Are Whites Ashamed...

that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?
The Most Important Thing Was To Shake-Off Foreign Tyranny
That Was Done...Twice
The Rest Of Your Grievances
Have Been Worked On Progressively
Until We've Gotten To Where We Are Today

Where You Grievance Whores
Can Only Squall About Micro-Aggressions
Phantom Privileges And Perceived Dirty Looks

Hate For You To Take Responsibility For Your Own
Self-Inflicted Problems

But I Have Seen From Almost All Your
....And Your Buddy's Posts
That You Have No Intention Of Ever Doing That
Because You Are Grievance Whores

Now Back To Your Black Nationalist Web-Sites For Your "Facts"
What did foreign tyranny have to do with enslaving people? Why is it taking so long to "work on it" as you say? How many centuries do you need before you level the field?
MLK also wanted affirmative action only for Blacks. I agree he was a much better man.
Well, there had to be some form of reparation. At that time, not one black person had ever attended my university. They went to the black "equivalent" know as Prairie View A&M. There had to be some form of allowing blacks to cut in line to make up for all the prior removal from the line.

But, now, in Texas, I think we are fixing the problem without affirmative action. Top 10% of your high school graduating class gets you automatic admission in any public university in Texas. White kids can't bitch about affirmative action and black kids from Houston, Dallas, etc. get in without question. That has caused A&M admissions to swell, which makes A&M drop down the rankings, but the percentage of black kids going to A&M has increased without basing admissions on race. And if they came to A&M, they chose A&M over all other universities in Texas, and they are our brothers and sisters forever.

I my opinion, it was worth the rankings sacrifice. I welcome a more diverse alum network, and nobody can be bitter about any spots being "stolen" on the basis of race.
What's the matter, Rwandan Genocide atrocity not atrocious enough for you?

Given the savagery of the Rwandan Genocide and considering that up to 800,000 people were slaughtered within a hundred days, do you really think skin color had anything to do with the lower body count than the Holocaust?

If there had been 6 million Hutus to kill and they had enough time (the Holocaust lasted four years) and no one to stop them, given the nature and level of butchery, I've no doubt they would have killed that many.

You guys always look at these things in terms of body counts and while body counts are interesting factoids, they say nothing about the soul of one race as compared to another. History has proven that no one race is more capable of atrocity than another.
When you used Rwanda you not only failed the described terms, you forgot that the Rwanda massacre was a direct result of white people fucking up in Africa.

I asked IM2 this question in another thread and he refused to answer so I'll ask you: If the actions of the white colonizers is directly responsible and to be blamed for the hatred between the Hutus and Tutsis and the subsequent genocide, who is responsible for my racism?

The question was to name one atrocity whites have not committed that was worse. Since whites have clearly killed (by a vast amount) more people at a single instance than any atrocity known to man your example fails.

The question is irrelevant and based on a false premise that whites are inherently more evil. Unless we're talking strictly about numbers for the sake of discussing generic information, the body counts mean nothing. However, if we're talking about the capability to do evil, Rwanda disproves your premise at one machete stroke. On top of that, the 1994 genocide was not the only one in that country. There was one in 1972 started by the Tutsis where at least 80,000 were killed. The Hutu armed response to this massacre resulted in thousands more killed. So not only are Rwandans guilty of genocide, they are twice guilty.

A quick look at some of the actions by the Hutu perpetrators: Hutus not only killed Tutsis, they slaughtered moderate members and Tutsi sympathizers within their own tribe; Hutu husbands killed their own Tutsi wives; Tutsis women were taken away as sex slaves; Children were clubbed and hacked to death along with adults; HIV-infected patients were formed into "rape squads" to rape and infect Tutsi women; Men and women both suffered sexual mutilation (some after having been raped) by having their genitalia hacked with machetes, knives, and sharp sticks and doused with acid.There's more but I think you get the idea.

So this raises another question: Does it require any more evil to put someone in a gas chamber than to hack a child to death with a machete?

I disagree. Whites as a group are more violent, more savage, more bellicose than any other race on the planet. Your history is littered with atrocities. These atrocities were not committed as a result of self defense. They were committed because whites felt they were superior. In effect the "manifest destiny" philosophy was at work when whites committed their atrocities.

A list of some of the worst African wars since the end of WWII and the Holocaust:

First Sudanese War, 1955 - 1972 - 500,000 dead.
Second Sudanese War, 1983 - 2005 - 1-2 million dead.
Lord's Resistance Army Insurgency, 1987 - present - 100,000+ dead so far.
War in Darfur, 2003 - present - 300,000 dead so far.
South Sudanese Civil War, 2013 - present - 10,000+ dead.
Chad/Libya Conflict, 1978 - 1987 - 8,500+ dead.
Libyan Civil War, 2014 - present - 10,000 dead.
Somali Civil War, 1980s - present - 300,00 - 500,000 dead.
Eritrean War of Independence, 1961 - 1991 - 145,000 dead.
Ethiopian Civil War, 1974 - 1991 - +/- 500,000 war dead plus 1,000,000 dead from famine.
Eritrean-Ethiopian War, 1998 - 2000 - 70,000 - 100,000 dead.
Congo Civil War, 1997 - 1999 - 14,000 - 25,000 dead.

So since WWII and the end of the Holocaust, blacks have slaughtered blacks to the tune of about 4 million killed just in the wars and conflicts listed here (there are many other recorded wars and conflicts on the African continent) and that's using the conservative estimates and doesn't even include the 800,000 from the Rwandan genocide. What's more, whites had nothing to do with any of them.
My theory is that your genetic makeup is responsible for your racism. Europeans lacked resources hence their late arrival to civilization. Because of this lack of resources europeans developed into war mongering, violent people. Lack of melanin may have inspired a better perception of a boundary between "us" and "them". There is a reason whites are the ones that came up with a way to classify races and put them in a pecking order with whites supposedly at the top.

Firstly, this is precisely the sort of thinking that prompted whites to enslave blacks, i.e. blacks were genetically inferior. Secondly, I take it you are a Christian man; do you honestly believe God made men genetically unequal? Did you ever ask God why he made whites more violent? Or for that matter, why he made other races weaker and more subservient?
How about freewill? Doesn't your religion teach that each person has the freewill to sin against God of their own volition? How far does your faith go? Does it go all the way or only as far as the color line between blacks and whites?

You can paint it anyway you like. The bottom line is any atrocities in Africa were engineered and often aided by whites. Even so there is still no match for the sheer number of deaths directly attributable to whites. I mean you guys wiped out entire multiple cultures.

Whites were involved in none of the wars or conflicts I listed.

That question prompts a question from me. Is it more evil to hack a child to death, feed a child to alligators, lynch a child and cut off their testicles and sell them as souvenirs?

I'll answer yours when you answer mine.
No. Its not the same thinking at all. There is no assumption of inferiority in believing whites are genetically more violent.

Bullshit. Do you believe the same way when the white racists here say that blacks are more violent given the high black crime rates?

Its merely a theory propped up by the violent history of the white race. Its pretty evident god made races unequal. If he had whites would be able to produce melanin in sufficient quantities to protect themselves from the sun. Never thought to ask god why whites were so violent. I'm pretty sure he has a plan to get rid of them. I dont know any races that are subservient. Whites are the weakest race IMO.

That's the funniest goddamn thing I've heard today. So you're telling me that the weakest race managed to conquer, enslave and subjugate a stronger race? And you're "pretty sure" God has a plan to get rid of whites? Holy shit. I thought you were somewhat delusional but I never imagined it was on a Hitleresque scale.

Each person has free will, however we know that people are social animals that can be influenced or led to act in ways that their free will would normally direct them not to do. Thats why you have some whites that are compassionate, truth tellers, and non violent.

Freewill does not direct us to do anything, it only gives us the option to choose to continue the hate or stop the hate cycle. In other words, every single Rwandan involved in that war and genocide had the choice not to kill or otherwise not get involved.
The actions of the white colonizers ceased to matter once they were gone. When the whites left, Rwandans had the choice to do away with the caste system imposed upon them and come together as a people to move forward. Instead they chose to worsen the divide, perpetuate the class system and ultimately take up arms against each other.

Whites were involved in every war or conflict you listed. Check the dates. If it was after 1881 then whites were involved.

Wrong. Do the research like I did. That's how I found out about these wars and what started them. And even if whites were involved in some way in some cases, the Rwanda case is the only one I know of where whites actively pitted one tribe against another.
You gotta be fucking kidding me. This verse is about judging others and applies to everyone and anyone that would judge others more harshly than themselves, including you and other blacks like you.
I'm not the one passing judgement here, you are. So before you behold the mote of white evil in my eye, tend to the beam of black evil in your own and stop blaming whites for Rwandans taking up machetes and guns of their own freewill and slaughtering each other.
White people have been by far the most evil. Not even close.

Black people have not done a thing to white people.

So because Rwandan blacks killed other blacks, it is somehow less evil?

And white people you should be thankful that we don't think like you. Because if the shoe was on the foot ? White people would have a murderous rage towards black people....hell they already do !!

Judging by your criteria, the Rwandans certainly thought like whites. They just killed people of their own race.
The evil that inspired the event came from whites meddling in Africa.

So we have white evil that inspired the event, what evil made them pick up machetes and hack women and children?
White people. White philosophy.

You mean the white people that had left thirty years before?
When you used Rwanda you not only failed the described terms, you forgot that the Rwanda massacre was a direct result of white people fucking up in Africa.

I asked IM2 this question in another thread and he refused to answer so I'll ask you: If the actions of the white colonizers is directly responsible and to be blamed for the hatred between the Hutus and Tutsis and the subsequent genocide, who is responsible for my racism?

The question was to name one atrocity whites have not committed that was worse. Since whites have clearly killed (by a vast amount) more people at a single instance than any atrocity known to man your example fails.

The question is irrelevant and based on a false premise that whites are inherently more evil. Unless we're talking strictly about numbers for the sake of discussing generic information, the body counts mean nothing. However, if we're talking about the capability to do evil, Rwanda disproves your premise at one machete stroke. On top of that, the 1994 genocide was not the only one in that country. There was one in 1972 started by the Tutsis where at least 80,000 were killed. The Hutu armed response to this massacre resulted in thousands more killed. So not only are Rwandans guilty of genocide, they are twice guilty.

A quick look at some of the actions by the Hutu perpetrators: Hutus not only killed Tutsis, they slaughtered moderate members and Tutsi sympathizers within their own tribe; Hutu husbands killed their own Tutsi wives; Tutsis women were taken away as sex slaves; Children were clubbed and hacked to death along with adults; HIV-infected patients were formed into "rape squads" to rape and infect Tutsi women; Men and women both suffered sexual mutilation (some after having been raped) by having their genitalia hacked with machetes, knives, and sharp sticks and doused with acid.There's more but I think you get the idea.

So this raises another question: Does it require any more evil to put someone in a gas chamber than to hack a child to death with a machete?

I disagree. Whites as a group are more violent, more savage, more bellicose than any other race on the planet. Your history is littered with atrocities. These atrocities were not committed as a result of self defense. They were committed because whites felt they were superior. In effect the "manifest destiny" philosophy was at work when whites committed their atrocities.

A list of some of the worst African wars since the end of WWII and the Holocaust:

First Sudanese War, 1955 - 1972 - 500,000 dead.
Second Sudanese War, 1983 - 2005 - 1-2 million dead.
Lord's Resistance Army Insurgency, 1987 - present - 100,000+ dead so far.
War in Darfur, 2003 - present - 300,000 dead so far.
South Sudanese Civil War, 2013 - present - 10,000+ dead.
Chad/Libya Conflict, 1978 - 1987 - 8,500+ dead.
Libyan Civil War, 2014 - present - 10,000 dead.
Somali Civil War, 1980s - present - 300,00 - 500,000 dead.
Eritrean War of Independence, 1961 - 1991 - 145,000 dead.
Ethiopian Civil War, 1974 - 1991 - +/- 500,000 war dead plus 1,000,000 dead from famine.
Eritrean-Ethiopian War, 1998 - 2000 - 70,000 - 100,000 dead.
Congo Civil War, 1997 - 1999 - 14,000 - 25,000 dead.

So since WWII and the end of the Holocaust, blacks have slaughtered blacks to the tune of about 4 million killed just in the wars and conflicts listed here (there are many other recorded wars and conflicts on the African continent) and that's using the conservative estimates and doesn't even include the 800,000 from the Rwandan genocide. What's more, whites had nothing to do with any of them.
My theory is that your genetic makeup is responsible for your racism. Europeans lacked resources hence their late arrival to civilization. Because of this lack of resources europeans developed into war mongering, violent people. Lack of melanin may have inspired a better perception of a boundary between "us" and "them". There is a reason whites are the ones that came up with a way to classify races and put them in a pecking order with whites supposedly at the top.

Firstly, this is precisely the sort of thinking that prompted whites to enslave blacks, i.e. blacks were genetically inferior. Secondly, I take it you are a Christian man; do you honestly believe God made men genetically unequal? Did you ever ask God why he made whites more violent? Or for that matter, why he made other races weaker and more subservient?
How about freewill? Doesn't your religion teach that each person has the freewill to sin against God of their own volition? How far does your faith go? Does it go all the way or only as far as the color line between blacks and whites?

You can paint it anyway you like. The bottom line is any atrocities in Africa were engineered and often aided by whites. Even so there is still no match for the sheer number of deaths directly attributable to whites. I mean you guys wiped out entire multiple cultures.

Whites were involved in none of the wars or conflicts I listed.

That question prompts a question from me. Is it more evil to hack a child to death, feed a child to alligators, lynch a child and cut off their testicles and sell them as souvenirs?

I'll answer yours when you answer mine.
No. Its not the same thinking at all. There is no assumption of inferiority in believing whites are genetically more violent.

Bullshit. Do you believe the same way when the white racists here say that blacks are more violent given the high black crime rates?

Its merely a theory propped up by the violent history of the white race. Its pretty evident god made races unequal. If he had whites would be able to produce melanin in sufficient quantities to protect themselves from the sun. Never thought to ask god why whites were so violent. I'm pretty sure he has a plan to get rid of them. I dont know any races that are subservient. Whites are the weakest race IMO.

That's the funniest goddamn thing I've heard today. So you're telling me that the weakest race managed to conquer, enslave and subjugate a stronger race? And you're "pretty sure" God has a plan to get rid of whites? Holy shit. I thought you were somewhat delusional but I never imagined it was on a Hitleresque scale.

Each person has free will, however we know that people are social animals that can be influenced or led to act in ways that their free will would normally direct them not to do. Thats why you have some whites that are compassionate, truth tellers, and non violent.

Freewill does not direct us to do anything, it only gives us the option to choose to continue the hate or stop the hate cycle. In other words, every single Rwandan involved in that war and genocide had the choice not to kill or otherwise not get involved.
The actions of the white colonizers ceased to matter once they were gone. When the whites left, Rwandans had the choice to do away with the caste system imposed upon them and come together as a people to move forward. Instead they chose to worsen the divide, perpetuate the class system and ultimately take up arms against each other.

Whites were involved in every war or conflict you listed. Check the dates. If it was after 1881 then whites were involved.

Wrong. Do the research like I did. That's how I found out about these wars and what started them. And even if whites were involved in some way in some cases, the Rwanda case is the only one I know of where whites actively pitted one tribe against another.
Not the same thing. since we are dealing with fake white stats. Whites commit more crime than anyone else. to be exact they commit 69% of all crime.

You say that like a 100lb 12 year old girl couldnt kill a 300 lb man with a gun? Do you think because whites had more advanced weapons that they are superior or simply more violent?

Free will doesnt give you an option. Free will is a reflection of whatever propaganda you have had installed in your head.

Yes youre wrong. Whites have been fucking up in Africa every since the 1800's
Can you answer the question I posed to Asclepias? Namely, does it require more evil to put someone in a gas chamber than it does to hack a child to death with a machete?
I think everyone knows whites are not the only people who have done evil in history. So to keep bringing it up comes off as either some kind of weak “Everyone does it” excuse that eight-year-olds use or as a way to draw attention away from the evils of white history.

The past, present and future of Black Americans concern me most. And in that history whites are the main evil. That is just how it is. I did not create the world I find myself in. If I were Darfuri, no doubt I would write about the Arabic-speaking Sudanese. If I were Palestinian, it would be the Israelis.

This is not about whites thinking they are better than most, this is about blacks thinking whites are worse than most.

Your history as documented by those of your own race support this conclusion. I mean can you explain how it is that Blacks have gone to all the continents without creating the genocide, theft, and general mayhem that whites have done?

Wrong. White history only documents more killed, not that they are inherently more prone to violence. And whites killed more because they could. I.E., for whatever reason, black tribes in Africa never developed as fast as the rest of the world in terms of technology and science. Therefore, they didn't have the destructive weapons of war and ships to migrate and conquer other lands and peoples, much less the ambition to do so. Whites are not more prone to kill and conquer, they just did it first.

Violence is a human trait, not a white one.
Nope White history not only documents more killed it pushes the doctrine of "manifest destiny." Should I provide you a link on what that is?

It wouldn't matter, I will still maintain that violence is a human trait, not a white one.

Without Black people in Africa you whites wouldnt even know what technology and science means.

I may regret asking this but: What?
White people have been by far the most evil. Not even close.

Black people have not done a thing to white people.

So because Rwandan blacks killed other blacks, it is somehow less evil?

And white people you should be thankful that we don't think like you. Because if the shoe was on the foot ? White people would have a murderous rage towards black people....hell they already do !!

Judging by your criteria, the Rwandans certainly thought like whites. They just killed people of their own race.
The evil that inspired the event came from whites meddling in Africa.

So we have white evil that inspired the event, what evil made them pick up machetes and hack women and children?
White people. White philosophy.

You mean the white people that had left thirty years before?
They never left. They were still interfering. IM2 posted the proof on this.
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I think everyone knows whites are not the only people who have done evil in history. So to keep bringing it up comes off as either some kind of weak “Everyone does it” excuse that eight-year-olds use or as a way to draw attention away from the evils of white history.

The past, present and future of Black Americans concern me most. And in that history whites are the main evil. That is just how it is. I did not create the world I find myself in. If I were Darfuri, no doubt I would write about the Arabic-speaking Sudanese. If I were Palestinian, it would be the Israelis.

This is not about whites thinking they are better than most, this is about blacks thinking whites are worse than most.

Your history as documented by those of your own race support this conclusion. I mean can you explain how it is that Blacks have gone to all the continents without creating the genocide, theft, and general mayhem that whites have done?

Wrong. White history only documents more killed, not that they are inherently more prone to violence. And whites killed more because they could. I.E., for whatever reason, black tribes in Africa never developed as fast as the rest of the world in terms of technology and science. Therefore, they didn't have the destructive weapons of war and ships to migrate and conquer other lands and peoples, much less the ambition to do so. Whites are not more prone to kill and conquer, they just did it first.

Violence is a human trait, not a white one.
Nope White history not only documents more killed it pushes the doctrine of "manifest destiny." Should I provide you a link on what that is?

It wouldn't matter, I will still maintain that violence is a human trait, not a white one.

Without Black people in Africa you whites wouldnt even know what technology and science means.

I may regret asking this but: What?

I dont care what you maintain. Willful ignorance is something I have come to expect from your kind,.

Please be specific. What is it you are questioning?
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Not the same thing. since we are dealing with fake white stats. Whites commit more crime than anyone else. to be exact they commit 69% of all crime.
To be fair, and only to be fair, whites make up roughly 70% of the population, so it kind of fits.

Does that mean white people are per capita committing more crimes?

If so, shame on White people.
Not the same thing. since we are dealing with fake white stats. Whites commit more crime than anyone else. to be exact they commit 69% of all crime.
To be fair, and only to be fair, whites make up roughly 70% of the population, so it kind of fits.

Does that mean white people are per capita committing more crimes?

If so, shame on White people.
We cant tell since per capita is a stat with no basis in reality. I've never seen 1.6 children in real life.
You just think whites consider themselves special, they dont
I disagree. Its inherent in racism that whites believe they are special. How do you think Drumpf got elected?

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

Quoting a racist like LBJ doesnt mean it applies to everyone. not by a long shot. Thats a dumb ass quote by the way.

Trump got elected because people wanted a business man who they thought would probably be better at creating jobs... which theoretically should help everyone, white, black, latino.. VS Hillary who a lot of people see as a political insider waiting for her turn.
Its a true ass quote. Its a reflection of white philosophy and component of racism

Drumpf got elected because he appealed to the racist in every white person that voted for him. Now take a guess what demographic voted for him the most?

thats your opinion. If some racists voted for trump, that doesnt mean what you say about other white people. Why couldn't white people have voted for trump, for the same reason Asians did? or other black people or Hispanics? Looking at the color of voters is a very superficial observation of why someone voted, but you are entitled to that opinion
So you think the support for Drumpf from the KKK and Nazis was just some bizarre coincidence and you actually expect me to believe his rhetoric was not geared at racists?
You think anyone who voted for Trump is racist because some racists are his fans? I actually don't trust or like politicians, Nazis or KKK
There are whites born and raised in Africa but you want them to leave
True. They shouldnt be in Africa.
If you consider Africa for blacks only, I guess you consider "white" countries and continents
There are whites born and raised in Africa but you want them to leave
True. They shouldnt be in Africa.
No race owns a country or continent
I have no problem with whites having their own country on their ancestral lands.
So, you want segregation of the races
I have no problem with segregation as long as its not forced.
But you wouldnt find anything wrong if whites were forced out of Africa?
Not the same thing. since we are dealing with fake white stats. Whites commit more crime than anyone else. to be exact they commit 69% of all crime.
To be fair, and only to be fair, whites make up roughly 70% of the population, so it kind of fits.

Does that mean white people are per capita committing more crimes?

If so, shame on White people.

"Whites" (which includes arabs and hispanics and other ethnicities that choose to identify as such even though they are not of european descent) commit around 50% of the total murders every year with the other half perpetrated by blacks. But lets focus on the minor crimes like vandalism and jaywalking since the murder rate makes them look like fucking savages.
I disagree. Its inherent in racism that whites believe they are special. How do you think Drumpf got elected?

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

Quoting a racist like LBJ doesnt mean it applies to everyone. not by a long shot. Thats a dumb ass quote by the way.

Trump got elected because people wanted a business man who they thought would probably be better at creating jobs... which theoretically should help everyone, white, black, latino.. VS Hillary who a lot of people see as a political insider waiting for her turn.
Its a true ass quote. Its a reflection of white philosophy and component of racism

Drumpf got elected because he appealed to the racist in every white person that voted for him. Now take a guess what demographic voted for him the most?

thats your opinion. If some racists voted for trump, that doesnt mean what you say about other white people. Why couldn't white people have voted for trump, for the same reason Asians did? or other black people or Hispanics? Looking at the color of voters is a very superficial observation of why someone voted, but you are entitled to that opinion
So you think the support for Drumpf from the KKK and Nazis was just some bizarre coincidence and you actually expect me to believe his rhetoric was not geared at racists?
You think anyone who voted for Trump is racist because some racists are his fans? I actually don't trust or like politicians, Nazis or KKK
I believe you have to be racist in order for Drumpf to appeal to you as a white person. For non white supporters its obvious they've brainwashed by pro white teachings established centuries ago..
True. They shouldnt be in Africa.
If you consider Africa for blacks only, I guess you consider "white" countries and continents
True. They shouldnt be in Africa.
No race owns a country or continent
I have no problem with whites having their own country on their ancestral lands.
So, you want segregation of the races
I have no problem with segregation as long as its not forced.
But you wouldnt find anything wrong if whites were forced out of Africa?
Nothing wrong with forcing criminals out of your country that were not supposed to be there anyway. Now if new non racist and non busy body whites came over afterwards I wouldnt have an issue with that.
Not the same thing. since we are dealing with fake white stats. Whites commit more crime than anyone else. to be exact they commit 69% of all crime.
To be fair, and only to be fair, whites make up roughly 70% of the population, so it kind of fits.

Does that mean white people are per capita committing more crimes?

If so, shame on White people.

That particular stat includes most Latinos, and Arabs as "White".
By the way, true story.

I grew up just ourside a small Texas town dominated by the klan. No black people lived in the town or went to the schools.

My first experience with going to school with black kids was in middle school when we moved away. Come to find out, I got along great with black kids and learned a lot. I just needed the opportunity. Fuck segregation. It does nothing but harm.

Things have changed now in that shitty town, but it was not that long ago when no black people lived there.

So, yes we still have a race problem and, yes white people are a large part of the problem.

BUT, the People who are making a difference are those honestly see the other side and try to understand and relate.

A good dose of Dave Chappelle also helps.
I believe you have to be racist in order for Drumpf to appeal to you as a white person. For non white supporters its obvious they brainwashed by pro white teachings established centuries ago..

Or it could be white Trump voters were merely reacting to the writing on the wall. For a couple decades the democratic party and their lapdogs in the media has been pretty explicitly hostile to white people while the establishment GOP were too cowardly to take a firm stand in our interests, too busy pandering to ******* like you...
Quoting a racist like LBJ doesnt mean it applies to everyone. not by a long shot. Thats a dumb ass quote by the way.

Trump got elected because people wanted a business man who they thought would probably be better at creating jobs... which theoretically should help everyone, white, black, latino.. VS Hillary who a lot of people see as a political insider waiting for her turn.
Its a true ass quote. Its a reflection of white philosophy and component of racism

Drumpf got elected because he appealed to the racist in every white person that voted for him. Now take a guess what demographic voted for him the most?

thats your opinion. If some racists voted for trump, that doesnt mean what you say about other white people. Why couldn't white people have voted for trump, for the same reason Asians did? or other black people or Hispanics? Looking at the color of voters is a very superficial observation of why someone voted, but you are entitled to that opinion
So you think the support for Drumpf from the KKK and Nazis was just some bizarre coincidence and you actually expect me to believe his rhetoric was not geared at racists?
You think anyone who voted for Trump is racist because some racists are his fans? I actually don't trust or like politicians, Nazis or KKK
I believe you have to be racist in order for Drumpf to appeal to you as a white person. For non white supporters its obvious they've brainwashed by pro white teachings established centuries ago..

Eh, some yes, some no.

Some people just like a strong leader.

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