Are you for school choice, or do you want to brain wash other people's children?

The problem there becomes that the choice works both ways. Private schools will refuse special needs kids, kids with disciplinary problems or kids who are just difficult to educate. If the dollars chase the results, there will be a temptation to skew your results by only picking the bright kids.
Lol, sounds like charter schools to me, which the government of many states already back.
Supply vs demand. And it will quickly tilt.
And how are you going to address overcrowding at schools when the number of applicants will quickly outpace the resources...and that's just a simple response.

Law of supply and demand, as you said. Need more good schools? Then they will be created, just like autos, department stores, etc. America is good that way-)
School choice of course! The Left hasn't a leg to stand on logically, to be against it. All they have is a narrative that is easily debunked.

Actually, there's plenty of legs to stand on.

School choice will NOT increase the number of available teachers. It will actually reduce the amount spent per student as the bureaucracy to administer such programs will increase costs.

What's to keep a parent who currently has little Timmy in a parochial school from demanding a voucher now?
Actually, there's plenty of legs to stand on.

School choice will NOT increase the number of available teachers. It will actually reduce the amount spent per student as the bureaucracy to administer such programs will increase costs.

What's to keep a parent who currently has little Timmy in a parochial school from demanding a voucher now?

Never knew that competition in the marketplace raised prices. That is a new one on me.
Law of supply and demand, as you said. Need more good schools? Then they will be created, just like autos, department stores, etc. America is good that way-)
LOL.....It doesn't work that way. Jeez. MONEY needs to be raised before that happens. YOUR money, the just and righteously aggrieved...not the government's money. :)
How do you think charter schools happen? Either a corp pays for it..or the parents do!!


1). A school only holds so many children.
If 50% increase in additional admissions are going to happen, then where do you propose to house theses students if the school was already at 100% capacity?

2). Where do you get the extra staffing?

3). How do students get to this new school of their choice that is 30+ miles away?
Lol, sounds like charter schools to me, which the government of many states already back.

I'm not a fan of charter schools. I think they detract from needed resources elsewhere.

Law of supply and demand, as you said. Need more good schools? Then they will be created, just like autos, department stores, etc. America is good that way-)

The thing is, you can build more cars, you can't "build" more teachers.

Now, as I said, I was a product of parochial schools. But there's more. My late mother was an art teacher at the school I went to. My sister works as an office administrator at a Catholic Parish. My niece was a teacher for a time, but she quickly got burned out.

The parochial schools pay A LOT LESS than unionized public school teachers. Most of the people who work there do so because they are committed to that religion. You can't create more of those people.

The problem with private enterprise schools is that their first goal will be making profits for their investors, NOT educating kids. This will lead to all sorts of cost cutting, depending on what state and federal mandates they can get exempted from.

Milwaukee's attempt to impose school choice is telling. 25% of the kids did better than a public school, 25% did worse, and 50% did about the same. On balance, no real improvement.
LOL.....It doesn't work that way. Jeez. MONEY needs to be raised before that happens. YOUR money, the just and righteously aggrieved...not the government's money. :)
How do you think charter schools happen? Either a corp pays for it..or the parents do!!

Which is ridiculous if factual. Let the parents have the voucher and choose. Why not! If they don't want to choose another school, or are not interested, the student goes where they would have anyway.

1). A school only holds so many children.
If 50% increase in additional admissions are going to happen, then where do you propose to house theses students if the school was already at 100% capacity?

2). Where do you get the extra staffing?

3). How do students get to this new school of their choice that is 30+ miles away?
Exactly. And what happens when you have to start picking and choosing who gets to attend where? How will they decide. I know how they will.

Again, the term "school choice" is a popular political slogan coined by the right to gin up support for essentially flat out discrimination in education (racially AND economically) and defunding
of public schools.
I'm not a fan of charter schools. I think they detract from needed resources elsewhere.

The thing is, you can build more cars, you can't "build" more teachers.

Now, as I said, I was a product of parochial schools. But there's more. My late mother was an art teacher at the school I went to. My sister works as an office administrator at a Catholic Parish. My niece was a teacher for a time, but she quickly got burned out.

The parochial schools pay A LOT LESS than unionized public school teachers. Most of the people who work there do so because they are committed to that religion. You can't create more of those people.

The problem with private enterprise schools is that their first goal will be making profits for their investors, NOT educating kids. This will lead to all sorts of cost cutting, depending on what state and federal mandates they can get exempted from.

Milwaukee's attempt to impose school choice is telling. 25% of the kids did better than a public school, 25% did worse, and 50% did about the same. On balance, no real improvement.

But the parents got to choose if they decided to, where their children went. Isn't that freedom of choice?
Which is ridiculous if factual. Let the parents have the voucher and choose. Why not! If they don't want to choose another school, or are not interested, the student goes where they would have anyway.

The problem is, the schools choose them.

I went to what can be considered a pretty elite Catholic High School. One that has given the City of Chicago four of its mayors since 1950. They picked their students as much as their students picked them.

School choice would make the biggest problem of our education system worse- Good schools for the affluent, poor schools for the poor.
The problem isn`t the schools, it`s the parents or parent who do a piss poor job of raising their kids. Kids grow up in homes where they`ve never seen an adult reading a book or newspaper and they want the teachers to do what they should have been doing all along. Where I live the parents and their kids know all about the Steelers but not much else. It`s not the schools or the teachers that are effed up.
Which is ridiculous if factual. Let the parents have the voucher and choose. Why not! If they don't want to choose another school, or are not interested, the student goes where they would have anyway.
Again, the aforementioned supply vs demand (buildings, teachers, resources) and the inevitable picking and choosing who gets to attend what school.
The problem there becomes that the choice works both ways. Private schools will refuse special needs kids, kids with disciplinary problems or kids who are just difficult to educate. If the dollars chase the results, there will be a temptation to skew your results by only picking the bright kids.
And?.....That's exactly what I wanted when I sent my kids to mid-tier private school and moved to a lily white neighborhood. I did not want them around half-raised trash.

Also there are different tiers of private schools you know....I had to pick the best I could afford while still paying to "educate" the little Johnny Rottens of the public schools. Every nickel of that I should have had access to so as to educate my kids.

Liberals are big on talk but when you start peeling back the onion on where the liberal elites send their kids to school you find out that it's usually a pretty exclusive school with long waiting lists.
Exactly. And what happens when you have to start picking and choosing who gets to attend where? How will they decide. I know how they will.

Again, the term "school choice" is a popular political slogan coined by the right to gin up support for essentially flat out discrimination in education (racially AND economically) and defunding
of public schools.

Here we go again, it is about race, geezus!

As far as defunding public schools, nobody ever said that. If they up their game, they stay in business.

Look, nobody that I know of has ever suggested we decertify teachers. Therefore, the same amount of teachers need in the system today would still be there. So how we would have a shortage of teachers is a red herring. The only different would be the curriculum that was taught, and if the parents wanted more reading, writing, and math, that is what the school would do.
The problem is, the schools choose them.

I went to what can be considered a pretty elite Catholic High School. One that has given the City of Chicago four of its mayors since 1950. They picked their students as much as their students picked them.

School choice would make the biggest problem of our education system worse- Good schools for the affluent, poor schools for the poor.

So then you admit that Chicago public schools are bad? And yet, you want everyone to attend them? Sounds strange to me!
Here we go again, it is about race, geezus!

As far as defunding public schools, nobody ever said that. If they up their game, they stay in business.

Look, nobody that I know of has ever suggested we decertify teachers. Therefore, the same amount of teachers need in the system today would still be there. So how we would have a shortage of teachers is a red herring. The only different would be the curriculum that was taught, and if the parents wanted more reading, writing, and math, that is what the school would do.
Defunding of public schools IS an objective of the "school choice" crowd. And I said both racially AND economically..which crosses white, black, and brown lines. And that's how "school choice" will shake out if allowed to become the norm. It already happens.
And yes, you will have a shortage of teachers when a lot leave or can't be trained in numbers enough. Which is what you will get when you allow "choice". Teachers will be vying for those schools in droves because only the best and brightest will be there..and the rest?..they'll leave and won't be easily replaced.

There's not a school I've seen where reading, writing, and math isn't taught.
What you want taught are traditional Christian values...we have private and parochial schools for that. :)

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