Zone1 Atheism Has No Basis for the Idea of Good or Evil, Just or Unjust

if it's any consolation, I wouldn't have accepted the interpretations you were taught either.

I'm sure it was much easier to accept the interpretations you created to make yourself more comfortable. If not, whose interpretations did you accept? Wait. Did God Himself tell you?

If so, there is another consolation. I would have accepted the same interpretations as you if God Himself told me. There is not a consolation if you accepted your own interpretations to be more emotionally comfortable. That's childish. I am curious where you obtained your interpretations but I have this feeling you have a breezewood type belief system that you made up for yourself. There is a possibility that God needs you more than He needs me and he picked you out for your amazing skill or specialized personality to fit His purposes that I do not possess. It is just like any company hiring employees. They pick a few but ignore the billions of other people on the planet. You should be excited that you have been given such a big opportunity. I would be.

However, I'm guessing this isn't what happened. Just let me know what theological writing or Biblical interpretation connected you with the big fellow. If it is just an imaginary being that you created because you had some kind of intense emotional experience or hard time in life then I am not all that curious. I hear those stories all the time. I mean, it is good to know yourself but it doesn't suffice as inspiration to take the same path as those people. I mean if God gave that experience to them then He will give it to me if He sees fit. So I am free to enjoy their stories and go on about my life the best way I can figure it out.

Once upon a time you mentioned that believing in God is beneficial for putting someone in a state of humility that opens up lots of opportunities. It is your best explanation so far but life does a pretty good job of humiliating me anyways. Maybe God figures I have been humiliated enough and don't need Him to seek me out to embarrass me or to destroy my spirit.
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America Founded as a Christian Nation 200127
POST•617 ding Jan’20 in thread Safaan, asserts that it is a FACT : …that we were founded as a Christian nation based upon Christian values and principles. dvng 200127 Safaac00617

America founded by whites... for whites 200112
POST•1 Porter Rockwell Jan’20 Safbwf:
The United States was founded by white Christians for the benefit of white Christians. prtrrckwll 200112 Safbwf00001

Atheism Has No Basis for the Idea of Good or Evil, Just or Unjust 240224

•682 The US Constitution recognizes freedom of religion. And that ideal realistically grants freedom of conscience for the citizenry to behave in ways that cause no harm to the pursuit of life liberty and happiness of others in pursuit of the same.

•682 With no endorsement of Christianity in the US Constitution, the Atheist became an equal with the Christian on US soil. That should suffice to dismiss the lie that America was founded as a Christian nation.

•682 But if Saint Ding has access to an accurate 1776 census or survey from the Original Thirteen British Colonies, from which he could a stake out a claim that the majority of the population believed that the Bible was the word of God and Jesus Christ was the son of God, and that if you believe that you gain eternal life in heaven, with God. But Saint ding cannot make such a claim that the majority of the population in 1776 were practicing Christians. So Christian nation based upon the least of the majority in the population at the time America was founded does not work either.

•682 But still, if Saint Ding ,for some reason, has to make the claim that America was founded as a Christian nation, he should do so by being truthful in that claim as Saint Porterrockwell does in the thread he started titled, “America founded by whites... for whites “ in POST Safbwf00001

•682 Or, in a most truthful declaration, Saint Ding must say “America was founded by white Christian Protestants for white Christian Protestants” ….. but Saint Ding may not like to use “white” as a reminder that today’s Republican Party has a very strong “white” born again Christian nationalist strain in it’s DNA. As in, the culture rrent Republican Speaker of the House of representatives is a self professed, Christian nationalist, and he is very white and Christian, and he voted on J6 to overturn the 2020 presidential election based on the accusations by the loser that black populated major “shithole” cities like Detroit and Atlanta, committed election fraud to steal the election from Trump/oence to give it to Biden/Harris.

Atheism Has No Basis for the Idea of Good or Evil, Just or Unjust 240219
•413 ding Feb’24 Sahnbf: Atheism is predicated on materialism. So to an atheist all there is is the satisfaction of material needs and primitive impulses. That doesn't mean that atheists can't be moral. It only means that their morality is aimed at satisfying their material needs and primitive instincts. Which means they have no absolute morals. Their morals are fluid; relative. dvng 240219 Sahnbf00413

Atheism Has No Basis for the Idea of Good or Evil, Just or Unjust 240224

•682 American rule of law is thankfully supposed to be blind to Saint Ding’s type of bigotry against those who are NOT white Christian Americans as indicated in POST•413 Sahnbf00413

•682 But there is no excuse for the cunning way that Saint Ding harbors his religious bigotry beneath the calm surface of his sophisticated moral sophistry

POST•682 nfbw 240224 Vahnbf00682
to POST•413 Sahnbf00413
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"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear in that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the World. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won’t feel unsure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. As we let our own Light shine, we consciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
No you KNOW you are inadequate. It says so in the bible. You are nothing but a wicked sinner who maybe if the punishments are scary enough or the rewards are great enough can behave in a civilized manner.

And shouldn't you include the author's name of the poem you quote?
There is a line in Harry Potter: It is not our talents that define us, but our choices. How we choose to respond to whatever the universe throws at us, is what defines us.

A lot of shit gets thrown our way in life. Do we become angry, bitter, and seek retaliation when we're wronged, or do we work to create a better life for ourselves and our families believing "living well is the best revenge".

I believe it's really hard to get ahead when you spend all of your time trying to get even. Also, karma, being a bitch, will get them in the end and you can enjoy their come upance completely guilt free because you had nothing to do with it.
A lovely sentiment and you may be right, I don't know. The universe has been very good to me and "living well" has always been easy. I look around and see others have not had it so easy, they were born where people were dropping bombs on them or where eating that day was not a given. It is hard for me to imagine I'd be the same person if my life had been so very different.
No you KNOW you are inadequate. It says so in the bible. You are nothing but a wicked sinner who maybe if the punishments are scary enough or the rewards are great enough can behave in a civilized manner.

And shouldn't you include the author's name of the poem you quote?
If you say so. :)
I'm sure it was much easier to accept the interpretations you created to make yourself more comfortable. If not, whose interpretations did you accept? Wait. Did God Himself tell you?

If so, there is another consolation. I would have accepted the same interpretations as you if God Himself told me. There is not a consolation if you accepted your own interpretations to be more emotionally comfortable. That's childish. I am curious where you obtained your interpretations but I have this feeling you have a breezewood type belief system that you made up for yourself. There is a possibility that God needs you more than He needs me and he picked you out for your amazing skill or specialized personality to fit His purposes that I do not possess. It is just like any company hiring employees. They pick a few but ignore the billions of other people on the planet. You should be excited that you have been given such a big opportunity. I would be.

However, I'm guessing this isn't what happened. Just let me know what theological writing or Biblical interpretation connected you with the big fellow. If it is just an imaginary being that you created because you had some kind of intense emotional experience or hard time in life then I am not all that curious. I hear those stories all the time. I mean, it is good to know yourself but it doesn't suffice as inspiration to take the same path as those people. I mean if God gave that experience to them then He will give it to me if He sees fit. So I am free to enjoy their stories and go on about my life the best way I can figure it out.

Once upon a time you mentioned that believing in God is beneficial for putting someone in a state of humility that opens up lots of opportunities. It is your best explanation so far but life does a pretty good job of humiliating me anyways. Maybe God figures I have been humiliated enough and don't need Him to seek me out to embarrass me or to destroy my spirit.
I think you have to see it that way. I think all of you do because it can't be your fault, right?
Sure it is. I literally just did it. I can choose to do as I like. That's free will.

No that's you imposing your self proclaimed authority on other people but that is the modus operandi of religious zealots so it would be silly to think you could understand what you're doing.
No that's you imposing your self proclaimed authority on other people but that is the modus operandi of religious zealots so it would be silly to think you could understand what you're doing.
And I grant you my permission to believe that too. :)
ding winding up blues man.gif

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