Arms Dealer Viktor Bout Has Given His First Interview After Being Released From US Custody -- Tells The Truth What's Happened To America Under Biden

Really? We're going to accept the word of a Russian criminal who was in an American jail (btw............they don't get much in the way of outside information in jail, just what they get from the television they are allowed to watch, or if they are lucky, from the newspapers and periodicals they are allowed to have), who is being interviewed by Russia Today (a known Russian propaganda outlet) on what the current state of America is today?

Have you conservatives lost your minds?
Yes, yes they have.
If Trump were still president and this guy said all this, you conservatives would be the first to denounce him and call him a crackpot while wondering why anyone would listen to what he has to say.

But..................because it's Biden in office, you guys are willing to agree whole heartedly with him and say what a mess America is because of Biden.

Really? We're going to accept the word of a Russian criminal who was in an American jail (btw............they don't get much in the way of outside information in jail, just what they get from the television they are allowed to watch,
I'm sure he was shell shocked watching American TV viewing homosexuals, interracial couples, satanism.......all perpetuated by the immoral Jewish run Hollywood.
If he says 2+2=4, his past history doesn't make that untrue, dipstick.

When a person is in jail, their contact with the outside world is severely limited. The only news they can get is what comes in on the televisions stations that the jail allows the inmates to watch, or, if they are very lucky, they are allowed various periodicals and news papers, but those too can be edited for content. So, since this person was in jail with only limited access to what was happening in the outside world, how in the hell can he have an informed opinion on anything in this country?
Again, its sad when a Russian arms dealer / merchant of death is more honest about the status of our country than the criminals resonsible for it and the indoctrinated sheep that continue to defend them ... like you.
A couple days ago you Trump asseaters wete trash talking Biden for doing the prisoner swap involving this arms dealer, now you're sucking the ass of that same arms dealer for attacking this Country.

But nice job talking out of both sides of your hypocritical piehole.
Really? We're going to accept the word of a Russian criminal who was in an American jail (btw............they don't get much in the way of outside information in jail, just what they get from the television they are allowed to watch, or if they are lucky, from the newspapers and periodicals they are allowed to have), who is being interviewed by Russia Today (a known Russian propaganda outlet) on what the current state of America is today?

Have you conservatives lost your minds?
Yep, chances are they're only watching CNN and MSNBC.
A couple days ago you Trump asseaters wete trash talking Biden for doing the prisoner swap involving this arms dealer, now you're sucking the ass of that same arms dealer for attacking this Country.

But nice job talking out of both sides of your hypocritical piehole.

Nobody here said they like the guy, only that he speaks the truth. The left hates anybody that speaks the truth.
Maybe you should move your sorry ass over to Moscow where you can kiss the ass of that arms dealer in person instead of having to do it on this board.

It's a shame anybody would have to travel to Russia to do that when anybody could have did that here in the US just a few weeks ago.

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