Attention all Catholic haters


A REAL free thinker
Mar 8, 2014
What's your beef?

Please be specific. No "pedophile priest" answers, there are no more pedophile priests than there are pedophile scoutmasters. Or schoolteachers.

Give me your theological reasons. REAL theological reasons, not made up theology.
It's not really hate.

It's more of an understanding that you folks like to send other folks to meet your "maker".

Maybe if you spent less time killing, crusading and conquering..and a little more time helping others that "hatred" would abate.

But I ain't counting on it.
What's your beef?

Please be specific. No "pedophile priest" answers, there are no more pedophile priests than there are pedophile scoutmasters. Or schoolteachers.

Give me your theological reasons. REAL theological reasons, not made up theology.

Definitely don't "HATE" Catholics (by any stretch of the imagination), but personally I wouldn't want to be one because I think Catholics tend to sometimes be heavy on the "guilt" thing (kind of a negative way to go through life, in my opinion), and also have just a plethora of very (what I think are) strange rituals and procedures that seem somewhat out of place in a modern world. I don't think the wine is the actual blood of Jesus - I think it's just wine. Also, never liked how you had to confess to a man - a priest - vs just doing it in your prayers to God directly. Seems overly bureaucratic.

Again, I'm a recovering Catholic (would say I believe in the possibility of a God, but are not religious) and have a slew of wonderful Catholic friends, so would never say I "HATE" people who practice the religion.

These are just my personal reasons why I'm not big on Catholicism.
It's not really hate.

It's more of an understanding that you folks like to send other folks to meet your "maker".

Maybe if you spent less time killing, crusading and conquering..and a little more time helping others that "hatred" would abate.

But I ain't counting on it.

Yeah, because in all of history, Christians killed almost as many people as your leftists did in an average month...

500 year of Inquisition, less than a thousand murdered: 3 years of purges in the Ukrain, 23 million murdered!
What's your beef?

Please be specific. No "pedophile priest" answers, there are no more pedophile priests than there are pedophile scoutmasters. Or schoolteachers.

Give me your theological reasons. REAL theological reasons, not made up theology.

I try not to hate groups of people, individuals sure. :)

As to my theological objections to Catholicism, they include but aren't limited to:

"Hell (infernus) in theological usage is a place of punishment after death. Theologians distinguish four meanings of the term hell:

* hell in the strict sense, or the place of punishment for the damned, be they demons or men;
* the limbo of infants (limbus parvulorum), where those who die in original sin alone, and without personal mortal sin, are confined and undergo some kind of punishment;
* the limbo of the Fathers (limbus patrum), in which the souls of the just who died before Christ awaited their admission to heaven; for in the meantime heaven was closed against them in punishment for the sin of Adam;
* purgatory, where the just, who die in venial sin or who still owe a debt of temporal punishment for sin, are cleansed by suffering before their admission to heaven."

A religion that says helpless children suffer ANY kind of Hell isn't to me a decent religion. How any good person could belong to such a religion is worth examining.
What's your beef?

Please be specific. No "pedophile priest" answers, there are no more pedophile priests than there are pedophile scoutmasters. Or schoolteachers.

Give me your theological reasons. REAL theological reasons, not made up theology.

I don't hate Catholics anymore than I could hate victims of a fraud but if I ever find the bastard that screwed up their minds by teaching them to worship a triune god made man made lifeless matzo made by human hands that can be handed out like and eaten like a cheep snack food for spiritual life I might just plunge a wooden stake into the blackened heart of his lifeless corpse.
What's your beef?

Please be specific. No "pedophile priest" answers, there are no more pedophile priests than there are pedophile scoutmasters. Or schoolteachers.

Give me your theological reasons. REAL theological reasons, not made up theology.

I don't hate Catholics anymore than I could hate victims of a fraud but if I ever find the bastard that screwed up their minds by teaching them to worship a triune god made man made lifeless matzo made by human hands that can be handed out like and eaten like a cheep snack food for spiritual life I might just plunge a wooden stake into his lifeless corpse.

That's it, just roll around in your ignorance - make sure you get it all over you.
Catholicism is no place to be female.

Why not?

Come on. For starters, many other forms of Christianity allow women to be "pastors", etc. In Catholicism however, men are absolutely at the top of the bureaucratic food chain; do you know of ANY female Bishops/Cardinals/Popes?

How would you like to be part of religion where you absolutely have no chance of becoming a major lead in the organization?
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How would you like to be part of religion where you absolutely have no chance of becoming a major lead in the organization?

That would be just fine. It would be just fine with most people, as only a very small fraction of followers of any religion take "a major lead in the organization." Doesn't interfere with their ability to practice their faith.
It's not really hate.

It's more of an understanding that you folks like to send other folks to meet your "maker".

Maybe if you spent less time killing, crusading and conquering..and a little more time helping others that "hatred" would abate.

But I ain't counting on it.

Progressives have murdered more people in 100 years than all religions have in over 2000 years.
Got evidence to support that? Kinda like claiming whites are superior to blacks, then not bothering to prove it with evidence.
How would you like to be part of religion where you absolutely have no chance of becoming a major lead in the organization?

That would be just fine. It would be just fine with most people, as only a very small fraction of followers of any religion take "a major lead in the organization." Doesn't interfere with their ability to practice their faith.

Unkotare, I can't believe your stance on this issue. Really?

Is it so preposterous to think that a woman may be enthusiastic about her church organization and maybe want to take a lead role, and perhaps lead things up one day? You don't think the fact that they absolutely may not is a deterrent?

A church is just like a company and there are many different viewpoints on how the organization is to be run in the next 5, 20, or 50 years; how would you like it to know that absolutely you'll never be leading any of this?

How would you like it if your boss said "just work and keep quiet, we don't need to hear your thoughts on how to run this company"? I certainly wouldn't.
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What's your beef?

Please be specific. No "pedophile priest" answers, there are no more pedophile priests than there are pedophile scoutmasters. Or schoolteachers.

Give me your theological reasons. REAL theological reasons, not made up theology.

I don't hate Catholics anymore than I could hate victims of a fraud but if I ever find the bastard that screwed up their minds by teaching them to worship a triune god made man made lifeless matzo made by human hands that can be handed out like and eaten like a cheep snack food for spiritual life I might just plunge a wooden stake into his lifeless corpse.

That's it, just roll around in your ignorance - make sure you get it all over you.

You guys worship and eat a lifeless matzo made by human hands for spiritual life.

Your priests teach you that the way to eternal life is doing the exact opposite of what God commands in the law and promises results in death.

Who is more ignorant than someone who swallows that garbage?

There....That's me rubbing your nose in your own shit.
How would you like to be part of religion where you absolutely have no chance of becoming a major lead in the organization?

That would be just fine. It would be just fine with most people, as only a very small fraction of followers of any religion take "a major lead in the organization." Doesn't interfere with their ability to practice their faith.

You're missing the point. When the prospect of EVER becoming a leader within an organization is removed from you simply because of your sex, I can see it as being (a) degrading and (b) a deterrent from participating in the religion.

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