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Asians Overcome Racism


Big D

Asians have faced fierce discrimination in America, but this has not stopped them from getting ahead. In 1790, Congress denied citizenship for anyone who was not a “free white person.” In 1870, blacks could become citizens, but not Asians. In 1879, California continued to deny the vote to “natives of China, idiots and insane persons.”

Some people have argued that Asian immigrants have the advantage of starting out fresh when they get to America, whereas blacks must constantly drag the baggage of slavery and oppression behind them.

This obviously does not apply to the descendants of Asians who came to America more than a century ago practically in bondage and who, in many cases, were treated as badly as blacks. If racism is such an obstacle to success in America, why have Asians overcome it while blacks and Hispanics still suffer?

Originally posted by Big D
Asians have faced fierce discrimination in America, but this has not stopped them from getting ahead. In 1790, Congress denied citizenship for anyone who was not a “free white person.” In 1870, blacks could become citizens, but not Asians. In 1879, California continued to deny the vote to “natives of China, idiots and insane persons.”

Some people have argued that Asian immigrants have the advantage of starting out fresh when they get to America, whereas blacks must constantly drag the baggage of slavery and oppression behind them.

This obviously does not apply to the descendants of Asians who came to America more than a century ago practically in bondage and who, in many cases, were treated as badly as blacks. If racism is such an obstacle to success in America, why have Asians overcome it while blacks and Hispanics still suffer?


Oh my gawd, only satan would ask such a horrible racist question!
Originally posted by Big D
If racism is such an obstacle to success in America, why have Asians overcome it while blacks and Hispanics still suffer?


-Because most asians are coming from an environment of learned self-sufficiency or strong honoring work ethic. By the time they get here, it is just a matter of ignoring socialist agenda and hand outs to become what every other citizen can become.

The others see a system of handouts in America and in most cases have not had the same experience in self-sufficiency or discipline the other immigrants may have had.

You cant seem to understand how responsibility, honor, respect, discipline, and economics works in society yourself so you pin it on skin color.
Originally posted by NewGuy
-Because most asians are coming from an environment of learned self-sufficiency or strong honoring work ethic.
That enviroment that Asians "come" from, is the environment that Asians created.
The entire science of genetics, beginning with Darwin, says you are dead wrong. Asians do well in white societies because they are related to us quite closely. Asians evolved in similar climates and our population groups are separated by about 40,000 years, as opposed to about 100,000 years between blacks and whites. Asians have high IQs, often higher than whites'. They are less likely than whites to be sexually irresponsible. That does not mean I want to live with Asians, but these are the facts.

Hidalgo is pure Hollywood fantasy. Or, propaganda, really.

This review is GREAT.


This one's OK, not as good as Bowman's.

http://promontoryartists.org/lookingcloser/movie reviews/H-P/hidalgo.htm
Originally posted by William Joyce
The entire science of genetics, beginning with Darwin, says you are dead wrong. Asians do well in white societies because they are related to us quite closely. Asians evolved in similar climates and our population groups are separated by about 40,000 years, as opposed to about 100,000 years between blacks and whites. Asians have high IQs, often higher than whites'. They are less likely than whites to be sexually irresponsible. That does not mean I want to live with Asians, but these are the facts.

Hidalgo is pure Hollywood fantasy. Or, propaganda, really.

http://promontoryartists.org/lookingcloser/movie reviews/H-P/hidalgo.htm

Since I am entirely capable of disproving your "Darwinian" point, not to mention any real reliability of the entire science in general, how about showing your proof?
I was going to post the entire text of Origin of the Species, but Jim would've been upset about the use of space. You asked for back-up, and I provided some. If you don't want to read it, fine. Beyond that, I don't know what I can do for you, newguy.

If you don't like to read, you can come up to the Bronx with me and we'll walk down 161st Street and see how similar the races are.
Originally posted by William Joyce
I was going to post the entire text of Origin of the Species, but Jim would've been upset about the use of space. You asked for back-up, and I provided some. If you don't want to read it, fine. Beyond that, I don't know what I can do for you, newguy.
I never said I didn't want to read anything. When most people post, they dont keep editing to add more.

If you don't like to read, you can come up to the Bronx with me and we'll walk down 161st Street and see how similar the races are.

I probably read 3x what you do everyday. I have no need to be dumb enough to think taking a walk is scientific proof of genetics nor evolution either. Since the darwin thing is what you hinge your evolution on, and that is at the root here, I will be back in a while - most likely tonight in a few hours- with your education.
Originally posted by Big D
Asians have faced fierce discrimination in America, but this has not stopped them from getting ahead. In 1790, Congress denied citizenship for anyone who was not a “free white person.” In 1870, blacks could become citizens, but not Asians. In 1879, California continued to deny the vote to “natives of China, idiots and insane persons.”

Some people have argued that Asian immigrants have the advantage of starting out fresh when they get to America, whereas blacks must constantly drag the baggage of slavery and oppression behind them.

This obviously does not apply to the descendants of Asians who came to America more than a century ago practically in bondage and who, in many cases, were treated as badly as blacks. If racism is such an obstacle to success in America, why have Asians overcome it while blacks and Hispanics still suffer?


well, i might have an answer for why blacks still suffer from racism...it was this thing called slavery, maybe u've heard of it. Yea...a time when people didn't even think blacks were humans (kind of like Jews to Hitler). That miiight have something to do with it, especially with racism toward blacks still a hugr problem in some areas. But, that's just my opinion.
You do realize that evolution was the basis for Hitler and communism. ex) Jews are apes.
Originally posted by deciophobic
well, i might have an answer for why blacks still suffer from racism...it was this thing called slavery, maybe u've heard of it. Yea...a time when people didn't even think blacks were humans (kind of like Jews to Hitler).
Jews were slaves for thousands of years and have always been persecuted all through out history. Just 60 years ago 6 million Jews were killed, many of the familys of these Jews who were killed came to America. And still today Jews are known as one of the most successful groups of people in the history of the world:

Jews have earned 27% of the Nobel Prizes awarded to Americans, 25% of ACM Turing Awards, and 26% of the Fields Medals. They account for more than half the world chess champions. Jews at just 2 percent of the US population, make up 30% of elite-college faculty, 30% of Supreme Court law clerks.
Originally posted by William Joyce
The entire science of genetics, beginning with Darwin, says you are dead wrong. Asians do well in white societies because they are related to us quite closely. Asians evolved in similar climates and our population groups are separated by about 40,000 years, as opposed to about 100,000 years between blacks and whites. Asians have high IQs, often higher than whites'. They are less likely than whites to be sexually irresponsible. That does not mean I want to live with Asians, but these are the facts.

This has everything to do with culture. Asian culture promotes the kinds of things that lead to these statistics. Hard work comes to mind. The difference in height, build, skin tone, eye shape, etc. are genetic. A person's physical ability is genetic, as is a person's mental ability. However, a person's attitude and behavior are determined by how they are raised, and nothing else. Babies aren't born with determination, hope, and a strong work ethic. In fact, they're quite apathetic and lazy. Everything else, they are taught.

Hidalgo is pure Hollywood fantasy. Or, propaganda, really.

It's a true story. It's been on the History Channel and it's officially recorded in history that a half-Indian rider on a wild mustang won over 400 long distance races, including the race across the Arabian desert. Yes, much of the story was embellished to make a good movie, but what I've just given you above is true. The guy was one of the last true mustangers and one of the best riders ever know to man. To find out the truth behind him, try this on for size. As for Mr. James Bowman, his credibility with me went right out the window when he said:

I don’t know any of the historical details but I can tell this at a glance: whatever else this story may be, it is not true.

How can you know it's not true when you've already admitted you are clueless about anything else about it. That's like saying you know for a fact that there is no such thing as an ocean, even though you've never been further than sixty miles from your small town in central Kansas.
Originally posted by Big D
Asians have faced fierce discrimination in America, but this has not stopped them from getting ahead. In 1790, Congress denied citizenship for anyone who was not a “free white person.” In 1870, blacks could become citizens, but not Asians. In 1879, California continued to deny the vote to “natives of China, idiots and insane persons."

Not only that, but they were, as a race and/or nationality, excluded from the labour market.


SEC. 2. No corporation now existing or hereafter formed under the laws of this State, shall, after the adoption of this Constitution, employ directly or indirectly, in any capacity, any Chinese or Mongolian. The Legislature shall pass such laws as may be necessary to enforce this provision.

SEC. 3. No Chinese shall be employed on any State, county, municipal, or other public work, except in punishment for crime.

SEC. 4. The presence of foreigners ineligible to become citizens of the United States is declared to be dangerous to the well-being of the State, and the Legislature shall discourage their immigration by all the means within its power. Asiatic coolieism is a form of human slavery, and is forever prohibited in this State, and all contracts for coolie labor shall be void. All companies or corporations, whether formed in this country or any foreign country, for the importation of such labor, shall be subject to such penalties as the Legislature may prescribe. The Legislature shall delegate all necessary power to the incorporated cities and towns of this State for the removal of Chinese without the limits of such cities and towns, or for their location within prescribed portions of those limits, and it shall also provide the necessary legislation to prohibit the introduction into this State of Chinese after the adoption of this Constitution. This section shall be enforced by appropriate legislation.

That last part outlaws slavery in concordance with the Union victory.

But despite the lack of scale, we don't hear from the children of Chinese-Californian descendants of coolie's today, they have moved on to prosper despite any gripes held forth by their forefather. It should matter not whether their parents were volunteers or slaves in the process to emigration, to the next generation, only that they saw opportunity. Which they siezed.
Originally posted by NewGuy
In order to be fair, I will post my replies to the "sciences" in the proper thread:


Since this has already been done, and I will continue to post more if necessary, feel free to look into it.

I am going to wipe out this baloney "evolution/darwinism" garbage that you stand on to promote racism.

Anyone who likes to watch an arian burn, may want to get the jiffy pop and marshmallows.
Originally posted by misinformed
This has everything to do with culture. Asian culture promotes the kinds of things that lead to these statistics. Hard work comes to mind. The difference in height, build, skin tone, eye shape, etc. are genetic. A person's physical ability is genetic, as is a person's mental ability. However, a person's attitude and behavior are determined by how they are raised, and nothing else.

No, no, no, no, no, no. Or, what I mean to say is, no. Intelligence is heritable. So are behavioral traits. This is not in doubt in the scientific community. It is in doubt, however, in the POLITICAL community of the schools and the media, otherwise known as "liberal land."

A brain is tissue as much as skin. They only perform different functions. It may not be a happy thought, but it's true.
Are babies born violent, smartalic, hopeful, determined, spiteful, or arrogant? NO, they learn these things as they grow older. Yes, their physical abilities and their mental capacity are inherited, but their behavior is learned. I have personal experience in this field. Right now, my dad's cousin has two adopted children, both from the same mother. Both children were born to different fathers because the mother was irresponsible and so desperate to get married to anyone that she would stop birth control after a while, then use the child to try to drag the man into marrying her. When this didn't work, she'd give them up for adoption. Neither child is irresponsible or clingy. In fact, my dad claims they act about like his cousin (remember, their stepfather) did when he was that age. Learning ability is genetic. Behavior is taught.

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