Attention all Catholic haters

If I was a woman, and part of an organization that my life was significantly tied to, it'd be a little upsetting to know that under no circumstances could I ever hold a position of leadership. It's a completely valid point. Obviously not saying only women should lead, or that it should be an equal split. It doesn't have to at all.

Quit yer bitchin dude.

I'm a white man, I can NEVER lead the NAACP...

Just an incredibly poor attempt at providing some sort of parallel example. The NAACP exists for the advancement of "colored people" and thus makes perfect sense for a "colored person" to lead it. The Catholic Church however doesn't exist solely for the advancement of men; rather it is all people.


The Catholic Church exists for the advancement of Catholic doctrine, amongst which are the teachings of Paul that men are to be head of the church.

If you don't like it, don't be a Catholic. The Foursquare have just the opposite view. Mary Baker Eddy may be more your cup of tea. You have lots of options.

No one is stating that Catholics need to change. The entire thread, however, is about problems that people perceive within Catholic dogma that turns them off to the church (though the OP was more focused on HATE it seems to have drifted away for lack of actual hate). This is one problem that Kevin perceived. I don’t see anywhere that he has condemned or demanded that the church change.
You posted a link on Papal infallibility, didn't you read it?

Yes, I did. Would you like to actually say something or just post asinine comments?

Yes, you should have learned something from it.

That was a description of what the church means with papal infallibility and the common misconceptions that many people have of it. Even without those misconceptions the entire concept is utterly asinine. They are STILL demanding that the church and the pope are infallible in some aspects. They are not.

Evidently reading comprehension is not your strong suit. The Pope and Bishops are infallible when they teach what Christ and the church has always taught.

Perhaps you should cease stuffing words in my mouth. Keeping your trap shut out of confession DOES NOT mean that you are actively covering for these people. That is not an ACTIVE stance. Active requires that you take positive action to cover the tracks of the offenders. Back when this was all going down there were many reports of the church hierarchy moving these guys around in order to make the problem ‘go away.’

Or moving them around to keep them away from kids. I personally think they should have been defrocked and excommunicated. The church washes it's hands of them then they can be tried for their crimes by the secular authorities in a court of law instead of being convicted in the press.

Your problem is that you want to judge the group by the actions of a few.
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Yes, I did. Would you like to actually say something or just post asinine comments?

Yes, you should have learned something from it.

Evidently reading comprehension is not your strong suit. The Pope and Bishops are infallible when they teach what Christ and the church has always taught.
Reading comprehension is YOUR problem, not mine. I understand exactly what papal infallibility is. I also find the concept asinine as the Catholic Church is a human institution and fallible in all it does.

Just because you seem to be fine with such a concept does not mean that others are going to accept it nor does it mean that they don’t understand it.
Perhaps you should cease stuffing words in my mouth. Keeping your trap shut out of confession DOES NOT mean that you are actively covering for these people. That is not an ACTIVE stance. Active requires that you take positive action to cover the tracks of the offenders. Back when this was all going down there were many reports of the church hierarchy moving these guys around in order to make the problem ‘go away.’

Or moving them around to keep them away from kids. I personally think they should have been defrocked and excommunicated. The church washes it's hands of them then they can be tried for their crimes by the secular authorities in a court of law instead of being convicted in the press.

Your problem is that you want to judge the group by the actions of a few.
No, that is not my problem. You failed to actually read what I wrote rather than what you think I did again. This seems to be a continuing trend with you.
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I was hoping Marc would have joined us by now, but let's recap what we have so far:

We have people who are still butthurt over the Crusades, the usual assertions that the guy who persecuted the Orthodox church in Russia, Stalin, was a priest, and 9 out of 10 readers of the "Vatican Rag". Still waiting for the claims that Hitler was a Christian.

Christians kill quite as easily and in as great numbers as any other religious or non-religious group.

The massacres of the Crusades in Europe and the Near East are documented.

That Stalin was a seminary student is documented.

That Christians in Europe have been killing each other in Europe and others overseas in the name of religion is documented.

And your point is . . .?
I was going to read through the posts to see if there was a decent argument for me to comment on. Too much drivel, so if I repeat something, I apologize.


I don't hate Catholicism and I have a huge amount of respect for Catholics.

I get attacked a lot for saying this, but I don't consider Catholics to practice Christianity. I believe that they practice Catholicism.
I will quickly point out the crucifix. Jesus died and rose again.

Praying to Mary and other Saints...I don't believe in prayer outside of the trinity.

Most importantly, doctrine and Church hierarchy. My belief is that the Church cannot define faith.

There is a lot more, I don't like feeding my faith to the trolls, so that is my 2 cents.
I was hoping Marc would have joined us by now, but let's recap what we have so far:

We have people who are still butthurt over the Crusades, the usual assertions that the guy who persecuted the Orthodox church in Russia, Stalin, was a priest, and 9 out of 10 readers of the "Vatican Rag". Still waiting for the claims that Hitler was a Christian.

Christians kill quite as easily and in as great numbers as any other religious or non-religious group.

The massacres of the Crusades in Europe and the Near East are documented.

That Stalin was a seminary student is documented.

That Christians in Europe have been killing each other in Europe and others overseas in the name of religion is documented.

And your point is . . .?

Stalin was also expelled, then turned to communism. He then stole the church's property and persecuted her. What a fine Christian. Then he murdered his own people.

Atheists/communists have slaughtered more people in the 20th century than any crusade ever did. Does the name Pol Pot ring a bell?

So what's your point? That you hate Christians enough to ignore the crimes of others?
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Most importantly, doctrine and Church hierarchy. My belief is that the Church cannot define faith.

Then who can?

God defines what is saving faith. Jesus Christ, God the Son, explained what is saving faith to men.

How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? and how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report? So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Someone has to teach you, and that someone is the Church.
I assure you that if a woman was compelled by God to lead a mass there is no force on earth that could stop her. It's the "some other force" part we wonder about.
You're saying that the reason women haven't led mass is NOT because of the religious structure but rather because they've never been compelled to by God?

Also, are you saying that if a woman is compelled to lead (in the Catholic church) it's likely due to "darker forces"?

I can see both those statements being interpreted as offensive by a woman.

Personally, I believe the people who think that have little to no idea of what is involved in any of those things. It's a lot of time and a lot of hard work for very little (if any) reward. I think if many of the people who complain about these things, if they were allowed to have it their way, would not be any happier than they were before.

So you're saying that women don't like to do things that don't result in "earthly rewards"? Is this sort of noble, selfless quest only fitting for a man? I don't see where you're going with this.

And by the way, I feel like the Pope and those Cardinals are living pretty nicely up in that Vatican. Always have, and likely will be for quite some time into the future. I mean, it is a freaking royal looking palace after all. You don't think they drink nice wines and go out to fine dinners? You don't think they hang out in fantastically decked out rooms filled with history? You don't think they're allowed to explore the fantastic secrets of the Vatican, and learn of its hidden secrets?

I mean, yes, they're servants but they're certainly not living the slum life. But again, if you're a woman - that will NEVER be for you.
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Then who can?

God defines what is saving faith. Jesus Christ, God the Son, explained what is saving faith to men.

How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? and how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report? So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Someone has to teach you, and that someone is the Church.

A man doesn't have to be an official in a Church to introduce you to Christianity...maybe that is a doctrine of the Catholic Church, but no where in the bible - to my knowledge - does it say that only the Church can teach you about Christ. Furthermore, the Church has nothing to do with your personal relationship with God.
A man doesn't have to be an official in a Church to introduce you to Christianity...maybe that is a doctrine of the Catholic Church, but no where in the bible - to my knowledge - does it say that only the Church can teach you about Christ. Furthermore, the Church has nothing to do with your personal relationship with God.

Teach a man to go to church and he'll have spirituality for a day.
Teach a man to be his own church and he'll have spirituality for a lifetime.
God defines what is saving faith. Jesus Christ, God the Son, explained what is saving faith to men.

How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? and how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report? So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Someone has to teach you, and that someone is the Church.

A man doesn't have to be an official in a Church to introduce you to Christianity...maybe that is a doctrine of the Catholic Church, but no where in the bible - to my knowledge - does it say that only the Church can teach you about Christ. Furthermore, the Church has nothing to do with your personal relationship with God.

If you want to know where the Bible talks about the importance of the Church (and what the Church is!), try the Epistle letters. Ephesians 5:25 says:

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless."

The Church is the bride of Christ but she has nothing to do with your relationship with God?
A man doesn't have to be an official in a Church to introduce you to Christianity...maybe that is a doctrine of the Catholic Church, but no where in the bible - to my knowledge - does it say that only the Church can teach you about Christ. Furthermore, the Church has nothing to do with your personal relationship with God.

Teach a man to go to church and he'll have spirituality for a day.
Teach a man to be his own church and he'll have spirituality for a lifetime.

Teach a man to be his own church and he'll be a navel gazer for the rest of his life.
So you're saying that women don't like to do things that don't result in "earthly rewards"? Is this sort of noble, selfless quest only fitting for a man? I don't see where you're going with this.

I didn't say any such thing, I said that people (not just women) who are not happy with their station in life won't be happy no matter what.

And by the way, I feel like the Pope and those Cardinals are living pretty nicely up in that Vatican. Always have, and likely will be for quite some time into the future. I mean, it is a freaking royal looking palace after all. You don't think they drink nice wines and go out to fine dinners? You don't think they hang out in fantastically decked out rooms filled with history? You don't think they're allowed to explore the fantastic secrets of the Vatican, and learn of its hidden secrets?

I mean, yes, they're servants but they're certainly not living the slum life. But again, if you're a woman - that will NEVER be for you.

You ought to try busting your ass as a parish priest who takes care of three churches because there aren't enough priests to go around in the God forsaken place you have been called to, or a Deacon who takes care of another three. You have to do that before you can get to be a Pope or a Bishop or a Cardinal.

But I think we're done here. Like most earthly minded people, you don't even know that the church is not an organization, it is the people in it, God's field. Stay away if you want and wallow in your ignorance:

"Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools..."
Then who can?

God defines what is saving faith. Jesus Christ, God the Son, explained what is saving faith to men.

How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? and how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report? So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Someone has to teach you, and that someone is the Church.

That may be your personal belief but that certainly is not a universal or even common belief.
I was hoping Marc would have joined us by now, but let's recap what we have so far:

We have people who are still butthurt over the Crusades, the usual assertions that the guy who persecuted the Orthodox church in Russia, Stalin, was a priest, and 9 out of 10 readers of the "Vatican Rag". Still waiting for the claims that Hitler was a Christian.

Christians kill quite as easily and in as great numbers as any other religious or non-religious group.

The massacres of the Crusades in Europe and the Near East are documented.

That Stalin was a seminary student is documented.

That Christians in Europe have been killing each other in Europe and others overseas in the name of religion is documented.

And your point is . . .?

Stalin was also expelled, then turned to communism. He then stole the church's property and persecuted her. What a fine Christian. Then he murdered his own people.

Atheists/communists have slaughtered more people in the 20th century than any crusade ever did. Does the name Pol Pot ring a bell?

So what's your point? That you hate Christians enough to ignore the crimes of others?

Crusades vs Pol Pot is a false equivalency.

How about the West, Germany, Italy, all of Eastern Europe, and Japan vs Pol Pot and Stalin (even though he was a seminary student, and, you have no evidence Stalin was "expelleded" from the church.

You are so easy to out with your figures.

Religion kills just like atheism kills, hmmmm.
Someone has to teach you, and that someone is the Church.

A man doesn't have to be an official in a Church to introduce you to Christianity...maybe that is a doctrine of the Catholic Church, but no where in the bible - to my knowledge - does it say that only the Church can teach you about Christ. Furthermore, the Church has nothing to do with your personal relationship with God.

If you want to know where the Bible talks about the importance of the Church (and what the Church is!), try the Epistle letters. Ephesians 5:25 says:

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless."

The Church is the bride of Christ but she has nothing to do with your relationship with God?
Yet he is not speaking of a massive hierarchy defined by man-made doctrine and translation. Isn't there also a verse that says 2 or more men gathered in my name is a church.

The Church, with a capital C, is man made. The Church, with a capital C, has molested the word of God to its advantage...for power and control. The Church, with a capital C, is not needed, in any way, to build a relationship with God.
It's not really hate.

It's more of an understanding that you folks like to send other folks to meet your "maker".

Maybe if you spent less time killing, crusading and conquering..and a little more time helping others that "hatred" would abate.

But I ain't counting on it.

:disagree: IDIOT :disagree:

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