level playing field' , albeit they foisted a well written document propagating such beliefs.

Our history as a nation, as well as the entire human experience has always been a leg up

We have always been, and will always be conquerors ,and there have always been and will always be the conquered and conscripts


absoluetly, under the guise of their altruistic bullsh*t ...~S~

Okay you got me thinking S. I don't have some Obamian-Trumpian, snarky, ugly, nasty retort.
I will not argue against millennia of oppressive laws. Nevertheless; either answer violence with violence or accept existence under tyranny.
Yep, that's what the slave uprisings were about, yet STILL even after the abolishment of slavery, whites could commit crimes of violence against blacks with impunity with no repercussions, while blacks had violence perpetrated against them and were killed for the minor offenses of whistling at a white woman, looking a white person in the eyes, vagrancy, etc.

With all of the black people that were lynched in the state of Florida, it wasn't until the year 2017 that the first white person was executed for the murder of a black person.

Anyone who pretends that the deck was not legislatively stacked against people of African descent in order to ensure absolution for the heinous crimes commited against them is no less depraved than those who actually participated in the oppression and subjugation.
Dude. Will shut the fk up about this blonde shit. You sound like a fking idiot.

I don't split white people into groups. Because when it comes to black people, they all get the same page thus the dog that would bite me in Portugal. would be the same dog that bite me in Sweden
Why do you suppose black people have such a terrible reputation all over the world?
Because we live in a system of white supremacy and your right black people have bad rep the world over and that just simply demonstrates the effectiveness of several hundred years of racial propaganda saying that black people are criminal, they’re going to rob you, they don’t make good neighbors, are dumb

If you have years and generations of people picking up those kinds of messages, and they do pick them up, from several different sources.

If you talk to white folks who have never even been around black folks, white folks in Russia, white folks in Poland, white folks in Serbia, even white folks in certain parts of the USA, that is people have never even been around black people, they will come forth with many of these negative stereotypes in spite of no first-hand experience.

I would lay a bet that SobieskiSavedEurope harmonica dave p Mudda abu afak have

  • Never been attacked by a black person
  • Never been evicted by a black person
  • Never had a black person deny their child the college of her choice
  • Never been pulled over by a black cop
  • Never been rejected for a job by a black person
  • Never had a black person deny them a bank loan
  • And they've never heard a black person say, "We're going to eliminate 500 jobs here - have a nice day!"
Every mean word, every cruel act, every bit of pain and suffering in their lives has had a white face attached to it.

In any movie or film you need a bad guy.

Bad reputations dont come out of thin air, and how fucking stupid are you to think that white people arent victimized by black people throughout their lives? REALLY? Ive had 3 things on your list happen to me, including the first one.
OK. Let's say a bunch of black people done bad things to you. Now does that mean other black people who have not done them things get tarred with the same brush ?
No, but if you see a consistent pattern of behavior with certain groups, you do keep that in mind. You do it, i do it, we all do it. Like the rest of us, you are less scared when youre walking down a dark street at night, you hear men behind you and you turn around to find a group of white guys, as opposed to black guys. You have less to fear in white neighborhoods.

Sorry, but not all facts are going to be fun, and dont expect me to not point them out.

Not necessarily. As a black male who is well past 60 years of age, never been in trouble with the law, and been around long enough to witness my own parents have urine and feces thrown on them then sprayed with water hoses for peacefully demonstrating for equal rights down south, I would NOT to this day, feel comfortable walking down a dark street in a predominately white neighborhood in the south, or even most places in today's environment.
Blacks did the vast majority of building this country. For free.

The blacks didn’t build anything. All they did was pick cotton, and it certainly wasn’t free. They had everything provided to them as slaves. Whites paid for their food, shelter, and health care. Funny that now they still want whites to pay for all that for them, just without doing any work in return.

More dumb whiteness.

Yes it is dumb of white liberals to keep wanting to pay blacks for no work.
Dumb white conservatives are paid to collect more welfare than any demographic.

What’s wrong with white people taking care of their own?

Question is, why don’t blacks do the same?
Anecdotal, I know.

Nothing wrong with black or white folks taking care of their own. My Grandparents raised me and my two brothers.

Black folks do the same. My buddy Will, his mother helped him raise his little girl.

Can you answer the question or not?

Look. White people need to get over this idea that they are somehow special. They are not.

Of course we're not. But if we're not special then we are also not unique in the capacity for evil.

They are just like everyone else. But by putting up this front that they are better than most, they make themselves worse than most – because it means they turn a blind eye to the evil they do.

This is not about whites thinking they are better than most, this is about blacks thinking whites are worse than most.
Whites are not uniquely guilty but the present system (not the only one that exists) and all of its evils are, in effect, apportionable today’s European Americans and their ancestry. How else can you explain the systemic advantages that whites receive on behalf of their racial affiliation (e.g. innocent until proven guilty; perceived as the standards of normalcy, intelligence and beauty by the majority of whites and by the media).

Just because you don’t like this truth, Ghost of a Rider , doesn’t change the fact that it governs the lives of hundreds of millions of people in the USA today. This system, this world we live in, is tricked up by colonialism and rules that governed it from 1600 – 1960s – and the economic legacy it has left thereafter.

Can you answer the question or not?

Look. White people need to get over this idea that they are somehow special. They are not.

Of course we're not. But if we're not special then we are also not unique in the capacity for evil.

They are just like everyone else. But by putting up this front that they are better than most, they make themselves worse than most – because it means they turn a blind eye to the evil they do.

This is not about whites thinking they are better than most, this is about blacks thinking whites are worse than most.
Whites are not uniquely guilty but the present system (not the only one that exists) and all of its evils are, in effect, apportionable today’s European Americans and their ancestry. How else can you explain the systemic advantages that whites receive on behalf of their racial affiliation (e.g. innocent until proven guilty; perceived as the standards of normalcy, intelligence and beauty by the majority of whites and by the media).

Just because you don’t like this truth, Ghost of a Rider , doesn’t change the fact that it governs the lives of hundreds of millions of people in the USA today. This system, this world we live in, is tricked up by colonialism and rules that governed it from 1600 – 1960s – and the economic legacy it has left thereafter.
"and all of its evils are." I stopped reading there.
Even Jesse Jackson knows youre full of shit.

'There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.... After all we have been through. Just to think we can't walk down our own streets, how humiliating.'

Jesse Jackson
See? And he is black! So how can it be racist to profile blacks and be afraid of them?

Knowing how many whites feel about the Jesse Jackson he really shouldn't be relived to see a white person coming up behind him

But there were black slave owners in the South and what the fk of it ? American slavery was a racist institution because it subordinated people based on racial identity and was justified on the notion of black inhumanity and white supremacy. That there were some black people who bought into both sets of lies does not acquit the institution of the charge of racism, nor those among the African American community who participated in it.

There are plenty of black people who are just as anti-black in their thinking as many whites.

You see them all over fox, (Hermain Cain, Larry Elder etc) pathetic though it may be, means nothing and truthfully, should surprise no one.
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Why would anyone be ashamed of anything done hundreds of years before their birth?

does anyone still hold a grudge against the UK, Germany, Spain, Japan, Viet nam, the USSR, Italy, etc etc?



B/c we moved on.
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?

Our Aristocrat FF's were never concerned about a 'level playing field' , albeit they foisted a well written document propagating such beliefs.

Our history as a nation, as well as the entire human experience has always been a leg up

We have always been, and will always be conquerors ,and there have always been and will always be the conquered and conscripts


absoluetly, under the guise of their altruistic bullsh*t ...~S~

Okay you got me thinking S. I don't have some Obamian-Trumpian, snarky, ugly, nasty retort.
once one can be honest about who and what the human race are in the broader objective , there is no guilt at all

that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?

Our Aristocrat FF's were never concerned about a 'level playing field' , albeit they foisted a well written document propagating such beliefs.

Our history as a nation, as well as the entire human experience has always been a leg up

We have always been, and will always be conquerors ,and there have always been and will always be the conquered and conscripts


absoluetly, under the guise of their altruistic bullsh*t ...~S~

Okay you got me thinking S. I don't have some Obamian-Trumpian, snarky, ugly, nasty retort.
once one can be honest about who and what the human race are in the broader objective , there is no guilt at all


"absoluetly, under the guise of their altruistic bullsh*t ." Lack of concern for others and BS??
Sparky said:
Our Aristocrat FF's were never concerned about a 'level playing field'
And How Often Will We Have To Re-Level The Same 'Ol Field ??
Everytime The Same Demographic Keeps Losing ??

Unless Primary School Scores
And Drop-Out Rates Can Be Reversed
With-Out Continually Simplifying The Curricula
Functional Illiteracy Will Be A Disaster In A More Technological Future

Erinwltr said:
Lack of concern for others and BS??
'Participation Trophies" Are The Phoniest Concern For Others There Is
It Breeds Losers
It Makes People Comfortable In Their Poverty
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And How Often Will We Have To Re-Level The Same 'Ol Field ??
Everytime The Same Demographic Keeps Losing ??

That so many point out the rights & wrongs , and so little is accomplished makes my point Karpenter

Ask why the wrongs are still with us , why they existed 50 / 100 /1000 years ago in human history

White people feel no shame from the past and how white people have benefitted from it.
  • Thanks
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Bad reputations dont come out of thin air, and how fucking stupid are you to think that white people arent victimized by black people throughout their lives? REALLY? Ive had 3 things on your list happen to me, including the first one.
OK. Let's say a bunch of black people done bad things to you. Now does that mean other black people who have not done them things get tarred with the same brush ?
No, but if you see a consistent pattern of behavior with certain groups, you do keep that in mind. You do it, i do it, we all do it. Like the rest of us, you are less scared when youre walking down a dark street at night, you hear men behind you and you turn around to find a group of white guys, as opposed to black guys. You have less to fear in white neighborhoods.

Sorry, but not all facts are going to be fun, and dont expect me to not point them out.
Fk that, If I see a bunch of white dudes walking behind me at night ? I'm on alert.

Secondly white people make sure they live as far away from black people as possible. So where are these dark streets that whites walk on that could have black people on ?

But go on what happened ? Black men attacked you. Right ?
Even Jesse Jackson knows youre full of shit.

'There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.... After all we have been through. Just to think we can't walk down our own streets, how humiliating.'

Jesse Jackson

You don't get to call Jackson a race pimp, race hustler and race baiter then use his words to validate your racism. Whites have murdered millions, committed countless other crimes and have been the most violent and criminal of all the races since America has been a country.
Uhuh, yet black people are still relieved when it's a white person walking behind them. Black people are universally recognized as the most dangerous group of people on earth, by every other group on earth.
OK. Let's say a bunch of black people done bad things to you. Now does that mean other black people who have not done them things get tarred with the same brush ?
No, but if you see a consistent pattern of behavior with certain groups, you do keep that in mind. You do it, i do it, we all do it. Like the rest of us, you are less scared when youre walking down a dark street at night, you hear men behind you and you turn around to find a group of white guys, as opposed to black guys. You have less to fear in white neighborhoods.

Sorry, but not all facts are going to be fun, and dont expect me to not point them out.
Fk that, If I see a bunch of white dudes walking behind me at night ? I'm on alert.

Secondly white people make sure they live as far away from black people as possible. So where are these dark streets that whites walk on that could have black people on ?

But go on what happened ? Black men attacked you. Right ?
Even Jesse Jackson knows youre full of shit.

'There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.... After all we have been through. Just to think we can't walk down our own streets, how humiliating.'

Jesse Jackson

You don't get to call Jackson a race pimp, race hustler and race baiter then use his words to validate your racism. Whites have murdered millions, committed countless other crimes and have been the most violent and criminal of all the races since America has been a country.
Uhuh, yet black people are still relieved when it's a white person walking behind them. Black people are universally recognized as the most dangerous group of people on earth, by every other group on earth.

Nah, we aren't relieved when a white person is walking behind us. Whites have shown they are the most violent and dangerous group of people on earth.

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