Ben Carson on the Flat Tax: : Lunkhead

Ben Carson wants Huckabee's old time slot on Fox News, I think.
The thing is, it isn't the fact that everyone would be paying the same tax rate that makes the flat tax able to be filled out on a postcard.

It is the elimination of tax expenditures which make that possible. You don't even need a flat tax to do this. You could keep the current tax brackets and still be able to fill out your taxes on a postcard if you eliminated tax expenditures.

Ignorance of this fact by the mathematically innumerate is taken advantage of by Flat Tax proponents.

Here is some math for you genius. someone making $50,000 a year paying lets say for instance a 20 percent flat tax would pay $10,000 dollars. Someone making $500,000 would be paying $100,000 in taxes. rich are paying more. Try again.
The thing is, it isn't the fact that everyone would be paying the same tax rate that makes the flat tax able to be filled out on a postcard.

It is the elimination of tax expenditures which make that possible. You don't even need a flat tax to do this. You could keep the current tax brackets and still be able to fill out your taxes on a postcard if you eliminated tax expenditures.

Ignorance of this fact by the mathematically innumerate is taken advantage of by Flat Tax proponents.

Here is some math for you genius. someone making $50,000 a year paying lets say for instance a 20 percent flat tax would pay $10,000 dollars. Someone making $500,000 would be paying $100,000 in taxes. rich are paying more. Try again.
You really have no clue what "regressive tax" means, do you.

Notice I did not phrase that as a question.

And you don't know what tax expenditures are, either, do you. Seeing as you did not even address what I was talking about, it is pretty obvious.

You are the mathematically innumerate of which I was speaking. Thank you for playing along.
If your income falls in a 35% income tax bracket, you could fill out your taxes on a postcard were it not for the thousands of tax expenditures on the books.

If your income falls in a 25% income tax bracket, you could fill out your taxes on a postcard were it not for the thousands of tax expenditures on the books.

So, you see, there is no magical quality about a "flat tax" that makes your filing fit on a postcard. It's the elimination of tax expenditures that makes it possible. And that means, boys and girls, we don't need a Flat Tax to simplify our taxes.
epublican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s plan to institute a flat tax plan that experts have said would give a massive break to the wealthiest Americans.[sic]

So a fiscal policy that doesn't screw the wealthy is a non-starter for those who pride themselves for their tolerance of others.

Although... that does sorta fit with the "They Exercised their Speech Knowing it would piss off the Muslims". Which is roughly their take on the line of Homosexuals that the Muslims lined up and Executed those Homosexuals. "They provoked 'em... ."

So I guess that's the social liberalism that fits with that fiscal liberalism.


Sweet Mother you people are a frickin' menace.
If your income falls in a 35% income tax bracket, you could fill out your taxes on a postcard were it not for the thousands of tax expenditures on the books.

If your income falls in a 25% income tax bracket, you could fill out your taxes on a postcard were it not for the thousands of tax expenditures on the books.

So, you see, there is no magical quality about a "flat tax" that makes your filing fit on a postcard. It's the elimination of tax expenditures that makes it possible. And that means, boys and girls, we don't need a Flat Tax to simplify our taxes.

LOL! Well sure... except it is BULLSHIT! And what's worse, it's not even remotely plausible bullshit... .

ROFL! And yet, some dip shit THANKED IT FOR IT!

You can NOT make this crap up!
Billionaires make out like bandits Fox News host smacks down Ben Carson s Bible-based flat tax

epublican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s plan to institute a flat tax plan that experts have said would give a massive break to the wealthiest Americans.

Carson said that under his flat tax plan, earners would “pay according to your ability.”

“I got that idea, quite frankly, from the Bible — tithing,” he explained. “You make $10 billion a year, you pay a billion. You make $10 a year, you pay one. You get the same rates. That’s pretty darn fair if you ask me.”

“Now some people say poor people can’t afford to pay that dollar. That’s very condescending,” he continued. “I can tell you that poor people have pride too. And they don’t want to be just taken care of.”

“Doctor, here is the problem with the flat tax in the real world,” Wallace noted. “According to the Tax Policy Center, to raise the same amount of revenue we do now, the tax rate would have to be in the low to mid 20 percent range. Low and middle income families would get a big tax hike while wealthy families would actually get a big tax cut.”

“That’s actually not — I don’t agree with that assessment,” Carson insisted. “Because I’ve been in contact with many economists. And in fact, if you eliminate the loopholes and the deductions then you’re really talking about a rate somewhere between 10 and 15 percent.”

Wallace pressed: “I’ve got to tell you that outside experts we talked to, you’re talking in the 20s… For instance, you talked about low-income families. Not only don’t they pay, they actually get an earned income tax credit. Now, you’re going to have them paying 10 to 15 percent of whatever income they have or 20 percent if my experts are right.”

“I’ve got to tell you, a lot of independent studies say that the people who make out like bandits in this are the wealthy,” the Fox News host added.

Carson did not specifically address whether low-income earners would be hurt by a fair tax, but argued that there were “a number of things involved.”

Watch the video below from Fox News’ Fox News Sunday, broadcast May 10, 2015.

He gets his ideas from the bible? C'mon Doc

I think his ideas on the flat tax are dependent on what deductions are or aren't allowed before we can judge it.

For instance:
Deduction on food for poor?
Deduction on utilities for poor?
Deduction for medical for poor?
Loopholes closed for EVERYONE?
No more paying people to have babies?
Billionaires make out like bandits Fox News host smacks down Ben Carson s Bible-based flat tax

epublican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s plan to institute a flat tax plan that experts have said would give a massive break to the wealthiest Americans.

Carson said that under his flat tax plan, earners would “pay according to your ability.”

“I got that idea, quite frankly, from the Bible — tithing,” he explained. “You make $10 billion a year, you pay a billion. You make $10 a year, you pay one. You get the same rates. That’s pretty darn fair if you ask me.”

“Now some people say poor people can’t afford to pay that dollar. That’s very condescending,” he continued. “I can tell you that poor people have pride too. And they don’t want to be just taken care of.”

“Doctor, here is the problem with the flat tax in the real world,” Wallace noted. “According to the Tax Policy Center, to raise the same amount of revenue we do now, the tax rate would have to be in the low to mid 20 percent range. Low and middle income families would get a big tax hike while wealthy families would actually get a big tax cut.”

“That’s actually not — I don’t agree with that assessment,” Carson insisted. “Because I’ve been in contact with many economists. And in fact, if you eliminate the loopholes and the deductions then you’re really talking about a rate somewhere between 10 and 15 percent.”

Wallace pressed: “I’ve got to tell you that outside experts we talked to, you’re talking in the 20s… For instance, you talked about low-income families. Not only don’t they pay, they actually get an earned income tax credit. Now, you’re going to have them paying 10 to 15 percent of whatever income they have or 20 percent if my experts are right.”

“I’ve got to tell you, a lot of independent studies say that the people who make out like bandits in this are the wealthy,” the Fox News host added.

Carson did not specifically address whether low-income earners would be hurt by a fair tax, but argued that there were “a number of things involved.”

Watch the video below from Fox News’ Fox News Sunday, broadcast May 10, 2015.

He gets his ideas from the bible? C'mon Doc

I think his ideas on the flat tax are dependent on what deductions are or aren't allowed before we can judge it.

For instance:
Deduction on food for poor?
Deduction on utilities for poor?
Deduction for medical for poor?
Loopholes closed for EVERYONE?
No more paying people to have babies?

Two things... first, the US Federal Government has to become MUCH LESS EXPENSIVE. And I am talking CUT by 2/3rds. The Party has been over for a generation and the hangers on, spending trillions over the ASSRAPE have pretty much burned the house down.

Second... for a hundred years, the nation has TAXED PRODUCTION. Which once ya learn that A TAX... 'taxes' or DISCOURAGES whatever it is that is taxed... one SHOULD realize that of ALL the things that one should discourage... Sexual Deviancy, Alcoholism, Pornography, Politicians, Government, Socialism, Herpes, The HIV, Indigestion, Riots, Idiocy...


At least as long as we depend upon production to EAT!
Billionaires make out like bandits Fox News host smacks down Ben Carson s Bible-based flat tax

epublican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s plan to institute a flat tax plan that experts have said would give a massive break to the wealthiest Americans.

Carson said that under his flat tax plan, earners would “pay according to your ability.”

“I got that idea, quite frankly, from the Bible — tithing,” he explained. “You make $10 billion a year, you pay a billion. You make $10 a year, you pay one. You get the same rates. That’s pretty darn fair if you ask me.”

“Now some people say poor people can’t afford to pay that dollar. That’s very condescending,” he continued. “I can tell you that poor people have pride too. And they don’t want to be just taken care of.”

“Doctor, here is the problem with the flat tax in the real world,” Wallace noted. “According to the Tax Policy Center, to raise the same amount of revenue we do now, the tax rate would have to be in the low to mid 20 percent range. Low and middle income families would get a big tax hike while wealthy families would actually get a big tax cut.”

“That’s actually not — I don’t agree with that assessment,” Carson insisted. “Because I’ve been in contact with many economists. And in fact, if you eliminate the loopholes and the deductions then you’re really talking about a rate somewhere between 10 and 15 percent.”

Wallace pressed: “I’ve got to tell you that outside experts we talked to, you’re talking in the 20s… For instance, you talked about low-income families. Not only don’t they pay, they actually get an earned income tax credit. Now, you’re going to have them paying 10 to 15 percent of whatever income they have or 20 percent if my experts are right.”

“I’ve got to tell you, a lot of independent studies say that the people who make out like bandits in this are the wealthy,” the Fox News host added.

Carson did not specifically address whether low-income earners would be hurt by a fair tax, but argued that there were “a number of things involved.”

Watch the video below from Fox News’ Fox News Sunday, broadcast May 10, 2015.

He gets his ideas from the bible? C'mon Doc

Carson explained his plan..Very simple and straightforward.
Wallace gave no specifics.
"people we've talked to".....Oh...Which people?
The Tax Policy Center....Who the hell are they and what is their agenda?
"if you eliminate the loopholes and the deductions then you’re really talking about a rate somewhere between 10 and 15 percent.”..
Wallace ignored this in his interrogation.
The fair tax can work if the first $26k( up to the federal poverty level for those who earn less than 400% of the poverty level) is not taxed.
All capital gains are then taxed as income at the fair tax rate. No exceptions.
Business owners also would be taxed on their net receipts ( not their profit).....Businesses may not deduct losses for more than two consecutive years.....No more buying loser businesses as a tax write off. That pretty much ends the era of bazillionaires buying pro sports franchises for the sole purpose of showing a loss and then writing off those losses.
Same applies to any other business venture.
All social program checks are taxable( higher than the amounts listed above)
With no tax expenditures, as Carson suggested, the flat tax rate would have to be around 17 percent.

However, a flat tax is highly regressive, which Wallace didn't even get into in that short clip.
Why is it regressive?
Why is the left hung up on that term?
Carson started to say the study wasnt true but then he'd have to put up or shut up.

So he went with the "I dont BELIEVE that" dodge. Because you dont have to prove anything with a belief
Why are you libs so hung up on taxation?....Mainly the increase in taxes to confiscatory levels?
Are you willing to put your chips in the middle of the table?
Why don't you advocate a 50% tax rate for yourself?
Billionaires make out like bandits Fox News host smacks down Ben Carson s Bible-based flat tax

epublican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s plan to institute a flat tax plan that experts have said would give a massive break to the wealthiest Americans.

Carson said that under his flat tax plan, earners would “pay according to your ability.”

“I got that idea, quite frankly, from the Bible — tithing,” he explained. “You make $10 billion a year, you pay a billion. You make $10 a year, you pay one. You get the same rates. That’s pretty darn fair if you ask me.”

“Now some people say poor people can’t afford to pay that dollar. That’s very condescending,” he continued. “I can tell you that poor people have pride too. And they don’t want to be just taken care of.”

“Doctor, here is the problem with the flat tax in the real world,” Wallace noted. “According to the Tax Policy Center, to raise the same amount of revenue we do now, the tax rate would have to be in the low to mid 20 percent range. Low and middle income families would get a big tax hike while wealthy families would actually get a big tax cut.”

“That’s actually not — I don’t agree with that assessment,” Carson insisted. “Because I’ve been in contact with many economists. And in fact, if you eliminate the loopholes and the deductions then you’re really talking about a rate somewhere between 10 and 15 percent.”

Wallace pressed: “I’ve got to tell you that outside experts we talked to, you’re talking in the 20s… For instance, you talked about low-income families. Not only don’t they pay, they actually get an earned income tax credit. Now, you’re going to have them paying 10 to 15 percent of whatever income they have or 20 percent if my experts are right.”

“I’ve got to tell you, a lot of independent studies say that the people who make out like bandits in this are the wealthy,” the Fox News host added.

Carson did not specifically address whether low-income earners would be hurt by a fair tax, but argued that there were “a number of things involved.”

Watch the video below from Fox News’ Fox News Sunday, broadcast May 10, 2015.

He gets his ideas from the bible? C'mon Doc

Carson fell for the word of some "economists" it seems.
You cannot tax businesses on net receipts or you would have no business, unless you do away with payroll, unemployment, and any other business taxes. I would advocate min tax so that a company like GE must pay something. Most tax guys agree with having a no tax up to certain income levels, I have heard up to fifty grand. Then you would have like three levels of tax. Say ten twenty and thirty.

One thing about a flat tax is people,who really wanted to work but are punished for overtime could really get with the program. I also believe there should be a minimum tax for the u taxed just so every one has skin in the game, even if it is 100 dollars.

Absolutely agree that all social program income over a set amount should be taxed. People living in New York and getting 70 grand I benes should damn sure be paying taxes.

It is doable and it is something regular folks can understand.
Billionaires make out like bandits Fox News host smacks down Ben Carson s Bible-based flat tax

epublican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s plan to institute a flat tax plan that experts have said would give a massive break to the wealthiest Americans.

Carson said that under his flat tax plan, earners would “pay according to your ability.”

“I got that idea, quite frankly, from the Bible — tithing,” he explained. “You make $10 billion a year, you pay a billion. You make $10 a year, you pay one. You get the same rates. That’s pretty darn fair if you ask me.”

“Now some people say poor people can’t afford to pay that dollar. That’s very condescending,” he continued. “I can tell you that poor people have pride too. And they don’t want to be just taken care of.”

“Doctor, here is the problem with the flat tax in the real world,” Wallace noted. “According to the Tax Policy Center, to raise the same amount of revenue we do now, the tax rate would have to be in the low to mid 20 percent range. Low and middle income families would get a big tax hike while wealthy families would actually get a big tax cut.”

“That’s actually not — I don’t agree with that assessment,” Carson insisted. “Because I’ve been in contact with many economists. And in fact, if you eliminate the loopholes and the deductions then you’re really talking about a rate somewhere between 10 and 15 percent.”

Wallace pressed: “I’ve got to tell you that outside experts we talked to, you’re talking in the 20s… For instance, you talked about low-income families. Not only don’t they pay, they actually get an earned income tax credit. Now, you’re going to have them paying 10 to 15 percent of whatever income they have or 20 percent if my experts are right.”

“I’ve got to tell you, a lot of independent studies say that the people who make out like bandits in this are the wealthy,” the Fox News host added.

Carson did not specifically address whether low-income earners would be hurt by a fair tax, but argued that there were “a number of things involved.”

Watch the video below from Fox News’ Fox News Sunday, broadcast May 10, 2015.

He gets his ideas from the bible? C'mon Doc

I think his ideas on the flat tax are dependent on what deductions are or aren't allowed before we can judge it.

For instance:
Deduction on food for poor?
Deduction on utilities for poor?
Deduction for medical for poor?
Loopholes closed for EVERYONE?
No more paying people to have babies?

Two things... first, the US Federal Government has to become MUCH LESS EXPENSIVE. And I am talking CUT by 2/3rds. The Party has been over for a generation and the hangers on, spending trillions over the ASSRAPE have pretty much burned the house down.

Second... for a hundred years, the nation has TAXED PRODUCTION. Which once ya learn that A TAX... 'taxes' or DISCOURAGES whatever it is that is taxed... one SHOULD realize that of ALL the things that one should discourage... Sexual Deviancy, Alcoholism, Pornography, Politicians, Government, Socialism, Herpes, The HIV, Indigestion, Riots, Idiocy...


At least as long as we depend upon production to EAT!

Oh yes, let's tax riots and HIV. That's a surefire economic plan! :alcoholic:
Billionaires make out like bandits Fox News host smacks down Ben Carson s Bible-based flat tax
Carson said that under his flat tax plan, earners would “pay according to your ability.”

“I got that idea, quite frankly, from the Bible

He gets his ideas from the bible? C'mon Doc

The bolded within my quote of the OP, and then this:

"From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs"

Anyone know where that statement comes from?

That is the CORE statement of the Communist manifesto.
Taken from the bible.

Acts 4:32 Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, but everything they owned was held in common.
4:34 There was not a needy person among them, for as many as owned lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold.
4:35 They laid it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need.
(New Revised Standard version)
Wallace gave no specifics.
"people we've talked to".....Oh...Which people?
The Tax Policy Center....Who the hell are they and what is their agenda?
"if you eliminate the loopholes and the deductions then you’re really talking about a rate somewhere between 10 and 15 percent.”..
Wallace ignored this in his interrogation.
You are a really lousy liar. First you claim Wallace gave no specifics and then admit he sepcified the Tax Policy Center, whereas Benny never named any economists, just his obviously bullshit 10 to 15%.

It is easy enough to figure out what flat tax rate it would take to balance the budget. In 2012 the total federal budget was $3.8 trillion and the total US personal income was $13.4 trillion. So it would have taken a flat tax rate of 28.36% in 2012.
Billionaires make out like bandits Fox News host smacks down Ben Carson s Bible-based flat tax
Carson said that under his flat tax plan, earners would “pay according to your ability.”

“I got that idea, quite frankly, from the Bible

He gets his ideas from the bible? C'mon Doc

The bolded within my quote of the OP, and then this:

"From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs"

Anyone know where that statement comes from?

That is the CORE statement of the Communist manifesto.
Taken from the bible.

Acts 4:32 Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, but everything they owned was held in common.
4:34 There was not a needy person among them, for as many as owned lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold.
4:35 They laid it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need.
(New Revised Standard version)

From grampamurkedus book of common sense:

Fuck you, you stupid commie lib bastard.

Not sure how that fits in but I'm sure it does
Chris wallac is part of the political machine. Flat tax based on brackets based on income levels is Fair for a reason. The poor pay less than everyone else, the rich pay more than everyone else. The richer you are the higher the rate. I'd also do a corporate flat tax based on bracket gross income levels after simple deductions like payroll, inventory, and commercial real estate.

Get rid of the IRS, which this will allow, and have the social security administration control this since a good portion of the tax money goes to those SS benefits anyways.

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