Ben Carson Head of Housing and Urban Development

HUD is a worthless government agency that has obviously failed miserably.
FAILED HOW???? And unless you can give substance, than I suggest you take your ignorant white stupid clueless ass back to the trailer and read a gotdamned book!!
Have you seen the condition of our urban areas?

The violence, the crime the fucking poverty?

And you think that's not a failure of the department of housing and urban development?

You dumb mf, what the hell does HUD have to do with that?Seriously??? You white mfs are too fuckin dumb for words!!
Slow down Wilbur, your gonna crash driving that race car so fast.
People like you are too damned dumb for words.....go away, your too stupid to take serious
Tell me more professor
This dude ran for President then when offered another job he said that he wasnt qualified to run a federal agency. So, why not put a self described unqualified black man in charge of Urban Development! Perfect Scapegoat and Carson is too stupid to realize he's the fall guy.

Putting an unqualified black man in a high position seems to be a trend these past 8 years doesn't it?

Damn that democracy huh?
HUD is a worthless government agency that has obviously failed miserably.
FAILED HOW???? And unless you can give substance, than I suggest you take your ignorant white stupid clueless ass back to the trailer and read a gotdamned book!!
Have you seen the condition of our urban areas?

The violence, the crime the fucking poverty?

And you think that's not a failure of the department of housing and urban development?

You dumb mf, what the hell does HUD have to do with that?Seriously??? You white mfs are too fuckin dumb for words!!
Yes what does the Dept of Housing and URBAN DEVELOPMENT have to do with the state of urban areas?
You mean to tell me, you expect HUD to focus on crime and violence in the inner cities, rather than the Justice department, local law enforcement, and the DEA??

HUD’s mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. HUD is working to strengthen the housing market to bolster the economy and protect consumers; meet the need for quality affordable rental homes; utilize housing as a platform for improving quality of life; build inclusive and sustainable communities free from discrimination; and transform the way HUD does business.[7]

Get the picture, you mindless go read a fuckin book you hillbilly lump of shit

I read more than you and urban development and the sorry state it's in contributes to violence and poverty Moron
This dude ran for President then when offered another job he said that he wasnt qualified to run a federal agency. So, why not put a self described unqualified black man in charge of Urban Development! Perfect Scapegoat and Carson is too stupid to realize he's the fall guy.

Putting an unqualified black man in a high position seems to be a trend these past 8 years doesn't it?
This dude ran for President then when offered another job he said that he wasnt qualified to run a federal agency. So, why not put a self described unqualified black man in charge of Urban Development! Perfect Scapegoat and Carson is too stupid to realize he's the fall guy.
While I agree his skillset says this is a dumb position for him your inherent fear of the white man is ridiculous.

You agree with what I said and disagree with what I didn't say. Cool.
Just stating the obvious. Don't get triggered son
FAILED HOW???? And unless you can give substance, than I suggest you take your ignorant white stupid clueless ass back to the trailer and read a gotdamned book!!
Have you seen the condition of our urban areas?

The violence, the crime the fucking poverty?

And you think that's not a failure of the department of housing and urban development?

You dumb mf, what the hell does HUD have to do with that?Seriously??? You white mfs are too fuckin dumb for words!!
Yes what does the Dept of Housing and URBAN DEVELOPMENT have to do with the state of urban areas?
You mean to tell me, you expect HUD to focus on crime and violence in the inner cities, rather than the Justice department, local law enforcement, and the DEA??

HUD’s mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. HUD is working to strengthen the housing market to bolster the economy and protect consumers; meet the need for quality affordable rental homes; utilize housing as a platform for improving quality of life; build inclusive and sustainable communities free from discrimination; and transform the way HUD does business.[7]

Get the picture, you mindless go read a fuckin book you hillbilly lump of shit

I read more than you and urban development and the sorry state it's in contributes to violence and poverty Moron
People living in low income housing does not a HUD/Benson movement make idiot. You can google rich areas, poor areas, etc, everybody got a little crime going on. Indiana has one of the most white man Meth infestations of crime in the nation
Have you seen the condition of our urban areas?

The violence, the crime the fucking poverty?

And you think that's not a failure of the department of housing and urban development?

You dumb mf, what the hell does HUD have to do with that?Seriously??? You white mfs are too fuckin dumb for words!!
Yes what does the Dept of Housing and URBAN DEVELOPMENT have to do with the state of urban areas?
You mean to tell me, you expect HUD to focus on crime and violence in the inner cities, rather than the Justice department, local law enforcement, and the DEA??

HUD’s mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. HUD is working to strengthen the housing market to bolster the economy and protect consumers; meet the need for quality affordable rental homes; utilize housing as a platform for improving quality of life; build inclusive and sustainable communities free from discrimination; and transform the way HUD does business.[7]

Get the picture, you mindless go read a fuckin book you hillbilly lump of shit

I read more than you and urban development and the sorry state it's in contributes to violence and poverty Moron
People living in low income housing does not a HUD/Benson movement make idiot. You can google rich areas, poor areas, etc, everybody got a little crime going on. Indiana has one of the most white man Meth infestations of crime in the nation
Crime in URBAN areas is rampant. Deny all you want
All I can say is, I hope he bypasses Sharpton and Jackson and the rest of the Democrat employees, and finds new leadership in the black community (pastors, businessmen, etc) to work the problem of Democrat neglect of the cities and the people who live there.

Who? Carson? Who's only qualification is that he lived in "the urban areas" before?

Since when are Democrats concerned with qualifications?

Since when did qualifications become a bad thing?
Since you people said Obama didn't need any.
This dude ran for President then when offered another job he said that he wasnt qualified to run a federal agency. So, why not put a self described unqualified black man in charge of Urban Development! Perfect Scapegoat and Carson is too stupid to realize he's the fall guy.
Uncle Ben got a job.
This dude ran for President then when offered another job he said that he wasnt qualified to run a federal agency. So, why not put a self described unqualified black man in charge of Urban Development! Perfect Scapegoat and Carson is too stupid to realize he's the fall guy.
While I agree his skillset says this is a dumb position for him your inherent fear of the white man is ridiculous.

You agree with what I said and disagree with what I didn't say. Cool.
Just stating the obvious. Don't get triggered son

Me too, no need to get defensive
If the left does not like Trump as President or his picks I suggest you go look in the mirror because you are the reason for it. You managed to find and nominate as his opponent likely the only person he could have beaten.
So the true racists surface from their shroud of denial and self-righteousness only to be exposed for what they are. Carson is a bright and extremely competent person, understands that the problem is deeper then just throwing money and handouts out to silence the disenfranchised.
This dude ran for President then when offered another job he said that he wasnt qualified to run a federal agency. So, why not put a self described unqualified black man in charge of Urban Development! Perfect Scapegoat and Carson is too stupid to realize he's the fall guy.
Uncle Ben got a job.

Yes and here is how the gullible fool was conned into it and why!

The nagging question in the back of my mind is: Why didn't Trump ask Carson to be Surgeon General? Then it dawned on me. Trump didn't want the Black guy to be in a position to counsel him on something he)Trump) knows nothing about. Or, something nefarious is brewing in the medical milieu that he doesn't want Carson to be privy to. Whatever the reason, it isn't a benevolent one. You don't hire a person to be the head of an agency who knows less about that agency than the guy doing the hiring. Carson won't be advising Trump..Trump will be directing him to do HIS bidding.

I mentally reviewed what I knew about any past connection to HUD that might have triggered Trump's vindictive nature. It didn't take long to find that Trump had been sued in federal court for housing discrimination back in 1973. He fought back with counter suits but lost at every turn. He finally had to capitulate and publish ads that his apartments were now available to qualified minorities.

So why did he pick Carson? I'll tell ya... Carson made a statement that got trumps attention. Carson, a Black man raised in the projects recently said: Fair housing is communism or words to that effect. That made him the perfect choice to carry out Trump's retribution'. Carson is going to be the fall guy when Trump takes HUD down and dismantles the fair housing policy. Next question.
This dude ran for President then when offered another job he said that he wasnt qualified to run a federal agency. So, why not put a self described unqualified black man in charge of Urban Development! Perfect Scapegoat and Carson is too stupid to realize he's the fall guy.
I love the way Nancy Pelosi put it:

"... disturbingly unqualified ... ."

This is Trump's first major blunder.

I am sure there will be more to come.

BHO made his too.

As did "W" -- a whole slew of them until he practically fokked up the entire world.
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This dude ran for President then when offered another job he said that he wasnt qualified to run a federal agency. So, why not put a self described unqualified black man in charge of Urban Development! Perfect Scapegoat and Carson is too stupid to realize he's the fall guy.
You dumb mf, what the hell does HUD have to do with that?Seriously??? You white mfs are too fuckin dumb for words!!
Yes what does the Dept of Housing and URBAN DEVELOPMENT have to do with the state of urban areas?
You mean to tell me, you expect HUD to focus on crime and violence in the inner cities, rather than the Justice department, local law enforcement, and the DEA??

HUD’s mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. HUD is working to strengthen the housing market to bolster the economy and protect consumers; meet the need for quality affordable rental homes; utilize housing as a platform for improving quality of life; build inclusive and sustainable communities free from discrimination; and transform the way HUD does business.[7]

Get the picture, you mindless go read a fuckin book you hillbilly lump of shit

I read more than you and urban development and the sorry state it's in contributes to violence and poverty Moron
People living in low income housing does not a HUD/Benson movement make idiot. You can google rich areas, poor areas, etc, everybody got a little crime going on. Indiana has one of the most white man Meth infestations of crime in the nation
Crime in URBAN areas is rampant. Deny all you want

If that is true, this Huffington post article gives that allegation a whole new meaning:

Suburbs Losing Young Whites To Cities, Brookings Institution Finds | The Huffington Post
Had Trump not put any minorities in there, the Regressive Lefties would be whining just as loud. Amazing how zealots never look in the mirror..
So he put Uncle Ben in.

Why do you hate black people?

Do you think you're better than them?
I do not hate Black people. I do not judge any groups of people together, I judge people individually.
Then you better wise up fast and start profiling.

Negroes hate you. So do Mexicans.

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