Ben Carson on the Flat Tax: : Lunkhead

Billionaires make out like bandits Fox News host smacks down Ben Carson s Bible-based flat tax
Carson said that under his flat tax plan, earners would “pay according to your ability.”

“I got that idea, quite frankly, from the Bible

He gets his ideas from the bible? C'mon Doc

The bolded within my quote of the OP, and then this:

"From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs"

Anyone know where that statement comes from?

That is the CORE statement of the Communist manifesto.
Taken from the bible.

Acts 4:32 Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, but everything they owned was held in common.
4:34 There was not a needy person among them, for as many as owned lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold.
4:35 They laid it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need.
(New Revised Standard version)

From grampamurkedus book of common sense:

Fuck you, you stupid commie lib bastard.

Not sure how that fits in but I'm sure it does

Don't hold back, now. You are being far too restrained!!

Wallace gave no specifics.
"people we've talked to".....Oh...Which people?
The Tax Policy Center....Who the hell are they and what is their agenda?
"if you eliminate the loopholes and the deductions then you’re really talking about a rate somewhere between 10 and 15 percent.”..
Wallace ignored this in his interrogation.
You are a really lousy liar. First you claim Wallace gave no specifics and then admit he sepcified the Tax Policy Center, whereas Benny never named any economists, just his obviously bullshit 10 to 15%.

It is easy enough to figure out what flat tax rate it would take to balance the budget. In 2012 the total federal budget was $3.8 trillion and the total US personal income was $13.4 trillion. So it would have taken a flat tax rate of 28.36% in 2012.

A flat tax to balance the budget would HAVE to be a tax increase, since we're currently borrowing a third of what we spend,

and no Congress is going to cut a third of our current budget.
I have yet to see a flat tax proposal that does not result in the poor paying more and the wealthy paying less

The poor pay no taxes. Haven't for years.

Why should they? Why would you give a low income family a $100/month in food stamps and then turn around and raise their taxes by $100/month?

Make the poor buy their food stamps? lol, brilliant.
Last year I paid about 10% in federal income tax on my gross income, and I have no dependents and no deductions of any consequence. That's on about 50 grand.

How much would Ben Carson have me paying?
All of the Flat Tax plans hinge on eliminating tax expenditures. These guys can't see the forest for the trees. The fact their plan depends on eliminating tax expenditures is proof that tax expenditures are the problem, not tax brackets!

A tax deduction is regressive. For example, the higher your income, the more expensive house you can mortgage, which means the bigger tax deduction you get. What's more, that mortgage interest tax deduction is rolled into the price of houses, which drives up their cost.

It is tax expenditures which are dragging us under, not the fact we have seven tax brackets.

We SHOULD have several tax brackets. Thomas Jefferson himself advocated a progressive tax structure as a means to prevent the unnatural concentration of wealth.

The years I have been saying the same thing...the IRS's middle name is Revenue. Not Redistribute.
The IRS should not be in the business of writing checks. Period.
A progressive bracket tax rate makes perfect sense. Tax rate by income levels - how easy can you get?
Billionaires make out like bandits Fox News host smacks down Ben Carson s Bible-based flat tax
Carson said that under his flat tax plan, earners would “pay according to your ability.”

“I got that idea, quite frankly, from the Bible

He gets his ideas from the bible? C'mon Doc

The bolded within my quote of the OP, and then this:

"From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs"

Anyone know where that statement comes from?

That is the CORE statement of the Communist manifesto.
Taken from the bible.

Acts 4:32 Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, but everything they owned was held in common.
4:34 There was not a needy person among them, for as many as owned lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold.
4:35 They laid it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need.
(New Revised Standard version)

Thank you. I've been trying for years to explain to people all the various ways in which Christianity is quite unAmerican. It's inherent communist ideals are the best example.
If we're going to do a flat tax, we should eliminate all other loopholes, and allow only one deduction. The first $100,000 of income should be tax free.
A progressive tax structure taxes the money people use on necessities and basics at a lower rate than it taxes the money that people can use on luxuries,

or can save to make more money, which is money made at low tax rates.

That seems fair.
Of course it seems fair to you. You are not one of the people getting screwed over by your "progressive" income tax system. The really rich folks don't have income they have assets. So this "progressive" system is designed to keep the upper middle class income folk from becoming rich while protecting the super rich and lower middle income folk from paying their way through life.
Carson started to say the study wasnt true but then he'd have to put up or shut up.

So he went with the "I dont BELIEVE that" dodge. Because you dont have to prove anything with a belief
Why are you libs so hung up on taxation?....Mainly the increase in taxes to confiscatory levels?
Are you willing to put your chips in the middle of the table?
Why don't you advocate a 50% tax rate for yourself?

are you defending the I dont believe dodge? WTF are you doing?
Billionaires make out like bandits Fox News host smacks down Ben Carson s Bible-based flat tax

epublican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s plan to institute a flat tax plan that experts have said would give a massive break to the wealthiest Americans.

Carson said that under his flat tax plan, earners would “pay according to your ability.”

“I got that idea, quite frankly, from the Bible — tithing,” he explained. “You make $10 billion a year, you pay a billion. You make $10 a year, you pay one. You get the same rates. That’s pretty darn fair if you ask me.”

“Now some people say poor people can’t afford to pay that dollar. That’s very condescending,” he continued. “I can tell you that poor people have pride too. And they don’t want to be just taken care of.”

“Doctor, here is the problem with the flat tax in the real world,” Wallace noted. “According to the Tax Policy Center, to raise the same amount of revenue we do now, the tax rate would have to be in the low to mid 20 percent range. Low and middle income families would get a big tax hike while wealthy families would actually get a big tax cut.”

“That’s actually not — I don’t agree with that assessment,” Carson insisted. “Because I’ve been in contact with many economists. And in fact, if you eliminate the loopholes and the deductions then you’re really talking about a rate somewhere between 10 and 15 percent.”

Wallace pressed: “I’ve got to tell you that outside experts we talked to, you’re talking in the 20s… For instance, you talked about low-income families. Not only don’t they pay, they actually get an earned income tax credit. Now, you’re going to have them paying 10 to 15 percent of whatever income they have or 20 percent if my experts are right.”

“I’ve got to tell you, a lot of independent studies say that the people who make out like bandits in this are the wealthy,” the Fox News host added.

Carson did not specifically address whether low-income earners would be hurt by a fair tax, but argued that there were “a number of things involved.”

Watch the video below from Fox News’ Fox News Sunday, broadcast May 10, 2015.

He gets his ideas from the bible? C'mon Doc

Ben Carson is incorrect. Tithing was not an income tax in the bible. Once a year 1/10th of produce, flocks, and cattle were to be given to the priestly class. And once every three years another 1/10 was to be given to the poor. 1/10th of what you have in produce, flocks, and cattle once a year is not 1/10th of what you make all year, nor is it 1/10th of sales of produce, flocks, and cattle.

Worst of all what the good doctor is missing is that the gifts given to the church are not supposed to be mandatory. Giving is supposed to be done cheerfully and willingly, rather than as an obligation.
Billionaires make out like bandits Fox News host smacks down Ben Carson s Bible-based flat tax

epublican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s plan to institute a flat tax plan that experts have said would give a massive break to the wealthiest Americans.

Carson said that under his flat tax plan, earners would “pay according to your ability.”

“I got that idea, quite frankly, from the Bible — tithing,” he explained. “You make $10 billion a year, you pay a billion. You make $10 a year, you pay one. You get the same rates. That’s pretty darn fair if you ask me.”

“Now some people say poor people can’t afford to pay that dollar. That’s very condescending,” he continued. “I can tell you that poor people have pride too. And they don’t want to be just taken care of.”

“Doctor, here is the problem with the flat tax in the real world,” Wallace noted. “According to the Tax Policy Center, to raise the same amount of revenue we do now, the tax rate would have to be in the low to mid 20 percent range. Low and middle income families would get a big tax hike while wealthy families would actually get a big tax cut.”

“That’s actually not — I don’t agree with that assessment,” Carson insisted. “Because I’ve been in contact with many economists. And in fact, if you eliminate the loopholes and the deductions then you’re really talking about a rate somewhere between 10 and 15 percent.”

Wallace pressed: “I’ve got to tell you that outside experts we talked to, you’re talking in the 20s… For instance, you talked about low-income families. Not only don’t they pay, they actually get an earned income tax credit. Now, you’re going to have them paying 10 to 15 percent of whatever income they have or 20 percent if my experts are right.”

“I’ve got to tell you, a lot of independent studies say that the people who make out like bandits in this are the wealthy,” the Fox News host added.

Carson did not specifically address whether low-income earners would be hurt by a fair tax, but argued that there were “a number of things involved.”

Watch the video below from Fox News’ Fox News Sunday, broadcast May 10, 2015.

He gets his ideas from the bible? C'mon Doc

The bolded within my quote of the OP, and then this:

"From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs"

Anyone know where that statement comes from?

That is the CORE statement of the Communist manifesto.


That having been said, many in the past have advocated for a complete flat tax.

The question is whether it is really feasable.

Just to get the debt to the point where we are at least paying off the interest on the debt - plus some - each year, I cannot imagine a bracket of less than 20% for anyone. That's 20% in Federal that you pay and never get back.

O invoked that passage, from marx, which essentially means to hate someone who is better off than you are. So....are you saying that carson and O are komrades?

President Obama Invoked Marxism and Class Warfare Lubbock Online Lubbock Avalanche-Journal
Chris wallac is part of the political machine. Flat tax based on brackets based on income levels is Fair for a reason. The poor pay less than everyone else, the rich pay more than everyone else. The richer you are the higher the rate. I'd also do a corporate flat tax based on bracket gross income levels after simple deductions like payroll, inventory, and commercial real estate.

Get rid of the IRS, which this will allow, and have the social security administration control this since a good portion of the tax money goes to those SS benefits anyways.

Can you point to any Flat Tax that does not result in the wealthy paying less and the poor paying more?
The only major nation in the world that has embraced a flat tax is Russia

Once again, Republicans choose to emulate Russia

Thank you Swimexpert, and I'll add to that by agreeing with your solution... for the government to give every citizen of the US 10 million dollars and tax that at 90%.


One thing you democrats hate is America.

Okay, ANOTHER thing you hate is equality. The idea of everyone paying the same rate OUTRAGES you - why making people equal goes against everything the radical Marxist democrats stand for....
Flat-tax countries include Bulgaria Mongolia Iraq - The Tell - MarketWatch

A few more than just Russia

Government income does not just come from personal taxes. There are corporate taxes, fees, lease payments, taxes on gasoline, interest payments, ad infinitude. I have no problem with mandating a 30 percent tax rate on any income over say 750,000 with no deductions allowed, but then you have to block the rich people from funneling income into fake corporations, trusts, or Clinton like non profits. Have a simple system but have severe punishment for trying to circumvent the system. Above all have clarity, not muddy waters.

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