Barack Obama Plans to Create 2.5 million jobs by 2011

The elite limousine liberals always go to private school and drive suv's and jet aeroplanes while telling the loser lower class liberals to ride a bike or take a walk.. the loser liberals just haven't figured it out yet.

Lower class liberals. I see. If you are a blue collar worker, you are a loser? Even if you own your own home? Even when you have had a satisfactory life? I think that the person that has an elitest attitude here is you.
Really? Well, we useful idiots sure ran your boys out of DC with our little $50 and $100 donations.

Ah yes, the online campaign contributions. And God only knows which ones were legal. Obama, for all of his state of the art greatness, couldn't (or let's say didn't) secure the online credit card donations to make sure they were legal. $50 and $100 donations indeed. :rolleyes:
Lower class liberals. I see. If you are a blue collar worker, you are a loser? Even if you own your own home? Even when you have had a satisfactory life? I think that the person that has an elitest attitude here is you.

not me buddy,, I'm not the one voted for a guy that went to a church for 20 years bitching about rich white people only to watch said preacher move into a mansion located in a rich white gated community,, I'm not the one voted for a guy that was embarassed by his country who happens to have the best education money can buy and will buy the same for his children.. nope that wasn't me good buddy
not me buddy,, I'm not the one voted for a guy that went to a church for 20 years bitching about rich white people only to watch said preacher move into a mansion located in a rich white gated community,, I'm not the one voted for a guy that was embarassed by his country who happens to have the best education money can buy and will buy the same for his children.. nope that wasn't me good buddy

Well, I went to an evangelical church until I moved out on my own. That cured me on religion, period. As far as being embarrassed by my country, when I was young, in many states a person of color, no matter what their acheivements went to the back of the bus. Obama earned his education by his efforts. And I put my son through an excellant prep school because he had exceptional intelligence. You do the best you can for your children, and I most definately support public schools, and was involved with them for as long as my children were in school.

You wish to nitpick every item in Obama's life, and ignore eight years of failure by the present admin. In four years we can discuss what kind of President Obama has been. Until he proves himself, one way or the other, perhaps you had better cease the nitpicking and see if you can help turn this nation arround.
Well, I went to an evangelical church until I moved out on my own. That cured me on religion, period. As far as being embarrassed by my country, when I was young, in many states a person of color, no matter what their acheivements went to the back of the bus. Obama earned his education by his efforts. And I put my son through an excellant prep school because he had exceptional intelligence. You do the best you can for your children, and I most definately support public schools, and was involved with them for as long as my children were in school.

You wish to nitpick every item in Obama's life, and ignore eight years of failure by the present admin. In four years we can discuss what kind of President Obama has been. Until he proves himself, one way or the other, perhaps you had better cease the nitpicking and see if you can help turn this nation arround.

Cease the nit picking ??:lol:
The democrats want the republicans to cease nitpicking ?:lol::lol:
Well, I went to an evangelical church until I moved out on my own. That cured me on religion, period. As far as being embarrassed by my country, when I was young, in many states a person of color, no matter what their acheivements went to the back of the bus. Obama earned his education by his efforts. And I put my son through an excellant prep school because he had exceptional intelligence. You do the best you can for your children, and I most definately support public schools, and was involved with them for as long as my children were in school.

You wish to nitpick every item in Obama's life, and ignore eight years of failure by the present admin. In four years we can discuss what kind of President Obama has been. Until he proves himself, one way or the other, perhaps you had better cease the nitpicking and see if you can help turn this nation arround.

I'm not nitpicking.. I'm stating facts, facts that leave a really sour taste in my mouth.. you turn the country around,, I'm gonna sit here and watch youse do it.. I want everything promised and I want it without an extra nickel added to my tax burden.. can ye handle it???? I made a list, I'm going to be checking them off and if you don't come through you'll all be liars..
I have already directed my economic team to come up with an Economic Recovery Plan that will mean 2.5 million more jobs by January of 2011

If you read closely he has NO plan for this job creation other than to tell his "team" to come up with one.

See him read it like a robot ? Damn this is exciting ! :cool:
If you read closely he has NO plan for this job creation other than to tell his "team" to come up with one.

See him read it like a robot ? Damn this is exciting ! :cool:

But he is smart and brilliant, donchaknow?

Old Rocks will tell me I have sour grapes, when all he has is wrinkled raisins. :tongue: Tooshay!
If you read closely he has NO plan for this job creation other than to tell his "team" to come up with one.

See him read it like a robot ? Damn this is exciting ! :cool:

The plan has failed two months before Obama takes office.

I think you rightees need a whaamublance!

I have never seen such crying and whinning over nothing in my life.
The plan has failed two months before Obama takes office.

I think you rightees need a whaamublance!

I have never seen such crying and whinning over nothing in my life.

this is just idle BS until Obama actually does something, Kirk. He has no plan--can't you read ?
The plan has failed two months before Obama takes office.

I think you rightees need a whaamublance!

I have never seen such crying and whinning over nothing in my life.

are we standing knee deep in the ditch yet?
He has a plan.

But this is a common attack. We saw it during the entire election.

Right--his plan is to tell someone to come up with a plan---impressive.
And yes--we saw this a LOT during the election. Fantasy plans that change all the time----no worries---they haven't told him what he is supposed to do yet.
I'm not nitpicking.. I'm stating facts, facts that leave a really sour taste in my mouth.. you turn the country around,, I'm gonna sit here and watch youse do it.. I want everything promised and I want it without an extra nickel added to my tax burden.. can ye handle it???? I made a list, I'm going to be checking them off and if you don't come through you'll all be liars..

So if Obama doesnt come through on all his promises, all his supporters

are liars? So what does that make all of you who voted for Bush the last 2

elections? :lol:
So if Obama doesnt come through on all his promises, all his supporters

are liars? So what does that make all of you who voted for Bush the last 2

elections? :lol:

It puts everyone in the same boat-----think we'll ever figure that out ?

I doubt it.

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