At this moment, this Presidency is not going well


Here is what actually happened:

  • In June, the Trump administration argued in court that "safe and sanitary" conditions - required by the 1997 Flores settlement - may not necessarily mean that a toothbrush and soap are provided for detained immigrant children during short stays, and that the children could be allowed to sleep on concrete floors.
It had/has nothing to do—zip, zilch, nada—with DHS/INS/ICE/CBP or whomever not having funding for soap and toothpaste.

Your blob has deficits of about $1T per year. Are you seriously stating that there is no money to buy a kid soap, toothpaste or give flu shots?

Look you prick. A.R.T., said Congress was unwilling to provide funds. They have the checkbook. I commented that this is typical with contracts. If you want something you pay for it.

Strange...our detainment centers that are now your blob’s death camps are open. Someone must have funded them fuck face.
Simple solution to all of it. Tell them to keep the children in their home countries and quit compromising them by trying to bring them or sending then into our country illegally.

Again...the kids have no choice in this. Treating children worse than a dog is a choice you support. What the fuck is wrong with you?
then why do the parents drag through deserts and starve them, and keep water from them? that seems fking awful extreme conditions to take a child in. And you give them the break. that makes you stupid.

Fuck you.

So let’s see if I follow your moronic logic. Because the parents break the law and mistreat their kids, it’s acceptable for the authorities to do so?

You’re a fucking idiot.
Why should China bend to stupid ass bullying.

Trump is sofa king stupid he thinks trade deficits are losses.
for the good of America is why the bullying. you rooting for china?

Trump is putting a gun to the heads of Americans & threatening to shoot if China does not bend to his will.
Don't worry-they did.
According to whom?
And the GOP Congress refused to cooperate with Obama.

My examples are all Trump-specific, all of them. We can pretend they are not, we can try to change the subject, but that would be lying.

totally wrong, obama shut them out, refused to talk with them, remember "we won" and "republicans need to go to the back of the bus" ?

the refusal to negotiate and compromise was coming from the dictator wannabe obozo the great.

your grasp of recent history is amazingly lacking.
You've kinda got that backwards. I mean yes, something similar to that was said, but you got the order backwards. That sentiment was expressed after years of republican obstructionism and leaks about how they determined to block every single Obama initiative even if they thought it was a good idea and secret back room meetings on inauguration night.

bullshit, Newt and the GOP worked with clinton and got things done, the dems refused to work with Bush and are refusing to work with Trump.

the only obama ideas that were blocked were his stupid socialist attempts to destroy this country.
THE Dems worked with Bush the last 2 years of his 8 years, when they got control back of both houses in Congress.... why are you saying they didn't?

Dems alone passed Bill Clinton's financial plan to get the USA back on track, including the tax hike on the top level.
2 years later when Gingrich became speaker and repubs won the house, Clinton had the line item veto, so Gingrich worked with Clinton on cutting the spending legislation.
so you agree they were as much responsible as bush for the melt down right?
no, of course not!

the melt down had already begun before the Democrats took control in 2007.... housing had begun slowing before this,

and the toxic assets, (mortgage backed securities), the financial/mortgage industry's ponzi scheme, had been going on since 2002 or longer...
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And the justification for not allowing toothpaste is what exactly?

Your Democrats in Congress denied them the funds to pay for it!
This not wanting to pay for materials, labor, etc. is typical on many government and private contracts. Then when whoever is doing the work, or whatever refuses to do something that is not being paid for some prick starts doing the blame game as if whoever is in charge of making sure the job is done is doing something wrong. In that same note there are contractors that if they think they have a blank check they will will become very creative on ways to increase the bill. It is all a balancing act. To me that is why we need solid business individuals in elected positions that understand there are cost to doing anything; and we need ones that are not there just looking to make a quick buck for themselves but one that desire to improve conditions overall for every citizen without increasing or bloating government into a bigger beast than what it already is.


Here is what actually happened:

  • In June, the Trump administration argued in court that "safe and sanitary" conditions - required by the 1997 Flores settlement - may not necessarily mean that a toothbrush and soap are provided for detained immigrant children during short stays, and that the children could be allowed to sleep on concrete floors.
It had/has nothing to do—zip, zilch, nada—with DHS/INS/ICE/CBP or whomever not having funding for soap and toothpaste.

Your blob has deficits of about $1T per year. Are you seriously stating that there is no money to buy a kid soap, toothpaste or give flu shots?

Look you prick. A.R.T., said Congress was unwilling to provide funds. They have the checkbook. I commented that this is typical with contracts. If you want something you pay for it.

Strange...our detainment centers that are now your blob’s death camps are open. Someone must have funded them fuck face.

Detainment centers, concentration camps, whats the difference?

Your Democrats in Congress denied them the funds to pay for it!
This not wanting to pay for materials, labor, etc. is typical on many government and private contracts. Then when whoever is doing the work, or whatever refuses to do something that is not being paid for some prick starts doing the blame game as if whoever is in charge of making sure the job is done is doing something wrong. In that same note there are contractors that if they think they have a blank check they will will become very creative on ways to increase the bill. It is all a balancing act. To me that is why we need solid business individuals in elected positions that understand there are cost to doing anything; and we need ones that are not there just looking to make a quick buck for themselves but one that desire to improve conditions overall for every citizen without increasing or bloating government into a bigger beast than what it already is.


Here is what actually happened:

  • In June, the Trump administration argued in court that "safe and sanitary" conditions - required by the 1997 Flores settlement - may not necessarily mean that a toothbrush and soap are provided for detained immigrant children during short stays, and that the children could be allowed to sleep on concrete floors.
It had/has nothing to do—zip, zilch, nada—with DHS/INS/ICE/CBP or whomever not having funding for soap and toothpaste.

Your blob has deficits of about $1T per year. Are you seriously stating that there is no money to buy a kid soap, toothpaste or give flu shots?

Look you prick. A.R.T., said Congress was unwilling to provide funds. They have the checkbook. I commented that this is typical with contracts. If you want something you pay for it.

Strange...our detainment centers that are now your blob’s death camps are open. Someone must have funded them fuck face.

Detainment centers, concentration camps, whats the difference?

View attachment 276142

Camps where the interred die….no difference there.

Calling it the holocaust? That’s your fantasy skuzball
Look you prick. A.R.T., said Congress was unwilling to provide funds. They have the checkbook. I commented that this is typical with contracts. If you want something you pay for it.

Strange...our detainment centers that are now your blob’s death camps are open. Someone must have funded them fuck face.
Simple solution to all of it. Tell them to keep the children in their home countries and quit compromising them by trying to bring them or sending then into our country illegally.

Again...the kids have no choice in this. Treating children worse than a dog is a choice you support. What the fuck is wrong with you?
then why do the parents drag through deserts and starve them, and keep water from them? that seems fking awful extreme conditions to take a child in. And you give them the break. that makes you stupid.

Fuck you.

So let’s see if I follow your moronic logic. Because the parents break the law and mistreat their kids, it’s acceptable for the authorities to do so?

You’re a fucking idiot.
How about this-choose to support a Russian child or an American soldier. Which is it? I choose the American soldier-he is from MY country. The Democrats belittle our soldiers especially when they are near the border and support the foreign child- that's wrong-I don't care if they ARE kids-I choose the soldier.
Strange...our detainment centers that are now your blob’s death camps are open. Someone must have funded them fuck face.
Simple solution to all of it. Tell them to keep the children in their home countries and quit compromising them by trying to bring them or sending then into our country illegally.

Again...the kids have no choice in this. Treating children worse than a dog is a choice you support. What the fuck is wrong with you?
then why do the parents drag through deserts and starve them, and keep water from them? that seems fking awful extreme conditions to take a child in. And you give them the break. that makes you stupid.

Fuck you.

So let’s see if I follow your moronic logic. Because the parents break the law and mistreat their kids, it’s acceptable for the authorities to do so?

You’re a fucking idiot.
How about this-choose to support a Russian child or an American soldier. Which is it? I choose the American soldier-he is from MY country. The Democrats belittle our soldiers especially when they are near the border and support the foreign child- that's wrong-I don't care if they ARE kids-I choose the soldier.
So, by "supporting" a kid (I assume that mens shelter, healthcare, education), I am neglecting a soldier?

Wha? We can't do both?
Simple solution to all of it. Tell them to keep the children in their home countries and quit compromising them by trying to bring them or sending then into our country illegally.

Again...the kids have no choice in this. Treating children worse than a dog is a choice you support. What the fuck is wrong with you?
then why do the parents drag through deserts and starve them, and keep water from them? that seems fking awful extreme conditions to take a child in. And you give them the break. that makes you stupid.

Fuck you.

So let’s see if I follow your moronic logic. Because the parents break the law and mistreat their kids, it’s acceptable for the authorities to do so?

You’re a fucking idiot.
How about this-choose to support a Russian child or an American soldier. Which is it? I choose the American soldier-he is from MY country. The Democrats belittle our soldiers especially when they are near the border and support the foreign child- that's wrong-I don't care if they ARE kids-I choose the soldier.
So, by "supporting" a kid (I assume that mens shelter, healthcare, education), I am neglecting a soldier?

Wha? We can't do both?
The democrats can't. And those"kids" deserve nothing. We killed a lot of Nazi children and VietNamese children who invaded our space-same rules apply here. No mercy.
What destruction did President Obama perpetrate? What is it you think Clinton would have done? Can you point to specifics or are you just spouting crap you've been told to repeat?
Don't know about him, but Obama went from Yes we can to no you can't. Clinton would have allowed open borders-when she said that I changed my vote from her to Trump.
Except that she never said that. That was some of that fake news that the Russians didn't make and you didn't believe.
Sorry, I SAW and HEARD her-that's when I changed my vote!
Please post up video or at least direct quotes of this.

I'll wait.
Take my word-its better than doctored video or animal sex
So you've got nothing then?

As expected.
Don't know about him, but Obama went from Yes we can to no you can't. Clinton would have allowed open borders-when she said that I changed my vote from her to Trump.
Except that she never said that. That was some of that fake news that the Russians didn't make and you didn't believe.
Sorry, I SAW and HEARD her-that's when I changed my vote!
Please post up video or at least direct quotes of this.

I'll wait.
Take my word-its better than doctored video or animal sex
So you've got nothing then?

As expected.
Go talk to Olde English-he will fill you in
What destruction did President Obama perpetrate? What is it you think Clinton would have done? Can you point to specifics or are you just spouting crap you've been told to repeat?
Don't know about him, but Obama went from Yes we can to no you can't. Clinton would have allowed open borders-when she said that I changed my vote from her to Trump.
Except that she never said that. That was some of that fake news that the Russians didn't make and you didn't believe.
Sorry, I SAW and HEARD her-that's when I changed my vote!
Please post up video or at least direct quotes of this.

I'll wait.
Clinton admitted she's for 'open borders' in paid, private speech: WikiLeaks I can't do links so I copy and paste.
Ah the podesta emails.

First, unconfirmed.
Second, the context of the remark is trade, not immigration.

Still nothing.
Don't know about him, but Obama went from Yes we can to no you can't. Clinton would have allowed open borders-when she said that I changed my vote from her to Trump.
Except that she never said that. That was some of that fake news that the Russians didn't make and you didn't believe.
Sorry, I SAW and HEARD her-that's when I changed my vote!
Please post up video or at least direct quotes of this.

I'll wait.
Clinton admitted she's for 'open borders' in paid, private speech: WikiLeaks I can't do links so I copy and paste.
Ah the podesta emails.

First, unconfirmed.
Second, the context of the remark is trade, not immigration.

Still nothing.
Oh, YOU will get something.
Again...the kids have no choice in this. Treating children worse than a dog is a choice you support. What the fuck is wrong with you?
then why do the parents drag through deserts and starve them, and keep water from them? that seems fking awful extreme conditions to take a child in. And you give them the break. that makes you stupid.

Fuck you.

So let’s see if I follow your moronic logic. Because the parents break the law and mistreat their kids, it’s acceptable for the authorities to do so?

You’re a fucking idiot.
How about this-choose to support a Russian child or an American soldier. Which is it? I choose the American soldier-he is from MY country. The Democrats belittle our soldiers especially when they are near the border and support the foreign child- that's wrong-I don't care if they ARE kids-I choose the soldier.
So, by "supporting" a kid (I assume that mens shelter, healthcare, education), I am neglecting a soldier?

Wha? We can't do both?
The democrats can't. And those"kids" deserve nothing. We killed a lot of Nazi children and VietNamese children who invaded our space-same rules apply here. No mercy.
“Nazi children”


Neither ‘Nazi children’ nor Vietnamese children ‘invaded’ the United States.

Likewise, immigrant children are not ‘invading’ the United States.

There is no justification for Trump’s neglect and mistreatment of immigrant children, no justification for the deaths of immigrant children the consequence of Trump’s reckless, irresponsible, and wrongheaded immigration policy.
Please post up video or at least direct quotes of this.

I'll wait.
Clinton admitted she's for 'open borders' in paid, private speech: WikiLeaks I can't do links so I copy and paste.

So, unless you were one of those banksters at that paid, private speech, you lied to us:

Sorry, I SAW and HEARD her-that's when I changed my vote!
BS-I saw her on video-read the GOD DAMN post I put out! You wanted proof you got it! Now SHUT UP!

No one so much as claims there is video of the speech. All there is are transcripts.

And you are lying again, and lying about your lying.

BTW, dummy, do you think putting your lies in bigger fonts makes them more appealing, or true, somehow?
You and that guy Dave Hunt need to find yourself a girl or each other, so you stop bothering me with your stupid, petty bullshit. And the fonts are for my fading eyesight butt munch. If I do run across that video in the future-I expect a BIG apology!
Look out guys!! He's backing up!!

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