Asian American (and Immigrant) Success Completely Debunks Myth of 'Systemic Racism'

Three of them were born in the USA; Omar came as a refugee from Somalia more than 20 years ago and has been an American citizen since 2000.

"Mr. President, As Members of Congress, the only country we swear an oath to is the United States. Which is why we are fighting to protect it from the worst, most corrupt and inept president we have ever seen," Omar replied to Trump's tweet.
Omar is an ungrateful bitch. She should go back to Somalia if she hates it here so much. This country gave her everything and all she does is complain.

"If I'm not going to win, I run away. If shrieking will help, I'll do it."
If I'm not going to win, I'm in serious trouble of getting really fucked up. Because it's probably going to be more than one person or a weapon involved.

If someone mugs you, you're going to do whatever you got to do to survive. If 3 guys surround you and ask for your wallet, what are you going to do? You going to fight all three? Liar. If it's 2 guys and one has a knife, you going to fight or run? And if you see people ahead are you going to scream in a very loud way to get their attention? If you are smart you are. I'm smart. Once I decide this is a flight situation, it's survival mode. I'm very good at fight and flight. You sound like you're only good at 1 of them.

I shouldn't hope for you to experience a situation that I am describing but I do. Then you could tell us how your butt hole felt after your pride wouldn't allow you to run screaming like a little girl. Now you can take it like a little girl. Don't scream. Show them you're tough unkotare
On the contrary. All evidence presented thus far points to you 'knowing' just enough to get in over your swelled head. Good thing for you that you are such a coward.
Shoot in on my ankle and I'll punch your temple so you are knocked out little 105 wrestler boy.
Omar is an ungrateful bitch. She should go back to Somalia if she hates it here so much. This country gave her everything and all she does is complain.
Not the point. Why change the subject? bripat tried to suggest he didn't know anyone who talked that way.

And LITERALLY the leader of your party was telling people in his opposing party to go back to the country they came from.

So don't be shocked or try to suggest Republicans/Conservatives are above saying and thinking that Asian Americans should also go back to the countries they came from.

I'm a white American who knows other white Americans. Don't lie and say we would NEVER say such a thing.

How Trump spoke to Arab Americans is how you guys talk to Asian Americans, Mexican Americans. That was the point. Didn't ask if you like Omar.
Because you were a practice dummy for one semester? Yeah, sure...
That's all it really takes to master the wrestling aspect of fighting. Now if you fight me and don't have JuJitSu skills like I have, I choke a wrestler out every time. What are you going to put me in a cradle? LOL. A headlock? Doesn't matter if my shoulders are on the ground you idiot. That's what just a wrestler never gets.
....You certainly didn't wrestle 5 years.
Yes, I did. I've told you this several times before. And unlike you, I've kept at it in all the years since, and a lot of other things as well. Know your place, scrub.
Don't kid yourself, washout.
You weighed 105. 145 now. Pussy. You guys never got the respect. You certainly never came down and wrestled with me and Steve Fraser.

I'll prove it. Who's the toughest most famous wrestler you ever wrestled? Steve has an Olympic Gold Metal. Who did you wrestle? Any of those guys go to the Olympics let along get a gold fucking metal? Didn't think so.
Yes, I did. I've told you this several times before. And unlike you, I've kept at it in all the years since, and a lot of other things as well. Know your place, scrub.
No you said you got hurt and that ended your career. Want to take that back?
Thanks for proving you don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about - again.
If you are in MMA, you will go practice with wrestlers for about 6 months. All you need to know is how to deal with a wrestler. Most of the right things to do in wrestling are wrong to do in a fight.

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