Are you for school choice, or do you want to brain wash other people's children?

And?.....That's exactly what I wanted when I sent my kids to mid-tier private school and moved to a lily white neighborhood. I did not want them around half-raised trash.

Also there are different tiers of private schools you know....I had to pick the best I could afford while still paying to "educate" the little Johnny Rottens of the public schools. Every nickel of that I should have had access to so as to educate my kids.

Liberals are big on talk but when you start peeling back the onion on where the liberal elites send their kids to school you find out that it's usually a pretty exclusive school with long waiting lists.
Liberal or conservative "elites" don`t live in the ghettos so why would they send their kid to a school that`s in one?
So you knee jerk a-holes could bitch every time something gets said that runs contrary to your Christian values or sensibilities?, I don't want to be litigating with every single one of you whack-a-doodles.

If you don't like the school, pay to send your kids elsewhere...out of YOUR own pocket.
No, but if a teacher is trying to push their politics in the classroom, regardless of what side they fall on, wouldn't you want to know about it?

Most Christian parents already know that some of the public education goes against their religious values, such as big bang and evolution. You don't really hear too much about it.
I support that idea along with putting cameras in your house for school kids to observe.
Someone's home is a private place. A school is a public place where you entrust your children in the hands of someone else. I think parents have a right to know what goes on in the classroom.

If the teachers aren't doing anything wrong, then they have nothing to worry about, right?
Someone's home is a private place. A school is a public place where you entrust your children in the hands of someone else. I think parents have a right to know what goes on in the classroom.

If the teachers aren't doing anything wrong, then they have nothing to worry about, right?
Did you tell that to people who had to pee to get a job?
A bullshit response. "Grooming" doesn't happen..except in your alt-right imaginations. Again, it's telling where your minds immediately jump to.
the law refers to children in this age.

you screaming YOUNG ADULTS is bullshit.
So you knee jerk a-holes could bitch every time something gets said that runs contrary to your Christian values or sensibilities?, I don't want to be litigating with every single one of you whack-a-doodles.

If you don't like the school, pay to send your kids elsewhere...out of YOUR own pocket.
so police don't need cameras full time so you can bitch....
the law refers to children in this age.

you screaming YOUNG ADULTS is bullshit.

so police don't need cameras full time so you can bitch....
Again, it's a bullshit law designed to address your base red meat needs. It gets you riled up.
Grooming..doesn't..happen. Period. If you can point out a school where they are teaching sex ed to kindergarteners..point it out for the class..please. :)

I'm not the one advocating cameras in the classrooms. You don't like what's being taught..leave.
No, but if a teacher is trying to push their politics in the classroom, regardless of what side they fall on, wouldn't you want to know about it?

Most Christian parents already know that some of the public education goes against their religious values, such as big bang and evolution. You don't really hear too much about it.
There are private religious schools available....there always has been.
Again, it's a bullshit law designed to address your base red meat needs. It gets you riled up.
Grooming..doesn't..happen. Period. If you can point out a school where they are teaching sex ed to kindergarteners..point it out for the class..please. :)

I'm not the one advocating cameras in the classrooms. You don't like what's being taught..leave.
In post #4, you said that some people have no choice of where to send their students, so, there is no place.for them to "leave" to.
There are private religious schools available....there always has been.
I'm sure there are, and if you want to discuss them, that's fine, bit, this post is in context of public schools, and what the teachers are telling the students. It's my view that a teachers personal life and politics have no business being in the classroom. Yet, we are seeing stories pop up of teachers who are trying to do just that.

So, if the original context of this post is that nothing is going on "behind closed doors", then you should have no problem with parents being able to police that.
In post #4, you said that some people have no choice of where to send their students, so, there is no place.for them to "leave" to.
Yep. I did. The people making the most noise about "school choice"..can afford to leave. They just want the financial bennie of having the government pay for it.
Private schools will refuse special needs kids, kids with disciplinary problems or kids who are just difficult to educate.
IOW, future democrats.
That explains why the left is so frightened by choice: they will be left behind.
Reality Kitty Kat. Reality. A concept I know is foreign to you true believers. :)
There is simply no way you could hand every family with school age children a voucher and say, "you can go wherever you want".
Not feasible.
Again, because you say so?
You're just repeating your own opinion as if it were a fact.
Grow the fuck up, that shit won't fly with intelligent adults.
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Again, because you say so?
You're just repeating your own opinion as if it were a fact.
Grow the fuck up, that shit won't fly with intelligent adults.
Then make an argument against it instead of your usual....nay, nay, nay.
I gave you mine (supply, demand, etc). I've heard this nonsense out of the right for four decades now.

Put up..or shut up. :)
The problem there becomes that the choice works both ways. Private schools will refuse special needs kids, kids with disciplinary problems or kids who are just difficult to educate. If the dollars chase the results, there will be a temptation to skew your results by only picking the bright kids.
When Wisconsin was considering a school choice option it came to light that the Milwaukee public schools sent all their problem students to private schools to make their stats look better. Reality is just the opposite of what dumbass progs like you believe.
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