Are Whites Ashamed...

Let's be honest. It has become taboo to say that you're proud to be white.

White people have been ruthlessly dominating the world for generations. But, it's taboo for me to show a little team spirit.

We need a race draft a la Dave Chapelle.

Im not proud of my race, i had no control over it. I am proud of my accomplishments
When you used Rwanda you not only failed the described terms, you forgot that the Rwanda massacre was a direct result of white people fucking up in Africa.

I asked IM2 this question in another thread and he refused to answer so I'll ask you: If the actions of the white colonizers is directly responsible and to be blamed for the hatred between the Hutus and Tutsis and the subsequent genocide, who is responsible for my racism?

The question was to name one atrocity whites have not committed that was worse. Since whites have clearly killed (by a vast amount) more people at a single instance than any atrocity known to man your example fails.

The question is irrelevant and based on a false premise that whites are inherently more evil. Unless we're talking strictly about numbers for the sake of discussing generic information, the body counts mean nothing. However, if we're talking about the capability to do evil, Rwanda disproves your premise at one machete stroke. On top of that, the 1994 genocide was not the only one in that country. There was one in 1972 started by the Tutsis where at least 80,000 were killed. The Hutu armed response to this massacre resulted in thousands more killed. So not only are Rwandans guilty of genocide, they are twice guilty.

A quick look at some of the actions by the Hutu perpetrators: Hutus not only killed Tutsis, they slaughtered moderate members and Tutsi sympathizers within their own tribe; Hutu husbands killed their own Tutsi wives; Tutsis women were taken away as sex slaves; Children were clubbed and hacked to death along with adults; HIV-infected patients were formed into "rape squads" to rape and infect Tutsi women; Men and women both suffered sexual mutilation (some after having been raped) by having their genitalia hacked with machetes, knives, and sharp sticks and doused with acid.There's more but I think you get the idea.

So this raises another question: Does it require any more evil to put someone in a gas chamber than to hack a child to death with a machete?

I disagree. Whites as a group are more violent, more savage, more bellicose than any other race on the planet. Your history is littered with atrocities. These atrocities were not committed as a result of self defense. They were committed because whites felt they were superior. In effect the "manifest destiny" philosophy was at work when whites committed their atrocities.

A list of some of the worst African wars since the end of WWII and the Holocaust:

First Sudanese War, 1955 - 1972 - 500,000 dead.
Second Sudanese War, 1983 - 2005 - 1-2 million dead.
Lord's Resistance Army Insurgency, 1987 - present - 100,000+ dead so far.
War in Darfur, 2003 - present - 300,000 dead so far.
South Sudanese Civil War, 2013 - present - 10,000+ dead.
Chad/Libya Conflict, 1978 - 1987 - 8,500+ dead.
Libyan Civil War, 2014 - present - 10,000 dead.
Somali Civil War, 1980s - present - 300,00 - 500,000 dead.
Eritrean War of Independence, 1961 - 1991 - 145,000 dead.
Ethiopian Civil War, 1974 - 1991 - +/- 500,000 war dead plus 1,000,000 dead from famine.
Eritrean-Ethiopian War, 1998 - 2000 - 70,000 - 100,000 dead.
Congo Civil War, 1997 - 1999 - 14,000 - 25,000 dead.

So since WWII and the end of the Holocaust, blacks have slaughtered blacks to the tune of about 4 million killed just in the wars and conflicts listed here (there are many other recorded wars and conflicts on the African continent) and that's using the conservative estimates and doesn't even include the 800,000 from the Rwandan genocide. What's more, whites had nothing to do with any of them.
Yup and white man Joseph Stalin killed around 9 million way more than all the wars you mentioned in African combined and that 9 million is a conservative estimate. Many claim it's more like 20-25 mill.

Can you answer the question I posed to Asclepias? Namely, does it require more evil to put someone in a gas chamber than it does to hack a child to death with a machete?
I think everyone knows whites are not the only people who have done evil in history. So to keep bringing it up comes off as either some kind of weak “Everyone does it” excuse that eight-year-olds use or as a way to draw attention away from the evils of white history.

The past, present and future of Black Americans concern me most. And in that history whites are the main evil. That is just how it is. I did not create the world I find myself in. If I were Darfuri, no doubt I would write about the Arabic-speaking Sudanese. If I were Palestinian, it would be the Israelis.

Look. White people need to get over this idea that they are somehow special. They are not.

They are just like everyone else. But by putting up this front that they are better than most, they make themselves worse than most – because it means they turn a blind eye to the evil they do.
You just think whites consider themselves special, they dont
I disagree. Its inherent in racism that whites believe they are special. How do you think Drumpf got elected?

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."
No I was talking about slavery, Black Codes, Jim Crow etc etc.

Why don't you just go back to Africa, Asclepias? I'm always amazed blacks like you don't just go back and be happy there, where your people came from. You are obviously very unhappy here. Why not start over, pretend slavery never happened while you live in Africa?
I am but even it I wasnt why should I go back to Africa when my family and assets are here? Who said I wasnt happy here?
There are whites born and raised in Africa but you want them to leave
True. They shouldnt be in Africa.
I did nothing to deserve any shame. My ancestors were not here when the founders set up the U.S. so they had no part in it.

The only part my ancestors had in slavery was my Great (x3) Grandfather was forced to fight in the Louisiana Cavalry. He never owned any slaves and competed directly with plantations who did own slaves. He was a victim.

No guilt. No shame.

I would say I am white and proud of it, but doing so automatically makes me a skinhead or klansman.

Things didn't end with slavery. So if your ancestors came over here and did nothing to end things but lived free and garnered the benefits of whites only, they were part of it.
Same old blame all whites again, you are pathetic
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?

The reason slavery existed was greed. Blacks kidnapped and sold their brothers as slaves to make money, then the slave owners made a fortune using free labor.

What I find amazing is, these same "white devils" you seem to want to condemn also fought a Civil War over, killing over a million other white devils, to extinguish a wrong of the past. There was no outward force to correct their injustices, such as the US marching into Germany for forcibly make them end the Holocaust. No, these men were motivated by the roots of their Christian beliefs and the Constitution to rise up and end slavery once and for all.

Thomas Jefferson wished to include freedom for slaves in the Declaration of Independence, but was warned to take it out least the Southern colonies would not sign on. It's called compromising your moral code and it cost the next generation over a million dead.

What you may not know, though, is that there is more slavery today than at any other time in history. You act as though "blacks" are the only ones in this world who have suffered from it or are suffering from it, yet history and the present tell us otherwise.

Here are some uncomfortable facts for you. Human nature demands slavery. We see this in ancient history as most men were either slaves or forced to fight for their elitist leader. We also see this in slavery today, such as human trafficking.

The irony here is, in the 1800's slavery was legal and today it is illegal, yet we have more of it today.

Here is a suggestion. Get off your arse feeling sorry for yourself or blaming men of slavery that occurred over a hundred years ago and do something about the slavery going on in your back yard.
I agree with only your first sentence. Whites were greedy. Other than that it looks like you visited the WPVE for your information.

Whites didnt fight the Civil War to end slavery. Lincoln himself said he would keep people enslaved if it meant saving the union.

Thomas jefferson had slaves until the day he died. There was no moral code apparent.

I stopped reading the rest because it was a massive deflection from the point.

So black Africans did not sell their brothers into slavery to White Americans for profit? Is this what you are saying?

Also, I would agree with you that Lincoln would have allowed slavery to exist if only the Southern states would return to the Union. However, what led up to that? What led up to that were the slaves states vs. the free states. No state could come into the union as a free state or a slave state unless there was a free or slave state to even up the power on a federal level.

So yea, Lincoln would have sold his soul to have the South return, like Jefferson did by not demanding the slaves not be freed. So what? The fact of the matter is, slavery was the driving force for the Civil war. Then once the South did not return to the Union, Lincoln had no choice but t snuff out the one thing that had divided the nation to begin with by outlawing slavery.

Unfortunately, power corrupts. For example, Jefferson wanted to outlaw the Alien and Sedition Acts which made speaking out against the government as being illegal. A curious thing though, after becoming President he took advantage of these laws before finally snuffing them out. What remained of them FDR used to imprison innocent Japanese Americans. Jefferson freed his lover slave and her family but not the rest of his slaves after he died, just like he took advantage of the Alien and Sedition Acts before trying to do away with them. He was a conflicted soul and fell short of the mark, but at least he was aware of his own failings.

As for feeling guilty, who should feel more guilt? Should it be whites feeling guilty for something that happened hundreds of years prior to their existence, or should they feel more guilty for slavery that is occurring in their own back yard as we speak as they do nothing? About 2 out of every thousand are estimated as being slaves in the US today.
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I asked IM2 this question in another thread and he refused to answer so I'll ask you: If the actions of the white colonizers is directly responsible and to be blamed for the hatred between the Hutus and Tutsis and the subsequent genocide, who is responsible for my racism?

The question is irrelevant and based on a false premise that whites are inherently more evil. Unless we're talking strictly about numbers for the sake of discussing generic information, the body counts mean nothing. However, if we're talking about the capability to do evil, Rwanda disproves your premise at one machete stroke. On top of that, the 1994 genocide was not the only one in that country. There was one in 1972 started by the Tutsis where at least 80,000 were killed. The Hutu armed response to this massacre resulted in thousands more killed. So not only are Rwandans guilty of genocide, they are twice guilty.

A quick look at some of the actions by the Hutu perpetrators: Hutus not only killed Tutsis, they slaughtered moderate members and Tutsi sympathizers within their own tribe; Hutu husbands killed their own Tutsi wives; Tutsis women were taken away as sex slaves; Children were clubbed and hacked to death along with adults; HIV-infected patients were formed into "rape squads" to rape and infect Tutsi women; Men and women both suffered sexual mutilation (some after having been raped) by having their genitalia hacked with machetes, knives, and sharp sticks and doused with acid.There's more but I think you get the idea.

So this raises another question: Does it require any more evil to put someone in a gas chamber than to hack a child to death with a machete?

A list of some of the worst African wars since the end of WWII and the Holocaust:

First Sudanese War, 1955 - 1972 - 500,000 dead.
Second Sudanese War, 1983 - 2005 - 1-2 million dead.
Lord's Resistance Army Insurgency, 1987 - present - 100,000+ dead so far.
War in Darfur, 2003 - present - 300,000 dead so far.
South Sudanese Civil War, 2013 - present - 10,000+ dead.
Chad/Libya Conflict, 1978 - 1987 - 8,500+ dead.
Libyan Civil War, 2014 - present - 10,000 dead.
Somali Civil War, 1980s - present - 300,00 - 500,000 dead.
Eritrean War of Independence, 1961 - 1991 - 145,000 dead.
Ethiopian Civil War, 1974 - 1991 - +/- 500,000 war dead plus 1,000,000 dead from famine.
Eritrean-Ethiopian War, 1998 - 2000 - 70,000 - 100,000 dead.
Congo Civil War, 1997 - 1999 - 14,000 - 25,000 dead.

So since WWII and the end of the Holocaust, blacks have slaughtered blacks to the tune of about 4 million killed just in the wars and conflicts listed here (there are many other recorded wars and conflicts on the African continent) and that's using the conservative estimates and doesn't even include the 800,000 from the Rwandan genocide. What's more, whites had nothing to do with any of them.
Yup and white man Joseph Stalin killed around 9 million way more than all the wars you mentioned in African combined and that 9 million is a conservative estimate. Many claim it's more like 20-25 mill.

Can you answer the question I posed to Asclepias? Namely, does it require more evil to put someone in a gas chamber than it does to hack a child to death with a machete?
I think everyone knows whites are not the only people who have done evil in history. So to keep bringing it up comes off as either some kind of weak “Everyone does it” excuse that eight-year-olds use or as a way to draw attention away from the evils of white history.

The past, present and future of Black Americans concern me most. And in that history whites are the main evil. That is just how it is. I did not create the world I find myself in. If I were Darfuri, no doubt I would write about the Arabic-speaking Sudanese. If I were Palestinian, it would be the Israelis.

Look. White people need to get over this idea that they are somehow special. They are not.

They are just like everyone else. But by putting up this front that they are better than most, they make themselves worse than most – because it means they turn a blind eye to the evil they do.
You just think whites consider themselves special, they dont
I disagree. Its inherent in racism that whites believe they are special. How do you think Drumpf got elected?

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

Quoting a racist like LBJ doesnt mean it applies to everyone. not by a long shot. Thats a dumb ass quote by the way.

Trump got elected because people wanted a business man who they thought would probably be better at creating jobs... which theoretically should help everyone, white, black, latino.. VS Hillary who a lot of people see as a political insider waiting for her turn.
Some of my grandparents were born in Europe, in what form do we have a "Head-start" exactly?

If anything, you Jack-Arses have been here a lot longer than "US"
Are you currently in the US? If not I am not talking to you. If you are then your family immediately benefited from being white the instant they became us citizens.

In what way did they benefit?

My father got an eighth grade education. My mother got less than that. They survived the Great Depression. None of that slowed me down in any noticeable way. The greatness of America is that anyone can better their position in life, if they are willing to put forth the effort to do so.

Obviously, you are the exception to the rule.
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?

The reason slavery existed was greed. Blacks kidnapped and sold their brothers as slaves to make money, then the slave owners made a fortune using free labor.

What I find amazing is, these same "white devils" you seem to want to condemn also fought a Civil War over, killing over a million other white devils, to extinguish a wrong of the past. There was no outward force to correct their injustices, such as the US marching into Germany for forcibly make them end the Holocaust. No, these men were motivated by the roots of their Christian beliefs and the Constitution to rise up and end slavery once and for all.

Thomas Jefferson wished to include freedom for slaves in the Declaration of Independence, but was warned to take it out least the Southern colonies would not sign on. It's called compromising your moral code and it cost the next generation over a million dead.

What you may not know, though, is that there is more slavery today than at any other time in history. You act as though "blacks" are the only ones in this world who have suffered from it or are suffering from it, yet history and the present tell us otherwise.

Here are some uncomfortable facts for you. Human nature demands slavery. We see this in ancient history as most men were either slaves or forced to fight for their elitist leader. We also see this in slavery today, such as human trafficking.

The irony here is, in the 1800's slavery was legal and today it is illegal, yet we have more of it today.

Here is a suggestion. Get off your arse feeling sorry for yourself or blaming men of slavery that occurred over a hundred years ago and do something about the slavery going on in your back yard.
I agree with only your first sentence. Whites were greedy. Other than that it looks like you visited the WPVE for your information.

Whites didnt fight the Civil War to end slavery. Lincoln himself said he would keep people enslaved if it meant saving the union.

Thomas jefferson had slaves until the day he died. There was no moral code apparent.

I stopped reading the rest because it was a massive deflection from the point.

So black Africans did not sell their brothers into slavery to White Americans for profit? Is this what you are saying?

Also, I would agree with you that Lincoln would have allowed slavery to exist if only the Southern states would return to the Union. However, what led up to that? What led up to that were the slaves states vs. the free states. No state could come into the union as a free state or a slave state unless there was a free or slave state to even up the power on a federal level.

So yea, Lincoln would have sold his soul to have the South return, like Jefferson did by not demanding the slaves not be freed. So what? The fact of the matter is, slavery was the driving force for the Civil war. Then once the South did not return to the Union, Lincoln had no choice but t snuff out the one thing that had divided the nation to begin with by outlawing slavery.

Unfortunately, power corrupts. For example, Jefferson wanted to outlaw the Alien and Sedition Acts which made speaking out against the government as being illegal. A curious thing though, after becoming President he took advantage of these laws before finally snuffing them out. What remained of them FDR used to imprison innocent Japanese Americans. Jefferson freed his lover slave and her family but not the rest of his slaves after he died, just like he took advantage of the Alien and Sedition Acts before trying to do away with them. He was a conflicted soul and fell short of the mark, but at least he was aware of his own failings.

As for feeling guilty, who should feel more guilt? Should it be whites feeling guilty for something that happened hundreds of years prior to their existence, or should they feel more guilty for slavery that is occurring in their own back yard as we speak as they do nothing? About 2 out of every thousand are estimated as being slaves in the US today.
Yes thats exactly what I am saying. To be blunt its a lie whites made up to deflect from their actions.

Not sure what you mean by what led up to it or why thats even relevant to the point.

No slavery was never the driving force. The driving force was keeping the union together. Freeing the enslaved was a punishment forced upon the south. Lincoln told the south that he was going to support an amendment to legalize slavery forever prior to the war. They still wanted to leave.

I said nothing about feeling guilty. I asked if there was any embarrassment or anger.
Germanic people fought and raided other peoples
And we worshiped Thor and Odin and fought to the death in battle to secure our place in Valhalla!!!

White people rule the motherfucking world!!!


Being an Alabama football fan must be like being white.



You sound pretty nuts. And who runs the world seems to ebb
And flow, doesn’t it now, silly boy?

Bootneys all right. He posts some things to irk the racists here.

After all you can't be too white and be an Alabama football fan given the team is 99.9 percent black. :auiqs.jpg:
Some of my grandparents were born in Europe, in what form do we have a "Head-start" exactly?

If anything, you Jack-Arses have been here a lot longer than "US"
Are you currently in the US? If not I am not talking to you. If you are then your family immediately benefited from being white the instant they became us citizens.

In what way did they benefit?

My father got an eighth grade education. My mother got less than that. They survived the Great Depression. None of that slowed me down in any noticeable way. The greatness of America is that anyone can better their position in life, if they are willing to put forth the effort to do so.

Obviously, you are the exception to the rule.
They were able to benefit from being able to participate in the american dream without undergoing the same centuries of white racism or the current methods in place at the time being applied to them.

If youre white that makes sense. Why would anything slow you down if youre white? Yes anyone can better their position in life. The point is that whites can do it easier since the system was constructed for you to succeed. .Hence my question.
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Yup and white man Joseph Stalin killed around 9 million way more than all the wars you mentioned in African combined and that 9 million is a conservative estimate. Many claim it's more like 20-25 mill.

Can you answer the question I posed to Asclepias? Namely, does it require more evil to put someone in a gas chamber than it does to hack a child to death with a machete?
I think everyone knows whites are not the only people who have done evil in history. So to keep bringing it up comes off as either some kind of weak “Everyone does it” excuse that eight-year-olds use or as a way to draw attention away from the evils of white history.

The past, present and future of Black Americans concern me most. And in that history whites are the main evil. That is just how it is. I did not create the world I find myself in. If I were Darfuri, no doubt I would write about the Arabic-speaking Sudanese. If I were Palestinian, it would be the Israelis.

Look. White people need to get over this idea that they are somehow special. They are not.

They are just like everyone else. But by putting up this front that they are better than most, they make themselves worse than most – because it means they turn a blind eye to the evil they do.
You just think whites consider themselves special, they dont
I disagree. Its inherent in racism that whites believe they are special. How do you think Drumpf got elected?

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

Quoting a racist like LBJ doesnt mean it applies to everyone. not by a long shot. Thats a dumb ass quote by the way.

Trump got elected because people wanted a business man who they thought would probably be better at creating jobs... which theoretically should help everyone, white, black, latino.. VS Hillary who a lot of people see as a political insider waiting for her turn.
Its a true ass quote. Its a reflection of white philosophy and component of racism

Drumpf got elected because he appealed to the racist in every white person that voted for him. Now take a guess what demographic voted for him the most?
Why do you suppose black people have such a terrible reputation all over the world?
Because we live in a system of white supremacy and your right black people have bad rep the world over and that just simply demonstrates the effectiveness of several hundred years of racial propaganda saying that black people are criminal, they’re going to rob you, they don’t make good neighbors, are dumb

If you have years and generations of people picking up those kinds of messages, and they do pick them up, from several different sources.

If you talk to white folks who have never even been around black folks, white folks in Russia, white folks in Poland, white folks in Serbia, even white folks in certain parts of the USA, that is people have never even been around black people, they will come forth with many of these negative stereotypes in spite of no first-hand experience.

I would lay a bet that SobieskiSavedEurope harmonica dave p Mudda abu afak have

  • Never been attacked by a black person
  • Never been evicted by a black person
  • Never had a black person deny their child the college of her choice
  • Never been pulled over by a black cop
  • Never been rejected for a job by a black person
  • Never had a black person deny them a bank loan
  • And they've never heard a black person say, "We're going to eliminate 500 jobs here - have a nice day!"
Every mean word, every cruel act, every bit of pain and suffering in their lives has had a white face attached to it.

In any movie or film you need a bad guy.

Bad reputations dont come out of thin air, and how fucking stupid are you to think that white people arent victimized by black people throughout their lives? REALLY? Ive had 3 things on your list happen to me, including the first one.
OK. Let's say a bunch of black people done bad things to you. Now does that mean other black people who have not done them things get tarred with the same brush ?
No, but if you see a consistent pattern of behavior with certain groups, you do keep that in mind. You do it, i do it, we all do it. Like the rest of us, you are less scared when youre walking down a dark street at night, you hear men behind you and you turn around to find a group of white guys, as opposed to black guys. You have less to fear in white neighborhoods.

Sorry, but not all facts are going to be fun, and dont expect me to not point them out.
Fk that, If I see a bunch of white dudes walking behind me at night ? I'm on alert.

Secondly white people make sure they live as far away from black people as possible. So where are these dark streets that whites walk on that could have black people on ?

But go on what happened ? Black men attacked you. Right ?
Even Jesse Jackson knows youre full of shit.

'There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.... After all we have been through. Just to think we can't walk down our own streets, how humiliating.'

Jesse Jackson
Why don't you just go back to Africa, Asclepias? I'm always amazed blacks like you don't just go back and be happy there, where your people came from. You are obviously very unhappy here. Why not start over, pretend slavery never happened while you live in Africa?
I am but even it I wasnt why should I go back to Africa when my family and assets are here? Who said I wasnt happy here?

Ha. You hate America; you hate whites. I've been here years, and it's your main posting attitude.

I wouldn't stay in a country if I hated it that much. The reason I think blacks stay here instead of going back to Africa when they could, easily and cheaply, is that they know the living standards are the world's worst and they like the welfare here and the enforced better standards and policing instead of constant machete killings and bribery and corruption. Everything we whites do for them. But they can't live up to it, contribute. It's just all drugs, prostitution, crime, gangs, shootings, etc.

It would be so much better for us if blacks just went back to Africa. Instead, they out-reproduced us and now have blocked access to the entire Caribbean and much of South America. And of course to all our great cities, which aren't safe to go into anymore.
I dont hate anyone. Hate is based in fear and there is no white person I have ever feared. If you dont like me pointing out the fact that whites are racist then move back to europe.

I dont hate the country. The country hasnt done anything to me. Blacks built this country. For free.

You only have your white founders that understood you needed massive help to build this country for your problem. If you dont like Blacks in this country you are free to move to a white only country. I wont miss you and good riddance.

Only blacls built this country?

I know many Native American, Chinese and Hispanic\Latino Families that also had ancestors that help buil this country beside Irish, Italians, Jews and Blacks!

Oh let not forget about the Germans!

I swear you only see things as black and white and forget the others that were genocide and suffered!
Blacks did the vast majority of building this country. For free.

The blacks didn’t build anything. All they did was pick cotton, and it certainly wasn’t free. They had everything provided to them as slaves. Whites paid for their food, shelter, and health care. Funny that now they still want whites to pay for all that for them, just without doing any work in return.
Some of my grandparents were born in Europe, in what form do we have a "Head-start" exactly?

If anything, you Jack-Arses have been here a lot longer than "US"
Are you currently in the US? If not I am not talking to you. If you are then your family immediately benefited from being white the instant they became us citizens.

In what way did they benefit?

My father got an eighth grade education. My mother got less than that. They survived the Great Depression. None of that slowed me down in any noticeable way. The greatness of America is that anyone can better their position in life, if they are willing to put forth the effort to do so.

Obviously, you are the exception to the rule.

You do understand that American apartheid existed in those days and your parents had ample opportunities blacks could not get. That affected quality of your life growing up. I suggest whites really stop trying to lecture people about this because whites are only where they are because of a very large amount of government assistance.
I am but even it I wasnt why should I go back to Africa when my family and assets are here? Who said I wasnt happy here?

Ha. You hate America; you hate whites. I've been here years, and it's your main posting attitude.

I wouldn't stay in a country if I hated it that much. The reason I think blacks stay here instead of going back to Africa when they could, easily and cheaply, is that they know the living standards are the world's worst and they like the welfare here and the enforced better standards and policing instead of constant machete killings and bribery and corruption. Everything we whites do for them. But they can't live up to it, contribute. It's just all drugs, prostitution, crime, gangs, shootings, etc.

It would be so much better for us if blacks just went back to Africa. Instead, they out-reproduced us and now have blocked access to the entire Caribbean and much of South America. And of course to all our great cities, which aren't safe to go into anymore.
I dont hate anyone. Hate is based in fear and there is no white person I have ever feared. If you dont like me pointing out the fact that whites are racist then move back to europe.

I dont hate the country. The country hasnt done anything to me. Blacks built this country. For free.

You only have your white founders that understood you needed massive help to build this country for your problem. If you dont like Blacks in this country you are free to move to a white only country. I wont miss you and good riddance.

Only blacls built this country?

I know many Native American, Chinese and Hispanic\Latino Families that also had ancestors that help buil this country beside Irish, Italians, Jews and Blacks!

Oh let not forget about the Germans!

I swear you only see things as black and white and forget the others that were genocide and suffered!
Blacks did the vast majority of building this country. For free.

The blacks didn’t build anything. All they did was pick cotton, and it certainly wasn’t free. They had everything provided to them as slaves. Whites paid for their food, shelter, and health care. Funny that now they still want whites to pay for all that for them, just without doing any work in return.
Youre white so I understand your ignorance regarding what Blacks did and the specifics of being enslaved in general.
Germanic people fought and raided other peoples
And we worshiped Thor and Odin and fought to the death in battle to secure our place in Valhalla!!!

White people rule the motherfucking world!!!


Being an Alabama football fan must be like being white.



You sound pretty nuts. And who runs the world seems to ebb
And flow, doesn’t it now, silly boy?

Bootneys all right. He posts some things to irk the racists here.

After all you can't be too white and be an Alabama football fan given the team is 99.9 percent black. :auiqs.jpg:

I like him. Me and him have no issues

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