Are you part of the Right Wing Mob.....

A trans high school volleyball player has reportedly lost her his college scholarship after being outed by anti-trans activist Riley Gaines.

It's about time the pendulum is starting to swing back towards sanity.

Seems the reactions to date have always been rather listless and lukewarm, much like the reaction to far too many wrongs in this country. People need to fight for what's right to have any success.

Speaking to the Trans Community > > > > > If you Trans people feel So Strong about your stance, then take a stance and create your own fucking League/Category/WhatEver you want to call it.

Quit bitching about discrimination or equality, get your act together, be PROACTIVE, and set up your own Leagues.
That believes that woman's collegiate sports should be for actual women? Not women with penises!

Why even have women's sports if men can be women?
Which really takes us to the point.

What’s with all the labels? Why must we categorize human beings with confusing designations such as male and female?

I recall that even our enlightened pals in Hollywood used to have Oscar Awards for “Best Actress” and best “Best Actor.” Thankfully, actresses now call themselves “actors” and thus have eliminated the award categories for “actress.”

No? They haven’t ? I wonder why not?
We are heading towards some type of medical chip to be installed in us at some point. Will that chip identify gender, or will it be manipulated? Progs live y technology and yet deny anything they see interfere with agendas. They have created and are creating potential violence between themselves and their groups with agendas.
I'm not one to "white knight" the womenz over the mess they virtue-signaled themselves into.....They fucked it up, let them fix it.

I'm not trying to be a sexist pig here, I'm saying this as how it is, but much like a lot of things women need men to take care of things yet again.

This isn't just a woman's problem, all this tranny bullshit is a American society thing. Men are just as much part of the problem because our society as a whole stood by and let trannies get a foothold when in reality as soon as they tried to grab a hold of something we should have slapped them away.

Now all Americans are going to have to tell trannies to keep their shit to themselves or go somewhere else.
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A trans high school volleyball player has reportedly lost her his college scholarship after being outed by anti-trans activist Riley Gaines.

It's about time the pendulum is starting to swing back towards sanity.
I'm not trying to be a sexist pig here, I'm saying this as how it is, but much like a lot of things women need men to take care of things yet again.

This isn't just a woman's problem, all this tranny bullshit is a American society thing. Men are just as much part of the problem because our society as a whole stood by and let trannies get a foothold when in reality as soon as they tried to grab a hold of something we should have slapped them away.

Now all Americans are going to have to tell trannies to keep their shit to themselves or go somewhere else.
Nope.....They can handle their own mess.
That believes that woman's collegiate sports should be for actual women? Not women with penises!

Why even have women's sports if men can be women?
I believe the correct term is right wing extremists ..
We're a threat to demockwacy

In canaduh Hell they blamed the American right for the lack of support for those "freedom firgters" in Ukraine
In Ireland They blame us for the anti immigration wave that hit...

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