Are Whites Ashamed...

White people feel no shame from the past and how white people have benefitted from it.

Damn right!

Just like Negroes don't feel any shame for 3,000 years of Black slavery in Africa.

Deflecting from the racism in America to talk about prisoners of war or criminals being slaves just shows you are too much of a coward to face the truth.
No, but if you see a consistent pattern of behavior with certain groups, you do keep that in mind. You do it, i do it, we all do it. Like the rest of us, you are less scared when youre walking down a dark street at night, you hear men behind you and you turn around to find a group of white guys, as opposed to black guys. You have less to fear in white neighborhoods.

Sorry, but not all facts are going to be fun, and dont expect me to not point them out.
Fk that, If I see a bunch of white dudes walking behind me at night ? I'm on alert.

Secondly white people make sure they live as far away from black people as possible. So where are these dark streets that whites walk on that could have black people on ?

But go on what happened ? Black men attacked you. Right ?
Even Jesse Jackson knows youre full of shit.

'There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.... After all we have been through. Just to think we can't walk down our own streets, how humiliating.'

Jesse Jackson

You don't get to call Jackson a race pimp, race hustler and race baiter then use his words to validate your racism. Whites have murdered millions, committed countless other crimes and have been the most violent and criminal of all the races since America has been a country.
Uhuh, yet black people are still relieved when it's a white person walking behind them. Black people are universally recognized as the most dangerous group of people on earth, by every other group on earth.

Nah, we aren't relieved when a white person is walking behind us. Whites have shown they are the most violent and dangerous group of people on earth.
No one believes that, not even yourself. Lying isnt going to help your case.
So human nature has somehow evolved?

wow, i never get the memo Molly....:)

of course, humans adjust to their environment, which has changed
Your history as documented by those of your own race support this conclusion. I mean can you explain how it is that Blacks have gone to all the continents without creating the genocide, theft, and general mayhem that whites have done?

Wrong. White history only documents more killed, not that they are inherently more prone to violence. And whites killed more because they could. I.E., for whatever reason, black tribes in Africa never developed as fast as the rest of the world in terms of technology and science. Therefore, they didn't have the destructive weapons of war and ships to migrate and conquer other lands and peoples, much less the ambition to do so. Whites are not more prone to kill and conquer, they just did it first.

Violence is a human trait, not a white one.
Nope White history not only documents more killed it pushes the doctrine of "manifest destiny." Should I provide you a link on what that is?

It wouldn't matter, I will still maintain that violence is a human trait, not a white one.

Without Black people in Africa you whites wouldnt even know what technology and science means.

I may regret asking this but: What?

I dont care what you maintain. Willful ignorance is something I have come to expect from your kind,.

Spoken like a racist.

Please be specific. What is it you are questioning?

Expand on the "Without black people in Africa..." remark.
You do realize the origins of technology math and science etc originated in Africa correct? Not only was this knowledge passed on to whites once, there was a need to reeducate europeans again.
White people feel no shame from the past and how white people have benefitted from it.

Damn right!

Just like Negroes don't feel any shame for 3,000 years of Black slavery in Africa.

Deflecting from the racism in America to talk about prisoners of war or criminals being slaves just shows you are too much of a coward to face the truth.

Whites are newcomers when it comes to slavery. The Blacks in Africa have been at it for millenniums.

Reminding you of it isn't deflection. It is the truth. There is still slavery in Africa today, not to mention mass killings of Christians and mutation of girls. The Negroes in Africa keeps it the Dark Continent.

Blacks need to get down on their knees and beg forgiveness to he civilized world for being assholes.

American Blacks need to apologize to us Whites for being on welfare, having tremendous crime and electing bat shit crazy hateful Democrats like Maxine Waters.
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?

The reason slavery existed was greed. Blacks kidnapped and sold their brothers as slaves to make money, then the slave owners made a fortune using free labor.

What I find amazing is, these same "white devils" you seem to want to condemn also fought a Civil War over, killing over a million other white devils, to extinguish a wrong of the past. There was no outward force to correct their injustices, such as the US marching into Germany for forcibly make them end the Holocaust. No, these men were motivated by the roots of their Christian beliefs and the Constitution to rise up and end slavery once and for all.

Thomas Jefferson wished to include freedom for slaves in the Declaration of Independence, but was warned to take it out least the Southern colonies would not sign on. It's called compromising your moral code and it cost the next generation over a million dead.

What you may not know, though, is that there is more slavery today than at any other time in history. You act as though "blacks" are the only ones in this world who have suffered from it or are suffering from it, yet history and the present tell us otherwise.

Here are some uncomfortable facts for you. Human nature demands slavery. We see this in ancient history as most men were either slaves or forced to fight for their elitist leader. We also see this in slavery today, such as human trafficking.

The irony here is, in the 1800's slavery was legal and today it is illegal, yet we have more of it today.

Here is a suggestion. Get off your arse feeling sorry for yourself or blaming men of slavery that occurred over a hundred years ago and do something about the slavery going on in your back yard.
I agree with only your first sentence. Whites were greedy. Other than that it looks like you visited the WPVE for your information.

Whites didnt fight the Civil War to end slavery. Lincoln himself said he would keep people enslaved if it meant saving the union.

Thomas jefferson had slaves until the day he died. There was no moral code apparent.

I stopped reading the rest because it was a massive deflection from the point.

So black Africans did not sell their brothers into slavery to White Americans for profit? Is this what you are saying?

Also, I would agree with you that Lincoln would have allowed slavery to exist if only the Southern states would return to the Union. However, what led up to that? What led up to that were the slaves states vs. the free states. No state could come into the union as a free state or a slave state unless there was a free or slave state to even up the power on a federal level.

So yea, Lincoln would have sold his soul to have the South return, like Jefferson did by not demanding the slaves not be freed. So what? The fact of the matter is, slavery was the driving force for the Civil war. Then once the South did not return to the Union, Lincoln had no choice but t snuff out the one thing that had divided the nation to begin with by outlawing slavery.

Unfortunately, power corrupts. For example, Jefferson wanted to outlaw the Alien and Sedition Acts which made speaking out against the government as being illegal. A curious thing though, after becoming President he took advantage of these laws before finally snuffing them out. What remained of them FDR used to imprison innocent Japanese Americans. Jefferson freed his lover slave and her family but not the rest of his slaves after he died, just like he took advantage of the Alien and Sedition Acts before trying to do away with them. He was a conflicted soul and fell short of the mark, but at least he was aware of his own failings.

As for feeling guilty, who should feel more guilt? Should it be whites feeling guilty for something that happened hundreds of years prior to their existence, or should they feel more guilty for slavery that is occurring in their own back yard as we speak as they do nothing? About 2 out of every thousand are estimated as being slaves in the US today.
Yes thats exactly what I am saying. To be blunt its a lie whites made up to deflect from their actions.

Not sure what you mean by what led up to it or why thats even relevant to the point.

No slavery was never the driving force. The driving force was keeping the union together. Freeing the enslaved was a punishment forced upon the south. Lincoln told the south that he was going to support an amendment to legalize slavery forever prior to the war. They still wanted to leave.

I said nothing about feeling guilty. I asked if there was any embarrassment or anger.

So you are in the position of saying that whites changed history to make blacks look bad.

Do you have any evidence for this?

Additionally, do you think it is a lie of the media when they say that most black homicides are between black folk?
Yes I have evidence of this.

No I dont think its a lie. Just like most white homicides are between white folk it would only stand to reason the same would be true of any racial group.
I disagree. Its inherent in racism that whites believe they are special. How do you think Drumpf got elected?

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

Quoting a racist like LBJ doesnt mean it applies to everyone. not by a long shot. Thats a dumb ass quote by the way.

Trump got elected because people wanted a business man who they thought would probably be better at creating jobs... which theoretically should help everyone, white, black, latino.. VS Hillary who a lot of people see as a political insider waiting for her turn.
Its a true ass quote. Its a reflection of white philosophy and component of racism

Drumpf got elected because he appealed to the racist in every white person that voted for him. Now take a guess what demographic voted for him the most?

thats your opinion. If some racists voted for trump, that doesnt mean what you say about other white people. Why couldn't white people have voted for trump, for the same reason Asians did? or other black people or Hispanics? Looking at the color of voters is a very superficial observation of why someone voted, but you are entitled to that opinion
So you think the support for Drumpf from the KKK and Nazis was just some bizarre coincidence and you actually expect me to believe his rhetoric was not geared at racists?

Far Right groups like nazis and KKK were never going to vote for Hillary just like far left Communists and Anarchists are not likely to vote Republican. None of these groups represent normal every day people which make up most of the country. The Rhetoric was coming mostly from the News media trying to paint Trump as a racist no matter what he said. Example, he wanted to ban travel from SPECIFIC muslim countries and then the news media says he wanted to ban Muslims. Obama had previously labeled those same countries as sources of Terror. There you go . Trump hates muslims... racist! bull shit, its just politics because they wanted Hillary for president, and this isn't stopping from the left.
You forget Drumpf specifically targeted Muslims. Prior to ever running for office he took out full page ad against the Central Park 5 (Black people) who were fully exonerated. He was sued for not renting to Blacks. His rhetoric is supported by racists. No intelligent person is going to believe Drumpf is not racist.
Blacks did the vast majority of building this country. For free.

The blacks didn’t build anything. All they did was pick cotton, and it certainly wasn’t free. They had everything provided to them as slaves. Whites paid for their food, shelter, and health care. Funny that now they still want whites to pay for all that for them, just without doing any work in return.

More dumb whiteness.

Yes it is dumb of white liberals to keep wanting to pay blacks for no work.
Dumb white conservatives are paid to collect more welfare than any demographic.

What’s wrong with white people taking care of their own?

Question is, why don’t blacks do the same?
What does that have to do with my point?
I bet a lot of white people (mostly Northern white people) believe Abraham Lincoln was not a racist motherfucker.
He also lived in the 1800’s. I figure he was ahead of the curve.

And he didn’t think human beings should be properly. And that puts him ahead of a good percentage of trumptards.
You do realize Lincoln was going to make it legal for Blacks to be enslaved for the duration of this country dont you?

Yes. Do you also realize it was passed by both houses and ratified by several states before the civil war interrupted it? Its still alive today.

The 'Ghost Amendment' That Haunts Lincoln's Legacy

"But the 13th Amendment we know now differs substantially from the one first proposed. The initial amendment would have made slavery constitutional and permanent — and Lincoln supported it."

"The Corwin Amendment was an effort to placate the South and contain secessionist sentiment. It proposed to do three things. First, to protect slavery by giving each state the power to regulate the “domestic institutions” within its borders. This was an enticing carrot for the slave states: stay in the Union and you can keep slavery. Second, to dispossess Congress of the power to “abolish or interfere” with slavery. And third, to make itself unamendable by providing that “no amendment shall be made to the Constitution” that would undo the Corwin Amendment."

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So human nature has somehow evolved?

wow, i never get the memo Molly....:)

of course, humans adjust to their environment, which has changed[/QUOTE]

You do realize slavery still exists, don't you?

2018 Global Slavery Index

36 MILLION on this rock

So i need to ask, where's the outrage or guilt?

fact is, we've foreign and biz realtionships predicated on their abuse of slaves

So human nature has somehow evolved?

wow, i never get the memo Molly....:)

of course, humans adjust to their environment, which has changed

You do realize slavery still exists, don't you?

2018 Global Slavery Index

36 MILLION on this rock

So i need to ask, where's the outrage or guilt?

fact is, we've foreign and biz realtionships predicated on their abuse of slaves

Hell slavery is still legal and being practiced here in the US.
:aargh: Racial problems in America in 2018.



Most racial problems were done for 30 years before Obama.

He's not even ary a bit American, wtf? :dunno:

Dumbasses fall prey to his rabble-rousing? :cuckoo:
Wrong. White history only documents more killed, not that they are inherently more prone to violence. And whites killed more because they could. I.E., for whatever reason, black tribes in Africa never developed as fast as the rest of the world in terms of technology and science. Therefore, they didn't have the destructive weapons of war and ships to migrate and conquer other lands and peoples, much less the ambition to do so. Whites are not more prone to kill and conquer, they just did it first.

Violence is a human trait, not a white one.
Nope White history not only documents more killed it pushes the doctrine of "manifest destiny." Should I provide you a link on what that is?

It wouldn't matter, I will still maintain that violence is a human trait, not a white one.

Without Black people in Africa you whites wouldnt even know what technology and science means.

I may regret asking this but: What?

I dont care what you maintain. Willful ignorance is something I have come to expect from your kind,.

Spoken like a racist.

Please be specific. What is it you are questioning?

Expand on the "Without black people in Africa..." remark.
You do realize the origins of technology math and science etc originated in Africa correct? Not only was this knowledge passed on to whites once, there was a need to reeducate europeans again.

I said "black tribes in Africa", not Africa. A quick Google search shows that mathematics and science originated mostly in Mesopotamia which is not Africa. Egypt is mentioned in this list but there seems to be some disagreement within the field of anthropology as to what race ancient Egyptians were. In any case, as far as I know, Egyptians were never thought of in terms of "tribes" anyway.

When I say "black tribes of Africa", I'm referring to those peoples in sub-Saharan Africa such as the Zulus, Maasai and Bushmen, among others.
Nope White history not only documents more killed it pushes the doctrine of "manifest destiny." Should I provide you a link on what that is?

It wouldn't matter, I will still maintain that violence is a human trait, not a white one.

Without Black people in Africa you whites wouldnt even know what technology and science means.

I may regret asking this but: What?

I dont care what you maintain. Willful ignorance is something I have come to expect from your kind,.

Spoken like a racist.

Please be specific. What is it you are questioning?

Expand on the "Without black people in Africa..." remark.
You do realize the origins of technology math and science etc originated in Africa correct? Not only was this knowledge passed on to whites once, there was a need to reeducate europeans again.

I said "black tribes in Africa", not Africa. A quick Google search shows that mathematics and science originated mostly in Mesopotamia which is not Africa. Egypt is mentioned in this list but there seems to be some disagreement within the field of anthropology as to what race ancient Egyptians were. In any case, as far as I know, Egyptians were never thought of in terms of "tribes" anyway.

When I say "black tribes of Africa", I'm referring to those peoples in sub-Saharan Africa such as the Zulus, Maasai and Bushmen, among others.
I didnt ask you what you said. I was explaining what I said. and you asked me about.

Your claim is false and even if it were true the original inhabitants of Mesopotamia were Black people (Africans) as well. The first example of math is from the Congo

The Ishango Bone: Craddle of Ancient Mathematics

" the Ishango bone is what is called a bone tool or the cradle of mathematics. Dating as far back as 22000 years ago, in the Upper Paleolitic era, the Ishango bone is a dark brown bone which happens to be the fibula of a baboon, with a sharp piece of quartz affixed to one end for engraving. It is the oldest attestation of the practice of arithmetic in human history. "

When you try to cherry pick which people in Africa I am going to tell you no. You dont get to do that. Thats kind of like me saying I get to pick which white people are white.
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karpenter said:
Until We've Gotten To Where We Are Today

Where You Grievance Whores
Can Only Squall About Micro-Aggressions
Phantom Privileges And Perceived Dirty Looks

Now Back To Your Black Nationalist Web-Sites For Your "Facts"
Because You're Just A Bunch Of Racist Grievance Whores

IM2 said:
Really? Is that so?
It IS So

Meet Professor Ibram X. Kendi
Professor Ibram X. Kendi joined the department of history faculty in August this year as an assistant professor.
He has a joint appointment with the African American Studies program,
and is one of our department’s two recently hired junior professors, the first in many–too many–years.

Oh, Here We Go ^ ^ ^ !!

Dr. Kendi completed the PhD at Temple University in 2010, after earning a BA from Florida A & M University.
He studies racists and antiracist ideas and movements

His award-winning book, The Black Campus Movement: Black Students and the Racial Reconstitution of Higher Education, 1965-1972, appeared in 2012. The recipient of numerous research fellowships and grants, he is currently working on two books, Stamped from the Beginning: A Narrative History of Racist Ideas in America, and Black Apple: A History of Malcolm X in New York.

PC Correct Left University Revisionist History
...And Grievance Whore

Could You Please Quote Me Some Works Of Rachel Dolezal

And Let's Not Forget Where America Put This Guy:


U.S. Government.
African Americans in the 114th Congress. A list of the African-Americans currently serving in the 114th Congress. There are 46 black members in the House of Representatives and 2 in the Senate.
African Americans in the 114th Congress


Here is the king of the racial grievance industry.

Blacks did the vast majority of building this country. For free.

The blacks didn’t build anything. All they did was pick cotton, and it certainly wasn’t free. They had everything provided to them as slaves. Whites paid for their food, shelter, and health care. Funny that now they still want whites to pay for all that for them, just without doing any work in return.

More dumb whiteness.

Yes it is dumb of white liberals to keep wanting to pay blacks for no work.
Dumb white conservatives are paid to collect more welfare than any demographic.

What’s wrong with white people taking care of their own?

Question is, why don’t blacks do the same?

Just how many whites suffer from this same mental instability?
IM2 said:
Nah, we aren't relieved when a white person is walking behind us.
Liar, Liar
Pants On Fire

But All Your Posts Are Based On Lies
I Think It's Hilarious That You Yell Racist The Loudest
Yet Your Handle Is 'I.M.2'....
Yeah, You Are

From Actual Black 'Leadership':

“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”

Jesse Jackson
It wouldn't matter, I will still maintain that violence is a human trait, not a white one.

I may regret asking this but: What?

I dont care what you maintain. Willful ignorance is something I have come to expect from your kind,.

Spoken like a racist.

Please be specific. What is it you are questioning?

Expand on the "Without black people in Africa..." remark.
You do realize the origins of technology math and science etc originated in Africa correct? Not only was this knowledge passed on to whites once, there was a need to reeducate europeans again.

I said "black tribes in Africa", not Africa. A quick Google search shows that mathematics and science originated mostly in Mesopotamia which is not Africa. Egypt is mentioned in this list but there seems to be some disagreement within the field of anthropology as to what race ancient Egyptians were. In any case, as far as I know, Egyptians were never thought of in terms of "tribes" anyway.

When I say "black tribes of Africa", I'm referring to those peoples in sub-Saharan Africa such as the Zulus, Maasai and Bushmen, among others.
I didnt ask you what you said. I was explaining what I said. and you asked me about.

Your claim is false and even if it were true the original inhabitants of Mesopotamia were Black people (Africans) as well. The first example of math is from the Congo

The Ishango Bone: Craddle of Ancient Mathematics

" the Ishango bone is what is called a bone tool or the cradle of mathematics. Dating as far back as 22000 years ago, in the Upper Paleolitic era, the Ishango bone is a dark brown bone which happens to be the fibula of a baboon, with a sharp piece of quartz affixed to one end for engraving. It is the oldest attestation of the practice of arithmetic in human history. "

When you try to cherry pick which people in Africa I am going to tell you no. You dont get to do that. Thats kind of like me saying I get to pick which white people are white.

I didn't say who was black and who wasn't, I said I was referring to black tribes in sub-Saharan Africa. And, I didn't say Egyptians were not black, I said ANTHROPOLOGISTS are not quite in agreement as to whether they were black or not.

This discussion would go a lot smoother if I didn't have to keep stopping to correct your misinterpretations of my remarks. Pay more attention.

Having said that, first of all, they spelled "cradle" wrong. Secondly, looking around at different sites, there doesn't seem to be a solid consensus as to what exactly this tool was used for. Most say some type of calculator but others suggest it was just the handle of a tool. But even if it was, the first known writing is from Mesopotamia and most of the biggest leaps and bounds in scientific discoveries, innovations and inventions occurred during the Renaissance Era in Europe.

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