Ben Carson on the Flat Tax: : Lunkhead

Flat-tax countries include Bulgaria Mongolia Iraq - The Tell - MarketWatch

A few more than just Russia

Government income does not just come from personal taxes. There are corporate taxes, fees, lease payments, taxes on gasoline, interest payments, ad infinitude. I have no problem with mandating a 30 percent tax rate on any income over say 750,000 with no deductions allowed, but then you have to block the rich people from funneling income into fake corporations, trusts, or Clinton like non profits. Have a simple system but have severe punishment for trying to circumvent the system. Above all have clarity, not muddy waters.

Taxation on production is STUPID!

What needs to be taxed and taxed lightly is consumption.

Remove the income tax entirely. And tax purchases through a national sales tax.

You can debate what exclusions if any. But such would improve the lot of every citizen in the nation... Instantly.
Flat-tax countries include Bulgaria Mongolia Iraq - The Tell - MarketWatch

A few more than just Russia

Government income does not just come from personal taxes. There are corporate taxes, fees, lease payments, taxes on gasoline, interest payments, ad infinitude. I have no problem with mandating a 30 percent tax rate on any income over say 750,000 with no deductions allowed, but then you have to block the rich people from funneling income into fake corporations, trusts, or Clinton like non profits. Have a simple system but have severe punishment for trying to circumvent the system. Above all have clarity, not muddy waters.

Taxation on production is STUPID!

What needs to be taxed and taxed lightly is consumption.

Remove the income tax entirely. And tax purchases through a national sales tax.

You can debate what exclusions if any. But such would improve the lot of every citizen in the nation... Instantly.
Sales tax as it is run in the sales tax states, yes. For example, no sales tax on essentials such as food products, medicine, or sales of homes. But you need a tax on property with a home owners deduction to keep that tax to over the essentials amount... And we need import duties on goods manufactured and produced with sub American labor rates to defend American jobs.
Flat-tax countries include Bulgaria Mongolia Iraq - The Tell - MarketWatch

A few more than just Russia

Government income does not just come from personal taxes. There are corporate taxes, fees, lease payments, taxes on gasoline, interest payments, ad infinitude. I have no problem with mandating a 30 percent tax rate on any income over say 750,000 with no deductions allowed, but then you have to block the rich people from funneling income into fake corporations, trusts, or Clinton like non profits. Have a simple system but have severe punishment for trying to circumvent the system. Above all have clarity, not muddy waters.
Russia, Bulgaria AND Iraq?

I can see why Republicans want to emulate them
All of the Flat Tax plans hinge on eliminating tax expenditures. These guys can't see the forest for the trees. The fact their plan depends on eliminating tax expenditures is proof that tax expenditures are the problem, not tax brackets!

A tax deduction is regressive. For example, the higher your income, the more expensive house you can mortgage, which means the bigger tax deduction you get. What's more, that mortgage interest tax deduction is rolled into the price of houses, which drives up their cost.

It is tax expenditures which are dragging us under, not the fact we have seven tax brackets.

We SHOULD have several tax brackets. Thomas Jefferson himself advocated a progressive tax structure as a means to prevent the unnatural concentration of wealth.
Define "tax expenditures"....
Wallace gave no specifics.
"people we've talked to".....Oh...Which people?
The Tax Policy Center....Who the hell are they and what is their agenda?
"if you eliminate the loopholes and the deductions then you’re really talking about a rate somewhere between 10 and 15 percent.”..
Wallace ignored this in his interrogation.
You are a really lousy liar. First you claim Wallace gave no specifics and then admit he sepcified the Tax Policy Center, whereas Benny never named any economists, just his obviously bullshit 10 to 15%.

It is easy enough to figure out what flat tax rate it would take to balance the budget. In 2012 the total federal budget was $3.8 trillion and the total US personal income was $13.4 trillion. So it would have taken a flat tax rate of 28.36% in 2012.
The tax policy center.....Yeah, ok....And what is THEIR agenda?
Why are you so interested in.....never mind....How is it you don't advocate a 50% tax on yourself?...
You lefties are so glued to raising taxes, raise them on yourself FIRST...
Carson started to say the study wasnt true but then he'd have to put up or shut up.

So he went with the "I dont BELIEVE that" dodge. Because you dont have to prove anything with a belief
Why are you libs so hung up on taxation?....Mainly the increase in taxes to confiscatory levels?
Are you willing to put your chips in the middle of the table?
Why don't you advocate a 50% tax rate for yourself?

are you defending the I dont believe dodge? WTF are you doing?
My question was direct. Just answer the question.

You were asked a direct question....Reply with a direct answer.
I have yet to see a flat tax proposal that does not result in the poor paying more and the wealthy paying less

You could tell he didn't know what he was talking about. He was simply repeating what someone paid him to repeat.
Taxation needs to be revised.

Sadly, the only two proposals are Fair Tax and now Flat Tax.

Today Corporations buy politicians to get a better tax rate. THAT IS America. That is why small Corp hates big Gov. Because someone bought them first.

It's business 101. Get involved in politics. You have to CONTROL the environment and make that autobahn. Stop those tree huggers, (R)ight?
All of the Flat Tax plans hinge on eliminating tax expenditures. These guys can't see the forest for the trees. The fact their plan depends on eliminating tax expenditures is proof that tax expenditures are the problem, not tax brackets!

A tax deduction is regressive. For example, the higher your income, the more expensive house you can mortgage, which means the bigger tax deduction you get. What's more, that mortgage interest tax deduction is rolled into the price of houses, which drives up their cost.

It is tax expenditures which are dragging us under, not the fact we have seven tax brackets.

We SHOULD have several tax brackets. Thomas Jefferson himself advocated a progressive tax structure as a means to prevent the unnatural concentration of wealth.
Define "tax expenditures"....
Wallace gave no specifics.
"people we've talked to".....Oh...Which people?
The Tax Policy Center....Who the hell are they and what is their agenda?
"if you eliminate the loopholes and the deductions then you’re really talking about a rate somewhere between 10 and 15 percent.”..
Wallace ignored this in his interrogation.
You are a really lousy liar. First you claim Wallace gave no specifics and then admit he sepcified the Tax Policy Center, whereas Benny never named any economists, just his obviously bullshit 10 to 15%.

It is easy enough to figure out what flat tax rate it would take to balance the budget. In 2012 the total federal budget was $3.8 trillion and the total US personal income was $13.4 trillion. So it would have taken a flat tax rate of 28.36% in 2012.
The tax policy center.....Yeah, ok....And what is THEIR agenda?
They are a group that FOX cited as a source, so they must be "fair and balanced." :)

In any case, I looked up the numbers for myself and did the calculation for myself, posted above, which confirms that the Tax Policy Center's numbers were more accurate than Benny Boy's.

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