Are Whites Ashamed...

So human nature has somehow evolved?

wow, i never get the memo Molly....:)

of course, humans adjust to their environment, which has changed

You do realize slavery still exists, don't you?

2018 Global Slavery Index

36 MILLION on this rock

So i need to ask, where's the outrage or guilt?

fact is, we've foreign and biz realtionships predicated on their abuse of slaves

Chattel slavery doesn't exist here, so yes, times have changed. Being white does not mean all whites are racist or think they are superior to other races. Why would there be guilt from those who aren't guilty of anything?
I dont care what you maintain. Willful ignorance is something I have come to expect from your kind,.

Spoken like a racist.

Please be specific. What is it you are questioning?

Expand on the "Without black people in Africa..." remark.
You do realize the origins of technology math and science etc originated in Africa correct? Not only was this knowledge passed on to whites once, there was a need to reeducate europeans again.

I said "black tribes in Africa", not Africa. A quick Google search shows that mathematics and science originated mostly in Mesopotamia which is not Africa. Egypt is mentioned in this list but there seems to be some disagreement within the field of anthropology as to what race ancient Egyptians were. In any case, as far as I know, Egyptians were never thought of in terms of "tribes" anyway.

When I say "black tribes of Africa", I'm referring to those peoples in sub-Saharan Africa such as the Zulus, Maasai and Bushmen, among others.
I didnt ask you what you said. I was explaining what I said. and you asked me about.

Your claim is false and even if it were true the original inhabitants of Mesopotamia were Black people (Africans) as well. The first example of math is from the Congo

The Ishango Bone: Craddle of Ancient Mathematics

" the Ishango bone is what is called a bone tool or the cradle of mathematics. Dating as far back as 22000 years ago, in the Upper Paleolitic era, the Ishango bone is a dark brown bone which happens to be the fibula of a baboon, with a sharp piece of quartz affixed to one end for engraving. It is the oldest attestation of the practice of arithmetic in human history. "

When you try to cherry pick which people in Africa I am going to tell you no. You dont get to do that. Thats kind of like me saying I get to pick which white people are white.

I didn't say who was black and who wasn't, I said I was referring to black tribes in sub-Saharan Africa. And, I didn't say Egyptians were not black, I said ANTHROPOLOGISTS are not quite in agreement as to whether they were black or not.

This discussion would go a lot smoother if I didn't have to keep stopping to correct your misinterpretations of my remarks. Pay more attention.

Having said that, first of all, they spelled "cradle" wrong. Secondly, looking around at different sites, there doesn't seem to be a solid consensus as to what exactly this tool was used for. Most say some type of calculator but others suggest it was just the handle of a tool. But even if it was, the first known writing is from Mesopotamia and most of the biggest leaps and bounds in scientific discoveries, innovations and inventions occurred during the Renaissance Era in Europe.
I said I didnt care what you were referring to and I dont care what white people are not in agreement with over Egyptians. I stated whites would have no idea about science, math and technology if not for Black people from Africa. I didnt use the racist term sub saharan African though they were the first to invent some things as well.

I didnt misinterpret anything. I even clarified your question. You just seemed to get a tick up your ass about the answer.

I dont care if they spelled cradle wrong. There doesnt have to be a consensus. You dont ask white boys that were not there. You ask the people from the Congo. They are the only ones that have valid input on the issue. No the first writing is from Egypt. That has been proven even by white boys. Again even it if was Sumer, they were Blacks as well. If not for the Moors (Black people) reeducating europeans, there would have never been a Renaissance Era in europe. Whites in europe were on their way back to caveman status. There is a reason they called it the Dark Ages.
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IM2 said:
Nah, we aren't relieved when a white person is walking behind us.
Liar, Liar
Pants On Fire

But All Your Posts Are Based On Lies
I Think It's Hilarious That You Yell Racist The Loudest
Yet Your Handle Is 'I.M.2'....
Yeah, You Are

From Actual Black 'Leadership':

“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”

Jesse Jackson
Who told you Jesse Jackson represented all Black people?
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Asclepias said:
Who told you Jesse Jackson represented all Black people?
Are You Denying He's A Foremost Civil Rights Leader ??
And What Black People Do YOU Represent, By Comparison ??

C'mon, Liar
Let's Hear Your Double-Speakin' Bullshit

Prove The Explorers Weren't Lying
When They Noticed The Natives
Made Up Lies To Suit The Moment

Just Like Your African History Revisionist Professors Of Today
Last edited:
IM2 said:
Nah, we aren't relieved when a white person is walking behind us.
Liar, Liar
Pants On Fire

But All Your Posts Are Based On Lies
I Think It's Hilarious That You Yell Racist The Loudest
Yet Your Handle Is 'I.M.2'....
Yeah, You Are

From Actual Black 'Leadership':

“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”

Jesse Jackson

"Racism as a form of skin worship, and as a sickness and a pathological anxiety for America, is so great, until the poor whites -- rather than fighting for jobs or education -- fight to remain pink and fight to remain white. And therefore they cannot see an alliance with people that they feel to be inherently inferior. "
Jesse Jackson
The white racist guide to black crime
Wednesday April 4th 2012 by abagond

You too can look at black crime just like a white racist. Just follow my seven easy steps:

  1. Trust the news to give you a balanced picture. If most men arrested on the evening news are black, then blacks commit the most crimes! See how simple that is? If most of the black criminals on the news are psychopathic killers and not two-bit robbers, then that is because most black criminals are psychopathic killers and not two-bit robbers. No need to think. Just trust the good white people at the news room to get it right. Unlike black people, their judgement is not clouded by race.
  2. Attribution error: When white people do something bad it is due to circumstances, a bad upbringing, a psychological disorder or something. Because, apart from a few bad apples, white people are Basically Good. Everyone knows it. But when black people do something bad it is because they were born that way. They try to put up this front of being good but given the right circumstances their true nature comes out. Sad but true.
  3. Know your stereotypes! Stereotypes come from hundreds of years of white insight into the true nature of black people. The important stereotype here is the Black Brute: blacks were all savages till white people saved them and brought them to America. Whites taught them civilization, but deep down they are still savages. All those black criminal psychopaths on the evening news prove it! And, as if that was not bad enough:
  4. Black people want revenge! They are still whining about slavery over a hundred years later! They will not get over it and move on like whites have. They are just bursting with hatred for white people. They are just waiting for a chance to get back at them. Most black-on-white crimes are, truth be told, hate crimes.
  5. Know what Jesse Jackson said! No need to listen to all those whining speeches of his. Just remember the only reasonable thing he ever said:
    There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery, then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.

    See? And he is black! So how can it be racist to profile blacks and be afraid of them?

  6. Know the tell-tale signs: Black criminals dress like black people! Like wearing hoodies or wearing their pants hanging down. When whites dress that way it is for fashion or comfort. When blacks do it it means they are a criminal or want to be one. Know the difference!
  7. Do not read the FBI or DOJ numbers for yourself. Trust the experts at American Renaissance or Stormfront to twist the numbers for you. If someone points out how twisted those numbers are, just find some other source or some other way to twist them. Or just repeat them! After all, everyone knows blacks are criminal by nature. The numbers prove it!
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?
Seriously? Not even. Do blacks cringe when they read about the out of proportion crime rates? In the 21st century we are suposed to transcend race, but um, well, race hucksters LOVE that blame racism gambit. Vietnamese never play that card. They got over it and transcended. Blacks need to take a page from their book. Please, nobody is stopping blacks but themselves.
Asclepias said:
Who told you Jesse Jackson represented all Black people?
Are You Denying He's A Foremost Civil Rights Leader ??
And What Black People Do YOU Represent, By Comparison ??

C'mon, Liar
Let's Hear Your Double-Speakin' Bullshit

Prove The Explorers Weren't Lying
When They Noticed The Natives
Made Up Lies To Suit The Moment

Just Like Your African History Revisionist Professors Of Today

We don't have to prove a damn thing to you. The fact is whites are the ones that believe a revised version of life. We'll start with this- Racial superiority of whites.

that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?
Seriously? Not even. Do blacks cringe when they read about the out of proportion crime rates? In the 21st century we are suposed to transcend race, but um, well, race hucksters LOVE that blame racism gambit. Vietnamese never play that card. They got over it and transcended. Blacks need to take a page from their book. Please, nobody is stopping blacks but themselves.

You're dumb. Nothing you say is never true.
THE MOORS | When Black People Ruled Europe | Real Black History Revealed

that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?
Seriously? Not even. Do blacks cringe when they read about the out of proportion crime rates? In the 21st century we are suposed to transcend race, but um, well, race hucksters LOVE that blame racism gambit. Vietnamese never play that card. They got over it and transcended. Blacks need to take a page from their book. Please, nobody is stopping blacks but themselves.

You're dumb. Nothing you say is never true.
Your best reply is " I am dumb". Well, I am realistic .At base, I lived with blacks for longer than you have been alive. Sock it to me! And the high black crime rate and the whole blame whitey thingy, that doesn't work anymore. I have seen entire groups get over their baggage but blacks can't. Why is that? Racism can only go so far...Blacks need to own up to their failures. And get over it.
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?
Seriously? Not even. Do blacks cringe when they read about the out of proportion crime rates? In the 21st century we are suposed to transcend race, but um, well, race hucksters LOVE that blame racism gambit. Vietnamese never play that card. They got over it and transcended. Blacks need to take a page from their book. Please, nobody is stopping blacks but themselves.

You're dumb. Nothing you say is never true.
Your best reply is " I am dumb". Well, I am realistic .At base, I lived with blacks for longer than you have been alive. Sock it to me! And the high black crime crime rate and the whole blame whitey thingy, that doesn't work anymore. I have seen entire groups get over their baggage but blacks can't. Why is that? Racism can only go so far...Blacks need to own up to their failures. And get over it.

I am black you stupid woman. Been black for 57 years. I don't think you've lived with blacks that long. I say you're dumb because you are dumb. Nothing you say is right. It never is.
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?
Seriously? Not even. Do blacks cringe when they read about the out of proportion crime rates? In the 21st century we are suposed to transcend race, but um, well, race hucksters LOVE that blame racism gambit. Vietnamese never play that card. They got over it and transcended. Blacks need to take a page from their book. Please, nobody is stopping blacks but themselves.

You're dumb. Nothing you say is never true.
Your best reply is " I am dumb". Well, I am realistic .At base, I lived with blacks for longer than you have been alive. Sock it to me! And the high black crime crime rate and the whole blame whitey thingy, that doesn't work anymore. I have seen entire groups get over their baggage but blacks can't. Why is that? Racism can only go so far...Blacks need to own up to their failures. And get over it.

I am black you stupid woman. Been black for 57 years. I don't think you've lived with blacks that long. I say you're dumb because you are dumb. Nothing you say is right. It never is.
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?
Seriously? Not even. Do blacks cringe when they read about the out of proportion crime rates? In the 21st century we are suposed to transcend race, but um, well, race hucksters LOVE that blame racism gambit. Vietnamese never play that card. They got over it and transcended. Blacks need to take a page from their book. Please, nobody is stopping blacks but themselves.

You're dumb. Nothing you say is never true.
Your best reply is " I am dumb". Well, I am realistic .At base, I lived with blacks for longer than you have been alive. Sock it to me! And the high black crime crime rate and the whole blame whitey thingy, that doesn't work anymore. I have seen entire groups get over their baggage but blacks can't. Why is that? Racism can only go so far...Blacks need to own up to their failures. And get over it.

I am black you stupid woman. Been black for 57 years. I don't think you've lived with blacks that long. I say you're dumb because you are dumb. Nothing you say is right. It never is.
We must live in totally different universes. I won't call you names. Nope. Blacks tend to be the criminal base and other groups have transcended, blacks seem to cling to that and are stuck in a time loop. Racism isn't the problem, it used to be. Not now.
IM2 said:
We don't have to prove a damn thing to you.
You Just Proved Something Alright....

The Rest Of Your Post
Just Proves More Of Your Black Nationalist Racist Bigotry
...And Ignorance
MaryL said:
Racism isn't the problem, it used to be. Not now.
Racism Is A Problem
And It Comes From The Blacks

It Becomes Blaringly Obvious
When The Demographic Of An Area Hits About 20%
And That's My Personal, Anecdotal Witness

If You Want To Dig Through Crime Stats
You'll Probably Find That's A Pretty Good Guestimate On My Part
Spoken like a racist.

Expand on the "Without black people in Africa..." remark.
You do realize the origins of technology math and science etc originated in Africa correct? Not only was this knowledge passed on to whites once, there was a need to reeducate europeans again.

I said "black tribes in Africa", not Africa. A quick Google search shows that mathematics and science originated mostly in Mesopotamia which is not Africa. Egypt is mentioned in this list but there seems to be some disagreement within the field of anthropology as to what race ancient Egyptians were. In any case, as far as I know, Egyptians were never thought of in terms of "tribes" anyway.

When I say "black tribes of Africa", I'm referring to those peoples in sub-Saharan Africa such as the Zulus, Maasai and Bushmen, among others.
I didnt ask you what you said. I was explaining what I said. and you asked me about.

Your claim is false and even if it were true the original inhabitants of Mesopotamia were Black people (Africans) as well. The first example of math is from the Congo

The Ishango Bone: Craddle of Ancient Mathematics

" the Ishango bone is what is called a bone tool or the cradle of mathematics. Dating as far back as 22000 years ago, in the Upper Paleolitic era, the Ishango bone is a dark brown bone which happens to be the fibula of a baboon, with a sharp piece of quartz affixed to one end for engraving. It is the oldest attestation of the practice of arithmetic in human history. "

When you try to cherry pick which people in Africa I am going to tell you no. You dont get to do that. Thats kind of like me saying I get to pick which white people are white.

I didn't say who was black and who wasn't, I said I was referring to black tribes in sub-Saharan Africa. And, I didn't say Egyptians were not black, I said ANTHROPOLOGISTS are not quite in agreement as to whether they were black or not.

This discussion would go a lot smoother if I didn't have to keep stopping to correct your misinterpretations of my remarks. Pay more attention.

Having said that, first of all, they spelled "cradle" wrong. Secondly, looking around at different sites, there doesn't seem to be a solid consensus as to what exactly this tool was used for. Most say some type of calculator but others suggest it was just the handle of a tool. But even if it was, the first known writing is from Mesopotamia and most of the biggest leaps and bounds in scientific discoveries, innovations and inventions occurred during the Renaissance Era in Europe.
I said I didnt care what you were referring to and I dont care what white people are not in agreement with over Egyptians.

How do you know they're white? Did it even occur to you that some anthropologists may be black?

I stated whites would have no idea about science, math and technology if not for Black people from Africa. I didnt use the racist term sub saharan African though they were the first to invent some things as well.

You do understand that "sub-Saharan" Africa simply refers to the geographic area of Africa below the Sahara, right?

I didnt misinterpret anything. I even clarified your question. You just seemed to get a tick up your ass about the answer.

You said: "Thats kind of like me saying I get to pick which white people are white."

I assumed you were implying that I was trying to say who was and who wasn't black in Africa. If that is what you meant then it was a misinterpretation. If that's not what you meant then choose your words more carefully.

I dont care if they spelled cradle wrong. There doesnt have to be a consensus.

Um, that's how science works my friend. You don't get to arbitrarily declare what an artifact was used for. There has to be peer review studies and tests to confirm the hypothesis. You hypothesize then study and test to prove the hypothesis. Once you do, others will want to do their own studies to confirm or disconfirm your findings. That's the way science works. Ask IM2 about peer review studies. He demands them all the time.

You dont ask white boys that were not there. You ask the people from the Congo. They are the only ones that have valid input on the issue.

Are there any trained paleoanthropologists in the Congo? If so, fine. If not, the average Congolese citizen won't know shit about it.

No the first writing is from Egypt. That has been proven even by white boys.

Wrong, it was Sumeria. Look it up.

Again even it if was Sumer, they were Blacks as well.

Wrong again Pee Wee. I don't know where you get your information from but when I do a search on Sumerian race, all the illustrations I've seen depict them as Arab looking.

If not for the Moors (Black people) reeducating europeans, there would have never been a Renaissance Era in europe. Whites in europe were on their way back to caveman status. There is a reason they called it the Dark Ages.

And how did the Moors come to be in Europe? They conquered just like whites did.
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?
Seriously? Not even. Do blacks cringe when they read about the out of proportion crime rates? In the 21st century we are suposed to transcend race, but um, well, race hucksters LOVE that blame racism gambit. Vietnamese never play that card. They got over it and transcended. Blacks need to take a page from their book. Please, nobody is stopping blacks but themselves.

You're dumb. Nothing you say is never true.
Your best reply is " I am dumb". Well, I am realistic .At base, I lived with blacks for longer than you have been alive. Sock it to me! And the high black crime crime rate and the whole blame whitey thingy, that doesn't work anymore. I have seen entire groups get over their baggage but blacks can't. Why is that? Racism can only go so far...Blacks need to own up to their failures. And get over it.

I am black you stupid woman. Been black for 57 years. I don't think you've lived with blacks that long. I say you're dumb because you are dumb. Nothing you say is right. It never is.
We must live in totally different universes. I won't call you names. Nope. Blacks tend to be the criminal base and other groups have transcended, blacks seem to cling to that and are stuck in a time loop. Racism isn't the problem, it used to be. Not now.

Once again you are totally wrong.
MaryL said:
Racism isn't the problem, it used to be. Not now.
Racism Is A Problem
And It Comes From The Blacks

It Becomes Blaringly Obvious
When The Demographic Of An Area Hits About 20%
And That's My Personal, Anecdotal Witness

If You Want To Dig Through Crime Stats
You'll Probably Find That's A Pretty Good Guestimate On My Part

Of you dig through crime stats you see whites lead in almost very category. 27 out of 30 to be exact. That includes violent crime.
IM2 said:
We don't have to prove a damn thing to you.
You Just Proved Something Alright....

The Rest Of Your Post
Just Proves More Of Your Black Nationalist Racist Bigotry
...And Ignorance

I'm not a black nationalist and you are the ignorant bigot.

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