Ben Carson Head of Housing and Urban Development

I do not hate Black people. I do not judge any groups of people together, I judge people individually.
Then you better wise up fast and start profiling.

Negroes hate you. So do Mexicans.
How do you know what race I am?
Doesn't matter.

Negroes still hate you. Whether you are white or black or brown or yellow or red or caramel. They hate, rob, and kill anybody.

Mexicans too.

So, you just pick any Black man on the street, regardless of his station in life, and, automatically ssume he is a homicidal maniac?
That is my initial profile, correct.

Holds for all Negroes outside of Africa and all Mexicans north of their border.

I got it from the FBI.
You didn't get that from the FBI... you just took the stats on their website and projected them onto the entire Black population. Look again.
So why did he pick Carson? I'll tell ya... Carson made a statement that got trumps attention. Carson, a Black man raised in the projects recently said: Fair housing is communism or words to that effect. That made him the perfect choice to carry out Trump's retribution'. Carson is going to be the fall guy when Trump takes HUD down and dismantles the fair housing policy. Next question.

The government shouldn't be involved in picking winners and losers.
Trump probably feels like he owes Uncle Ben something and HUD was the best place to bury him, although I too do not get why Trump did not make Ben the Surgeon General -- that is a real job that this Negro brain surgeon could probably actually do -- flu season -- Ebola -- etc.

if you think so lowly of a Black conservative who is supposed to be on YOUR SIDE, I can not imagine what you think of those you consider liberal!
You didn't get that from the FBI... you just took the stats on their website and projected them onto the entire Black population. Look again.
I have read a slew of FBI manuals.

Most crime in America is Negro crime.

Mostly black on black but also black on white.

Mexican is in 2nd place with all the dope coming north now as well.
So why did he pick Carson? I'll tell ya... Carson made a statement that got trumps attention. Carson, a Black man raised in the projects recently said: Fair housing is communism or words to that effect. That made him the perfect choice to carry out Trump's retribution'. Carson is going to be the fall guy when Trump takes HUD down and dismantles the fair housing policy. Next question.

The government shouldn't be involved in picking winners and losers.
Trump probably feels like he owes Uncle Ben something and HUD was the best place to bury him, although I too do not get why Trump did not make Ben the Surgeon General -- that is a real job that this Negro brain surgeon could probably actually do -- flu season -- Ebola -- etc.

if you think so lowly of a Black conservative who is supposed to be on YOUR SIDE, I can not imagine what you think of those you consider liberal!
Actually I think Ben Carson is a black azzed Uncle Tom who knows how to kiss azz for rich white folk.

He has been kissing azz his whole life.

I would like to see his Negro azz doing a job he can actually do -- like Surgeon General.

I cannot think of a better Negro for that job than Uncle Ben.
So why did he pick Carson? I'll tell ya... Carson made a statement that got trumps attention. Carson, a Black man raised in the projects recently said: Fair housing is communism or words to that effect. That made him the perfect choice to carry out Trump's retribution'. Carson is going to be the fall guy when Trump takes HUD down and dismantles the fair housing policy. Next question.

The government shouldn't be involved in picking winners and losers.
Trump probably feels like he owes Uncle Ben something and HUD was the best place to bury him, although I too do not get why Trump did not make Ben the Surgeon General -- that is a real job that this Negro brain surgeon could probably actually do -- flu season -- Ebola -- etc.

if you think so lowly of a Black conservative who is supposed to be on YOUR SIDE, I can not imagine what you think of those you consider liberal!
I don't use the word "liberal" nor "conservative" in my vocabulary.

These words are signs of total ignorance and stupidity.
You didn't get that from the FBI... you just took the stats on their website and projected them onto the entire Black population. Look again.
I have read a slew of FBI manuals.

Most crime in America is Negro crime.

Mostly black on black but also black on white.

Mexican is in 2nd place with all the dope coming north now as well.
I have had this argument so many times I am sick of it. I too have seen the FBI UCR and the NVCS. Most crime overall is committed by White people in real numbers but proportionally Blacks do lead in most categories. That being said.... MOST Blacks are NOT criminals and 75% live ABOVE the poverty level. Those facts seem so hard to convey...probably because people just don't want to know the truth....
So why did he pick Carson? I'll tell ya... Carson made a statement that got trumps attention. Carson, a Black man raised in the projects recently said: Fair housing is communism or words to that effect. That made him the perfect choice to carry out Trump's retribution'. Carson is going to be the fall guy when Trump takes HUD down and dismantles the fair housing policy. Next question.

The government shouldn't be involved in picking winners and losers.
Trump probably feels like he owes Uncle Ben something and HUD was the best place to bury him, although I too do not get why Trump did not make Ben the Surgeon General -- that is a real job that this Negro brain surgeon could probably actually do -- flu season -- Ebola -- etc.

if you think so lowly of a Black conservative who is supposed to be on YOUR SIDE, I can not imagine what you think of those you consider liberal!
I don't use the word "liberal" nor "conservative" in my vocabulary.

These words are signs of total ignorance and stupidity.
Whatever the words "conservative' or "liberal" are signs of, those words are used by millions of people,mostly RW bullies who have made "liberal" a pejorative. I agree with you on that one. Most people use the terms out of context and really don't know what they mean. Well, I guess you aren't all bad... but you do have to work on that bigoted streak.

Why do you hate black people?

Do you think you're better than them?
I do not hate Black people. I do not judge any groups of people together, I judge people individually.
Then you better wise up fast and start profiling.

Negroes hate you. So do Mexicans.
Calling Carson "Uncle Ben" is a dead giveaway.
Dead giveaway to what?
Your racism.

They were your words, not mine.

Your Independent mask is slipping off again
You people really need to understand what is or is not racist.

To say that Trump wanted to put in a blaak man as a scape goat is not racist.

To say Ben Carson is not qualified for the job is not racist as long as the reasons deal with his experience.
You people really need to understand what is or is not racist.

To say that Trump wanted to put in a blaak man as a scape goat is not racist.

To say Ben Carson is not qualified for the job is not racist as long as the reasons deal with his experience.
Tell that to the PC zealots who, for the last several years, have been screaming RACIST at anyone who dared to criticize a liberal minority, and who find a way to cram race into virtually every conversation.

It was this nasty and dishonest behavior that, in part, energized Trump's base and helped put him in the White House.

The PC zealots are in denial about this.
Your Independent mask is slipping off again
Yes, I get that from hardcore partisan ideologues from both ends pretty regularly. You folks sure are similar.
Yes I get that from the wishy washy types often
Good. Maybe it will help you grow up a bit.

Being exposed to wishy washy types doesnt help you grow but you tried
I notice in Post 111 you tell me my "independent mask is slipping off again".

And I notice that then you say I'm "wishy washy".

Which one is it?

It really doesn't matter, I know who and what I'm dealing with.

I also notice that you are the only one who initiates "conversations" between the two of us. It's never me.

You're trying too hard. Good.

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