Attention all Catholic haters

I just joined this thread and saw you insulting someone else, not very consistent for a man of the cloth, even a pretend one.

If you only knew...

I don't have any problem with calling a spade a spade, friend. When you're factually incorrect, don't expect me to agree with you. To do otherwise would be the height of hypocrisy. Then you'd cry about that.

The reality is that I won't be able to do anything right as far as you Pharisees are concerned (my apologies to the Pharisees). And I'm okay with that.

So you're not going to repent for all the name calling? See you in hell, and remember, don't pass Adolf the salt.

You won't see me in hell, son, you're lucky Christ himself didn't turn over your tables for trashing his spouse and that it was only me.

I suggest you remember that.
If you only knew...

I don't have any problem with calling a spade a spade, friend. When you're factually incorrect, don't expect me to agree with you. To do otherwise would be the height of hypocrisy. Then you'd cry about that.

The reality is that I won't be able to do anything right as far as you Pharisees are concerned (my apologies to the Pharisees). And I'm okay with that.

So you're not going to repent for all the name calling? See you in hell, and remember, don't pass Adolf the salt.

You won't see me in hell, son, you're lucky Christ himself didn't turn over your tables for trashing his spouse and that it was only me.

I suggest you remember that.

Jesus had a spouse? And I trashed her? Wtf? :dunno:
So you're not going to repent for all the name calling? See you in hell, and remember, don't pass Adolf the salt.

You won't see me in hell, son, you're lucky Christ himself didn't turn over your tables for trashing his spouse and that it was only me.

I suggest you remember that.

Jesus had a spouse? And I trashed her? Wtf? :dunno:

Another oracle of vast theological wisdom.

Look it up.
Clement - I'm still curious. If Catholicism isn't a "denomination" then what is it?

According to the dictionary, a denomination is "a recognized autonomous branch of the Christian Church". I would classify Lutheran, Protestant, Catholic, and Baptist as four different Christian denominations; why is that incorrect?
Attention all Catholic haters
Thousands burned at the stake as heretics during the inquisition. Thousands more killed in the crusades as infidels. Thousands of children sodomized by priests. Priests that spend $42 million on their lavish dwellings. Eh, no big deal.
Wait there a second [MENTION=47835]Clement[/MENTION] - I thought you said there were no rewards for a male priest who makes his way up in the Catholic Church?

Is this figure incorrect?

Ask hangoverto prove it.

That would only be fair..

But what about my question regarding denominations?

I just looked the 42 million dollar priest thing up. The Pope has bounced him out of there, but he's a german so by this forum's rationale, all germans are rotten.

One thing you will never see is hangover crying about the money his president wastes.
Ask hangoverto prove it.

That would only be fair..

But what about my question regarding denominations?

I just looked the 42 million dollar priest thing up. The Pope has bounced him out of there, but he's a german so by this forum's rationale, all germans are rotten.

One thing you will never see is hangover crying about the money his president wastes.

Lol - but what about my questions regarding denominations?

Isn't being Catholic just like being Lutheran, Protestant, Baptist, etc?
That would only be fair..

But what about my question regarding denominations?

I just looked the 42 million dollar priest thing up. The Pope has bounced him out of there, but he's a german so by this forum's rationale, all germans are rotten.

One thing you will never see is hangover crying about the money his president wastes.

Lol - but what about my questions regarding denominations?

Isn't being Catholic just like being Lutheran, Protestant, Baptist, etc?

No. I'll be back later.
That would only be fair..

But what about my question regarding denominations?

I just looked the 42 million dollar priest thing up. The Pope has bounced him out of there, but he's a german so by this forum's rationale, all germans are rotten.

One thing you will never see is hangover crying about the money his president wastes.

Lol - but what about my questions regarding denominations?

Isn't being Catholic just like being Lutheran, Protestant, Baptist, etc?

Denomination is a man made term. I don't use it because it's so theologically imprecise. I might say "what is your faith tradition", which is to say, what is your worship tradition.

The church you hate (henceforth known as the "catholic" church) was handed down to us from the disciples and their disciples. The liturgy they use is a direct descendant of the Jewish liturgy of daily prayer with some modifications. (I mean, after all, Jesus himself was a Jew!). If I am asked who I believe when it comes to authentic Christianity, I am more inclined to believe the guys who were there (Clement being one of them) than I am some pothead on a messageboard.

Many faith traditions have come from the one holy catholic and apostolic church: Anglicanism, Calvinism, Lutheranism, and the branches that came from those, Wesleyism, Baptism, etc.

Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons are not descendants of the church and are not part of it. They were invented by men in the 1800's and 1900's. They are big on heresies, too. All the rest are descendants of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic church. (That ought to get the fundies going!)

The church has no walls, no boundaries, no limits, it stretches from ancient times to today and into the future, the saints from Paul's day are no different from the ones in our own day. Asking one of the saints to pray for us is no different from you asking me to pray for you. I am a contemporary saint, Joseph (for example) is a departed saint.

If you really don't believe in an afterlife, this could be a problem for you.

He who has an ear, let him hear.
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Continued from yesterday:

The early Church was definitely ONE. "...they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers."

The early Church was Holy, given the sacramental means to make Holy the sinners found in her ranks.

The early Church was "catholic", in that it was universal, intended for all men, past, present, and future.

Finally, the Church is Apostolic, it's commission dates back to the Apostles and Christ himself. I was ordained by a bishop who was ordained by a Bishop, who was ordained by a Bishop who was ordained by a Bishop, who was ordained by a Bishop - all the way back to Christ and the disciples.

Which congregations conform to these ideals?

So, whenever you hear somebody get up on their soapbox and say "the Church has nothing to do with your relationship with God" and claim it to be Christianity, believe it not. If the claim to be talking about "spirituality" as Christians while not referring to the Holy Spirit, believe it not. If someone claims to love God and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. (1 John 4:20)

So all these Bible thumpers who hate others who call themselves Christians is a liar.
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Continued from yesterday:

The early Church was definitely ONE. "...they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers."r.

Nonsense. As seen in revelation the first seven churches were anything but one. And what was 'the breaking of bread' at the time was just a communal meal not an eating of the roman triune mangod ceremony that did not exist until Christianity was assimilated and perverted by Rome.

What you believe and practice has nothing whatever to do with what the apostles taught and practiced.

To reduce the very word of God, the body of Christ, into a cheap snack food made by human hands is a desecration of the teachings of Jesus and a demonstration of pure hatred for God.
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Continued from yesterday:

The early Church was definitely ONE. "...they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers."r.

Nonsense. As seen in revelation the first seven churches were anything but one. And what was 'the breaking of bread' at the time was just a communal meal not an eating of the roman triune mangod ceremony that did not exist until Christianity was assimilated and perverted by Rome.

What you believe and practice has nothing whatever to do with what the apostles taught and practiced.

To reduce the very word of God, the body of Christ, into a cheap snack food made by human hands is a desecration of the teachings of Jesus and a demonstration of pure hatred for God.

Blah, blah, blah. Prove your claims or change the record, heathen.
Continued from yesterday:

The early Church was definitely ONE. "...they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers."r.

Nonsense. As seen in revelation the first seven churches were anything but one. And what was 'the breaking of bread' at the time was just a communal meal not an eating of the roman triune mangod ceremony that did not exist until Christianity was assimilated and perverted by Rome.

What you believe and practice has nothing whatever to do with what the apostles taught and practiced.

To reduce the very word of God, the body of Christ, into a cheap snack food made by human hands is a desecration of the teachings of Jesus and a demonstration of pure hatred for God.

Blah, blah, blah. Prove your claims or change the record, heathen.

relax sparkie. all in due time.

You, a he-goat "without blemish", have been carefully selected and are being prepared as a sin offering.

Your slaughter has been dedicated to the Lord.

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