Ben Carson's Love Affair With a "Nutjob" Conspiracy Theorist


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Ben Carson's Love Affair With a "Nutjob" Conspiracy Theorist

Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon and political novice near the top of the GOP presidential polls, does not spend much time and energy promoting specific policy stances. He has soared to a statistical tie with Donald Trump by emphasizing his outsider status and calling to revive America, deploying general right-wing rhetoric that resonates with social conservatives. At the recent Republican debate, he said, "The thing that is probably most important is having a brain." But he has provided one important clue as to his fundamental political worldview, by repeatedly endorsing a far-right conspiracy theorist named W. Cleon Skousen, who was characterized in 2007 by the conservative National Review as an "all-around nutjob." Skousen came to prominence in the 1950s as a virulent anti-Communist crusader; he later claimed that a global cabal of bankers controlled the world from behind the scenes, and he once wrote a book that referred to the "blessings of slavery."

Carson swears by Skousen, who died in 2006. In a July 2014 interview, Carson contended that Marxist forces had been using liberals and the mainstream media to undermine the United States. His source: Skousen. "There is a book called The Naked Communist," he said. "It was written in 1958. Cleon Skousen lays out the whole agenda, including the importance of getting people into important positions in the mainstream media so they can help drive the agenda. Well, that's what's going on now." Four months later, while being interviewed by Megyn Kelly on Fox News, Carson denounced unnamed Marxists who were presently seeking to destroy American society: "There was a guy who was a former CIA agent by the name of Cleon Skousen who wrote a book in 1958 called The Naked Communist, and it laid out the whole agenda. You would think by reading it that it was written last year—showing what they're trying to do to American families, what they're trying to do to our Judeo-Christian faith, what they're doing to morality." (Skousen had been an FBI employee—not a CIA officer—and mainly engaged in administrative and clerical duties; later he was a professor at Brigham Young University and police chief of Salt Lake City.) And the most recent edition of this Skousen book boasts Carson's endorsement on the front cover: "The Naked Communist lays out the whole progressive plan. It is unbelievable how fast it has been achieved."

This doesn't get Carson off the hook -- you'd an educated man would know better. But people tend to gravitate toward information that confirms their world view.
Rules of Engagement are set by the Liberals and their standard tactics...........

You damned Racist..........................................You don't like Carson because you are Racist Scum................Liberals......

Ben Carson's Love Affair With a "Nutjob" Conspiracy Theorist

Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon and political novice near the top of the GOP presidential polls, does not spend much time and energy promoting specific policy stances. He has soared to a statistical tie with Donald Trump by emphasizing his outsider status and calling to revive America, deploying general right-wing rhetoric that resonates with social conservatives. At the recent Republican debate, he said, "The thing that is probably most important is having a brain." But he has provided one important clue as to his fundamental political worldview, by repeatedly endorsing a far-right conspiracy theorist named W. Cleon Skousen, who was characterized in 2007 by the conservative National Review as an "all-around nutjob." Skousen came to prominence in the 1950s as a virulent anti-Communist crusader; he later claimed that a global cabal of bankers controlled the world from behind the scenes, and he once wrote a book that referred to the "blessings of slavery."

Carson swears by Skousen, who died in 2006. In a July 2014 interview, Carson contended that Marxist forces had been using liberals and the mainstream media to undermine the United States. His source: Skousen. "There is a book called The Naked Communist," he said. "It was written in 1958. Cleon Skousen lays out the whole agenda, including the importance of getting people into important positions in the mainstream media so they can help drive the agenda. Well, that's what's going on now." Four months later, while being interviewed by Megyn Kelly on Fox News, Carson denounced unnamed Marxists who were presently seeking to destroy American society: "There was a guy who was a former CIA agent by the name of Cleon Skousen who wrote a book in 1958 called The Naked Communist, and it laid out the whole agenda. You would think by reading it that it was written last year—showing what they're trying to do to American families, what they're trying to do to our Judeo-Christian faith, what they're doing to morality." (Skousen had been an FBI employee—not a CIA officer—and mainly engaged in administrative and clerical duties; later he was a professor at Brigham Young University and police chief of Salt Lake City.) And the most recent edition of this Skousen book boasts Carson's endorsement on the front cover: "The Naked Communist lays out the whole progressive plan. It is unbelievable how fast it has been achieved."

This doesn't get Carson off the hook -- you'd an educated man would know better. But people tend to gravitate toward information that confirms their world view.

Another racist bigot thread. The OP hates Blacks. He probably belongs to the KKK.
boy are they getting desperate or what. and look at the Respect they give to a Black man who really did grow up poor and made something of himself. You see folks we know who the real racist are and what party they belong. in another thread they dug up where he supposedly stabbed a friend as a TEENAGER while they were out camping
Ben Carson's Love Affair With a "Nutjob" Conspiracy Theorist

Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon and political novice near the top of the GOP presidential polls, does not spend much time and energy promoting specific policy stances. He has soared to a statistical tie with Donald Trump by emphasizing his outsider status and calling to revive America, deploying general right-wing rhetoric that resonates with social conservatives. At the recent Republican debate, he said, "The thing that is probably most important is having a brain." But he has provided one important clue as to his fundamental political worldview, by repeatedly endorsing a far-right conspiracy theorist named W. Cleon Skousen, who was characterized in 2007 by the conservative National Review as an "all-around nutjob." Skousen came to prominence in the 1950s as a virulent anti-Communist crusader; he later claimed that a global cabal of bankers controlled the world from behind the scenes, and he once wrote a book that referred to the "blessings of slavery."

Carson swears by Skousen, who died in 2006. In a July 2014 interview, Carson contended that Marxist forces had been using liberals and the mainstream media to undermine the United States. His source: Skousen. "There is a book called The Naked Communist," he said. "It was written in 1958. Cleon Skousen lays out the whole agenda, including the importance of getting people into important positions in the mainstream media so they can help drive the agenda. Well, that's what's going on now." Four months later, while being interviewed by Megyn Kelly on Fox News, Carson denounced unnamed Marxists who were presently seeking to destroy American society: "There was a guy who was a former CIA agent by the name of Cleon Skousen who wrote a book in 1958 called The Naked Communist, and it laid out the whole agenda. You would think by reading it that it was written last year—showing what they're trying to do to American families, what they're trying to do to our Judeo-Christian faith, what they're doing to morality." (Skousen had been an FBI employee—not a CIA officer—and mainly engaged in administrative and clerical duties; later he was a professor at Brigham Young University and police chief of Salt Lake City.) And the most recent edition of this Skousen book boasts Carson's endorsement on the front cover: "The Naked Communist lays out the whole progressive plan. It is unbelievable how fast it has been achieved."

This doesn't get Carson off the hook -- you'd an educated man would know better. But people tend to gravitate toward information that confirms their world view.

Yes, he was crazy. That's why most of these relevant to our times have come true under Democrat rule since posted to the Congressional Record in 1963. Admittedly, Republicans had a hand in them too. McCarthy was right, after all.

Communist Goals - 1963 Congressional Record
I look forward to seeing Rain Man Ben and Candy Carson out on the campaign trail.

I look forward to seeing Rain Man Ben and Candy Carson out on the campaign trail.


Not only are you a Racist Scum..............but you HATE WOMEN.......................

What is the matter with these Liberals and their Hate for Black People and Women..........
Ben Carson's Love Affair With a "Nutjob" Conspiracy Theorist

Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon and political novice near the top of the GOP presidential polls, does not spend much time and energy promoting specific policy stances. He has soared to a statistical tie with Donald Trump by emphasizing his outsider status and calling to revive America, deploying general right-wing rhetoric that resonates with social conservatives. At the recent Republican debate, he said, "The thing that is probably most important is having a brain." But he has provided one important clue as to his fundamental political worldview, by repeatedly endorsing a far-right conspiracy theorist named W. Cleon Skousen, who was characterized in 2007 by the conservative National Review as an "all-around nutjob." Skousen came to prominence in the 1950s as a virulent anti-Communist crusader; he later claimed that a global cabal of bankers controlled the world from behind the scenes, and he once wrote a book that referred to the "blessings of slavery."

Carson swears by Skousen, who died in 2006. In a July 2014 interview, Carson contended that Marxist forces had been using liberals and the mainstream media to undermine the United States. His source: Skousen. "There is a book called The Naked Communist," he said. "It was written in 1958. Cleon Skousen lays out the whole agenda, including the importance of getting people into important positions in the mainstream media so they can help drive the agenda. Well, that's what's going on now." Four months later, while being interviewed by Megyn Kelly on Fox News, Carson denounced unnamed Marxists who were presently seeking to destroy American society: "There was a guy who was a former CIA agent by the name of Cleon Skousen who wrote a book in 1958 called The Naked Communist, and it laid out the whole agenda. You would think by reading it that it was written last year—showing what they're trying to do to American families, what they're trying to do to our Judeo-Christian faith, what they're doing to morality." (Skousen had been an FBI employee—not a CIA officer—and mainly engaged in administrative and clerical duties; later he was a professor at Brigham Young University and police chief of Salt Lake City.) And the most recent edition of this Skousen book boasts Carson's endorsement on the front cover: "The Naked Communist lays out the whole progressive plan. It is unbelievable how fast it has been achieved."

This doesn't get Carson off the hook -- you'd an educated man would know better. But people tend to gravitate toward information that confirms their world view.
Come on. He's a Republican. They are who they are.
I look forward to seeing Rain Man Ben and Candy Carson out on the campaign trail.

After all the things said about Mrs. Obama by the right wing, what shot through my mind, "she has more chins than a Chinese phone book", "I think I see a barbecue potato chip between her neck tube and one of her chins", "she's farting and the pressure is looking for a place to escape". And then I remember how awful that is so I stop. But Lordy, Lordy, it's hard.

Candy? Is it hard candy or sour candy? One thing for sure, it's not an atomic fireball.

Some people love sour candy:

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I look forward to seeing Rain Man Ben and Candy Carson out on the campaign trail.

After all the things said about Mrs. Obama by the right wing, what shot through my mind, "she has more chins than a Chinese phone book", "I think I see a barbecue potato chip between her neck tube and one of her chins", "she's farting and the pressure is looking for a place to escape". And then I remember how awful that is so I stop. But Lordy, Lordy, it's hard.
Looks like we have a KKK meeting going on here with the Racist Liberals...................Their hate for blacks and women are insane.......
I look forward to seeing Rain Man Ben and Candy Carson out on the campaign trail.

After all the things said about Mrs. Obama by the right wing, what shot through my mind, "she has more chins than a Chinese phone book", "I think I see a barbecue potato chip between her neck tube and one of her chins", "she's farting and the pressure is looking for a place to escape". And then I remember how awful that is so I stop. But Lordy, Lordy, it's hard.
Looks like we have a KKK meeting going on here with the Racist Liberals...................Their hate for blacks and women are insane.......
Good think the right wing didn't hate Obama, his wife, daughters and the rest of his family, don't you think?
Yeah, paybacks are hell. You racist NaziCons may miss the beauty of Michelle Obama...compared to King Kong Candy.

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